Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #15

DNA Solves
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Can you program possum heart, I certaintly can't - so I will have to take the information of someone who does so for a living as true until I meet another programmer who contradicts it.

I work with many interesting people. Let's not go off topic.
Whoever bought that car would have got the papers, so they know whose it was ... Wasn't me
Originally Posted by Seeking
I am not trying to "defend GBC" or anything like that. I am just trying to be fair. Reality is that there is so much that we (the public) don't know and it is very hard to make a true judgement without all of the facts. All I hope for everyone's sake, is that the QPS do a thorough job and arrest the right person(s)...whoever they are.

I think I could be fair if anyone could get me past these facts.....

Prior to Allison's body being found.....

First attending police at the house noticed "unspecified observations" which they reported to detectives....really??? detectives!??! it's just a missing person case??

The house was declared a crime scene ...if there's been any sort of indication of foul play I'd presume classing the house as a crime scene would be the way to go...but is this normal in just a missing person case!??! ...I don't think so at all.

Both cars were impounded. is this normal in a missing person case!??!

Detectives removed phones/computers/laptops/diary/shredded paper from GBC's parents home & this normal in a missing person case!?!??

GBC told Allison's parents..."she went for a walk & didn't come back"....well if that was the case why were dectectives involved...crime impounded...removal of computers etc etc.

Trying really hard to be fair here but it's just not adding my opinion.

IMO too
That software doesn't work it's a con it's just an old fashioned proxy server your ISP still controls the first step, it makes tracing you a little harder but that is it.
I rang my programmer friend to clarify a few issues and he informs me that your ISP will have access to something called your dns request logs for your account which will list every connection website orsearch request ever made via that account.

Even if you put your hardrive in a furnace and burn it those logs will still be there.

A bit off topic but just want to share that I was told by Apple that my MAc hard drive would have to go to the USA to retrieve the data after it crashed - estimated fee was $750 - $2000 with no guarantee of success. I got quoted slightly less from a company in Qld. I sent my drive to some "super geeks" that I know and they couldn't retrieve anything. I decide to take a punt and downloaded a program called Disk Warrior which cost me about $110, and guess what - all my data recovered!!
Dear Fergie and daughter.
Thanks so much for your reply re your theory.
IMO,I believe I no longer have to read anything here. That has to be spot on.
Well done to you guys. I agree with everything you had to say.
The bogging part I hadn't really thought of. Awesome.
Sorry you longtimers but I have a new favourite : )

Thank you Curiousasacat we have formed our thoughts from following all the great sleuths on this site, talking to our neighbours and local observations. Great example of team work and how the thoughts of many are so much better than the thoughts of one or two.:seeya:
Yes back on topic, the Police have been saying an arrest is near or words to that effect but today I read that they are committed to the case and mentioned how long it took to crack that case.I fear that they are finding this to be harder to pin in the culprit than they anticipated because forensics are proving cryptic
I don't know about anyone else but I don't think GBC would have been smart enough to attempt wiping out his computer...he's just a real estate salesman...not IT expert.

I think he would have been more concerned about cleaning up the house & cars.

Also..according to reports there was at least one hard drive & a laptop taken by police....I wonder if Allison also had a laptop.

IF she did...that would be three computers alone that he would have had to deal with.
we all seem to have our own personal connection to Allison some way, and I would love to know what went down too, for Allison, and for her children, and their right to be safe in the knowledge that the person who took their mother away from them when they needed her so much, is treated justly. But I also want (maybe selfishly) to know what happened so that we too can find some peace in her justice.

Good words, minni. I would like to add that it's not only about justice, but about Allison's kids safety. If GBC was the one who killed her and the police can not prove it, then the children will have to live with the murderer. And who knows, may be they are in danger..
Sorry, the Morcombe case. which seemed a strange analogy given that was a random attack and there was no central suspect early in the investigation.
Just a few thoughts about 'depression'. We need to be mindful that 'feeling depressed about the situation you find yourself and your children in in life and considering leaving your marriage' could be realistic. This is commonly perceived as 'depression', by G.Ps as well, but it actually involves grief i.e the realization of the end of something valued. The sadness, flatness, tiredness, lack of energy, etc. all feature. Emotionally healthy people 'grieve' and experience their 'loss' as part of the process, before they begin steps forward towards something new which gives hope and new energy again.
She may have grieved for the loss of her hopes/dreams, for end of the marriage and family as a unit, the implications on the B-C identity in the local community, the future a separation could impose on her girls, the impact on her parents etc. There are complex reasons behind such 'depression' . However, being diagnosed with a clinical depression and treated with medication is a different matter altogether. My opinion only, not fact.
Those among us going through this process need loving support and most of us get through it. I find the comments made by the sister of the POI are disturbing. To publicly state that 'she suffered depression you know' is lacking in empathy and shows little regard for her. This statement was on national television! This statement almost stigmatizes her to others as having something wrong with her. If you cared for someone, you would be more respectful of this. My opinion here, not fact.

I agree Fuskier that Allison's depression was more to do with sadness:please: and unhappiness with her life and marriage for a prolonged period rather than a clinical depression.
after a show i watched the other day, it is now stuck in my head that when the police turned up, the washing machine was going. The show i wathced had the suspect (a woman) washing at 10 at night. It caused the police to immediately be suspicious, and i think,if that was suss, then a man washing at 7.0 in the morning is pretty freaking out of place. He may have stuffed up and said she put the washing on and caught himself in a lie??
I find that weird... Being a night owl, I see nothing suss about washing late at night. I've been known to have a load on at midnight and later. I have mates who do the same especially ones with a busy lifestyle. That keeps the days free, (like weekends), if you do most of the crappy housework at night.

By the same token, I have a fairly big bush property and have a small caravan at the back with a mate living there and he gets up with the crows and does his washing from about 5am to about 6am. By the time I get up and drag myself out, it's all hung on the clothes line.

All sorts of shannanigans at all hours at my house and I know other households like it, especially ones with teenagers and young people in their twenties.

So I would think, (in my opinion), the police would need more to alert them than just seeing a washing machine being used at what some consider to be an uncivilised hour. We don't really know what habits or the type of lifestyle Allison and GBC had and that makes it all the more difficult to know what is 'normal' for them and what isn't.
well, why is this not a bigger deal? to me this seems like a very big deal. On the very same night a woman is murdered, her father in law is seen in the middle of the night at a scene that is considered crucial to the investigation, and hasn't been questioned as to what he was doing there or who he was waiting for? does anyone think this is CRAZY??? IMO this is huge!!! I just thought it was more spec that the old dude was the 'big kahuna'

thanks Squizzey :)
MINNI: I recall on this forum that NBC was seen at the Police station being questioned for a couple of hours. We don't know the details. It was posted in the previous thread.
I don't know about anyone else but I don't think GBC would have been smart enough to attempt wiping out his computer...he's just a real estate salesman...not IT expert.

I think he would have been more concerned about cleaning up the house & cars.

Also..according to reports there was at lease one hard drive & a laptop taken by police....I wonder if Allison also had a laptop.

IF she did...that would be three computers alone that he would have had to deal with.

Totally agree Marlywings - most R/E Agents are computer ludites - FACT!
I wonder if a gold 4wd could be mistaken for white in the dark....

I have just recently tested that. No. But a silver car may look somewhat blue/blueish, especially on the side, in the dark, or under certain angle around street lights. Definitely in a pure xenon.
I would for sure if my partner went missing. Not that i think he ever would but the way the world is these days you just never know

IF my partner was missing, the police when contacted, would NOT see ANY UNSPECIFIED OBSERVATIONS at my house to alert to a massive all out search immediately like Allisons did.

In our house, there would no broken windows/holes in our walls/children saying you just said daddy was sleeping a long time (JMO) or any reason to alert them.

Come on people coppers are on alert always and they must have seen/known something very much like a red flag to start this massive search.

(They may call the DUSTBUSTERS to wipe my windows .....dangerous build up there haha.)

Therefore I would not need a legal counsel at all, I would be distraught and inconsolable for ever and asking (if offered) on TV media to help me find him.

This is just beyond the pale to excuse him having lawyered up so soon FGS. Would you expect your partner to do this.........if so he doesn't love you either or care..........IMO
Granny - this is going to be the problem with any eyewitness reports of sighting any of the cars that night, to unreliable will not stand up under cross examination in court, the Police are not silly they know that, so we just sit back and hope they get that ounce of luck out of the labs.
Media Milking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The owners of that Honda were visiting since the terrible news of Allison missing I read here and rich and very well known name wise (I didnt get their name here) so this vehicle may have been insured for replacement and no worries to them I think IMO
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