Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #17

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My opinion, for what its worth..NOT the introverted neighbour..and NOT the unknown maniac. ;) As for GBC, well I am not 100% certain. But am very aware of why other do suspect. I have always thought somehow some involvement.. Be it knowledge, actual deed or by sheer fact that something he was mixed up in led to Allisons death by anothers hand. (this could account for some of his reactions that may appear as guilt and perhaps there is shame and many other emotions.. ANyway, I know many have different thoughts on those and thats ok. I see often why people think the way they do)

Yes, this is pretty much where I'm sitting at the moment.
Wow... geezzz........ maybe one reason which alerted police to become wary when he called them about Allison's disappearance was the damage to that car.

Never realised it was damaged...

Seems like EVERYTHING he owned is DAMAGED.......think about it.......wife, marriage, family, cars, income. Can you add to it?
Thanks for that. And I do realise I may seem to have been a little harsh on the DV issue, but my own gut feeling about this case is that DV and depression are not major factors. I think that the case is more complicated than that and I'm leaning more towards premeditated - motive possibly linked to affairs and financial matters, and ABC possibly knowing too much. IMO. This is one of the reasons why I'm still sitting on the fence. If it was premeditated then GBC's involvement could be direct or indirect, or he himself could have been under some threat. IMO.

On the other hand if GBC is arrested as the perp, and the evidence is strong enough to convict, I can see a plea for manslaughter coming a mile off. ABC's depression and DV that resulted in accidental death will then become issues that the defence will use to get the perp off a murder charge. "ABC was always unhappy. She always blamed me. I hit her but didn't mean to kill her." Sorry if that sounds brutal, but I am sure that's the way it could well play out, if GBC gets taken to court and there are no other complications in this case.

Thanks. I admit, I did not see too much of the DV posts you say you came off strong on, I had my hands full responding to Grannie. But I have not paid too much heed to the alledged DV, simply as I am not sure its ever been reported as fact, other than some local hearsay,which I admit doesn't mean its incorrect. But I think it is stated as hearsay and then over the course of threads it becomes 'known as fact'- when I am not sure it is. I just choose to sit on the fence with it and not make up my mind on that until I know its factual. DOesn't mean I don't hold it in my mind.

My feeling has been more going on than just what we know or what it seems. And quite possibly premeditated.

But now I see the pic of GBC car, even though it proves nothing, it does make me wonder what on earth happened, and I have this horrible eerie feeling.
I don't know about her being a 'star' reporter - sorry Bayside :)

She needed to be prompted/directed on this lead. No investigation required. Just go and sit in the carpark where she knows he works. No new info gained from speaking with him either. Don't want to be harsh, but don't want to put her on a pedestal either.
<Mod Snip>

He also ignored questions from reporters about his wife's death.

Police still want to talk to anyone who saw the Prado or a similar white four-wheel drive in the Brookfield area on the night of April 19 or early morning of April 20 when Mrs Baden-Clay was reported missing. They are also interested in anyone who saw the Baden-Clay's other four-wheel drive - a silver Holden Captiva - in that timeframe.

Forensic tests were carried out on both vehicles, along with Mrs Baden-Clay's body which was discovered at Kholo Creek in Anstead about 15km from her Brookfield home 10 days after her husband reported her missing.
Wellwishers still pay tribute to Mrs Baden-Clay online while flowers continue to be placed in front of her home, where she was reportedly last seen alive.
So... is this damage recent, or did it happen back when Allison went missing?
Also, it's nice to know he's consistent in keeping quiet about what really matters.

QPS will be able to determine approximately when this happened when looking for rust marks (or not) where the paint is missing. It is a big dent and IMO not produced by hitting a person but an object (like the railing at the bridge? ... or some gate at their home? ... or some object at the roundabout? ...)
I don't know about her being a 'star' reporter - sorry Bayside :)

She needed to be prompted/directed on this lead. No investigation required. Just go and sit in the carpark where she knows he works. No new info gained from speaking with him either. Don't want to be harsh, but don't want to put her on a pedestal either.

I mean Indromum is OUR star reporter, I think that Ms Sandy should have given credit to the tippoff.
QPS will be able to determine approximately when this happened when looking for rust marks (or not) where the paint is missing. It is a big dent and IMO not produced by hitting a person but an object (like the railing at the bridge? ... or some gate at their home? ... or some object at the roundabout? ...)

This kind of sounds a little deja vu but a hit on something else to cover up hitting a person??
QPS will be able to determine approximately when this happened when looking for rust marks (or not) where the paint is missing. It is a big dent and IMO not produced by hitting a person but an object (like the railing at the bridge? ... or some gate at their home? ... or some object at the roundabout? ...)

Yes I was thinking about 'hitting the bridge guard rail', although..without going back for a picture, not sure if it would correlate height wise..anyway its time for me to get some sleep..what a night..:eek:fftobed:

Just a thought..wasn't it said in media report somewhere..I am so sorry but to tired to hunt it out.. that the BGC car was seen driving erratically..maybe he did hit something(if it was the Prado they were talking about)

And yes agreed they would have had their team all over that to determine how old that dent is and what may have occured to get it.
QPS will be able to determine approximately when this happened when looking for rust marks (or not) where the paint is missing. It is a big dent and IMO not produced by hitting a person but an object (like the railing at the bridge? ... or some gate at their home? ... or some object at the roundabout? ...)
In this case, as I see it, it's possibly not by hitting a person and probably some object like you say. ....but I've seen worse than that when a car hits a kangaroo, feral pigs or other wildlife.

I had an emu run into the front corner of my ute once and though the emu survived and took off (probably in need of some emu panadol), it left quite a significant dint.
I've been reading and following every post since the first thread in this forum and have only just decided to get registered to post. I've picked up alot on each posters personalities. Quite interesting just reading and following what each person has to say.

My opinion; I've watched enough crime documentaries and read enough books and articles to have thought even before Allison was found that its quite likely that her husband had something to do with her disappearance. He certainly hasn't acted in a way to make me think differently since Allison being found.
That being said, I also know sometimes things aren't what they seem and there is a chance I really don't know if he was involved..certainly everything does appear to be pointing to him though.

I guess even though my gut instinct is to think he is guilty, I want to try to remain open minded. I want to believe that a husband wouldn't murder his wife... even though I've seen plenty of documentaries where the husband/wife have done exactly that.

Just my thoughts and own opinions. I know the QPS will get to the bottom of this.
I will continue to try and stay open minded...
In this case, as I see it, it's possibly not by hitting a person and probably some object like you say. ....but I've seen worse than that when a car hits a kangaroo, feral pigs or other wildlife.

I had an emu run into the front corner of my ute once and though the emu survived and took off (probably in need of some emu panadol), it left quite a significant dint.

Agree, but if you look at the side panel, it is a long dent/scratch type (metal object IMO). I think the driver may have run into either something on the roundabout or the railing at the Kohlo bridge.
The whole phone thing has always really got to me.

If GBC killed Allison, and was trying to make it look like she'd gone for a walk and had been abducted by some random, then you'd think he might have placed the phone somewhere along her regular walking trail (that's assuming that many people might take their phone with them while out walking, particularly if a night walk).

If she didn't normally take her phone when walking, then you'd think it would have just been found in the house, not hidden.

Now if the phone was hidden in their property, or the neighbours, as later stated was probably the case, to me it really implicates him even more, or someone else she knew well, as if a stranger abducted her from home, they wouldn't need to take or hide her phone surely?

"As the Kholo Creek crews worked, fresh search teams were sent to scour the gardens of the Baden-Clays' two nearest neighbours looking for Allison's mobile phone.

It is understood search crews were told the iPhone would be found in an area believed to be near the two neighbours and the Baden-Clay property itself."

I wonder if someone was hiding the phone near the house, and that could be why the neighbour's dog Scrap went nuts barking/running down the back of their property, on the night Allison was last seen?

For some strange reason, I always had a weird feeling about the phone being hidden in a tree. Someone else on here suggested that too, many threads ago. Seems a weird place to hide a phone, apart from maybe making it slightly harder to find on a standard 'ground' search.

If you people were going to hide a phone, where would you do it? The obvious would seem to be throwing it in a river/creek, or maybe down a drain, but not one too close to the house, so I don't know why I always felt it had something to do with a tree?


I have always wondered about the phone in relation to GBC's story too. If she went on a walk, she most probably would have her phone with her. So if she committed suicide, or had an accident, the phone would be with her. Alternatively if she didnt usually take her phone with her on a walk it should still be at home. The only reason I can see for it being somewhere different is if it was disposed of to prevent or impede access to her text messages and phone calls.
Agree, but if you look at the side panel, it is a long dent/scratch type (metal object IMO). I think the driver may have run into either something on the roundabout or the railing at the Kohlo bridge.

You think? Lol... At least the Prado paint is distinctive.
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