Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

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have we seen any blue 4wd's coming or going out of the freak show in durness street owned by the clan?
and yes the 4wd in the indooropilly crash was blue im quite. im not liking that idea (this blue car in crash) but to be honest..but you never know.

My mistake. So the car GBC crashed was a 4WD? Owned by a friend no less!
Probably of no relevance at all... but could the hand have been removed because it could have shown evidence? ... and no way of getting rid of it than to get rid of the hand? JMO... I really don't know much about his stuff.

If true, decomposition, bullshark or as you suggest - maybe it would have shown injury sustained in a fight...
Sorry again if this has been said already.... But "it's news to me" was said by MA in response to a journo asking if the "pajero" had been returned at 11pm, remember!?

It was also said early on in response to the comment from GBC sister saying he had been told to stay away from command centre.
Haha I was close but way off, it's light brown or something, soz!
When it says a smaller blue car, it doesn't necessarilly mean it was also a 4WD, does it? Could have just been a smaller car?

Linette, just re-posting what Rational said she read.

Have just read courier mail apparently two 4wds seen 2 km from where body was found. One white and one smaller blue one

I know what you are saying. But maybe he was trying to protect the kids? I don't know. I don't think the police would have wanted him searching in an official way anyway.(just in case he was guilty). maybe they did tell him to leave the searching to them. He did not visit the command post and his sister said he was told to stay away. Police said news to them. However they may have said stay out of the search. (not away from the command post).
If my husband was reported missing I would be crying, no screaming in fact...I would be asking the press to publish his picture EVERYWHERE...INCLUDING OVERSEAS...I would make my own enquiries at airports, bus shelters, etc...Ide also give press the Dickies did...and I would not stop crying and pleading...I would look like make up would be run, my clothes would be all wrong....I would ansa all calls, in case its him, sit at home in case he came back...

HANG ON A MINUTE...WHY THE COPS TAKE HIS MOBILE, WHEN ABC WAS MISSING....? Shouldnt they have left it with GBC in case ABC tried to call him????? If my gorgeous hubby was missing and the cops took my mobile phone I would be so annoyed...cos how would he get a mssg to me or call me

hmmmm sus.:waitasec:
Any story on the news that has anything to do with depression or suicide has beyondblue info as a disclaimer. No such warnings on this story. Need I elaborate?
Trying to surmise as best as I can unfortunately cannot link, only when it goes in general website at 12;
Two vehicles were seen at Anstead 2 km from where the body was found. One was a large 4 wd without headlights on only parking lights, the other one closely trailing was a smaller blue 4 wd with headlights on.
Article is by Alison Sandy and goes on to say that new information received has meant the command centre has been fully staffed with detectives etc and is working through the latest evidence.

without thinking AT ALL.....type in and post 'WHAT YOU THINK HAPPENED' ....avoid all assumptions and just go with the simplest choice that you see.

The reason I asked this is a little principle called Occam's states that the hypotheses which makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation is usually the right one....I had a much better 'intelligent-sounding' post before, but it wouldn't log me in, so this is it plain and simple (BTW, when I mentioned Occam's Razor earlier, a much wiser fellow sleuther with WAY more knowledge on occam's razor than me gave some wonderful insight but I can't remember who it was)

basically you 'shave away' unneccesary assumptions....GIVE IT A GO...I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE RAWEST OF THEORIES BY ALL ON THIS FORUM

It was me minni, occams 'shave away' theory is the other KISS version but a lot earlier in history minni. Use the most simple version that you CAN prove is Occams, after shaving away the incredible useless unprovable, thus being able to state a viable theory to why, what, where, who, when.

Now the hard part.......

My theory:

1. why - something very hurtful to Allison - ultimate betrayal - mistress pregnant

2. what - very angry inter communication about this issue

3. where - at her home

4. who - Allisons' husband and cohorts to aid after the fact

5. when - 11pm death

This is what I have gleaned as the most provable facts from locals, my knowledge and 'sources'

JMO and speculating from these threads and posts galore using Occams shave away process.
Said brain fatigue understood after night of watching traffic cam change every 60 secs! what were we thinking! we should have been snuggled under our duvets. And what has happened to Swedish Swingler, who is guilty of the googling?

Yes..thats a memorable night..not..watching a cctv traffic cam for any sign of movement..which there was not alot of.. I certainely didn't admit to anyone else outside of this forum that I was doing that!
If true, decomposition, bullshark or as you suggest - maybe it would have shown injury sustained in a fight...

Not saying this is the case at all, but ages ago I said there may be damage to her hands caused by attempts to hold onto her car-keys, phone, purse

Most often, a woman attempting to escape will cling to her car keys for dear life. And just as desperate are the often brutal attempts (often successful) to tear them away from her

There are women all over this nation with distorted thumbs in particular from looping a car-key ring over their thumb (then closing the hand over it) to prevent their keys being ripped from them

If it's true Allison was missing a hand when discovered, investigators will know, hopefully, approx. when it was removed. It may be that the killer/s realised the story a damaged hand would tell and went back later to remove that evidence. Because a hand damaged in a certain way (say from trying to hold onto a bunch of keys) would demolish claims she left for a walk

Just speculation ...

MOO :moo:
My mistake. So the car GBC crashed was a 4WD? Owned by a friend no less!

I don't think the Indro crash car was a 4WD. It depends on whether the second car was a blue 4WD or blue car. There was what looked like a bright blue car, possibly 4WD, parked in the driveway of Brookfield road house weeks ago - but I thought it may have been car belonging to police.

I read a newspaper report on someone seeing a white car up there - very specific story, and time of night, but I didn't want to say anything here because I couldn't find a link. I have only seen it in print edition of paper. And someone else mentioned it -very very odd.
Trying to surmise as best as I can unfortunately cannot link, only when it goes in general website at 12;
Two vehicles were seen at Anstead 2 km from where the body was found. One was a large 4 wd without headlights on only parking lights, the other one closely trailing was a smaller blue 4 wd with headlights on.
Article is by Alison Sandy and goes on to say that new information received has meant the command centre has been fully staffed with detectives etc and is working through the latest evidence.

No tweets from Alison Sandy at this stage. Probably waiting until it goes to the website as you say.
possumheart, what did the comment about looking for a hand at the roundabout...wildlife carers pick up all the debris-mean?
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