Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

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In the news report where the BC are shown kissing


at time 0.27 where GBC is unloading the car at the parents house, is that the trailer people have been talking about just to his side?

Anyone know if this has been tested? Moved? Maybe they unusual thing that might have happened that night?

Sorry to anyone who watches and sees that kiss like something people say dont watch....but you just cant help yourself and then its too late...

My scarred retinas and memory suspect this exhibition has been edited

I do remember the female of the species came rushing towards the male, arms held akimbo, like an on-heat water-buffalo. Then the male (looking momentarily surprised but knowing better than to cross the female when she was pretending to be on heat) got with the programme and also extended its arms to accomodate its ageing mate. And THEN the tongue-lashing commenced
oh you are probably right! we will find out in the next 3 - 4 seconds if all our posts disappear!! haha but thanks for being my Jiminy Cricket :)


Do you think the cow-smiley will do, or would it be best to MOO in type?
I will try to find the quote/link. But he said 'its news to me' in regards to BC saying he was told(or his sister saying) he was told to stay away from the command post.

I can't find it off hand, sorry.

I had a thought though, I wonder if there is a possibility of a Police officer- less senior has told him to stay clear and D. Ainsworth was unaware of that.. so yes 'its news to me'.. (I am not defending the actions of not being there I am just looking for possibilities.)

Sorry again if this has been said already.... But "it's news to me" was said by MA in response to a journo asking if the "pajero" had been returned at 11pm, remember!?

without thinking AT ALL.....type in and post 'WHAT YOU THINK HAPPENED' ....avoid all assumptions and just go with the simplest choice that you see.

The reason I asked this is a little principle called Occam's states that the hypotheses which makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation is usually the right one....I had a much better 'intelligent-sounding' post before, but it wouldn't log me in, so this is it plain and simple (BTW, when I mentioned Occam's Razor earlier, a much wiser fellow sleuther with WAY more knowledge on occam's razor than me gave some wonderful insight but I can't remember who it was)

basically you 'shave away' unneccesary assumptions....GIVE IT A GO...I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE RAWEST OF THEORIES BY ALL ON THIS FORUM

short version - husband strangles wife - diposes body with help from other woman
long version -argument starts as result of money/unfaithfulness, because of previous dv she leaves house by car he chases her drags her into car
returns home continues to argue strangles her
dumps body over bridge
ask other woman to asisst with getting wifes car back to house

police arrive something alerts them to more than missing person -cuts/scratches/punch holes in wall/children say something/
interview other woman

awaiting cause of death and rule out drug overdose and suicide as suggested by husband

only my opionion please dont shout me down family members are allowed to assist in a homicide or potential homicide search....including at Command Centre!!

In the first 2 days of the search the police announced it was being treated a Missing Persons investiagation. And Allisons parents were at the command centre. The point people are making is that there is no justifiable reason, if he was innocent and really cared about his wife, that GBC would not have been at the command centre at the very least. To not attend anything at all is not normal behaviour even within a wide range of normal behaviours - unless you are avoiding or hiding something, and/or you dont care about the missing person or already know that she's dead.

Let's get this clear - Gerard Baden-Clay did not show in any way genuine love, concern or distress for Allison, not in any way! He exhibited all the behaviours of somone guilty and uncaring, and putting on a fake act.

I also stated earlier that Detective Ainsworth already stated that he didnt know where the idea that GBC wasnt allowed to search came from. he said "that's news to me" indicating to me that yes, GBC could have searched.

That situation might have changed once the police realised it was a possible homicide, but that didnt happen for a couple of days.
@ Minni,


Increased pressures recently ( financial ) more strain on marriage; talk of divorce. Husband lashes out, fatal blow; calls family for help, disposal of Allison in creek at Mt Crosby ( 1 accomplice - male) calls police next day - reports missing.
IMO .....I'm thinking an argument became more heated because the girls weren't home.. things got a bit out of hand and GBC struck out at his wife. When he realised what he had done, he calls daddy for help ... and he follows daddy's instructions to a T.

PS: I prefer to think it happened this way as to it being premeditated. One of the reasons I don't think it was planned beforehand is that it all seems too 'all over the place'. Seems the result of a "Oh no, what do I do now?" kind of thing.
basically you 'shave away' unneccesary assumptions....GIVE IT A GO...I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE RAWEST OF THEORIES BY ALL ON THIS FORUM

Allison is pushed. Hit her head. Theres panic, other people are called to help (Yes more than one) Shes taken to the river ( or near it, wherever ) I do believe they assumed it would look like suicide and expected she'd be found...eventually. The phone was tossed somewhere so cops look in the wrong place.

No trailers, no drugs, no bikes, no pregnant girlfriends, no swinger groups lol They seem to have had financial probs for ages, maybe they were arguing about not being able to afford IGGS...
So, although I may be far wrong and remembering we're just speculating on unsubstantiated rumours here, I tend to the belief that the idiot husband chose to eliminate his wife for his own convenience and financial benefit and that he was under various pressures to boot. He probably thought the new one with-child (if in fact such a person exists)would be 'delighted' to play step-mother to 3 in addition to coping with a new baby, new weird in-laws and with the biggest child of all being the one she stupidly allowed to impregnate her

After the discussion earlier re the tests...& wow now your post mentioning pregnancies....a thought I had & of course I seriously SERIOUSLY hope this won't be the case whenever we do get to hear about the results of tests....that Allison was pregnant.

Absolutely horrid thought....
Oh no, I watched it!

I think we have discounted the trailer - red herring. This all came about because a handful of us stayed up into the wee hours of the morning watching a live traffic camera??? A car towing trailer came in to view, someone saw a trailer on google earth shot from 3 years ago, and it took on a life of its own..

Well I was a ring-leader there, scouts honour and all

because I was under the impression (until sufficient ridicule disabused me of the notion) that the white 4 x wheel and trailer in the screen-shot were from police re-enactments supposedly held at that location

As well, Brizzychick had a presentiment about a tow-ball, which in turn led naturally to speculation as to 'why', followed some time later by Swinglish's discovering a trailer at Bwanana Lodge

Then, early-morning brain-fatigue turned a bit to stubborness in face of said ridicule

But I'm not prepared to dismiss Brizzychick's strong interest in the tow-ball, because only a short time later a man reported as a 'perfect neighbour' killed his wife of several decades standing with -- a tow-ball

So if nothing else, the tow-ball/trailer discussions led to my suspecting that Brizzychick is possibly psychic with a leaning to precognition
Oh no, I watched it!

I think we have discounted the trailer - red herring. This all came about because a handful of us stayed up into the wee hours of the morning watching a live traffic camera??? A car towing trailer came in to view, someone saw a trailer on google earth shot from 3 years ago, and it took on a life of its own..

That is what I originally thought - someone was asking why and the tow ball had been left on the white car and my thoughts were how irrelevant - but then someone saw the trailer at BC parents house and I just thought about if the police are there wondering if people saw something unusual that night..hmmm..

Someone sawing the kiss is the key...against my better judgement I watched it again and that the trailer ....out in the rain (great minds AllyG!)?? I cant quite tell from the angle but it looks straight with the car, and from memory the photo someone found from years ago it was at an angle...just a thought people in the street would know how it was normally kept...

I guess if the tests from the BC cars come back negative...then they will have to look at alternatives ..IMO!
Well we hope so. But then we've absorbed a lot of tv/movie murder-mysteries which of necessity require a solution and justice within the space of one to one and a half hours

In reality, things aren't always that neat. For instance, remember the learned member who posted several threads back about the length of time sometimes/often involved in toxicology/forensics? From memory, that member recounted a case whereby six or more months were needed to establish the length of time a body had been in one place, later moved by whatever forces to a secondary and possibly third location, based on cultivation of agents in a lab. Nothing emerged after 3 months, but after six months, things were looking clearer
We must be patient. Let the Police do their job. The Police need evidence which will prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt in a Court of Law.
short version - husband strangles wife - diposes body with help from other woman
long version -argument starts as result of money/unfaithfulness, because of previous dv she leaves house by car he chases her drags her into car
returns home continues to argue strangles her
dumps body over bridge
ask other woman to asisst with getting wifes car back to house

police arrive something alerts them to more than missing person -cuts/scratches/punch holes in wall/children say something/
interview other woman

awaiting cause of death and rule out drug overdose and suicide as suggested by husband

only my opionion please dont shout me down
god no...I ASKED for opinions...THANKS PolyDot :)
IMO I don't think the girls were at a sleepover, think they were at Snr BC because it was Dads access night and as Dad (GBC) was living with his mum and dad that is where they came to visit with him.

Allison came home from the hairdresser, GBC arrived for whatever reason and the situation went very wrong
IMO I don't think the girls were at a sleepover, think they were at Snr BC because it was Dads access night and as Dad (GBC) was living with his mum and dad that is where they came to visit with him.

Allison came home from the hairdresser, GBC arrived for whatever reason and the situation went very wrong

or very right...depending on your perspective.... :(
After the discussion earlier re the tests...& wow now your post mentioning pregnancies....a thought I had & of course I seriously SERIOUSLY hope this won't be the case whenever we do get to hear about the results of tests....that Allison was pregnant.

Absolutely horrid thought....

NO Marlywings no one was suggesting Allison may have been pregnant......maybe another female considering her husbands alleged, cheating ways but not Allison. And that this may have been a reason for an heated argument that turned violent.

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