GUILTY Australia - Andrew, 45, Rose, 44, & Chantelle Rowe, 16, slain, Kapunda, 8 Nov 2010 #4

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I think it's clear he was arrested at the police station. Not sure where the arrested at home one came from. We have to remember that some journos are better fact checkers than others and take a few different papers and look at the entirety of what we are being told, and what is consistent between them, and try not to be waylaid by the contrary reports, as this will only ad to any confusion.

I agree Mrs G, but the problem is the syndication. All the Newscorp media run the same story, usually word for word. Other syndicates do the same thing. So the number of sources that says something is not a guarantee of the accuracy of the original report.
I agree Mrs G, but the problem is the syndication. All the Newscorp media run the same story, usually word for word. Other syndicates do the same thing. So the number of sources that says something is not a guarantee of the accuracy of the original report.

I just noticed the NEW quote at the bottom of your post's. I loved the other one better but this one is just as good :)
I agree Mrs G, but the problem is the syndication. All the Newscorp media run the same story, usually word for word. Other syndicates do the same thing. So the number of sources that says something is not a guarantee of the accuracy of the original report.

I posted a link a while back, It was a live radio cast from the media conference when the accused was arrested.
He stated the accused was definitely arrested at the police station but it was not known how he came to be there at the time.
My SIL was asked by the Major Crime Task Force via a telephone to his employer in the 1st instance and then to him 2nd if he would pass on a message to the accused to get him to stop in on his way home from work as they needed him to sign a statement that they hadnt got him to sign on the previous occasion that they saw him, the SIL said that's easy cos I have to bring him home tonight anyway cos he hasnt got a car at work today so I will stop of at the POLICE STATION on my way past and get him to come and sign the statement for you, i can wait for him and then take him home after. Little did he know that there wouldnt be a need to take him home as he was arrested the moment that they walked into the station by police and SIL was whisked away off to one side out of harms way. He was then advised by police that the lad he had just been bought in was indeed being charged with 3 counts of murder, and he was stunned and could believe that the police put him in a position like that, he was angry and felt like the police thought he must have been an acceptable amount of collatoral damage if anything happened on the 20 minute trip to the station.
I just noticed the NEW quote at the bottom of your post's. I loved the other one better but this one is just as good :)

I liked the old one better too. It more accurately expressed how I felt.
My SIL was asked by the Major Crime Task Force via a telephone to his employer in the 1st instance and then to him 2nd if he would pass on a message to the accused to get him to stop in on his way home from work as they needed him to sign a statement that they hadnt got him to sign on the previous occasion that they saw him, the SIL said that's easy cos I have to bring him home tonight anyway cos he hasnt got a car at work today so I will stop of at the POLICE STATION on my way past and get him to come and sign the statement for you, i can wait for him and then take him home after. Little did he know that there wouldnt be a need to take him home as he was arrested the moment that they walked into the station by police and SIL was whisked away off to one side out of harms way. He was then advised by police that the lad he had just been bought in was indeed being charged with 3 counts of murder, and he was stunned and could believe that the police put him in a position like that, he was angry and felt like the police thought he must have been an acceptable amount of collatoral damage if anything happened on the 20 minute trip to the station.

That is so shocking! It makes me lose all faith in the police and wonder if they really know what they are doing. I wonder what else they have stuffed up if they can't even get it together to drive to Tanunda and make an arrest.
needed him to sign a statement that they hadnt got him to sign on the previous occasion that they saw him

And this was just a trick made up by the police to not alert the accused & your SIL to the real reason they wanted him to come to the station right?

That is so shocking! It makes me lose all faith in the police and wonder if they really know what they are doing. I wonder what else they have stuffed up if they can't even get it together to drive to Tanunda and make an arrest.

Probably didnt want to draw attention to the accuseds workplace.
They did indeed take DNA samples from the accused only 2 days before the arrest at which time they also seized his vehicle to inspect it also, It was my Son In Law that was "kind hearted" enough to agree to give him a ride to work and home again for thise couple of days not having any idea that the police took his car, it wasnt unusual for him to request a ride at times when his car had broken down etc as my son in law works at the same workplace and they live in the same town as each other. It is some 20 minutes away the workplace so it is not possible in the area to take any public transport because it doesnt exist, neither do taxi's etc. On this occassion used the excuse to my Son In Law that he had no petrol until payday which was a couple of days away still so could get a lift with him.
He also did not a gray silver or pale blue magna car at the time that was indeed the car of the victims bf, the accused indeed was driving a ford falcon sedan for a couple of months prior to the events occuring at the victims home.

So his car was running for at least half of the first week after the deaths? If so why did he need a lift to Chantelles house?
A colleague of Mr Rowe found the bodies in their rented house in Harriet Street about 11am yesterday when the dead man failed to attend work.

I think they used acquaintance, and friend generically as the colleague of Mr Rowe also was a 'friend' to him. Police may have given out less info in the beginning with reporters and clarified information during the week which may explain the difference between the reports.

I think it makes the most sense for it to have been someone the dad worked with. Christopher is on Holiday, he's not going to be trying to call all three of them enough to think there was something wrong by mid morning.
I am pretty sure the "butcher" story refered to the brother who worked at Kapowie Chicken Processing.

He is an apprentice mechanic certainly not a butcher, my SIL works at the same establishment.
So his car was running for at least half of the first week after the deaths? If so why did he need a lift to Chantelles house?

Probably didnt want to be seen in his car at the scene at the time of the murders or for his car to be seen parked there. Also so he wouldn't have to leave in his car and contaminate it. It seems hes thought a few things through but a hell or a lot hasnt been, eg leaving a mountain of DNA inside etc.
Probably didnt want to draw attention to the accuseds workplace.

Why not?
IMO plenty of people are arrested at their workplaces and as far as I know, SAPOL does not have a policy of asking civilians to drive dangerous criminals to the police station. Or asking of the criminal to drive themself their so as not to alarm them :)
IF he did do this then there is no doubt he was not in his right mind, but if he got a lift I can't even think of a word to explain that stupidity!!
The statement that someone made about him shouting out that he drove him to the house that night is rediculous he was a work colleague and the accused was a apprentice at his worksite. Then they followed by saying the media took chase of him and chased him to his home etc etc......
This also is garbage and insulting as my SIL was indeed at the station for the best part of two hours following the accused's arrest giving them a statement about everything that he knew about him and also the police wanted to wait for the media to disperse somewhat. He then indeen was taken out via the back door of the Police Station by the Police with his identity shielded and the police helped him to get over the back fence and back home to his family my daughter and my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter.

That wasn't about your SIL, it was about another man whom was there at the briefing/conference or whatever it was they were having outside of the police station to inform everyone about the arrest that was made earlier. The man that allegedly did that was a man that dropped the accused at Chantelles that night they were murdered, I am assuming in the 4wd with the tray top.

Trust me has been far from laughing and waving since and he only returned to work today for the 1st day, he has been having nightmares, hasnt wanted to leave home, he has collapsed twice now to the stress he has taken onboard over this and he is now taking valium tablets at night time to try to get some sleep, it has turned their lives upside down and even my daughter had to miss time at work for the 1st 2 or 3 day's until he was happy to be on his own again. Statements like the one made that i am refering to could get innocent good samaritans hurt by a town suffering in immeasurable pain and only compound his fears that people have said things that are not true. He is a father and a my daughters partner and he did nothing more than try to help out a lad that he knew was on apprenticeship wages still that lived in the same town as him and worked at the same workplace, the fact that he indeed is accused is a fact I think that will stay with my SIL long after everyone here has forgotton this and moved on.............

If what I just heard really did happen to the Rowes then I would not be very happy at all that they involved your SIL!
So his car was running for at least half of the first week after the deaths? If so why did he need a lift to Chantelles house?

in case his car was spotted at the scene..he would have gotten blood all inside his car so police would have seen that when they confiscated the car
Why not?
IMO plenty of people are arrested at their workplaces and as far as I know, SAPOL does not have a policy of asking civilians to drive dangerous criminals to the police station. Or asking of the criminal to drive themself their so as not to alarm them

what i ment was media attention, forgot to point that out. Thats the only reason i can think of why they didn't pick him up themselves.

If what I just heard really did happen to the Rowes then I would not be very happy at all that they involved your SIL!

I know, cant really understand why they would risk that, especially with a triple murder.
i have been told from my source about the crime scene but im unsure if im allowed to post the content on here
If what I just heard really did happen to the Rowes then I would not be very happy at all that they involved your SIL!

I'd be suing!
If they knew beforehand that they were going to arrest him, then asking a civilian to drive him to the police station is inexcusable and disgraceful.

sb9257 - Your son in law should talk to a solicitor or to the media about this. It wouldn't be affected by the suppresson order, but I am pretty sure that to wilfully endanger the life of a civilian is a very serious offence for a police officer.
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