Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #16

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Hey does anyone know why there's CCTV footage of Jane Rimmer, but none of the other suspected CSK victims?

Good question.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

Many thanks for the video link. It goes to show what lengths some predators will and do go to. Given the location it would have proven very difficult to catch the truly sick Son of a B......!

I thought the same.
SK's must spend years planning and/or collecting what ever they need for their sick twisted past-times.

IMO For SK's, killing seems like a hobby rather than the means to an end, like in homicide.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Hey does anyone know why there's CCTV footage of Jane Rimmer, but none of the other suspected CSK victims?

There was said to be cctv footage of cars that cops had and allegations they didn't follow up on checking the number plates, which they denied.

Peter Weygers, 62 (in 2004), (Closing in on a killer September 25, 2004 pg 2 Innuendo and charges of police conspiracies surround the renewed interest in three unsolved murders, writes Robert Wainwright.) was mayor of Claremont when the murders occurred. His 12-year tenure ended in 1997.

PW was against having cctv cameras in the Claremont business area as it infringed on peoples civil liberties, as I think his explanation went. Don't know how that explains the very poor lighting in St Quentin Ave near Club Bay View though?

The cctv became an issue at the 1997 local govt election especially when CG's father and other businesses which wanted to install cctv camera became involved and possibly why PW lost the election. JMHO.
This may help a wider audience why this area is being discussed.

Wider mapping including some of the surrounding flats. French is the French restaurant owned by the Geneste family.

Please note, to the south east there is large apartment towers built in the 1960s. There is two sets of flats in this immediate area.

This is also the intersection Lance Williams dropped off the undercover police woman.

The carpark behind Greer is in the vicinity of where Sharon Mason attended Iona along with 2 main victims, although speculation Jane Rimmer had a connection with Iona.

The three main suspected victims were all allegedly heading in this direction to Mosman park from Claremont. So was Julie Cutler.


Very good map crabsticks. You could add Peppermint Grove was only a few blocks away toward Claremont. Handy if you want to get a taxi, you could say you want to go to Peppermint Grove but really mean Mosman Park.

You made a statement that Sharon Mason went to Iona. Do you have a source for this? I don't believe I've ever read this information. Does anyone know where in the car park her body was discovered in 1992? Could have Pam Lawrence been a witness to some goings on in this car park?

Good find AL. This is well written, organised, invalidation of the claim that the five cops stood down were getting frustrated. The rebuttal included the points that ...these officers were stood down in May on full pay. They are entitled to free legal representation, due to the provisions of the CCC Act. On May 16, the West Australian reported that Premier Alan Carpenter said the police should apologise to wrongfully convicted Andrew Mallard.

Former Chief Justice David Malcolm has declared that Mr Mallard had suffered a grave injustice and that if the full facts had been presented to him, he would have overturned the conviction in the 1995 appeal.No police apology has been tendered. Mr Mallard spent nearly 12 years in jail for a crime he did not commit, based on a conviction that was won with purportedly shoddy and omitted evidence...
Twelve years' incarceration against two months' paid leave, and meantime not a word of empathy for Mr Mallard and what he has suffered. Another victim of crime thrown on the scrapheap by the current police regime. Michelle, Mosman Park

Wouldn't be surprised if one of the journalists involved in freeing Mallard wrote this, having a big dig at the involvement of a certain Michelle from Mosman Park by sarcastically putting her name on it, IMO.

Caporn also found Michelle a nicer place to stay according to Egan's book Murderer No More (excerpts posted above by PeteDavo)!

AL, your post with the link to the blog and comment by Michelle from Mosman Park has been removed. My point was I think that comment was too well written for her to write and someone was mocking her or him (Caporn). JMHO.
Abducted near Sheraton Hotel
Sally Greenham abduction on Adelaide Tce>
Both not far from The Fenian's Pub on Adelaide Tce.

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One would think that WAPOL has retested evidence from these cold cases given advances in forensic science????

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
If you're really interested in the goings on in Mosman Park in 1994 then copy and paste this into Google, including the quotation marks. Lots of documents and transcripts. (I don't know who uploaded them)


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AL, your post with the link to the blog and comment by Michelle from Mosman Park has been removed. My point was I think that comment was too well written for her to write and someone was mocking her or him (Caporn). JMHO.

Hi Innerchild - I wonder why my post was removed. Even if it was someone else pretending to be Michelle. I'm confused &#129300; MOO
Hi Innerchild - I wonder why my post was removed. Even if it was someone else pretending to be Michelle. I'm confused &#129300; MOO

I had a look at all the other comments before it was removed and there were lots of links to hundreds of different websites including a few suspect ones. Don't think it was Michelle but someone giving a pretty good slap down. I liked it!

Do you think she had Caporn under her spell as well as Mallard, Noel Coward, (if its the same Michelle) and who else?
Very good map crabsticks. You could add Peppermint Grove was only a few blocks away toward Claremont. Handy if you want to get a taxi, you could say you want to go to Peppermint Grove but really mean Mosman Park.

You made a statement that Sharon Mason went to Iona. Do you have a source for this? I don't believe I've ever read this information. Does anyone know where in the car park her body was discovered in 1992? Could have Pam Lawrence been a witness to some goings on in this car park?

Yeah, sure, Ill find one. One photo is a school photo I think but more than likely source is from TV news.

I haven't a source I'm afraid. Weird when early reports mentioned this. The news being before internet may be part of the problem. A library may help.

crabstick quote said:
That's just what April Fawcett wants. She lost her daughter to Greer and her ex-husband, Mick Mason, committed suicide after being wrongly accused early in the investigation of killing his beloved child.

April is torn between fighting for Greer's parole which would mean he would be automatically deported back to Northern Ireland and leaving him to rot in jail.

Sharon disappeared on February 19, 1983. She had left Mosman Park, Perth, around 9am with her friend Jane Reynolds.

It was Sharon Mason and lying beside her was a party mask from Greer's shop - a clue which eventually helped convict him.

One former shop assistant said Greer had put the mask on one day and frightened her so badly she left her job.'t+want+him+to...-a0117309400

Fancy murdering your employee, a young girl and not contemplating becoming a suspect.

crabstick said:
Ms Blackburn said witnesses attested that they saw Ms Mason running down Stirling Highway at 10 o'clock at night looking distraught after police alleged she had been murdered.
I had a look at all the other comments before it was removed and there were lots of links to hundreds of different websites including a few suspect ones. Don't think it was Michelle but someone giving a pretty good slap down. I liked it!

Do you think she had Caporn under her spell as well as Mallard, Noel Coward, (if its the same Michelle) and who else?

Hi Innerchild - if it is the same Michelle she was a drug addict and police informant. Droc' s Michelle was always 'around' crime. She was very beautiful apparently. I must go back through Droc posts to see if I can pick up any info. MOO
If you're really interested in the goings on in Mosman Park in 1994 then copy and paste this into Google, including the quotation marks. Lots of documents and transcripts. (I don't know who uploaded them)


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Finally found the source page.
Then go to the tab marked "miscellaneous"
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Can anyone confirm where Robyn (Paton) Santen went to school? And where Corryn Rayney went to school?
There is mention of Michelles alleged boyfriend in the investigation posted by Pete Davo. No record of him on the internet. Apparently he her flat from time to time.

What did Michelle do for work? The seedy world of drugs.

Hi Innerchild - if it is the same Michelle she was a drug addict and police informant. Droc' s Michelle was always 'around' crime. She was very beautiful apparently. I must go back through Droc posts to see if I can pick up any info. MOO
We just need to know which school Robyn went to. None of the clothes were found. Nothing turned up on the beach. Robyn vanished into thin air.

Not related to catholic saint dates. Relates to the three patron saints of Iona as in Iona Presentation college.
That a serial killer chose these dates as part of his killing theme, Note, Ciara went on St Patricks celebrations,. Two victims went to Iona, and a third we are to hear a relationship with the school in the trial.

Meanwhile we discuss the 'Fenians pub' not raised by me. Please don't try to 'shape' the discussion. Its not a good look.

It will not be the first error in this investigation. Apart from the fact, Robyn has a few friends from Iona.

Tunnel vision has been a common theme in this case too.

IMO, Robyn Santen is unrelated to Rayney, CSK, or Catholic Saint's days as proposed on this thread, before the coroner's inquest occurred. The inquest came to a reasonable conclusion.

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- serial killers usually premeditate their crimes, frequently fantasising and planning with detail, including the specific victim (Ressler, Burgess & Douglas 1988)
- serial killers are likely to use similar event locations (but different physical locations) for their crimes, move the body from one location to another and dispose of the body in remote locations (Kraemer, Lord & Heilbrun 2004).
So Mallard suffering drug induced psychosis. Michelle reportedly a drug user. Rochford? Rochford was on drugs? And Michelles alleged boyfriend?>

Michelle was into devil worship? Mallard into Celtic drawings. Mallard slept on Michelles couch.

So Pam Lawrence is bashed in a motiveless crime. Rochford found in cell hanging. Mallard shared remand yard in Albany with Rochford.

Did Pam Lawrence see something and knew too much? Being mindful flats next door, and down road
Where does 'Michelle' fit into this conversation?
I haven't been following closely sorry?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
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