Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #16

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Yes that is correct, the flats overlook Lawrences shop and the rear yard. They could see what was going on with Pams business at any time.

I wonder if she had witnessed something and Rochford sent to murder her? Did she know too much? All these heroin addicts.

Police must have a load of criminal history on this immediate area.

There was an elderly woman that used to live in one of the shops. The druggies used to go through her house while she was in it taking every last thing she had of worth in the middle of the night while the elderly lady lay in bed..

Sharon Masons friend in the news report may have a family tie with the old woman that lived in one the shops next to Lawrence. That family tie may have had drug habit at one point also.

Yes the boyfriend, Damien. Cheers. No record of the name on the net outside the report.

Not sure if accused future wife is just coincidence being in this high crime area. But interested to see if he had known her prior being in the adjacent suburb, Kewdale. Maybe school buddies?

Although being a technician at one point, the accused may have been in hundreds of homes dealing with phones.

Is the wife 2.0 same age as the accused?

Have a look at your map you posted yesterday. The flats are already marked. The carpark is between the flats and Flora Metallica which you have marked Lawrence. The former French restaurant is in a single story building. However the flats on Stirling Hwy probably would look straight over the restaurant, so could be described as 'above', but not be actually above.

Do you mean the former boyfriend?

Some of the other witnesses in this Mallard report were much more interesting characters, than Michelle IMO. There were a Satan worshipper living in the flat opposite Flora Metallica, a lot that were drug affected, and others that would've been well known at Central Law Courts and Canning Vale. For instance, Michael Buhagiar was so bent that he couldn't even remember what time home and away was on.
It seems Rocheford got away with murder, because police couldn't accept that any of the witnesses in Mosman Park actually saw Rocheford.

For instance Lloyd Pierce gave a pretty good description of Rocheford seen running away , yet Lloyd immediately became a suspect instead because of his record.
Nah, the cops probably just checked under the bed, in the shed and in the spare bedroom and thought ,nope, nothing here.........
Victoria Police Admit DNA bungle saw paedophile priest wrongly ruled out as Murder Suspect in 1980

[FONT=&amp]Posted by Barbara Etter APM on 13 July 2017


If anyone doesn't like reading much, go and listen to the podcast that led up to police admitting this mistake. Implications on evidence being switched in the Maria James murder to rule of one of the priests.

It is fascinating as a review of an unsolved murder in many ways IMO. Involvement of catholic church priests and if you dig further into Father Kevin and testimony against him substantially accepted by the catholic church mind blowing.

There were priests that committed and / or organised evil acts at first suggested by this pod cast series and then from examples like above testimony to the Royal Commission. I would be interested in who the priests were at Copus Cristi Church (Iona church) even Seton (Geneste school pre amalgamation) at the time 1984 - 1998.
Was 616 Stirling highway two story? Did Michelle live above the French restaurant?
"Police want to speak Man and woman leaving Parmelia hotel after Cutler at a Parmelia hotelier party."

So who else was doing heroin?

Mystery Man looked incredibly skinny in the Rimmer video. I cant remember my comment regarding the draping shirt.

I think you need to be careful in making statements that are not true or may be your opinion and then drawing conclusions from them. How does the report that Det Sgt Katich say he was looking for a man and woman leaving Parmelia after Julie C lead to to ask who else was doing heroin? There was no indication JC was. The couple were asked to come forward and seemed to be potential suspects identified by Katich.

IMO the MM with his shirt draped didn't look skinny and you have to account for cctv distortions. You seem to be indicate he might have been using heroin, no connection for that conclusion IMO. There are credible accounts that Michelle was and she entered drug rehabilitation treatment at one stage.

Rochford did not hang himself and if you're not sure don't state it as fact, which it seems to be when you write your post. Sharon Mason as well. It would be unlikely she was going to an expensive private school living in the flats in Mosman Park.

Kewdale (where Geneste's lived) and Huntingdale (Edwards) and not adjacent suburbs or neighboring suburbs. CGE's sister went to a Catholic school in Fremantle an she may have as well. BRE went to Gosnells HS, seemingly no connection at all in geographic location or socioeconomic status there.

Maybe it was the business that the families may have been running instead. All just my opinion.
Just trying to find the events that unfolded with Sue Short and the timeline for Simon Rochford hanging himself. Officers leaked the info to the journalist in an apparent mix up.
Some Rochford articles deleted by media.

The only mention's of Rochford hanging himself, or possibly hanging himself, or being hanged by anybody, that I can find on the internet so far, are

1. Your above post the other day
2. Your post yesterday
3. A poster on a CSK thread in another forum now closed to discussing the CSK case. A poster called Dan Baker (p63 #1561 on 24 May 2017).

There could have been other news articles or posts similar to your claims that have subsequently been removed or modified.

Just for the record, below is a very easy to find (by google search) document, detailing the official cause of death of Simon Rochford (in jail).

The full Coroner's Court report into his death does not appear to be publicly available online (I could not find it on the internet). (5 pages on details and events related to Simon Rochford's death)

Simon Rochford died on 19 May 2006 at the Albany Regional Prison,Albany, as a result of incised Injuries to the neck and left arm. Theinquest hearing was held at the Albany Coroners Court on 9 to 17 July2008 and at the Perth Coroners Court on 22 to 25 July 2008 and thefindings delivered by the Deputy State Coroner on the 3 October 2008.A post mortem examination was conducted on 22 May 2006 by the chiefforensic pathologist who determined that the cause of death was incisedinjuries to the neck and left arm.The forensic pathologist concluded that the wounds were caused by asharp instrument being drawn over the surface of the skin, consistent witha putty knife found in the bin of the deceased’s cell.

Between 5.30am and 7.30am he placed himself in a position from whichhis actions were hidden from the observation hatch, by lying with his backto the door, and inflicted numerous, severe incised injuries probably firstlyto his left wrist then to the right side of his neck in a deliberate attempt totake his own life.

He was found this morning, approximately 7:44 by a couple of prison officers in his cell, quite obviously deceased at that time. They've raised the alarm. A nurse has been in attendance, just about immediately.Commissioner Johnson says the cell is being treated as a crime scene and the death will undergo a police investigation.

Like most death's, including by possible suicide, the initial call by Police was to treat the scene of death as a crime scene.
Mmmm, Centenary drive, Bentley, adjacent Curtain University, aka WAIT (Cutler), not far from Rayneys boot scooting.
Interesting Cutler went missing 1988, year of bicentenary celebrations

Ronald Leslie Pennington, 82, is accused of murdering or unlawfully killing Mrs Anderson-Slater some time after her disappearance on July 12, 1992 and burying her body in the backyard of his Woodlands home.

Her remains were uncovered by excavators in February last year, 19 years after she went missing and long after Mr Pennington had retired in Tasmania.

Both these schools are some distance away. I do recall making this error before.

Well you do the research then. Making a statement like Sharon Mason went to Iona as fact without backing it up. I know she didn't via a friend. It isn't really important to me in any case. I don't believe this has anything to do with the CSK.
Nah, the cops probably just checked under the bed, in the shed and in the spare bedroom and thought ,nope, nothing here.........

No need to be rude.
WAPOL have made mistakes in the past.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
What I intend doing is creating a spreadsheet of various dates the ladies went missing and what holidays fell near to that date. We can populate the spreadsheet with the nearest hotel or Irish pub.
We'll need to do some brainstorming of ideas with it. It can include the day of the week the person went missing. Also the stage of the moon for daylight purposes.
The spreadsheet can expand and we can keep it on here somewhere - like Grok's & Spinnaker's spreadsheet. I'll include links too.
I've been busy working on the spreadsheet and will upload it once it's been double-checked. In the meantime, most abductions occurred when the moon was more dark than light. There does seem to be a link between various holidays as in Jewish, Muslim, Celtic and Christian. Most of the ladies were slim, which makes sense because SKs don't usually opt for overweight people - they're more difficult to handle.
One would think that WAPOL has retested evidence from these cold cases given advances in forensic science????

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Perhaps they are working through those ones. Bearing in mind there have been 30 detectives engaged to work through a 30-year backlog. It wouldn't surprise me if they end up going back a few more years.


  • view from Claremont Police Station & former Claremont CIB to HJ's.jpg
    view from Claremont Police Station & former Claremont CIB to HJ's.jpg
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Its actually interesting because the two schools discussed are actually some distance away. The schools discussed appear to be too far away considering requirements for government education access.

These schools are far from walking distance.

Does anyone have information regarding Sharons school she attended? I have only seen guesses,

Well you do the research then. Making a statement like Sharon Mason went to Iona as fact without backing it up. I know she didn't via a friend. It isn't really important to me in any case. I don't believe this has anything to do with the CSK.

THE gruesome murder of Perth schoolgirl Sharon Mason shocked Perth when workmen uncovered her butchered body 17 years ago.

Evidence was presented at Greer's 1994 trial that the Northern Ireland immigrant, who had three earlier convictions for attempted murder, killed the schoolgirl after she came into his shop on her way home, cut her body in two and buried her 2m under a shed in the back yard.

Streetview Google maps Jan 2010. Claremont Police Station 288 Stirling Hwy Claremont


Stirling Hwy from Claremont police station looking towards Leura Ave, Bay View Tce and Fremantle

Stirling Hwy from Claremont police station looking towards Perth. Google maps streetview Jan 2010.


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    Claremont Police station_288 Stirling Hwy_streetview_Freo.JPG
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Spooks, you asked about the septic tanks....

With regard to the Gay St property and Telstra exchange nearby (5 houses south).

Earlier this year I notified CSs advising there would be ‘disconnected’ septic tanks at those two sites. The septic tank on the Gay St property, which has since been subdivided, would probably be located in the rear neighbours property. The Telstra exchange has probably been connected to the sewer scheme but possibly once had a septic tank. There’s usually a toilet and small sink in the exchanges. I can see the Gay St building has a small flue for the WC.

I sent CSs the information, including the address where to apply for a flimsy and typed-up the email requesting the information they needed.
When developers, develop property they usually leave existing pipework in the ground. I also asked CS to contact the WC and check the spatial maps for ‘dead main’. I gave them the name and phone number of the WCs new works inspector who would have overseen the subdivision. Again I typed-up an email urging them to request an e-plan detailing what pipework is in the ground and the depths (i.e. dead main).

I heard back from a Macro administration officer who agreed to look into the matter.
Its actually interesting because the two schools discussed are actually some distance away. The schools discussed appear to be too far away considering requirements for government education access.

John Curtin was closer, approx 4 km, and students went there if they chose to.



  • John Curtin.JPG
    John Curtin.JPG
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In late May or early June, Julie rang her father to report an shocking occurrence in which she had been pushing home in her Fiat sedan from work along the Stirling Highway.
Julie told her father, Roger, that a automobile had followed her closely for several kilometres along Stirling Highway, almost touching her back fender at times and seemed to be trying to force her off the road.
As she approached a turn-off in the beachside suburb of Cottesloe, the automobile pulled alongside and then unexpected veered in front of her.
Ms Cutler swerved around it and sped away, after stating the occurrence to police.
As her stepsister related, years later, she called “extremely upset. She suspicion whoever was in the automobile wanted to run her off the highway or force her to pull over.”

[FONT=&quot]Making Julie's disappearance more eerie were reports that someone had attempted to "drive her off the road" in the weeks before she vanished.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In late May or early June, Julie rang her father and said a car had followed her so closely it was almost touching her rear bumper for several kilometres as she drove home from work.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]She said the car appeared to be trying to force her off the road or force her to pull over. When the car suddenly veered in front of her, Julie was able to swerve around it and speed away to safety.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]She reported the incident to police. http://www.************.au/missing-australian-women/[/FONT]


  • Area on Stirling Highway where Julie Culter reported being stalked by a vehicle.jpg
    Area on Stirling Highway where Julie Culter reported being stalked by a vehicle.jpg
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Im not making a statement. The area was full of druggies. I was asking the question. As you can see.

Was 616 Stirling highway two story? Did Michelle live above the French restaurant?
"Police want to speak Man and woman leaving Parmelia hotel after Cutler at a Parmelia hotelier party."

So who else was doing heroin?

Mystery Man looked incredibly skinny in the Rimmer video. I cant remember my comment regarding the draping shirt.
I think you need to be careful in making statements that are not true or may be your opinion and then drawing conclusions from them. How does the report that Det Sgt Katich say he was looking for a man and woman leaving Parmelia after Julie C lead to to ask who else was doing heroin? There was no indication JC was. The couple were asked to come forward and seemed to be potential suspects identified by Katich.

IMO the MM with his shirt draped didn't look skinny and you have to account for cctv distortions. You seem to be indicate he might have been using heroin, no connection for that conclusion IMO. There are credible accounts that Michelle was and she entered drug rehabilitation treatment at one stage.

Rochford did not hang himself and if you're not sure don't state it as fact, which it seems to be when you write your post. Sharon Mason as well. It would be unlikely she was going to an expensive private school living in the flats in Mosman Park.

Kewdale (where Geneste's lived) and Huntingdale (Edwards) and not adjacent suburbs or neighboring suburbs. CGE's sister went to a Catholic school in Fremantle an she may have as well. BRE went to Gosnells HS, seemingly no connection at all in geographic location or socioeconomic status there.

Maybe it was the business that the families may have been running instead. All just my opinion.

We have three victims centric to this case. SS, JR, CG. All of them heading to Mosman Park from Claremont night district.

Julie Cutler was also heading towards Mosman Park in the same direction.

A group of heroin users that hung around with a Fremantle tatooist were know to operate in the area. (p16)

Train surveilance showed bandanna wearing man with two males. The drug squad advised the team that a known junkie down the road was obtaining heroin from a man convicted of murdering a woman
Streetview Google maps Jan 2010. Claremont Police Station 288 Stirling Hwy Claremont


Stirling Hwy from Claremont police station looking towards Leura Ave, Bay View Tce and Fremantle

Stirling Hwy from Claremont police station looking towards Perth. Google maps streetview Jan 2010.
Go for a google streetview down Bernard St. That's some seriously spooky place at night time I'd imagine. A bit like Government Rd, back ends of buildings, even a kindergarten!
We have three victims centric to this case. SS, JR, CG. All of them heading to Mosman Park from Claremont night district.

Jane Rimmer heading to Mosman Park?
Source or evidence of this please.

Do you have information on where Jane Rimmer was living at that time?
Because if you do, it would be great if you could share it with this forum.
Jane's parents were reported as living in Wembley.
Jane's earlier family home was reported as being in Shenton Park.

Jane was last seen leaving Claremont’s Continental Hotel at 00.04am. She was seen standing outside Club Bay View after she declined a lift home with friends, with whom she had been drinking.
Her parents had expected their bubbly daughter for lunch that Sunday at their Wembley home.

'Having grown up in what she described as a “normal household” in Shenton Park
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