Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #21

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See the post you made ok that makes sense. You broke the quotes and my comment is added to your original quote. Thats why.

It should read
No name said:
blah blah blah [/QUOTE ]
Then yours
El Gordo said:
blah blah blah [/QUOTE ]
Then your new message
** NO SPACE BETWEEN E] though at the end. I had to put one in so they wouldnt turn into proper quotes
You can remove whatever you want from a quote provided you dont type in the middle of someone elses quote & the beginning
name said:
& the end [/QUOTE ] of it is correct.

That is what I have done , I have typed a response , it wont let me post because something is below what I said , so I have just deleted that , no evil intent , I did not know it was an issue ... I will be more careful in future , thanks again for the advice
You can remove whatever you want from a quote provided you dont type in the middle of someone elses quote & the beginning & the end [/QUOTE ] of it is correct

That is what I have done , I have typed a response , it wont let me post because something is below what I said , so I have just deleted that , no evil intent , I did not know it was an issue ... I will be more careful in future , thanks again for the advice

Your next response has broken quotes too. I have requoted you and fixed it. I had to add end quote [/QUOTE] at the end of what I said.
Your next response has broken quotes too. I have requoted you and fixed it. I had to add end quote
at the end of what I said.[/QUOTE]

I did not claim to be a fast learner xxxxxxx
Hahaha. Another perfect example why broken quotes are an issue. Half of mine is attributed to you because I had an (end quote) in my msg. That told it to break my msg there & the rest of my msg was attributed to you

I think you have it sussed
Having worked in many management roles over the years I support this view. There is absolutely no point in placing security outside a closed fire door as it is a waste of a security resource.

In the event of the alarm on the fire door failing/ not working, people can exit, however they would not be able to get back in. It is possible that someone inside the Conti could utilise this exit to avoid being seen by the security at the front of the venue.

In addition,I do believe it is possible for someone to nip in or out of the back ground floor door if needed which lead to back area and exit - just near the rear left toilets.

Hi Spinnaker , you may know the answer to this
I have been trying to remember how long security tapes were kept for before being taped over , if there was no reported incidence the tapes were reused .
I have wanted to mention this to point out the reason for the poor quality of the photos
I have known of places that just had a tape on a 24 hour loop so if things were not reported quickly they were useless , but a lot kept them for a while just in case
Thats a quote.

Could someone please explain to me the significance of a broken quote , someone pulled me up on this a few days ago which I took no offence to , but I have noticed today it mentioned that Admins may be notified about broken quotes, what is the issue[/QUOTE

Thats a broken quote. Note the missing ] from the end of the word quote.
When people keep re quoting them it gets hard to follow and they can end up being attributed to the wrong people.

Thanks for explaining that so clearly NN, appreciate that, and it makes perfect sense. No need for further discussion that I can see. Cheers!
No one said from outside. Cannot gain access from outside. Its a firedoor. These days it sets off an alarm. Not sure about 1996 though. Probably security camera there anyrate.

The area is full of security guards even if someone tried to open the door from the inside making sure people being let in the back doors. Numbers above the allowed were a fire risk. Get the licence revoked at the drop of a hat.

From memory, a security guard would stand upstairs looking down on the crowd.
Probably the Manager would know for sure.
BTW, who was the manager?
Seems like an interesting career, but don't fancy having to go to Court all the time.
Must be a busy life being a bar manager?
Didn't this same bloke manage at Ocean Beach Hotel and give evidence in the Andy Marshall case?

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk
Sometimes they are one way doors (ie: you can exit but not enter). Also sometimes two one way doors (so you couldn't just hold a door open from the inside for others to get in).

Fire doors are always one way locks these days opening out. Not sure about 1996 though. But they have to have an upstairs fire escape.
Unlocked fromm the outside. Fire doors aren't allowed to locked from inside while open. People have to be able to escape fire upstairs.

No one said from outside. Cannot gain access from outside. Its a firedoor. These days it sets off an alarm. Not sure about 1996 though. Probably security camera there anyrate.

The area is full of security guards even if someone tried to open the door from the inside making sure people being let in the back doors. Numbers above the allowed were a fire risk. Get the licence revoked at the drop of a hat.

From memory, a security guard would stand upstairs looking down on the crowd.
It was you who said it would be stupid to leave an unlocked door unattended with a long queue at the front in response to me saying it would not be monitored from the outside... now you say there was security everywhere if someone tried to open the door... do you just like trying to correct every comment made here
Hi Spinnaker , you may know the answer to this
I have been trying to remember how long security tapes were kept for before being taped over , if there was no reported incidence the tapes were reused .
I have wanted to mention this to point out the reason for the poor quality of the photos
I have known of places that just had a tape on a 24 hour loop so if things were not reported quickly they were useless , but a lot kept them for a while just in case
Think it depends on the venue El Gordo, however I have had 7 day loops so that you have a tape labelled up for every day of the week. Tapes were used a number of years ago - online systems are used these days with automatic back-up going back for quite awhile.

You could also have a few boxes of 7 days loops and rotate them out - in the meantime, they would be kept in the safe.
00:01.40 He either finished somewhere, or he has walked from somewhere. Potentially 140 metres away or closer.

1.Who thinks mystery man is the accused ?
2.Who thinks that mystery man is well built and muscular?
3.Who thinks mystery man is a skinny bag of bones druggie ?
4.Who thinks mystery man is responsible for J.Rimmer's departure from the roadside area ?
1.Who thinks mystery man is the accused ?
2.Who thinks that mystery man is well built and muscular?
3.Who thinks mystery man is a skinny bag of bones druggie ?
4.Who thinks mystery man is responsible for J.Rimmer's departure from the roadside area ?
1. Looks very similar to the accused
2&3. Not skinny, not well built - looks too neat and tidy to be skinny bag of bones druggie
4. Yes responsible

1.Who thinks mystery man is the accused ?
2.Who thinks that mystery man is well built and muscular?
3.Who thinks mystery man is a skinny bag of bones druggie ?
4.Who thinks mystery man is responsible for J.Rimmer's departure from the roadside area ?

From the pic does not look like a bags of bones , whether he is muscular or not no idea

The only thing that puts me off the idea of it being the accused is that he has been described as having a problem with alcohol from a young age ... its fairly late in the day for an alco to be in control

If he did have an alcohol problem it would be a difficult situation for him to be in without drinking ... and maybe he never had a drink problem at all
Everyone who could have been quizzed about this guy would have been , nobody knows him , so doubtful he was regularly there to stalk anyone , he could have been a traveller on his last night in Perth for all I know
Probably the Manager would know for sure.
BTW, who was the manager?
Seems like an interesting career, but don't fancy having to go to Court all the time.
Must be a busy life being a bar manager?
Didn't this same bloke manage at Ocean Beach Hotel and give evidence in the Andy Marshall case?

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk

Boy Petedavo when you dig, you REALLY dig! Caporn, now there's a name I've heard before somewhere in relation to CSK, hmmm....
Hi all,

I thought I'd write to Bret Christian and ask him about access to Archives regarding the security company used at the time of CSK, and anything else he could perhaps help us with. I've never met the man but just went on Post website and sent a private email. He seems like a really nice bloke.

Here's his reply below, sadly no archives for that period. And he'd really like to see a photo of the accused in his 20s, hey wouldn't we all! I told him the only place I reckon he'd be able to see one is in the family album!

"[FONT=&amp]Thanks for your note.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]Like you I had teenagers clubbing in Claremont at the crucial time, and we have all been deeply affected.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]The old Post archives are very hard to search before we digitised our records.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]However there were several security companies operating at the time - Claremont Council hired one in response to the public outcry, and Club Bay View also received a court order to upgrade their security presence on the streets of Claremont, not just at the club.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]Good luck with your sleuthing.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]Has anyone found a photo of E in his 20s? Id love to see it.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]
[FONT=&amp]best wishes[/FONT][FONT=&amp]
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