Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

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Hello :)

I have also been following this case quite closely.

I do believe that LR was involved in his wife's murder.

Now after more information has come to light since the trial began I am wondering whether LR had a stash of cash that he used to pay someone to kill and dispose of Corryn. Hasn't there has been rumblings of possible underworld involvement - or am I imagining this?

I wonder if he had someone lie in wait in the garage and kill her. Then when the eldest daughter returned home the murderer disposed of body in pre dug gravesite. Name card could have been dropped then when designating area for grave. This would also make it easier to dispose of digging implement - as if there was sufficient soil post dig then murderer would only have had to throw, kick or move soil over to cover CR.

Also - if it was LR (and I believe he either did it or was the instigator) how did he get home after the car broke down? I am unfamiliar with the area. Could there not have been CCTV footage from shops in the areas that may have captured him/accomplice walking in the direction of Como especially at such a strange hour?

I do think this will end up like OJ Simpson. The evidence will indicate LR involvement, but as such a large component is circumstantial - he will get away with murder.

Welcome to Websleuths JAC6007

What better way to accumulate a stash of cash than through gambling!! Yes an underworld character was interviewed for 8 hours after Corryn's body was found. To date, the connection to this person has not been reported, but it has been suggested that the person might be JK ( the no.1 underworld character in Perth and someone I see out and about in local establishments on a regular basis!)

Yes, it's a good experience to see how the justice system works. In my opinion trial-by-jury is a far more transparent and therefore better method of trying people accused of a crime than this judge-alone trial.

Yes, I heard that too in the tv news report, that Shari Paradise said LR told her he took the place card and put it in the console of 'the car'.

So he did take it from the dinner after all.

That's crucial, if he said he took the place card!
Welcome to Websleuths JAC6007

What better way to accumulate a stash of cash than through gambling!! Yes an underworld character was interviewed for 8 hours after Corryn's body was found. To date, the connection to this person has not been reported, but it has been suggested that the person might be JK ( the no.1 underworld character in Perth and someone I see out and about in local establishments on a regular basis!)


Totally doubt it would be someone like JK. He would hire someone to carry out dirty work! And police are all over him like a rash all the time. No way would he involve himself in this type of thing, at least not the physical side, at least.
Hello :)

I have also been following this case quite closely.

I do believe that LR was involved in his wife's murder.

Now after more information has come to light since the trial began I am wondering whether LR had a stash of cash that he used to pay someone to kill and dispose of Corryn. Hasn't there has been rumblings of possible underworld involvement - or am I imagining this?

I wonder if he had someone lie in wait in the garage and kill her. Then when the eldest daughter returned home the murderer disposed of body in pre dug gravesite. Name card could have been dropped then when designating area for grave. This would also make it easier to dispose of digging implement - as if there was sufficient soil post dig then murderer would only have had to throw, kick or move soil over to cover CR.

Also - if it was LR (and I believe he either did it or was the instigator) how did he get home after the car broke down? I am unfamiliar with the area. Could there not have been CCTV footage from shops in the areas that may have captured him/accomplice walking in the direction of Como especially at such a strange hour?

I do think this will end up like OJ Simpson. The evidence will indicate LR involvement, but as such a large component is circumstantial - he will get away with murder.

Welcome jac6007!

Totally doubt it would be someone like JK. He would hire someone to carry out dirty work! And police are all over him like a rash all the time. No way would he involve himself in this type of thing, at least not the physical side, at least.

DITD - I agree, but who else would it have been that fits the description and what is the connection with LR or CR? Any ideas?
I don't think LR would choose a 'hit man' to do his alleged dirtywork. I think the Kalazjich case would be well known to LR. Hit men can 'talk'.

Am thinking of what Shari Paradise said about LR saying to her about why would he murder his wife and leave her car in a street where he knew people...

Well, he would if he was trying to set someone up for the murder...

He would have known that he'd be the first suspect if his wife went missing so he'd need to find another 'patsy' to take the fall for him.

But, as we've already discussed, it would take a pretty callous person to kill another person's innocent spouse, because of some supposed grudge.

The only 'reason' I can think of that anyone would kill another man's wife is if the husband of the innocent wife had perhaps 'stolen' the first man's wife.

'A wife for a wife' kind of scenario. 'You took my wife (had an affair with her) so I'm going to take (kill) yours.'

I'm wondering if this is what LR's plan was? To set someone up who lived in Kershaw Street by planting Corinne's car there? Deflecting the blame from himself in some way.

Subiaco's streets always have cars parked outside houses at all hours of the day and night. People come and go at all hours also.

If LR drove in first gear (that's all the car could do by that time as it was damaged) into the parking spot he could get there very quietly.

Webb's house was unoccupied at the time, so that puts him and Linda Black out of the 'possible people who could have recognised him' list.

Gets me wondering, especially, as Shari Paradise also is quoted as saying that she thinks that 'what was being alleged against Lloyd should be alleged against someone else'.

Hmm....maybe not. Maybe Lloyd wants people to think this?

Ha ha GG - think the spelling nazi will be having a field day with this one. I believe the correct spelling is "liquidambar". It's full species name is - Liquidambar styraciflua


Morning mouse, I think the spelling nazi can win either way on this one, lol:

"The genus name literally means liquid amber, and refers to the resin exuded by the winter buds".


Hi all, just sitting in my car listening to the news roundup on rayney case and I have another name for you - Shari Paradise, well that's how it's pronounced could be paradis with accent on the 's'. Had a wee giggle thinking of you guys. She was LR's personal assistant and there was apparently a hint of an affair but not delved into.

respectfully snipped and bolded by me


No B grade crime fiction writer could come up with such a list of names!!

words fail me (almost) lol

Thanks Dodo - yes I just saw a report regarding Shari seems to be spelt 'Paradise' in the online press but on the Channel 7 news it was spelt 'Paradice'. I wonder which is correct?

Another rather comical name to add to the collection, anyway.

The Channel 7 report said that LR had told her that he'd put the place card in the console of the car but Ms Paradise didn't know to which car he was referring.

On the TV vision this woman gave a big smile and a sort of wave to the tv camera.

Perhaps she knew the cameramen who stand in a row of about five or six, facing the witnesses who approach the District Court building - however,
I'm finding this rather flippant display by some of the attendees to be rather disrespectful of Corryn.

Someone needs to remind these legal 'big wigs' ('big wigs' in their own minds anyway) that a woman was murdered!IMO

Agreed YN!!

Hello :)

I have also been following this case quite closely.

I do believe that LR was involved in his wife's murder.

Now after more information has come to light since the trial began I am wondering whether LR had a stash of cash that he used to pay someone to kill and dispose of Corryn. Hasn't there has been rumblings of possible underworld involvement - or am I imagining this?

I wonder if he had someone lie in wait in the garage and kill her. Then when the eldest daughter returned home the murderer disposed of body in pre dug gravesite. Name card could have been dropped then when designating area for grave. This would also make it easier to dispose of digging implement - as if there was sufficient soil post dig then murderer would only have had to throw, kick or move soil over to cover CR.

Also - if it was LR (and I believe he either did it or was the instigator) how did he get home after the car broke down? I am unfamiliar with the area. Could there not have been CCTV footage from shops in the areas that may have captured him/accomplice walking in the direction of Como especially at such a strange hour?

I do think this will end up like OJ Simpson. The evidence will indicate LR involvement, but as such a large component is circumstantial - he will get away with murder.

Hello and welcome, lots of food for thought in your post.


Would explain his smirks too, GRRR


I don't think LR would choose a 'hit man' to do his alleged dirtywork. I think the Kalazjich case would be well known to LR. Hit men can 'talk'.

Am thinking of what Shari Paradise said about LR saying to her about why would he murder his wife and leave her car in a street where he knew people...

Well, he would if he was trying to set someone up for the murder...

He would have known that he'd be the first suspect if his wife went missing so he'd need to find another 'patsy' to take the fall for him.

But, as we've already discussed, it would take a pretty callous person to kill another person's innocent spouse, because of some supposed grudge.

The only 'reason' I can think of that anyone would kill another man's wife is if the husband of the innocent wife had perhaps 'stolen' the first man's wife.

'A wife for a wife' kind of scenario. 'You took my wife (had an affair with her) so I'm going to take (kill) yours.'

I'm wondering if this is what LR's plan was? To set someone up who lived in Kershaw Street by planting Corinne's car there? Deflecting the blame from himself in some way.

Subiaco's streets always have cars parked outside houses at all hours of the day and night. People come and go at all hours also.

If LR drove in first gear (that's all the car could do by that time as it was damaged) into the parking spot he could get there very quietly.

Webb's house was unoccupied at the time, so that puts him and Linda Black out of the 'possible people who could have recognised him' list.

Gets me wondering, especially, as Shari Paradise also is quoted as saying that she thinks that 'what was being alleged against Lloyd should be alleged against someone else'.

Hmm....maybe not. Maybe Lloyd wants people to think this?


All good points YN, and you are right Subiaco streets always have cars parked outside and coming and going at all hours. Curiouser and Curiouser.


All good points YN, and you are right Subiaco streets always have cars parked outside and coming and going at all hours. Curiouser and Curiouser.



I was under the impression that the car was 'limping' along because the transmission fluid had leaked all over the road and also that it would have been quite noisy if only able to achieve first gear. I would assume that the perpetrator wouldn't have been thinking too clearly as hadn't factored in the damage from the bollard in the scheme of things, so would have been in a state of panic and reassessing his situation every few metres or so. He may also have seen pedestrians up ahead in kershaw road and decided to pull
over so as not to draw attention to himself, then either couldn't restart the car or decided the safer option was to abandon it and leg it back home.

Just what my initial thoughts were, could be totally off beam (lol). Just wondering if the fact that he knew people in kershaw road was just coincidental in the scheme of things as it is very close to king's Park. JMO
Thank you for the warm welcome everyone.

Dodo - I am thinking along the same lines with the car. I think it wasn't planned to park there - it was something he had to do as the car was not going to make it much further.

Two witnesses (the engineer and the woman who lived in the area), have indicated that the car was struggling along in first gear. The engineer did mention that after losing almost all the transmission fluid - it would only be a matter of time before the car would not be drivable.

I think it was parked in Kershaw Rd in a random act of panic. LR or accomplice probably contemplated driving further - but hearing himself that the car was struggling decided to park up unnoticed - as opposed to being caught in his wife's car at an odd time of night/morning by some unsuspecting member of the public that may have offered to help (potential witnesses).

I wonder what he actually planned to do with the car if the transmission leak had not happened?
I was under the impression that the car was 'limping' along because the transmission fluid had leaked all over the road and also that it would have been quite noisy if only able to achieve first gear. I would assume that the perpetrator wouldn't have been thinking too clearly as hadn't factored in the damage from the bollard in the scheme of things, so would have been in a state of panic and reassessing his situation every few metres or so. He may also have seen pedestrians up ahead in kershaw road and decided to pull
over so as not to draw attention to himself, then either couldn't restart the car or decided the safer option was to abandon it and leg it back home.

Just what my initial thoughts were, could be totally off beam (lol). Just wondering if the fact that he knew people in kershaw road was just coincidental in the scheme of things as it is very close to king's Park. JMO

I am with you Dodo. I think the fact the car ended up being parked on that street is purely coincidental.What a shame it didn't conk out in the middle of Thomas St - Corryn's body may have been discovered much sooner.

I am still of the belief that the murderer went back to a "location" to retrieve items he had temporarily hidden e.g. the spade / maybe some overalls and possibly gloves. I would love to know exactly what time Mr Rayney arrived at work after dropping his kids off at school.
Thank you for the warm welcome everyone.

Dodo - I am thinking along the same lines with the car. I think it wasn't planned to park there - it was something he had to do as the car was not going to make it much further.

Two witnesses (the engineer and the woman who lived in the area), have indicated that the car was struggling along in first gear. The engineer did mention that after losing almost all the transmission fluid - it would only be a matter of time before the car would not be drivable.

I think it was parked in Kershaw Rd in a random act of panic. LR or accomplice probably contemplated driving further - but hearing himself that the car was struggling decided to park up unnoticed - as opposed to being caught in his wife's car at an odd time of night/morning by some unsuspecting member of the public that may have offered to help (potential witnesses).

I wonder what he actually planned to do with the car if the transmission leak had not happened?

You make perfect sense Jac, however I have trouble reconciling 'random" with the street which housed (apparently) so many of the legal fraternity including one he had "taken under his wing".

Then again Kershaw Road (Street?) is close to Kings Park, and one with which he was clearly familiar.

If the leak had not happened, perhaps he meant to take the car back to the Bentley bootscooting location, as another poster suggested, to give the impression Corryn went missing from and or was murdered there?


Latest update

3.10pm: Professor John Roberts, the father of Benjamin Roberts who committed suicide in Kings Park prior to Corryn Rayney's disappearance, has given evidence in the murder trial of Lloyd Rayney.

Prof Roberts was searching for his son's outstanding remains on August 11, 2007, and discovered a dinner place card bearing Mr Rayney's name near the entrance to the wattle track on Lovekin Drive.

He took a photo of the place, card along with several lighters found near it.
Mr Roberts said he'd been to the park "numerous times" searching for his son's missing bones.

3.00pm: A number of police officers were within metres of Corryn Rayney's gravesite two days after her disappearance, the murder trial of Lloyd Rayney has heard.
The officers were looking for outstanding remains of Benjamin Roberts, who committed suicide on the wattle track, on August 9, 2007.
The police noted damage to the middle bollard leading into the track.
CCTV footage gathered from a Red Rooster restaurant on the the night of Mrs Rayney's disappearance was also tendered.
The footage shows Mrs Rayney in Red Rooster before going home to Como and heading to her Bently bootscooting class.

My heart goes out to Professor Roberts too, not only dealing with the suicide of his son, but caught up in this trial as well through no desire of his own


Why was CR allowed to be cremated? If a murder trial was to be conducted in the future wouldn't you leave the body as is just in case you would need to examine it further. Now her body which is a big piece of evidence is forever destroyed.

All the evidence so far points to LR and he appears guilty as hell but there is constantly that 1% doubt. I wouldn't be surprised if he is let off. Then he'll sue the government for loss income and be awarded a few million tax payers dollars. We'll wait and see.
Why was CR allowed to be cremated? If a murder trial was to be conducted in the future wouldn't you leave the body as is just in case you would need to examine it further. Now her body which is a big piece of evidence is forever destroyed.

All the evidence so far points to LR and he appears guilty as hell but there is constantly that 1% doubt. I wouldn't be surprised if he is let off. Then he'll sue the government for loss income and be awarded a few million tax payers dollars. We'll wait and see.

Hi and welcome Rex!

I can only imagine and hope that a thorough autopsy and battery of forensic tests etc (sorry for grim mental images) were carried out prior to the cremation, leaving police satsified that there was no point in holding her body any longer?

I was also startled with the speed with which Allison Baden-Clay's funeral was held in Qld, but again believe it was because her body as "silent witness" had told them all it could?


And I certainly hope your prediction is not correct, however have a hollow feeling it may well come true.


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