Australia Australia - Marion Barter, 51, missing after trip to UK, June 1997 #6

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info on ‘man of many names’

public in the National Archives. I note that there's a note on the file dated December 2020, which seems to indicate they were investigating him at that time. I've put together a rough timeline of his movements and overseas activities based on documents in that file, including passenger arrival and departure cards, his application for citizenship and the translated reports from the Belgian police. Please note there are some contradictions and gaps in the timeline. I've abbreviated the names but you can find them easily and they have mostly been widely reported.

  • Born in Belgium in 1939 as Willy W - parents are Abel and Maria C
  • Claims to have been employed by Gendarmerie Nationale which is the Belgian police force 1959-64
  • First criminal conviction in 1965, with a number of offences recorded between 65 and 69, mostly traffic offences but including some fraud, false documents and issue of cheques without cover. Most offences just resulted in a fine.
  • On 10 May 1969 married first wife I.K in Belgium
  • On 24 May 1969 arrived in Australia for first time with the indication he'd stay 3 months
  • Must have left Australia because in October 1969 was convicted of fraud in Belgium
  • More convictions in Belgium and France, for fraud, attempted fraud, breach of trust, impersonation. Various short prison sentences in France, the longest 4 years, most to be served concurrently.
  • Discharged from prison 21 May 1974
1976 shows a flurry of activity.

  • On 12 Feb 1976, back in Australia, he changed his name by deed poll to FD de H
  • On 20 Feb married Diane W in NSW
  • On 23 Feb applied for Australian citizenship; claims Belgian passport was lost in 1970 and that he needs passport urgently as his father is dying in Belgium
  • On 25 March became Australian citizen
  • On 28 July 1976 left Australia and travelled to Europe, with wife D, and indicates most time will be spent in Luxembourg
  • During 1976-1977 in Europe apparently committed a number of criminal offenses. These include forgery, bad cheques, forging the signature of Roger Lazoney/Lauzoney and opening a bank account in that name, using a forged seal/die, using a forged stamp in the name of Bernard Dupont, using other names he wasn't entitled to including Wilson and Fleming. There's a list of items he allegedly fraudulently obtained including books valued at 200,000 Francs, stamp collection valued at 450,000 FR and various items of furniture worth 176,000 FR from SPRL Galeries de Jonckheere which appears to be a fine art gallery. Also fraudulent matters concerning a car and a property lease.
  • Arrested in Wiltz, Luxembourg as Roger Lauzoney born Casablanca in 1945; the police found his Australian passport in name of de H.
  • In 1977 he arrived back in Australia on 17 March and departed just five days later on 22 March.
  • Conviction in Belgium March 1978
  • Arrived in Australia 14 August 1978.
  • First child born in NSW in 1979.
  • Departed Australia 6 Feb 1980.
  • Wife and child left Australia 23 April 1980 and returned on 21 Jan 1981.
  • Second child born in Luxembourg April 1981. Second wife D is named as the mother, and child registered as Australian citizen by descent. This seems to have opened up a new enquiry about FD de H's own citizenship.
  • Retuned to Australia Nov 1981
  • Departed Australia Dec 1981
  • In 1985 Drivers licence issued in NSW for C F D de H
There's a handwritten note in the files which lists a number of aliases, including Ricky David, Freddie David, Chaim de Hedervary, Bernard du Pont, Christopher du Pont, Tony Greca and Christopher Stein.
So Marion withdraws 80k on October 15 (or 5 depending on source) & FdH opens safety envelope Oct 14. That Oct withdrawal was supposedly Marion’s regular use local Ashmore account (not from sale of house). I think that suggests that Marion and DH were still together at that time and he probably did get that money from her. Also wondering why we haven’t heard anything about a commonwealth account. Seems like if there was an additional account with money from sale of house, it was another colonial account. They made a point about her date of birth being wrong—suggesting perhaps she didn’t open those accounts.

Also interesting that they brought up purchase of security box in 2006. Who was conned then?

Where can I find the details of the withdrawals from Marion's accounts. I was under the impression that they were made in August/September, 1997 not October, 1997.
August - September 1997
Commonwealth Bank - $5000 withdrawn every day for 3.5 weeks at Byron Bay (and 3 days in middle at Burleigh Heads branch), totalling between $85k to $120k.

This can't be verified as CBA has no records. It was the phone banking employee who gave Sally this info when she called looking for her mother on 21 Oct 1997.

15 October 1997
$80,000 withdrawn from Colonial State Bank, Ashmore.

Verified by bank during 2021 inquest.
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August - September 1997
Commonwealth Bank - $5000 withdrawn every day for 3.5 weeks at Byron Bay (and 3 days in middle at Burleigh Heads branch), totalling between $85k to $120k.

This can't be verified as CBA has no records. It was the phone banking employee who gave Sally this info when she called looking for her mother on 21 Oct 1997.

15 October 1997
$80,000 withdrawn from Colonial State Bank, Ashmore.

Verified by bank during 2021 inquest.

Thanks Peralta.

If MB (or her passport) and RB were back in Australia on August 2 1997, how soon did these withdrawals start being made?
August - September 1997
Commonwealth Bank - $5000 withdrawn every day for 3.5 weeks at Byron Bay (and 3 days in middle at Burleigh Heads branch), totalling between $85k to $120k.

This can't be verified as CBA has no records. It was the phone banking employee who gave Sally this info when she called looking for her mother on 21 Oct 1997.

15 October 1997
$80,000 withdrawn from Colonial State Bank, Ashmore.

Verified by bank during 2021 inquest.

But commonwealth does have post 2001 record ms of Marion’s colonial accounts (after they merged with commonwealth), so commonwealth should have record of commonwealth accounts for her. Commonwealth has records for security boxes in 1997. Also, it was the former Colonial bank manager David M, who in the first inquest, mentions a possible high interest savings account with $5k limits. I’m now thinking they were all colonial accounts.
Someone please remind me of the date RB returned? It was not the same day as Marion.

Marion's movements:
2 August 1997
10.11am arrived in Aus on a Cathy Pacific flight from Hong Kong.

7 August 1997
Cancellation of an RACQ membership which would have required a phone call or branch attendance.

Postcard postmarked from Hastings.

13 August 1997
Medicare card is used at optometrist at Grafton Shoppingworld 'Dean M Evans'.

30 August 1997
Postcard from Strand Gate at Winchelsea. Only few minutes away from the old Barclays Bank at Rye in East Sussex where Marion’s bank transfer money was held.

August - September 1997
Commonwealth Bank - $5000 withdrawn every day for 3.5 weeks at Byron Bay (and 3 days in middle at Burleigh Heads branch), totalling between $85k to $120k. No date as CBA had no files and could never be verified. It was the phone banking lady who provided Sally with this info when she called looking for Marion on 21 Oct 1997.

15 October 1997
$80,000 withdrawn from Colonial State Bank, Ashmore.
Verified by bank during inquest.

18 October 1997
Owen’s birthday. He did not hear from Marion. Extremely out of character.
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But commonwealth does have post 2001 record ms of Marion’s colonial accounts (after they merged with commonwealth), so commonwealth should have record of commonwealth accounts for her. Commonwealth has records for security boxes in 1997. Also, it was the former Colonial bank manager David M, who in the first inquest, mentions a possible high interest savings account with $5k limits. I’m now thinking they were all colonial accounts.

100% agree Meligator. It is appearing as though the 'CBA' was in fact the Colonial at Byron that was situated in a small shopping court along the carpark, not the current CBA that's on the corner. Burleigh Heads branch also has a Colonial. Not confirmed by Sally yet but it certainly seems that way :)
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Someone please remind me of the date RB returned? It was not the same day as Marion.

Marion's movements:
2 August 1997
10.11am arrived in Aus on a Cathy Pacific flight from Hong Kong.

7 August 1997
Cancellation of an RACQ membership which would have required a phone call or branch attendance.

Postcard postmarked from Hastings.

13 August 1997
Medicare card is used at optometrist at Grafton Shoppingworld 'Dean M Evans'.

30 August 1997
Postcard from Strand Gate at Winchelsea. Only few minutes away from the old Barclays Bank at Rye in East Sussex where Marion’s bank transfer money was held.

August - September 1997
Commonwealth Bank - $5000 withdrawn every day for 3.5 weeks at Byron Bay (and 3 days in middle at Burleigh Heads branch), totalling between $85k to $120k. No date as CBA had no files and could never be verified. It was the phone banking lady who provided Sally with this info when she called looking for Marion on 21 Oct 1997.

15 October 1997
$80,000 withdrawn from Colonial State Bank, Ashmore.
Verified by bank during inquest.

18 October 1997
Owen’s birthday. He did not hear from Marion. This was out extremely out of character.

31 July 1997 RB returned to Australia using name of “Richard Lloyd Westbury” on his passport following change by Deedpoll.
Regarding the money Marion had in her UK account with Barclays bank, I have read several reports saying the balance of that account was $20 000 and that it was untouched, yet there is an official record online stating there is currently $14889.70 sitting there from that account - and that amount has been accruing interest since 2013. I'm wondering where the 20K figure came from? If that figure is correct then it seems as though there was withdrawals made from that account at some point?
His names should be up in lights, flashing, His photos need to be in every corner. Police and Media need to step up now. The other victims might not even be alive.
This! There should be billboards up around that northern NSW/ border area with his photo and saying “what do you know about this con man?” Imagine the people who would come forward. There needs to be a separate podcast / series done on this man.
So up to $200,000 withdrawn in cash? What I don't understand is how could the bank tellers from either CBA/Colonial in Byron not be able to identify the person who came in every day for 3 weeks to withdraw $5,000. You would think that sort of thing would create talk and interest among staff in a small bank branch. Could someone PM me a link to a photo of RB??
To give us an idea when and where she might have meet RB...

18 January 1994

Buys house at 15 Merinda Court, Ashmore for $180,000 and begins working at The Southport School.

Wallet stolen. She reports it and her Mastercard is held by fraud team.

10 December 1994
Monsieur Remakel ad in Le Courrier Australien based in Ballina/Lennox Head area.

December 1995
Travels to Norfolk Island with Gregory Edwards, partner and TSS groundskeeper.

Mid 1996
Applies for passport in Marion Barter name. Does not travel on this passport and it's unknown why she applied for it.

Receives Queensland Teaching Excellence Award.

Christmas December 1996
Visits parents and informs them of her plans to travel in 1997 for possibly a year.

13 May 1997
Name change via deed poll to Florabella Natalia Marion Remakel.

Personally, I suspect she could have been targeted when she bought her house as a single woman but his involvement didn't start until mid to late 1996. He seems to know A LOT about people's bank and house financials, and it seems to be the main asset he wants.
Regarding the money Marion had in her UK account with Barclays bank, I have read several reports saying the balance of that account was $20 000 and that it was untouched, yet there is an official record online stating there is currently $14889.70 sitting there from that account - and that amount has been accruing interest since 2013. I'm wondering where the 20K figure came from? If that figure is correct then it seems as though there was withdrawals made from that account at some point?
Why has it been accuring interest only from 2013 and not from when Marion disappeared?
However, leaving money in your bank account is safer unless you have something to buy with it. I find it difficult to think of a reason for RB to tell Marion to go to the bank every day to withdraw cash until nothing is left. What did she think she was going to do with the money? Take the cash overseas when she could have done a bank transfer?
She had to get the money out in small lots without getting penalized interest for $ earnt due to the account it was in - this came up at the inquest last year. There was a maximum daily withdrawal amount without being penalized. Interest earnings was high back in 97.
This! There should be billboards up around that northern NSW/ border area with his photo and saying “what do you know about this con man?” Imagine the people who would come forward. There needs to be a separate podcast / series done on this man.

It's a very nice idea in theory but not possible if you ever want him convicted. He'd have every court case thrown out because this is essentially advertising, very publicly, that he is the culprit before he's had a trial. It is why all the comments were turned off in the fb pages.

The only time they can put people's names and faces out in public is when someone is missing (and they retract it all when they are found and charged). But he is not missing, they know exactly where he is.

The best they can do is what's happening right now – the inquest, and all associated media.

He must not be treated like the person of interest, simply a witness. In this way, his name and photo can be circulated.
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Had a chance to listen to the most recent podcast episode and noted that Sally sounds like she has a better idea of what happened to her mother now but no hope of actually finding her. Can’t wait to hear what the homocide squad have found in relation to RB and his involvement with MB.

thinking about those bank withdrawals- I do wonder where MB was staying after her return to Aus. RB didnt have JO or GGB over to his home, wherever that was. Were they in motels? a short term rental perhaps?

Re JO, can someone explain to me what we think RB’s game plan was? If he used her ID documents to get loans, surely creditors would have come looking for JO to collect and she would have discovered her identity had been stolen. Seems like he went to a lot of trouble to get ahold of those docs, and a few pieces of jewellery.
He had the deed to her house, house keys and power of attorney. There's very little he couldn't do. He could have sold the house then disappeared on one of his other names.

You're very right about questioning where they were staying if both he and Marion returned to Aus! Makes me wonder if she returned at all! I keep flip flopping on the issue.
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May have already been discussed but on WW file (NAA), it notes that on his incoming residence card in 1969 he states he is not married, but on his residence application he claim to be married to IK (Brussels 10th of May 1969) - then on the 15th of Feb 1970 he ticked divorced.

I can not locate his marriage to IK, anyone else have any luck.
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