Australia Australia - Marion Barter, 51, missing after trip to UK, June 1997 #6

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Its good to be reminded of those issues before she changed her name amidst her plans to travel
It would be good to know how long these issues were building up re her school scandal and the shame involved for everyone involved .

It has become obvious she was distressed and looking forward to getting away with the possibility of a new beginning in some way .

It is possible HE made it that tad more difficult for her if he made a false anonymous allegation and more desperate and easier to con

Was Marion being groomed over some time compared to the others we know of was this because she was a "tad " more intelligent and more difficult to snag and the "marriage " was used to hook line and sinker the victim which made it easier to get her to go along with giving him control of the cash as he already has the valuable items remember in storage or wherever
Quite possibly being groomed over a period of time..
We heard from two witnesses.

IMO His intention is to use whatever means possible to separate his victims from their lives, jobs and loved ones. Get them to give up everything and get them overseas. Make them leave luggage at an airport locker. Then return and steal from them some more. Erase his connection to them. And plant evidence his victims willing left for a new life.

He failed with GGB and JO. He succeeded with Marion.

That's really all I know for sure :confused:

I have been wondering if the MO when he has them overseas is to find an option for a rental at the very least to put them in while he goes about his business and gives him time to act .

I am thinking he/she may have done this to return too or have them think they can return too together as in Marions case she was intending to return .

It is possible she did cotton on to him at some stage and urgently withdrew her money thinking he maybe will beat her too it and cut her losses re stolen possessions and bought herself a new life.

I can imagine Marion being ashamed and stressed from the last year starting a new life on her own would be a viable option IMO .. in those days it was not as difficult as now
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Re admitting he was at Marion's house. I can't see him doing that unless there is proof that he was.

Someone saw him there. Neighbour, postie, someone who knew Marion.
Someone saw a car registered to him there.
Someone's dash cam, google street view. Less likely it was a dash cam back then and it was early days for google street view, not sure when it started.
Something Marion owned was found in his house.
His DNA was found in Marion's house. Long shot, so long ago and no news that the place was searched.
After all, why search back then as she had sold the place, was still alive and was last seen on a bench on her way to the airport.

But maybe it's been searched more recently.
Yes it doesn’t make sense he would do that.. unless he is trying to establish he had known her for a long time (as he has suggested) and had stayed there (possibly proof perhaps he has something of hers?) or it’s to show I’ve been around her many times and have created no harm to her.. she disappeared after interactions with me.. nothing to do with me..
I think that must have been his invention. Anybody who knows anything about schools would know 'buying' or opening a school in England would require millions.
I don’t know about suggesting ‘buying’ a school to Marion would work.. she was an educated woman don’t believe she’s fall for buying…and had no intention of buying a school - wanted to travel first and maybe work at a school.. using previous contact teacher who she had met here.

But that honestly may have just been said to cover the fact she wasn’t planning on returning.

perhaps he suggested he knew of a school in England through a friend.. but buying one.. setting up one.. no I don’t think so
But that honestly may have just been said to cover the fact she wasn’t planning on returning.

Saying she was buying a school i think is trying to plant the idea this maybe the reason she accessed all her money ..which makes no sense really but nothing in his spin suggests any sense .

Lets face it LE have nothing on him or any proof he was involved with her beyond a certain point

But he has or had her possessions he admitted that and those art works maybe worth a pretty penny along with anything else she had worth any thing , no doubt she knew he knew the worth of those things
I would love to know what info Sally has on the missing paintings. I recall in one of the podcast episodes she said she believed Marion owned, and put into storage, a painting by each of Arthur Boyd, Jamie Boyd and Norman Lindsay, all very well known artists. I wonder if anyone has looked into finding the current owners of the paintings, or listing them on stolen art databases.
It may be that rather than Marion thinking she was going to buy a school, she was convinced that she was going to buy into a school - to be one of a number of investors in a new private school. Perhaps she was convinced that she was just what they'd been looking for, someone with both money to invest and with experience in education. She may have been offered the role of principal as well as a share in any profits. I can see that being very attractive to her.
If he told her he was worth millions like he did the other ladies, he was going to buy her a school perhaps a private day care type thing.

There's a hold up getting his money from where ever. They need to rush home and get hers out.

Maybe he told her that no one can know they are home due to visa issues in England or where ever.
Yes I can see a school that she owned, in England, appealing very much to Marion.

If she met someone who was wealthy, and had maybe 12 million dollars, I can see her falling for the school becoming a reality.

Maybe she didn't want to tell anyone til it was a done deal.
He may have told her that his funds were tied up and that they had to act fast, so they would need her money, but that once he got his funds, he would repay her.
I don’t know about suggesting ‘buying’ a school to Marion would work.. she was an educated woman don’t believe she’s fall for buying…and had no intention of buying a school - wanted to travel first and maybe work at a school.. using previous contact teacher who she had met here.

But that honestly may have just been said to cover the fact she wasn’t planning on returning.

perhaps he suggested he knew of a school in England through a friend.. but buying one.. setting up one.. no I don’t think so

Perhaps he told her he would put in the rest of the money. After all he told JO he was worth $12m.
Like all of you, I am wondering what the police could charge RB with in NSW.

Unlike many jurisdictions in the United States, New South Wales does not have a prescribed statute of limitations. In fact, there is no limitation period in our state for 'indictable offences' – which are those capable of being finalised in a higher court such as the District or Supreme Court.

Is There a Statute of Limitations for Criminal Offences in New South Wales?

However, what is the situation in Europe?

What is the statute of limitations in Belgium?

For commercial claims in Belgium, the terms of limitations are 10 years for contractual obligations and 5 years for non-contractual obligations (e.g. damage caused to a third party). These general terms have many exceptions: Attorney, experts' fees: 5 years.

How long is the statute of limitations in France?

The general statute of limitations for making a claim or invoking a right has been reduced to five years (against 30 years previously). The statute of limitations that applies to business disputes has also been reduced to five years, instead of ten years.

I am now wondering whether RB will ever be charged for anything.

But what about deportation?

What is the 10 year rule for immigration?

The ten year rule refers to the residency limitation placed on criminal deportation in s. 201 of the Migration Act. Under existing law, once a "permanent" resident has lived in Australia for ten years he or she is no longer liable for criminal deportation.
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Based on the amazing timeline someone posted earlier I would not be surprised it he had two families, one here and one overseas

Also, living in Linning St Mt Warren Park was certainly a step down (if he even lived there) as that is a unit complex in a low market area. I wonder whether he used the addresses of his victims whilst actually living elsewhere? I don't think there is a unit number on that address but if there is it may be possible to find out if he's borrowed someone's address.
I just listened to newest podcast episode. One part of it made me think this: The bank teller was so absolutely sure it was Marion who withdrew all the money. Marion would not have had the same experience with the UK bank, especially if she had a new name and a new passport. Imagine if she forgot that the new account would be in her old name and prove difficult to access? Imagine how pissed off Blum would be.

No choice but to return to Australia where the bank knew Marion and she could withdraw and conduct her business as a known customer, regardless of her name. Back in the 1990s, rules were both laxer and more stringent. Money was not as easy to transfer back and forth. I knew my bank tellers. They knew me by sight. They never asked me for ID.
Based on the amazing timeline someone posted earlier I would not be surprised it he had two families, one here and one overseas

Also, living in Linning St Mt Warren Park was certainly a step down (if he even lived there) as that is a unit complex in a low market area. I wonder whether he used the addresses of his victims whilst actually living elsewhere? I don't think there is a unit number on that address but if there is it may be possible to find out if he's borrowed someone's address.

I was thinking that also that he could have another family someplace! LOTS of antique type shops not far from his original address in etterbeek (address of his Belgium company Renov Pubs since 1968). Maybe where he stays while unloading his goods. I’d bet some shop owners around there might know of him.
Based on the amazing timeline someone posted earlier I would not be surprised it he had two families, one here and one overseas

Also, living in Linning St Mt Warren Park was certainly a step down (if he even lived there) as that is a unit complex in a low market area. I wonder whether he used the addresses of his victims whilst actually living elsewhere? I don't think there is a unit number on that address but if there is it may be possible to find out if he's borrowed someone's address.

1986-10-06 FD returns to Australia

1986-10-06 FDs residence 17 Linning St, Warren Park Qld

There are 62 units there now. It is 30 minutes drive south of Brisbane.

When you are asked to put your address on your Arrivals card when arriving in a new country, you don't have to prove it. You can virtually put anything as it is rarely checked unless you are wanted for a crime later. I think he made up all these addresses as he would not want anyone to find him.
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Money was not as easy to transfer back and forth. I knew my bank tellers. They knew me by sight. They never asked me for ID.

That is true so in this scenario Marion was breaching the terms of her name change " NOT to continue after change to transact in the previous name at all in regards to not only banking but everything else you would contract with your name in essence she would have broken the law
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