Australia Australia - Siriyakorn 'Bung' Siriboon, 13, Boronia, Vic, 2 June 2011

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They just had breaking news on the channel 9 today show that the task force that was formed to find Bung is being shut down and homicide detectives are taking over her case. I'll try to find an article.
If he did what he said he did they would have found her body. :( He could be one of those awful attention seekers who get a thrill admitting to a crime they did not commit.
Well if this is true, this guy is a miserable so and so for making Bung's parents live with the torment of not knowing what happened to her for the past couple of years.
I don't get why anyone would think it was preferable to bundle up and dispose of a body rather than fess up to a car accident. Plus it seems strange that nobody else would have seen or got wind of the accident and reported it straight away. You'd think he would have been at the scene for a while at least - if the story is true at all. I'm wondering if the accident might seem a lesser evil, especially for someone who may have had the police sniffing around for a while.
Just wondering out loud anyway...
Well if this is true, this guy is a miserable so and so for making Bung's parents live with the torment of not knowing what happened to her for the past couple of years.
I don't get why anyone would think it was preferable to bundle up and dispose of a body rather than fess up to a car accident. Plus it seems strange that nobody else would have seen or got wind of the accident and reported it straight away. You'd think he would have been at the scene for a while at least - if the story is true at all. I'm wondering if the accident might seem a lesser evil, especially for someone who may have had the police sniffing around for a while.
Just wondering out loud anyway...

Heard this on 3 .AW news tonight. First thought was....that's why they were searching the reserve a few months ago. But then I thought. Why didn't they find her? He would have known where he put her. Did he go with police to show them the way? Then the thought came, is he an attention seeking nutter or did he kill her in another way and because so much time has passed and they probably wouldn't be able to find a cause of death he has admitted to a car accident. So many unanswered questions.

Reminds me of that guy who was extradited back to America when he claimed he had killed JonBenet Ramsey.
Part of me hopes he's just an attention seeker, but the other part wants answers for Bungs family. :(

My heart breaks over the lack of media attention this lovely young lady has recieved.
Heard this on 3 .AW news tonight. First thought was....that's why they were searching the reserve a few months ago. But then I thought. Why didn't they find her? He would have known where he put her. Did he go with police to show them the way? Then the thought came, is he an attention seeking nutter or did he kill her in another way and because so much time has passed and they probably wouldn't be able to find a cause of death he has admitted to a car accident. So many unanswered questions.

Reminds me of that guy who was extradited back to America when he claimed he had killed JonBenet Ramsey.

The above bolded were my thoughts exactly. It may be better to be charged with manslaughter and the concealment of a crime, than what he really did to her.

Although, I can't shake that this is just another attention seeker. I can't understand people like that, her poor family deserve answers.
My apologies all, I am a first time poster and didn't see this had already been posted.
Poor dear bung, this is just a shocking outcome. For some reason her case never garnered the media attention the way other cases such as Daniel Morcombe did, but reading that article it's clear there was plenty going on behind the scenes.

I'm also kinda leaning towards the possibly this is a hoax by an unstable attention seeker because it just doesn't add up. LE still don't have a body. This man decides to come forward after all this time. Bung was walking to school when she disappeared, so if this man is being truthful we are expected to believe he ran her over in broad daylight, stopped and got out of the car, picked her body up and put it in his vehicle then drove away. Without a single witness seeing anything? It's pretty hard to believe.

If it IS true, and that's a big IF, that just leads me to more questions too. Why would someone cover up an accident like this? Even if the driver was under the influence at the time and afraid of consequence - he surely understood that the penalty would be far worse if it looked like an abduction/murder (which it now does). Another possibility is that he was indeed involved but isn't telling the full story of what happened to her. That article said LE have been questioning him for months. Maybe he realised they were closing in and came up with this as a cover story?

My thoughts are with Bungs family and friends today. X
Welcome to Websleuths, Lalasmooch! :) Thanks for joining us and posting.

You bring up a good point about, why hide the body?!? That seems to come up in a lot of cases. People wondering if the missing person could have been hit. Though I do remember one case where this happened, I don't think the majority of people who hit someone say, "Oh crap! Better hide the body!"

My first thought on this guy coming forward was that it was a hoax. But we know sometimes perps insert themselves into cases in weird ways by "finding" bodies or going to memorials. I'm just hoping this guy knows SOMETHING. I don't think he probably hit her with a car, but I'm hoping he knows what happened. Maybe they'll get the truth out of him.
I don't think this was Bung's fate - whether it was this man or not. I am thinking not, the police would not let him go twice if he was lying about how he was involved with Bung's disappearance.

This must be torture for Bung's family. As terrible as a car accident and hidden remains would be, it is a lot less traumatic than much of what they must imagine Bung may have suffered or suffers still.

Until we know what happened to Bung, Melbourne should not rest easily. So much outpouring of grief for Jill Meagher - as there should be - yet a child goes missing on her short walk to school and Melbourne barely sighs. I want to think it is the circumstances, so little evidence to go on vs Jill's case where we saw her last steps with CCTV and her ties to the ABC helped coverage, rather than being a racial issue.
I agree with the above posters that this guy could very well have had this "accident" story ready for when/if the detectives came knocking, having committed some other horrid crime whether alone or in company. It sounds to me like police initiated contact rather than this guy coming forward, so he's had since 2011 to sweat over it and come up with a feasible cover story.

And if Police can't locate her body (conveniently) he can say "well, I waited until dark and drove around in a panic until I found some isolated spot, but I can't be entirely sure where, as it was dark, and because of my panicked state of mind...". And if he was charged and convicted in absence of a body, then the hit and hide story is all he would be punished for unless other evidence came to light.

I suppose it's also possible that this guy could be trying to cover up for someone else by taking the heat, or that he may have been the ringleader of a group and feared that others may possibly talk if he didn't get in there with his version of events first.

I don't get why a person would admit to a crime like this for attention's sake alone, as it could involve serious jail time surely. Maybe someone with extreme mental health issues might believe they've done something they haven't though.

Afterthought: if police were able to locate her body, I'm guessing evidence of broken bones or fracturing should indicate whether impact was a major factor in the death. So if the "accident" story is false, much better to be fuzzy about where he dumped the body. They can't excavate every bit of parkland, so there would be always be some doubt.
I wonder if he has been psychiatrically assesses. There are some people who admit to things they haven't done. In the JonBent Ramsey case they extradited the school teacher who said he had killed her but after thorough investigation found he could not have done it. What was his motive for perpetuating this lie?
I don't think this was Bung's fate - whether it was this man or not. I am thinking not, the police would not let him go twice if he was lying about how he was involved with Bung's disappearance.

This must be torture for Bung's family. As terrible as a car accident and hidden remains would be, it is a lot less traumatic than much of what they must imagine Bung may have suffered or suffers still.

Until we know what happened to Bung, Melbourne should not rest easily. So much outpouring of grief for Jill Meagher - as there should be - yet a child goes missing on her short walk to school and Melbourne barely sighs. I want to think it is the circumstances, so little evidence to go on vs Jill's case where we saw her last steps with CCTV and her ties to the ABC helped coverage, rather than being a racial issue. a Melbournian, I think I should defend us a bit here.

Jill Meagher was reported missing quickly and the killer identified quickly.
The whole thing was a week in the making.

Bung was missing, nothing suggested she had/has been killed.
In fact they were even suggesting that she had been kidnapped and taken overseas at one stage. It wasn't a murder case.

As for people not sighing.
I live in Bayswater, the next suburb along from where Bung when missing and let me assure you, nobody is sighing.
I saw an article around the time when they started searching the reserve for bung. There was a comment made on the story that went along the lines of this: "there is a person on our street who has been acting very dodgy these last few years and we all know what you did. I hope they catch you soon"

I have searched and searched for that article with that comment but it has either been removed or I just can't find it. Did anyone else see it?

I remember reading it and thinking local residents know what happened but without a body everything is hard to prove. This explains the sudden search if the basin. However what if that story is to distract from the fact that bung could still be alive and being held captive somewhere in someone's house; locked away and hidden. I really cannot comprehend that someone has admitted to putting her body in that's basin and the police didn't find it, with the resources they use I think they would have found something if she was there.

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