Australia - Tiahleigh Palmer, 12, slain, Pimpama River, Qld, 30 Oct 2015 #2 *Arrests*

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I agree Trooper. I think they nearly got away with it but for a mother who didn't care about the strict privacy laws surrounding the foster system.
Can you believe a caring parent or guardian can be slapped with a goal term for screaming 'HELP FIND OUR CHILD!'?

They painted Tiahleigh as an uncontrollable runaway and admittedly I believed she got on a bus to ....somewhere, that was reported. I believed that until her body was found.

I'd like to know if there are any other missing persons associated with this mob, I have a creepy feeling that Tiahleigh was not their first.
What other antics did RT get up to on his long distance trucking quests and how many other people went missing enroute?

The long haul trucking history is scary. He could be responsible for any number of missing and murdered people.
Hi everyone.

This is my first time posting on WS. I have been following the case on here and wanted to say thank you for all your insights and comments. Such great sleuthers.

This case has really touched me and I am so appalled by the cruelty of those involved and the circumstances surrounding it. My heart breaks for Tia, for what she went through and her suffering and her unanswered cries for help. Also for her mom and other loved ones. Just horrible.

I am shocked that the Thorburns were able to continue or even open their FDC. Is it known as fact when the events occurred that led to the other charges laid against RT?

I believe with the excavations at their home the police are searching for any evidence also the school uniform, school shoe and backpack. Specific to the uniform, would Tia not have more than one? I hope they find what needd to be found.

I just can't get over the horror of this case and the more it unfolds it seems to get worse.

I am not sure of my sleuthing capabilities as yet but I will continue to follow and do enjoy reading all your posts.
does that make him worth more than Tia in the preservation stakes?...

No I did not say that at al Trooper. Just stated where he was employed. Of course it does not make him worth more than Tia.
Hi everyone.

This is my first time posting on WS. I have been following the case on here and wanted to say thank you for all your insights and comments. Such great sleuthers.

This case has really touched me and I am so appalled by the cruelty of those involved and the circumstances surrounding it. My heart breaks for Tia, for what she went through and her suffering and her unanswered cries for help. Also for her mom and other loved ones. Just horrible.

I am shocked that the Thorburns were able to continue or even open their FDC. Is it known as fact when the events occurred that led to the other charges laid against RT?

I believe with the excavations at their home the police are searching for any evidence also the school uniform, school shoe and backpack. Specific to the uniform, would Tia not have more than one? I hope they find what needd to be found.

I just can't get over the horror of this case and the more it unfolds it seems to get worse.

I am not sure of my sleuthing capabilities as yet but I will continue to follow and do enjoy reading all your posts.

Welcome Madoodi!
he's the front man, she pulls the strings ....

And equally culpable and just as much a pedophile as he is.
Some may say she is an enabler, but imo enabling such heinous acts is just as much pedophilia as committing them.
My theory is RT killed Tia as she was or had threatened to expose the family and their wrong doings. Police have alleged Tia was murdered by suffocation in the kitchen. Hence I think it was an unplanned murder. RT panicked and killed her Then the fast clean up and making up of alibis between the family. I don't believe RT had murdered before. But really who knows? But I think he is a long term molester. You just don't become a child molester overnight. The taking in of students/foster children etc also brings in some money from the government and they needed income. They were not home owners or wealthy people. Paying rent, feeding JT horses ect takes money. RT had not worked for a while as a truck driver due to a back injury.
And equally culpable and just as much a pedophile as he is.
Some may say she is an enabler, but imo enabling such heinous acts is just as much pedophilia as committing them.

Not sure about enabling but she certainly has to of been covering for him for a long time. Someone has spilled information to the police as they have stated that RT is of alleged to of killed Tia the night before she went missing in the kitchen of the family home by suffocation.
Not sure about enabling but she certainly has to of been covering for him for a long time. Someone has spilled information to the police as they have stated that RT is of alleged to of killed Tia the night before she went missing in the kitchen of the family home by suffocation.
This is the first I have heard of the kitchen as the crime scene, although I did observe the forensics people moving the kitchen chairs out.
This is the first I have heard of the kitchen as the crime scene, although I did observe the forensics people moving the kitchen chairs out.

I will try and find the link again. There was a photo of the kitchen with a sub title about alleged murder scene.
The long haul trucking history is scary. He could be responsible for any number of missing and murdered people.

RT was a linehaul truck driver but a crap one at that.

He was an agency driver, the typical guy that can't hold down a normal full time job who floats from agency to agency and the agency uses him if they are desperate for a driver for their client.

There is a lot of talk surrounding his "income stream", I'm wondering when it is going to come out about his work related work cover claim that he was awarded money for yet was still able to run a food truck business with a debilitating back injury which stopped him from being able to function in the capacity of a truck driver?

RT couldn't even tie his own shoes, I find it hard to believe that he is the "front man", JT completed his paperwork for him and answered his phone!

I feel that she needs to be looked at MUCH closer.
Gosh, I have a sitting job and my back is in terrible pain every night. I go home and do stretches and physio in doorways, but I still go to work every day. I am bewildered.
I would like to see the case worker/workers, who were so flippant about Tiahleigh , face the public and explain themselves. They owe it to Tiahleigh, her family and all children and families connected to the foster system. How can these foster children feel safe without clear indication that the department trash hasn't been cleared out.

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They will be in court as witnesses. They wont escape unscathed. I imagine they have already lost their jobs and registration.
Gosh, I have a sitting job and my back is in terrible pain every night. I go home and do stretches and physio in doorways, but I still go to work every day. I am bewildered.

Notice how we didn't hear anything about Rick suffering debilitating back pain in the wake of Tia's disappearance. Yet he moved a dead body from the house into the car, and then into the river. Even a healthy back would suffer a twinge or two after that activity.
Irrelevant to the case at hand, but I think the back injury might have been a convenient excuse to avoid working at anything that didn't suit him.
Notice how we didn't hear anything about Rick suffering debilitating back pain in the wake of Tia's disappearance. Yet he moved a dead body from the house into the car, and then into the river. Even a healthy back would suffer a twinge or two after that activity.
Irrelevant to the case at hand, but I think the back injury might have been a convenient excuse to avoid working at anything that didn't suit him.

or... someone assisted him on that grisly journey. .... I don't believe (a) the back injury, or (b) that he dumped her body at the riverbank alone. .. or that he got the body into and out of the car alone.. cant be both. .....and I reckon his little helper was Trent because as we know, Josh, coincidentally, has a work injury himself, from working for mum in the day care,, he doesn't work for anyone now, soooooo..... did Julene do the helping?.. no. she would do the cleaning up at home.. God help us, to think it was the kitchen, where they gathered , cooked and ate , business as usual! until crunch time..
Tiffany's story is so tragic.
No one made much of a fuss about her because of her social standing and because she was a sex worker.
No one seemed to care that she was a child. Just 16.

the horror of that old man killing her., she must have been terrified beyond description.. . it truly is a terrible terrible event made more terrible by it's quiet outcry.. ...
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