Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #9

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And neither am I. Have never said she had no other choice. What I said is she was under his control, and she fled in terror from that control.

Please don't put erroneous words in my mouth.
So she had other options?
Refreshing our memories -

Seemingly without a hint of self-mockery, one of the online names Gable Tostee gives himself is “Superhero”.

And after Wright’s death: “Fact is I’ve taken home probably about 150 girls from clubs over the last few years. When you go out often to the same places and get drunk and talk to girls you’re bound to get noticed and hated on, and people gossip. Eventually it turns into Chinese whispers where people have a completely false impression of you.
Most people who know me have been completely supportive, it’s those who don’t know me at all who assume the worst.”

Last Monday he wrote: “My reputation has already been destroyed without me saying anything at all. It’s nothing I haven’t already posted in this thread but that’s all I have to say for now.”
If he removed her to balcony and locked door, how was he NOT in control? No snark I swear, just curious on your take on that.

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Someone call the police. I'm locked on a balcony.
I suspect he realized that at 2 am, the neighbors were going to call the police instead. In fact, he may have been counting on it.

The police were called after Warriena was lying dead on the ground. Tostee fled the scene, why didn't he wait for the police, or even better, call them himself? You've got good intentions, this man does not.

Correct. Not completely, and not to the point a rational person couldn't have taken reasonable steps to aquire assistance.

Apparently, one witness testified he was telling her to get back inside.
No. Nope. nada. Not on tape so that's inaccurate.

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Well, he was hungry so he went and ate pizza.

That's what one does when a woman falls to her death from your balcony. Isn't it?
Quenching the lamps. ..


Goodnight all :eek:fftobed:
Night night Bo
He stopped the violence.

What he was going to do next would have been witnessed by umpteen neighbors, quite obviously, because he just put an angry, loud woman, on the balcony at 2 am in the morning.

It is almost preposterous to think he wasn't aware that everyone around his unit, was now going to be involved. Who hasn't had a loud guest or issue in their apartment condo, and immediately thought about what the neighbors are going to think and do?
Exactly. This is always the reason why I though he said "Shut your #$%#@#$ mouth". He had a good reputation as a tenant, and he did not like having that upset, and any decent tenant wouldnt. It is good manners not to scream in a residential tenement, at any time.
So you're admitting she wasn't thinking clearly?
Of course she wasn't. She was in terror for her life. Screaming, on audio. That's the whole point.

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Both points correct but we don't know what point on the tape recording the witness saw the legs either.
And I fault shoddy prosecution for this.

Just using your post to jump off here (sorry)

They have SO MUCH to work with, yet they were lazy in thinking the audio will do all of the work. I've watched trials where every single millisecond was documented, synchronized and verified.

Audio and witnesses, a timeline and reenactment lining up events. Experts to testify when they went from indoors to outdoors, sound experts as to what specific noises signify. The choking, the CHOKING, where were the experts?

I read that the autopsy showed no INTERNAL signs of strangulation. I also read she had RED marks on her neck BUT it could, COULD have been caused by the hyperflexion of her neck which was so bent she had jeans material in her skull fracture. But it also COULD have been caused by the restriction of air that we clearly HEARD on audio.

I feel that Warriena died horrifically, but she left behind her voice. We need to listen to her. As the judge declared: concentrate on those 6 minutes.

Phew, sorry. Strong coffee😊
Good Morning Australia.

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What was the prosecutor thinking? How did he think this was winnable? The mind boggles as to why he would put his reputation on the line for such small odds

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Police allege Gable Tostee assaulted Warriena Wright before she plunged to her death from his 14th floor apartment on the Gold Coast
Police will allege Ms Wright, 26, had been assaulted, was “in fear of her life” and trying to escape when she plunged to her death from the balcony of Tostee’s 14th floor apartment in the Avalon tower last Friday week.
Unless they were considering HER words and behavior? Then it's wonderful as she posed no viable threat to him. (One can only hope)

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Nope. It is an agreed fact (by both prosecution And defence) that she committed an unlawful assault which entitled him to use reasonable self defence). The jury cannot decide that she did not assault him. That would be appellable.
The police were called after Warriena was lying dead on the ground. Tostee fled the scene, why didn't he wait for the police, or even better, call them himself? You've got good intentions, this man does not.

IT is irrelevant. The judge has instructed the jury to disregard all events after the fall.
No. Nope. nada. Not on tape so that's inaccurate.
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Correction, the neighbour below, her guest Nick told WW to get back inside. She testified to this. You would not hear it, because they were below, out of range of the recorder, which was on Tostee's person, now inside the unit. .
This is what the witness Ms Ellis stated:
Ms Ellis also said “she wasn’t facing that way to hold on”, agreeing that Ms Wright’s feet were pointing away from the building, and her back was flush against the building.

So if Warriena wasn't facing in such a way as to hold on and had her back flush against the building and her feet pointing away from the building, who was holding onto her? Because there is no way she could of been hanging onto anything in that scenario.
No wonder he was charged with Murder.
Someone call the police. I'm locked on a balcony.
But you are working on the premise that she was thinking calmly?

Fact was she was extremely inebriated with impaired judgement. I cannot say the same for him because his testing was done 14 hours later. I'm not one that will speak to his future intent as to his plans for her after he locked her out. I don't think either one if them were thinking beyond the present moment. Whether in abject terror, anger, control or otherwise. The jury was instructed to focus on those 6 minutes to decide for themselves whether she felt endangered to the point that she tried to escape via balcony. That is all. If they aren't allowed to ruminate on his stroll about for pizza and legal advise, then nor should they be able to ruminate on what his future plan was for her once he "calmed" her down.

Of course, it's jmo. I'm no legal expert. Just know what I hear. I know what makes sense. And I appreciate all views. I pray the jury makes the correct choice

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