Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sep 2014 - #69

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The words used when FM described the time of W's disappearance have always bothered me. Who says, 'moved him on'? Moved him on to what? Moved him on to where? Moved him on to whom? Moved him on for what purpose? Moved him on why? Moved him on how? Wouldn't it be more .... usual... to, rather, say something like, 'someone just took him', if it was believed he had been taken as opposed to lost, or found while perhaps toddling down the road? Why would one immediately think or assume that W was 'moved on'?

This is directly out of the mouth of FM during her their televised 'police interview', this paragraph starts approx 6:18. Note this 'police interview' is available from other sources as well:

FM: I thought that immediately. I had a vision in my head, I don’t know why, but I have a vision in my head, somebody.. I’d.. I can’t explain it.. somebody reached over and I sort of feel like they’ve gone clump on his shoulders, picked him up and moved him on, because to me that’s the only way, it’s the only way I can explain for him not to be there. I’d, I’d, I’m, I don’t, I don’t get it. I don’t.. how can a little boy, how can a 3 year old boy just (snaps fingers) vanish.. (FD(?): mmm) ..into nothing. Because that’s exactly what it was like.

William Tyrrells foster parents full NSW police interview April 17 2015
Like a raptor grabs his prey and flies away with it: I sort of feel like they’ve gone clump on his shoulders, picked him up and moved him on, ...
I think some of the details have been missed ....

She said the noise came from within reeds and tall grass near where she was frantically looking for William in his Spider-Man suit.

“It was like a scream when child hurts themselves unexpectedly,” she told the court on the second day of the inquest into the missing toddler’s disappearance.

“There’s a scream. It was quick, it was high-pitched and it was sharp.

“The noise came from the direction of the reeds and that really tall grass.

“I went walking through, went on top of that grassy knoll.

“I got into the bush and I thought I can’t see any red.

“I thought, maybe I imagined it. Maybe it was a bird.”
There's also the version where she thinks the scream comes from "the first house" on Benaroon Drive, so she and AMS go to the house and there is a lady and a little girl. It seems FFC thinks it might have been the little girl who screamed, but she's uncomfortable about it. As she had turned left at the intersection the house ought to be number 12, but I'm not sure, the lady with little girl also sounds like LH across the road from there at number 9? Number 12 is the property whose nature strip lawn mower man was mowing. I don't think he lived with children?
Not at all. She never investigated it beyond a cursory look; part way through she decided it was irrelevant and turned around. So she either didn't bother to investigate a child screaming with any sort of thoroughness while we are led to believe she was desperate to find William or she just created a memory of the whole thing that didn't exist.

She walked through, she looked, she saw no red and heard no other sound.

Something to consider ..... even IF there have been lies told - as opposed to the recall of a frantic parent - a good liar (one who could perhaps deceive two lead investigators and countless other people for many years) usually threads their lie in with the truth.

So there will be much truth in the story. If she is a very, very, very, very, very good liar. imo
From Lemony in the previous thread:
Journalist Mark Morri from the DT was the first to break the news about a new POI on Sept 7th last year. IMO he must’ve had a pretty good source within NSWPol to have obtained that information. The latest article was written by Janet Fyfe Yeomans, chief reporter at the DT, both her and Mark Morri have co-written pieces together about William in the past. Info in the DT regarding the photo time is most likely correct IMO, although it would be good to have it confirmed officially.
Australia - Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sep 2014 - #68

Four things jumped out at me, in this referenced article (paraphrased) from 14/4/22.
No source for the info is given, but the DT is not usually far off the mark. imo

The photo (metadata) has been confirmed as "indeed" being taken at 9.37am on September 12, 2014
The recent search around the house and in the bushland is "understood" to have provided no evidence of William
Police had been hoping to put the pressure on foster grandma, but she died
Legal experts have warned of police leaving themselves open for a "massive civil claim" by the FP.

William Tyrrell: where foster mum fits into missing toddler mystery
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Imo, a big deal was made at the end of inquest when the coroner stated that the last photos of W would need to be forensically examined by an independent professional source in regard to the discrepancy in times... which big deal was highly reported in MSM. I know myself and many others have been waiting for those results to be published, as it seems like a hanging thread/question unanswered. My belief is that since what seemed like a big deal had been made about the time discrepancies in the photos, the outcome would not go without ever being reported on, there would be no reason for that. I got the impression that because of the time discrepancies in the last proof of life for William, a veil of doubt had been cast upon the FPs, and it would only be fair to them to report the results as soon as possible once they were back from the independent professional forensics.

If there was indeed an answer to the photo time discrepancies, no matter the outcome, it seems there ought to have been a press release, or a statement issued by the coroner herself, or something which was made available to ALL news media, rather than just one media company reporting to have this information 'confirmed', to the exclusion of all others, but yet at the same time, failing to mention the source of said information. In the past when the coroner has released certain things in regard to this case, such as little video clips, photos, and etc., the information was widely reported by numerous media outlets, with it also being stated that the coroner had released the said certain things.

For myself, this tidbit of information is similar to whichever media outlet had recently reported that LE had eyed FGM as a POI as well as FM... I believe that was only reported by one company as well, and also with no source. Just because it's in MSM doesn't make it true, we have seen many many reporting errors made in this case over the years. imo.
I came across these quoted in thread 40.

Lia Harris‏Verified account @LiaJHarris 40s41 seconds ago
The Kendall Tennis Club CCTV camera “turned out to be the only CCTV camera which captured traffic... that could have accessed Benaroon Drive” and only showed “a small segment of the road”, the court heard. That vision was obtained by police. @10Daily @10NewsFirst

Lia Harris‏Verified account @LiaJHarris 37s38 seconds ago
Police then had to try to identify the cars that drove past that day without number plates, as the plates were not visible in the vision, the court heard. @10Daily @10NewsFirst
She walked through, she looked, she saw no red and heard no other sound.

Something to consider ..... even IF there have been lies told - as opposed to the recall of a frantic parent - a good liar (one who could perhaps deceive two lead investigators and countless other people for many years) usually threads their lie in with the truth.

So there will be much truth in the story. If she is a very, very, very, very, very good liar. imo

She’s either telling the truth or lying. You can’t go into court with a lying charge under your belt and go “yeah but a bit of it is true”
If there was indeed an answer to the photo time discrepancies, no matter the outcome, it seems there ought to have been a press release

Well, that wouldn't fit the theory, would it? The recent police press in this case has seemed very 'managed', to me.

I too find it curious that, at least, the DM hasn't picked up the info from the DT, as they usually do.

But I have to admit, the DT has proven to have good sources in this and other Aussie cases, in my experience.
Imo, a big deal was made at the end of inquest when the coroner stated that the last photos of W would need to be forensically examined by an independent professional source in regard to the discrepancy in times... which big deal was highly reported in MSM. I know myself and many others have been waiting for those results to be published, as it seems like a hanging thread/question unanswered. My belief is that since what seemed like a big deal had been made about the time discrepancies in the photos, the outcome would not go without ever being reported on, there would be no reason for that. I got the impression that because of the time discrepancies in the last proof of life for William, a veil of doubt had been cast upon the FPs, and it would only be fair to them to report the results as soon as possible once they were back from the independent professional forensics.

If there was indeed an answer to the photo time discrepancies, no matter the outcome, it seems there ought to have been a press release, or a statement issued by the coroner herself, or something which was made available to ALL news media, rather than just one media company reporting to have this information 'confirmed', to the exclusion of all others, but yet at the same time, failing to mention the source of said information. In the past when the coroner has released certain things in regard to this case, such as little video clips, photos, and etc., the information was widely reported by numerous media outlets, with it also being stated that the coroner had released the said certain things.

For myself, this tidbit of information is similar to whichever media outlet had recently reported that LE had eyed FGM as a POI as well as FM... I believe that was only reported by one company as well, and also with no source. Just because it's in MSM doesn't make it true, we have seen many many reporting errors made in this case over the years. imo.
also, i read recently the ff have engaged a media company to manage their media releases, so i guess there is some control over some of the info released,
i posted this information and a link in the last thread but cant find it now?
Speculation: police don't necessarily think they can prove the couple lied but they want ongoing charges to prevent them leaving the country until they're ready to arrest re William. (I don't know if that would work.)
also, i read recently the ff have engaged a media company to manage their media releases, so i guess there is some control over some of the info released, i posted this information and a link in the last thread but cant find it now?
When you say 'their media releases', do you mean the FP's personal media releases, or media releases for the non-profit group they are a part of?
Well, that wouldn't fit the theory, would it? The recent police press in this case has seemed very 'managed', to me.

I too find it curious that, at least, the DM hasn't picked up the info from the DT, as they usually do.

But I have to admit, the DT has proven to have good sources in this and other Aussie cases, in my experience.
I'm not sure what is meant by 'wouldn't fit the theory'... what theory, whose theory? The time discrepancies on the photos were to be investigated on the demand of the coroner, so wouldn't it be up to the coroner to release those findings, whatever they may be? If it is being suggested that LE is all against the FPs as a campaign with no meat to it, I doubt the coroner would be a party to that? And if the photos were cleared, surely she would make it publicly known that at least that aspect of the investigation in regard to the FPs was no longer at issue?
I'm not sure what is meant by 'wouldn't fit the theory'... what theory, whose theory? The time discrepancies on the photos were to be investigated on the demand of the coroner, so wouldn't it be up to the coroner to release those findings, whatever they may be? If it is being suggested that LE is all against the FPs as a campaign with no meat to it, I doubt the coroner would be a party to that? And if the photos were cleared, surely she would make it publicly known that at least that aspect of the investigation in regard to the FPs was no longer at issue?

The current police theory.

The Coroner is under no obligation to release anything, until her final report.

For all we know the info could have been leaked to the DT by the company who investigated the metadata. (I saw the company name recently, and looked for the info again but haven't had any luck in re-finding it so far.)
Or it could have been leaked by a police source who feels that balanced info should be out there.

I am really not concerned with justifying the info. The media source is usually a credible one, in my experience.
People here, on this website, pay for subscriptions to the DT because they are generally a decent source of information.
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When you say 'their media releases', do you mean the FP's personal media releases, or media releases for the non-profit group they are a part of?
i cant remember, i think it was for any news regarding william and them also, ill try to find it, not sure if my post was deleted?
She walked through, she looked, she saw no red and heard no other sound.

Something to consider ..... even IF there have been lies told - as opposed to the recall of a frantic parent - a good liar (one who could perhaps deceive two lead investigators and countless other people for many years) usually threads their lie in with the truth.

So there will be much truth in the story. If she is a very, very, very, very, very good liar. imo
Well it stands to reason that if FM was involved and managed to convince everyone she wasn't for man years, and has gotten away with it for all this time, then she would be a very, very, very, very, very good liar. Some people are, and the lack of public scrutiny hasn't helped determine the likelihood of this. Also, as we all know, people are very good at rationalising lies to themselves to make them easier to tell.

There is a lot of rationalising in FM's comments/interviews. Explaining why the children were in the beds with their parents (not something I would ever have questioned because we slept with our parents heaps as kids, as I'm sure many did). Explaining why she thought almost everything she did. Explaining that William deliberately crashed his bike. Explaining why they stopped at McDonalds. It's not that these explanations aren't necessarily legitimate, and some people are over-explainers, but a lot of them are thoroughly unnecessary.

I really don't know how someone could remember all their thought patterns from that period, either. Panic interferes with memory like that, and I'm sure we all have experience of it. Filling in gaps later is completely unreliable as well, and the detail with FM - not just in terms of what she actually did but in terms of why - increased and changed. And yes people can remember more things, but I wouldn't imagine that is as applicable to in a panic state when the brain isn't actually recording the information. (Based on some of my own experiences and that of others and discussions about it.)

She didn't walk through. As per her story she started to walk through and then changed her mind because she didn't immediately see something and made different decisions about the sound. That's a cursory look.

But ultimately I come back to the fact that there is very little reliability in a lot of things that have been said about that day for the reasons explained above. What that means is something else, but I don't have much trust in the apparent certainty that surrounds FM's commentary.

ETA: And yes, if someone is lying often it is based around the truth, so there would be snippets of clues in the lies.
Imo, a big deal was made at the end of inquest when the coroner stated that the last photos of W would need to be forensically examined by an independent professional source in regard to the discrepancy in times... which big deal was highly reported in MSM. I know myself and many others have been waiting for those results to be published, as it seems like a hanging thread/question unanswered. My belief is that since what seemed like a big deal had been made about the time discrepancies in the photos, the outcome would not go without ever being reported on, there would be no reason for that. I got the impression that because of the time discrepancies in the last proof of life for William, a veil of doubt had been cast upon the FPs, and it would only be fair to them to report the results as soon as possible once they were back from the independent professional forensics.

If there was indeed an answer to the photo time discrepancies, no matter the outcome, it seems there ought to have been a press release, or a statement issued by the coroner herself, or something which was made available to ALL news media, rather than just one media company reporting to have this information 'confirmed', to the exclusion of all others, but yet at the same time, failing to mention the source of said information. In the past when the coroner has released certain things in regard to this case, such as little video clips, photos, and etc., the information was widely reported by numerous media outlets, with it also being stated that the coroner had released the said certain things.

For myself, this tidbit of information is similar to whichever media outlet had recently reported that LE had eyed FGM as a POI as well as FM... I believe that was only reported by one company as well, and also with no source. Just because it's in MSM doesn't make it true, we have seen many many reporting errors made in this case over the years. imo.
Also, I would add, that without the context of the apparent information on the meta data, we don't know very much about it. Aside from not having a source or explanation for how they arrived at this conclusion, we don't know if that is the totality of information they found.

It seems to me that police had a reason for providing the Daily Telegraph with that information. Is that to give clues, place pressure, obfuscate something with misdirection? We just don't know.
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