Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #20

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Even if it existed, I'm sure it wouldn't have been made public due to the suppression orders. We know William was there with his FP and sister. Why would his FP lie about that? What could be of interest is other people who may have been following and therefore there at the same time.

The only thing I can agree with is footage of other people following might have been captured. MOO
This is blunt, but I don't think they have any reason to care about his safety at this point. I think saying they think he might still be alive is just strategy - a common strategy. It lets whoever is responsible know that they haven't given up on the case.
I doubt anyone involved actually believes he is still alive.
Even the FPs were told to not keep a room for him anymore.

You may be right, Eloise. There may be some strategic or procedural reason for investigators to continue to allow Joe Public to believe William is still with us when he is not. That doesn't preclude me praying for a miracle, even when the hope (or probability) of William being returned to his loved ones alive is slim.

Whether William is still with us or not wasn't the point of my post. It was more a general observation that investigators and William's FPs have consistently stated that 'someone knows something'.

That someone revealing their 'secret' will result in William coming home, regardless if he is still with us or not, and will give the people who love him closure and the opportunity to grieve. Better that than forever 'not knowing'.
Sorry froggy, don't quite understand. Do you not think that footage of William might have been suppressed? Or that he and his F family were never there?

The only thing I can agree with is footage of other people following might have been captured. MOO
Just an aside. I find it very interesting that News Corp (The Daily Telegraph, Nine News, 60 Minutes) has the scoop on the investigation into William's disappearance and all other media companies can do is reprint their 'exclusives'. Way to put their noses out of joint - no wonder Caroline Overington had a dummy spit.

It's no doubt the only way for DI Jubelin and Strike Force Rosann to control the release of information to the public and not jeopardise their investigations. I can understand their thinking but 'censorship' of the media doesn't sit easy with me now, nor has it ever.
I have never suspected the FP; only felt deep, deep sympathy for them. But of course that it only my opinion; nothing more, nothing less.

i dont necessarily suspect fp either and also feel deep sympathy for all his family, i just had a niggly suspicion from the start and feel its close to home, weve been given abduction where evil and worlds collide, bs, paedo rings, 3 other pois etc but just feel there is something else, closer to william, not sure what though!
I don't really think his family is involved. I'm just going to put my theory out there and hope I'm wrong. I think William was taken by someone already being investigated. I think police and Williams family have found some kind of evidence that confirms this to them but proving it is William involved might be difficult. I think the evidence could possibly be a picture or video or possibly cctv footage. I also feel Williams entire family and possibly the media know but due to the circumstances they can't speak up for fear of jeopardising any future charges.
I could be way off but I have felt something happened around the time BS property was searched and have always had a bad gut feeling about that particular raid on his business and unit above. I hope I'm wrong, I truly do.
You could still be on the right track with close to home and evil & innocence colliding, bearbear - there's that complicated history again! If only we knew the details.

i dont necessarily suspect fp either and also feel deep sympathy for all his family, i just had a niggly suspicion from the start and feel its close to home, weve been given abduction where evil and worlds collide, bs, paedo rings, 3 other pois etc but just feel there is something else, closer to william, not sure what though!
Here is the link to the ABC podcast:

From Perkerkel's post #368 thread #17

i just heard some interesting comments made by a journalist regarding this case and information being withheld and LIES told by the media. Very emotive! Towards the end of This mornings ABC Life Matters radio interview titled 'Woman who kill'<br /><br />
Start listening at about 49'50&quot;

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Thanks Krig. I've transcribed the section of that interview where the journalist mentions William's case. I found what she had to say very unsettling as I did the first time I listened to it last year. IMO it is one thing to suppress information about a particular case but it's another thing altogether to lie about that case and this is what the journalist has stated. That lies have been published about William's case.

IMO the suppression order initially came about because of William's family situation, that both he and his sister are in foster care. That I can understand, and it was obviously put in place to protect them. At no time has it been reported by the police or MSM that William and his sister were foster children. That information was revealed through social media. So it would seem that the suppression order has been adhered to by the police and MSM at least. So what are the lies that this journalist refers to where she states..."And it is a scandalous situation that newspapers here in NSW are writing false stories. What you are reading in the paper is false, it is lies about that case.".

Transcribed from the link below. starting at 49:43

"It's gone too far in our democracy. Honestly I can't impress upon you all enough how much you don't know. At any point in time in Australia there are more than 1000 suppression orders on stories that you have a right to know about. Now, I am prohibited by law from telling you what those suppression orders cover. But just use your instincts for a minute. And when I tell you there is so much you don't know about the case of William Tyrrell, the little boy who's missing in NSW. Does that look dodgy in that case? Do feel like there is stuff you don't know? You're dead right and I am prevented as a journalist by law from telling you what it is. And to me that is a scandalous situation. And it is a scandalous situation that newspapers here in NSW are writing false stories. What you are reading in the paper is false, it is lies about that case. Because of suppression orders that exist apparently for your, for your, for the good of you."
There is one tiny caption that underlies a picture of the GM's house at Kendall from a very in depth earlier article. It describes the place as "the foster grandmother's house". The journalist on that radio broadcast is Caroline Overington. She alos wrote the opinion piece for the Women's Weekly. I have to say that the 2 pieces together left me feeling confused. I can't tell if she is angry at journalists, police, govt departments or what? Yes a suppression order is one thing, the media lying is something else. I have wondered if WT was endangered by information being shared by someone from a government department. I have wondered if the children could be fostered due to witness protection needing to be provided for bio family members. MOO
There is one tiny caption that underlies a picture of the GM's house at Kendall from a very in depth earlier article. It describes the place as "the foster grandmother's house". The journalist on that radio broadcast is Caroline Overington. She alos wrote the opinion piece for the Women's Weekly. I have to say that the 2 pieces together left me feeling confused. I can't tell if she is angry at journalists, police, govt departments or what? Yes a suppression order is one thing, the media lying is something else. I have wondered if WT was endangered by information being shared by someone from a government department. I have wondered if the children could be fostered due to witness protection needing to be provided for bio family members. MOO

Thanks Frogwell. I missed that bit about the foster grandmother's house. Thanks also for reminding me that the journalist is Caroline Overington.

I personally don't think it has anything to do with witness protection but anything is possible I suppose. The names of William's bio and foster family are well known throughout social media. If any of the bio family were under witness protection, I don't think they would be permitted to have social media accounts in their own name and to talk freely about William as they do.
There is one tiny caption that underlies a picture of the GM's house at Kendall from a very in depth earlier article. It describes the place as "the foster grandmother's house". The journalist on that radio broadcast is Caroline Overington. She alos wrote the opinion piece for the Women's Weekly. I have to say that the 2 pieces together left me feeling confused. I can't tell if she is angry at journalists, police, govt departments or what? Yes a suppression order is one thing, the media lying is something else. I have wondered if WT was endangered by information being shared by someone from a government department. I have wondered if the children could be fostered due to witness protection needing to be provided for bio family members. MOO

Yes frogwell I agree with you 100%. Something like that. There is more to this case but we just don't know what it is and probably will never find out due to suppression orders.
Thanks so much for transcribing Makara :)

So many questions...What is the media lying to us about and why? Why would investigators allow it? Are they trying to set a trap? I just don't get it. Using the word scandalous when describing William's case frightening IMO. I really hope that there would be a good reason for all of this although right now I don't see what that could possibly be....

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As stated before, I don't sm. Just wondering if anyone on here has felt this could be revenge motivated from their own research?
Thank you so much. The sound on our computer is playing up at the moment so I couldn't listen.

There certainly are some very strong statements made there. What could it be that makes it scandalous? What is false? All of it? Some of it? Which parts? in relation to whom?

As I've said before, so many questions and more frustrating than ever!

Thanks Krig. I've transcribed the section of that interview where the journalist mentions William's case. I found what she had to say very unsettling as I did the first time I listened to it last year. IMO it is one thing to suppress information about a particular case but it's another thing altogether to lie about that case and this is what the journalist has stated. That lies have been published about William's case.

IMO the suppression order initially came about because of William's family situation, that both he and his sister are in foster care. That I can understand, and it was obviously put in place to protect them. At no time has it been reported by the police or MSM that William and his sister were foster children. That information was revealed through social media. So it would seem that the suppression order has been adhered to by the police and MSM at least. So what are the lies that this journalist refers to where she states..."And it is a scandalous situation that newspapers here in NSW are writing false stories. What you are reading in the paper is false, it is lies about that case.".

Transcribed from the link below. starting at 49:43

"It's gone too far in our democracy. Honestly I can't impress upon you all enough how much you don't know. At any point in time in Australia there are more than 1000 suppression orders on stories that you have a right to know about. Now, I am prohibited by law from telling you what those suppression orders cover. But just use your instincts for a minute. And when I tell you there is so much you don't know about the case of William Tyrrell, the little boy who's missing in NSW. Does that look dodgy in that case? Do feel like there is stuff you don't know? You're dead right and I am prevented as a journalist by law from telling you what it is. And to me that is a scandalous situation. And it is a scandalous situation that newspapers here in NSW are writing false stories. What you are reading in the paper is false, it is lies about that case. Because of suppression orders that exist apparently for your, for your, for the good of you."
As stated before, I don't sm. Just wondering if anyone on here has felt this could be revenge motivated from their own research?

I don't do sm either, but I think that this might be a possibility. What if NSW police have a certain person or persons
in mind, but can't link them to Kendall on that day. Maybe they are trying to find someone who did the abduction like the missing piece of the puzzle. They need proof something to connect the dots.

Just a thought; I wonder if he could have been taken not by anyone from William's families but by someone who wanted revenge against a family member for something that had transpired in the past. As I said, I don't have social media, but there could perhaps be some chequered histories there given the 'complication' factor. Perhaps that's what Natalie was referring to when she said she thought she knew who had done it.

And what about the other male family member who was present when this interview occurred who said that he thought it was a paedophile? Did he really think that or was he covering up for someone and / or protecting family history & reputations.

Again, so many questions.
As stated before, I don't sm. Just wondering if anyone on here has felt this could be revenge motivated from their own research?

Good move not to sm, it does my head in most of the time! LOL. Yes it has crossed my mind that revenge may have been the motivation for William's disappearance. That along with hundreds of other scenario's. One thing that does keep playing over in my mind is the MSM report that the grandmother's neighbour Mrs. Wilson heard William and his sister playing in the yard on the morning he disappeared. Did other neighbours/visitors nearby also hear the children laughing and playing? Did one of them go closer to investigate who these children were, never having heard them before. Could this neighbour/visitor be a very sick individual who decided to grab William or his sister and take off in a hurry? If something like this did happen, I'm thinking that this person would've been on their own at the time. How would they explain their quick exit to anyone else in the house where they were living?
Thank you so much. The sound on our computer is playing up at the moment so I couldn't listen.

There certainly are some very strong statements made there. What could it be that makes it scandalous? What is false? All of it? Some of it? Which parts? in relation to whom?

As I've said before, so many questions and more frustrating than ever!

It's a shame you couldn't hear it purpleandgreen. The transcription obviously doesn't convey the emotion in Caroline Overington's voice when she was talking. She sounded angry, upset and totally pissed off.
Thanks for that. It adds a better understanding and another dimension and has made me angry too. What could be more important than telling the truth about a little missing boy? Makes you wonder if they know where he is and what happened. Wonder if he's been found? Surely it couldn't be that. Whatever it is, I wonder how she knows? How many other journos know?

I find it hard to reconcile this with Jubelin, unless it's absolutely crucial to solving the case, or it's those damn suppression orders again.

It's a shame you couldn't hear it purpleandgreen. The transcription obviously doesn't convey the emotion in Caroline Overington's voice when she was talking. She sounded angry, upset and totally pissed off.
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