Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #58

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Let’s think about a hypothetical suspect with narcissistic personality disorder. They want to project to the world that they are perfect and, if anything, an innocent benevolent victim. Anyone who supports them is a obviously a genius who understands the greatness of the narcissist. Anyone who potentially questions the greatness of the narcissist must be attacked, humiliated, shamed.

I think the motivation (IF they're guilty, I am not assuming guilt, just speculating on motivation) would be simple: wanting to save face among their well-to-do set, and also not wanting to lose the ability to foster/adopt LT and/or other children.
Just my opinion but I think the initial investigation was tunnel visioned to thinking the bio's had abducted him.
Didnt help that they had done it before.(the bio's)

Pretty sure bio Gran would fail any assessment by child services to care for WT’s sister. She has previously admitted to helping WT’s bio parents when they were on the run with WT as a baby and most of her media interviews are focussed on herself and her son rather than WT as an individual IMHO.

I hope WT’s sibling is receiving optimal care and support, I can’t imagine how traumatised she must be. MOO but it crossed my mind a long time ago whether FC’s had potentially covered up an accidental death, either to protect themselves or possibly even another child (horseplay turning to tragedy) but when LE didn’t appear to be pursuing that angle, I assumed they were cleared. As has already been mentioned by someone with greater credentials than mine, LE surely must have something more concrete/damning than a child’s statement.

Watching this unfold across the world and praying for WT to be found and laid to rest with the dignity he was denied 7 years ago.

I hope bio mum has got herself clean and worked out her issues, and maybe she can be reunited with her daughter. Either way, the daughter probably has a huge lawsuit she can bring towards the NSW when she is of age. She is in their care legally, and they did not take the proper steps to investigate her carers it seems. Not that a lawsuit is going to resolve what she has experienced.
Why the difference in these 2 photos?

They are supposedly the same photo taken the morning of his disappearance.

One seems to be the raw photo the other a cleaned up photo.

I understand some people regularly enhance their photos but this couldn't have been done by the FPs as he was missing soon after this photo was taken.

Did the police or media enhance it for the purposes of releasing it to the public?

I believe the raw version is a photocopy of the photo with its data info
The second is the cleaned up version released to the public for identification purposes
This is something I can't get my head around, it just doesn't make sense. Years down the track she is very vocal (and passionately so!) about the possibility of William's case being shelved. Surely a guilty person would want the case to fade away, especially after 5 years or so. I hope NSW Police know what they're doing!

Exactly, it's so baffling. I can't imagine a person covering up an accident, maintaining that story for 7 years, apparently actively encouraging the police to pursue the case and supposedly seeking out MSM and participating in podcasts to keep the case alive.

If that was true the person would surely have some sort of disorder where they felt supremely confident they wouldn't be suspected and perhaps even enjoyed the attention?

Because if a person covered up an accident I'd expect them to become withdrawn in the hope it would all blow over.
From my very worn flicked thru & tattered notes, the FFC went in the FGM's car down Batar Creek Rd after the first police arrived ( Snr Const Rowley ) so after the 000 call & after MFC arrived home...........

Sorry to quote my own quote, but I have just re read my notes & the drive down Batar Creek Rd was before making the 000 call

Sorry for my error :oops:

This is also mentioned in CO's book Missing William Tyrrell , page 26, chapter 2
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For what it’s worth, I think there has already been a confession. There would need to be a warrant for some of the current searches and seizures and a warrant would require more than a statement from a child who has given a different version for the past 7 years.
Would there have needed to be a warrant to search and test the cars back when WT went missing?

Is that something that's routinely done when a child goes missing?
I remember it and now found this snippet. HTH.

He went missing midmorning, about 10:30am. By the end of the day, 200 police officers, SES volunteers and locals were searching for William, but to no avail.
Barely keeping from crying, William’s family painstakingly told Usher about the day when their world crumbled.
“We were in nan’s backyard, waiting for dad,” the mother said.
“I was holding him up, saying, ‘do you want to a climb a tree’, and he was like, ‘no, mummy, that’s too high’.

‘I hear him, I hear his voice’
I've heard FM repeat this anecdote - in the 60 Minutes interview and in the NSW Police 2015 interview that was released to the public. Interesting how this specific memory is what she focuses on and repeats often.

Something guilty people often do is incorporate elements of truth into their deception. By picking these moments of truth and then hyperfocusing on it in their retelling, it can help convince others (and often themselves) of their truth-telling.

I can't help but wonder if this is an important anecdote that has some truth to it - that she really was holding him up, and he was telling her it was too high - only it was the balcony, not the tree, and it ended in tragedy. I think this conversation was important, and it's plagued her memory since, and that's why she's repeated it so much (as opposed to any of their other interactions that would have happened that morning). IMO
By the photos the balcony railing would provide some difficulty for a little boy to want to climb over and why would he want to climb over knowing he would fall and he could easily go out the door to get to the yard ? View attachment 322437

Do you think a child would die from falling over the railing? I would think that some broken bones would be inevitable, and maybe a concussion, broken back or neck, but death? How likely is that?
Would there have needed to be a warrant to search and test the cars back when WT went missing?

Is that something that's routinely done when a child goes missing?

If I was a police officer, I’d ask all the obvious people (immediate family, those in physical proximity) for permission to conduct searches, so I wouldn’t need a warrant. If someone refused to allow me to search without a warrant, I’d turn my focus to them.
Exactly, it's so baffling. I can't imagine a person covering up an accident, maintaining that story for 7 years, apparently actively encouraging the police to pursue the case and supposedly seeking out MSM and participating in podcasts to keep the case alive.

If that was true the person would surely have some sort of disorder where they felt supremely confident they wouldn't be suspected and perhaps even enjoyed the attention?

Because if a person covered up an accident I'd expect them to become withdrawn in the hope it would all blow over.
Yes - if person had a pathological need for attention, then they couldn’t help themselves but seek attention. People like that preferentially choose attention over and above long term goals.
The only logical conclusion that I can come to is that the FF has dobbed in FM after they separated and FGM passed. FF no longer feels the need to protect other persons?

Possible. But if they are still together my guess is the sister. I'm wondering if participating in the inquest coupled with now being a preteen instead of a young child has prompted the sister to re-evaluate her own memories, to question what she had always believed.

Perhaps things she was told as a young child no longer make complete sense to her. If she was told to lie about a seemingly minor detail/s at the time, she may now wonder why.

Perhaps this had her questioning her FPs directly and when she wouldn't quit with the questions there was some sort of altercation?
It could depend on what they landed on.
It wouldn't take much of a fall to kill someone if the person landed on concrete or on rocks in a garden.

Or just the ground if it was dry and hard. If it was head first, it may not take much of a distance for a person to die from a fall.

Do you think a child would die from falling over the railing? I would think that some broken bones would be inevitable, and maybe a concussion, broken back or neck, but death? How likely is that?
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