GUILTY Austria - Woman Held Captive, Had 7 Children by Father

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Elisabeth Fritzl taught her children maths and grammar while she was incarcerated in her father's dungeon, her lawyer said. Christoph Herbst told a Channel 4 documentary that Elisabeth has not decided whether to seek compensation from her father for his years of abuse. The family are also undecided about changing their identity.

He said of the children: "Elisabeth tried to educate the children in the dungeon. They had lessons, they learned grammar, they learned the language, mathematics.
"So they have been raised very well, they are very well behaved....I think Elisabeth tried to give them a structure and a good life under the circumstances in the dungeon.

Wow. Under the circumstances in which they lived, not knowing if she would ever get out, not knowing if her children would ever get out- and she was just a kid herself, she still thought it important to teach her children math and grammar! Reading I can kind of understand as it would give the kids more to do, but at her young age and despite the hopelessness of her situation she still taught them math and grammar. She is not only an amazing Mother, she is an amazing woman.
and as for Mother's day, I have a neighbor from Denmark, and she told me that it is not I am confused about that....

Off topic: Denmark is an entirely different country than Austria. Strange that she would say that though, because they do have Mothersday (Mors dag) in Denmark. Your neighbor might have meant that people don't go to almost hysteria over it like in the US. It is getting there, but the marketing scheme isn't as elaborate as over here and just stopping by for a cup of coffee to say 'hi mom' or call her is perfectly fine. No gift or card is needed but many do something small because they want to. The very general thought about it over in Europe is that mothers day is for moms with small children. Unlike what I've experienced over here where moms of grown, married children with families of their own expect them to show up and buy them gifts!

On topic: the more I read about Elisabeth the more I admire her... what a strong, courageous, wonderful woman!

Have there been any updates lately on how Kerstin is doing? If there have been I haven't seen them.
I don't know. It was a link that was in the story about her teaching the kids grammar and math. I didn't see it anywhere, so I just thought I would put it out there.

I would think it's a bit soon to be giving interviews, but I could also see it as a ploy to make the paparazzi back off a little.
I don't know. It was a link that was in the story about her teaching the kids grammar and math. I didn't see it anywhere, so I just thought I would put it out there.

I would think it's a bit soon to be giving interviews, but I could also see it as a ploy to make the paparazzi back off a little.

I think the pap is so desperate that they're making stuff up. :crazy:
From what her lawyer is saying, she's not giving interviews yet, he's the only one speaking for her, (other than what her sister has spoken about) and the family is concentrating on getting integrated as a family and following the doctor's regime for getting them to a point where their health better. I'm sure that at some point a decision will be made for her to face the press, just not right now.

Edited to add: She is a unique person and I admire her fortitude and determination.
I admire Elisabeth very much, she is a true survivor!! She has a long road ahead of her and her children will have their struggles also. Along with all that, she's also dealing with a daughter who from all reports may not make it, it is so heartbreaking to think that Kirstin may never be able to know she is now free, look at the sky and enjoy a soft summer breese on her face.

Can you imagine the pain and sorrow that Elsbeth endured when her other babies were taken from her?? She was probably nursing them, and that monster took them from her. I wonder if he even told her about them as they grew up. I wonder if she knew anything of the family upstairs and how they were all doing.

I would be very surprised if she ever agreed to an interview. She would have been broken. She cannot come out of this normal.. not even close.
The inspiration that Elisabeth gives all of us is overwhelming. She is a true warrior. It is still hard for me to wrap my mind around all this woman & her children have lived through. I pray for the Lord to wrap his loving arms around all of them & heal them.
The inspiration that Elisabeth gives all of us is overwhelming. She is a true warrior. It is still hard for me to wrap my mind around all this woman & her children have lived through. I pray for the Lord to wrap his loving arms around all of them & heal them.
I admire Elisabeth very much, she is a true survivor!! She has a long road ahead of her and her children will have their struggles also. Along with all that, she's also dealing with a daughter who from all reports may not make it, it is so heartbreaking to think that Kirstin may never be able to know she is now free, look at the sky and enjoy a soft summer breese on her face.


Have they ever said what caused Kristen's illness? Is it related in any way to being held in the dungeon?
early reports said genetic disorder caused by the inbreeding, then they said lack of oxygen,, which caused a painful cramping condition. and apparently she always had seizures- probably from the former, aggravated by the latter.... so i imagine it's a combination of both things. or perhaps they don't know yet.. there's probably not much they can do by way of testing, since she is in a coma and they are just focusing on keeping her alive.
If I remember correctly, one of the items in the dungeon was a video camera. Would he film them? Would they film themselves? Did they watch videos of the "upstairs family"?
early reports said genetic disorder caused by the inbreeding, then they said lack of oxygen,, which caused a painful cramping condition. and apparently she always had seizures- probably from the former, aggravated by the latter.... so i imagine it's a combination of both things. or perhaps they don't know yet.. there's probably not much they can do by way of testing, since she is in a coma and they are just focusing on keeping her alive.

That's the latest on her then? Thanks Reb.
Now is this story true or not?? On theis interview? I see that 2 of you in the U.S of A. said you will be watching this (IF it happens) - but what I would like to know - WHICH CHANNEL is the U.S. is going to show this?? It only mentions Austrian channel ORF TV... so if someone knows - would appreciate a mention here! TIA! :)
I'll set a reminder for May 26th, JUST in case!
I live in CA and have never heard anything about this... so, I don't think he's publicizing it... if he even did make the offer.

I'm in California too - I heard it on my morning news radio show - but nothing on the TV news. Actually NOTHING about this case has been shown on my news channels...
I actually shook Arnie's hand when he came to our place of work here! He is short!! And I'm only 5'3"!! I thought he'd be a bit taller! LOL!
I noticed in that same article - it says:
Police chief Franz Polzer says he (Frtizl) is being considered a suspect in the 1986 murder of 17-yeard old Martina Posch, AND two other murders in 1996 and 2007!!!! :eek:
I noticed in that same article - it says:
Police chief Franz Polzer says he (Frtizl) is being considered a suspect in the 1986 murder of 17-yeard old Martina Posch, AND two other murders in 1996 and 2007!!!! :eek:

If he's guilty of those murders, Elisabeth is very lucky to be alive. I hope they put him away for the rest of his life!

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