GUILTY Austria - Woman Held Captive, Had 7 Children by Father

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you're welcome. i just got that from the same sources where we've been getting all the other news.. but it's been a while since that was released. from what i understand that is the latest... as far as we know, she's still in a coma.
early reports said genetic disorder caused by the inbreeding, then they said lack of oxygen,, which caused a painful cramping condition. and apparently she always had seizures- probably from the former, aggravated by the latter.... so i imagine it's a combination of both things. or perhaps they don't know yet.. there's probably not much they can do by way of testing, since she is in a coma and they are just focusing on keeping her alive.

My bold-think of anaerobic, I believe. Muscle cells become acidic when there is not enough oxygen to help break down glucose. This is a common symptom of different metabolic disorders; metabolic crisis is what may have caused the daughter/grandaughter to go into the coma.
Metabolic acidosis could be caused by a variety of things assuming she had metabolic acidosis. One of the things that cause it is ethlyene glycose or better known as anti freeze. This could mean she was poisoned over time if that is the case.Many symptoms could manifest including severe abdominal pain followed by seizures.

Given her living conditions and her birth statistics this young woman was most likely to have additional medical problems.
Kerstin wakes up from coma!

The 19-year-old daughter of Austria's "dungeon monster" Josef Fritzl has woken from her coma, it was reported today.
Doctors feared that Kerstin, born to Mr Fritzl and his daughter Elisabeth during her 24 years in incestuous captivity, would die when her organs failed earlier this month.
But she is understood to have shown flickers of life over the weekend, and her family has reported that she had opened her eyes.
A source close to the victims in the psychiatric clinic where they are recovering said: "Elisabeth and family are very happy, but they know they mustn't get their hopes up too high.
"Kerstin's incredibly fragile. She'll be in bed a long time - probably months."

One can only wish her health and happiness — i so am willing her to make it.
Yay! I hope she shows much improvement and is gonna make it. thank God!
From that link: "Kerstin was freed on 19 April after she fell unconscious after contracting a serious kidney infection. Kerstin was placed on a life support machine at the Amstetten General Hospital. She was hooked up to a respirator and dialysis machine, after both her lungs and kidneys stopped working properly."

"One serious worry, however, is that severe cramps the infection caused might have left her with a shortage of oxygen - and resulting brain damage."
From that link: "Kerstin was freed on 19 April after she fell unconscious after contracting a serious kidney infection. Kerstin was placed on a life support machine at the Amstetten General Hospital. She was hooked up to a respirator and dialysis machine, after both her lungs and kidneys stopped working properly."

"One serious worry, however, is that severe cramps the infection caused might have left her with a shortage of oxygen - and resulting brain damage."

Ahh, that answers my question about what caused her illness.
For a serious kidney infection to get that bad, that girl was ill and in pain for quite a while before. Pain that her Mother could not fix or treat her for. Pain that her father/grandfather must have ignored. He almost let her die, of an infection that would have been easy to cure. His own child/grandchild!
From that link: "Kerstin was freed on 19 April after she fell unconscious after contracting a serious kidney infection. Kerstin was placed on a life support machine at the Amstetten General Hospital. She was hooked up to a respirator and dialysis machine, after both her lungs and kidneys stopped working properly."

"One serious worry, however, is that severe cramps the infection caused might have left her with a shortage of oxygen - and resulting brain damage."

Not to mention the medical problems she probably suffers due to incest. :furious::furious::furious:
omg, I am so happy to hear this!! I pray that she recovers, and has a real shot at life. No matter how horrific her upbringing, it is amazing what people can overcome ... I want to see her pull through this so badly ...
I'm hoping for a happy ending for the entire family apart from the who wrecked their lives.
She probably thought she was dead, and in heaven, when she woke and didn't see that and her cage there. It's going to be so wonderful for them to have a life - any type of life is so much more than what they had.
She probably thought she was dead, and in heaven, when she woke and didn't see that and her cage there. It's going to be so wonderful for them to have a life - any type of life is so much more than what they had.
I'll bet she was terrified when she woke up in those unfamiliar surroundings. She never knew anything outside of the basement. I hope her mother was with her when, or soon after she woke. I agree though.. I sooo hope she recovers enough to feel safe, secure, and happy.
What wonderul news, that Kerstin woke from her coma!!! Continued prayers for her recovery, and for the rest of the family as they, too, try to adjust to this whole new world.
Apparently they re-created a room that looked just like the dungeon, for her to wake up in, so she wouldn't suffer additional trauma. Read it at

yes, I read that article too. They also made sure her mother, Elisabeth was there too when you started to wake up.
Here's some quotes from another article:
Doctors treating Elisabeth and her children have confirmed that following a month of therapy her condition has improved drastically and that she would be able to give evidence, although it is possible that a psychiatrist would be present during questioning, which is due to happy in early July.
Her children, aged five to 19, will also be questioned at a later stage...
The family's testimony is necessary for prosecutors to complete their case against him, who is facing a string of charges including manslaughter, rape and incarceration and is expected to appear in court in autumn.
His family will however not have to face him at the hearing and they are expected to give evidence either during pre-recorded sessions or via video conference.

well that's good to hear, that they don't have to testify in front of him!!

here's the latest article on Kerstin. snip...

(CNN) -- The 19-year-old woman whose hospitalization exposed a shocking Austrian incest case is recovering well and wants to see the ocean and a pop concert, her doctors and a family lawyer said Wednesday.
Kerstin Fritzl, whom doctors placed in an artificial coma after she was admitted to a hospital in April for multiple organ failure, is now well enough to speak, stand and walk with assistance, her doctors said.

Doctors said that "little novelties" such as seeing a cloud go by are now big events for the former captives.

Kerstin has said she wants to see the ocean and go to a concert by British singer Robbie Williams, said Dr. Berhold Kepplinger, director of the clinic where the family is living.
Thanks Windchime for the new thread!

I'm glad the family will not have to face him in court! They have been through enough already.

Prayers for their continued improvement and long lasting happiness!


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