AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013 - #7

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Count me as being confused. It's information from some unknown source. MOO.

Sorry to confuse. I'll explain better next time. I'm reading the same stuff you all are and speaking with no one that has given me inside info. This is what I think so please do not think I was baiting anyone. I wasn't nor did it come off that way. Just simply read wrong
I am still reading the post the same way..."from the information I have..." As in my book, information = facts. But maybe I am confused.

Funny how we can process information so differently. I personally take "from the information I have..." as being similar to "As in my book" ...

Just my opinion.
On page 9 of the police report it indicates Adrienne's mother mentioned a glitch in AS' phone on 10 June which led to her being concerned AS was being "tracked". I wonder what that was all about.
Sorry to interrupt...been reading on this board since the beginning, just not posting. Reading the police report, her father says something about Adrienne not being cleared to work. Does everyone but me know what that's about?
Sorry to interrupt...been reading on this board since the beginning, just not posting. Reading the police report, her father says something about Adrienne not being cleared to work. Does everyone but me know what that's about?

Amster - Allegedly, AS had been recovering from a bout of Valley Fever, which can be very serious. I think this is what this refers to. HTH
Sorry to interrupt...been reading on this board since the beginning, just not posting. Reading the police report, her father says something about Adrienne not being cleared to work. Does everyone but me know what that's about?

Adrienne had a near fatal lung infection back in February caused by valley fever. It caused a collapsed lung and so she had to have surgery (thoracotomy incision) to remove the infected areas of her lung. It took quite a while for her to recover.

Thank you for participating :)
Okay, so, now that the police report has been shared, I find it upsetting that no mention of checking on area RSO's is mentioned. I hope that has been done by LE, that generally is done in cases like this where someone is missing possibly off a neighborhood street, but this time I've seen nothing saying that all the RSO's are accounted for or whatever.

On page 9 of the police report it indicates Adrienne's mother mentioned a glitch in AS' phone on 10 June which led to her being concerned AS was being "tracked". I wonder what that was all about.

Holy moly alreetlike! I don't like the sound of this...

Very scary! :worried:

Adrienne would disappear only 5 days after this "phone hacking/stalking" situation.
Thanks for the info! Bless her heart....
Why I come here. I come here because I am interested in everyone's opinion, even if it different from my own.

I come here for the variety of different personalities, all of whom have something important to offer and many times something that might have never occurred to me.

I come here because I care about Adrienne and I believe everyone in this forum cares just as much as I do.

And on that note, have a nice day.

Just my opinion.
Holy moly alreetlike! I don't like the sound of this...

Very scary! :worried:

Adrienne would disappear only 5 days after this "phone hacking/stalking" situation.

As you probably tell I'm just trying to pick out ANY new info from the report to work with. I don't necessarily think it holds any significance, but I wonder if they followed it up at all or just assumed AS' mother didn't understand technology.

I don't normally moderate this thread but it's getting out of control in here. I've locked it down til I can figure out what the heck is going on and do a little cleanup, and/or one of your normal moderators gets here.
Okay, opening back up. As long as everything goes smoothly.

***STOP ARGUING with each other. If you don't like someone's opinion, move on. If they really drive you batty, put them on IGNORE!***

If you are stating something as FACT - provide a link. If you are stating something as your own personal opinion - STATE CLEARLY that it is your opinion.

If you find a post that goes against our TOS or Rules, ALERT IT and do not reply. Replying only causes more commotion and will end up getting your thread closed again.

Your regular moderators may have some more words for you later.

Your regular moderators may have some more words for you later.


Yikes! That's the infamous...."when your father gets home"...line. *chuckles and feels like I've been scolded* :scared:

Thanks for the clean up and keeping us in line, SWMNBN. You are appreciated. *smiles*

For those who may be interested. This is just my opinion of what may have happened to Adrienne that night/morning and how I feel she might have been thinking. I write it in the first tense at times because it is easier for me when I'm trying to assume how she's thinking and then I switch back and forth into first and second tense. I did this as an exercise to help me in what I think may have occurred. It is in no means intended to be fact or anything other than speculation.

It's a little long and it is unfinished...until I feel like adding to it again. It is actually quite tedious to conduct this type of experiment in an attempt to get inside someone else's mind.


This is very long reading so if you don't read it I will understand and if you do I will be very much appreciative. I have spent weeks attempting to feel like Adrienne. There are times I honestly do feel she is 'channeling' through me. When I wrote this there was a time I stopped referring her in the second tense and began referring to her in the first tense. As "I went upstairs" instead of "she may have gone upstairs". It was very strange when I discovered that I had begun to do that as I was writing. Anyway, for what it is worth. This is what I think may have happened to Adrienne before she vanished:[/i]

Adrienne and that last morning!

I'm thinking about what if Adrienne hadn't vanished that night. What could she possibly have been thinking/feeling? What were her roommates doing after the party guests left? Were they in their rooms asleep? Were they alone or did they have company? Could it be that Adrienne returned to a room she shared to find her roommate sleeping with someone she didn't even know? And what about the other roommate? Was she even there? Were there any guests who crashed at the apartment, too drunk to drive home? Anyone on the sofa? Anyone on the floor?

Was there anything to eat in the apartment? Anything to drink? Other than beer, etc.

I think these are very important questions. Especially when trying to consider the emotions of a 19 year old girl, who is having a very difficult time emotionally and might be feeling completely devastated over the breakup with her longtime boyfriend, not to mention wrecking her car and the worry associated with that.

Here's what I am envisioning:

After the wreck I don't really think Adrienne wanted to see anyone but the boyfriend. Regardless of why, it seems she felt comfortable with being herself completely around him and possibly no one else. They had been going out, on and off, for years. He was who she considered to be her very best friend. Something happened that night. Something that was so traumatic she felt more hopeless than she had ever felt in her entire life. This is evidenced and supported by the fact that she became very jealous at the party, ordering the boyfriend to leave and then followed him out saying she wanted to talk to him at his place. Then, we don't know exactly what happened, but we do know that the argument continued there and she eventually walked out again as he was outside "getting some air". Then on top of that she "jumped out" a few minutes later when the boyfriend had stopped his car at a traffic light in downtown Tempe and walked home alone. She was reportedly crying. When she got back to her apartment she was still upset. "Calmly upset" was the term her roommate used to describe Adrienne's emotional state as they sat outside the apartment on the grass.

But then, once inside the apartment, she had to sit downstairs and wait while her roommate and a guest were in her bedroom with the door locked. Can you imagine the things that must have been going through her mind at the time? Remember, she was in a highly emotional state and not wanting to discuss it with anyone at the time. She was around a bunch of people partying and having a good time. It was probably very difficult for her to keep it together while she waited. Her frustrations must have been mounting as she sat there waiting. Her bedroom being the only place she could go for refuge. But then it wasn't available to her. There didn't seem to be any 'safe' place. Safe being a place where she could truly vent her feelings and emotions.

And so when she got back into her bedroom, however long she waited, she packed up some things and then left again to go back to her boyfriend's. We know this because her roommates stated they saw her leave and heard her car take off.

As she sped along Rio Salado Parkway, it's important to try to feel like Adrienne was feeling. Why was she speeding? Obviously it was because she was in a very big hurry to get to her boyfriend's house. I don't think she had called him before she left to let him know she was coming. If she had I think we would have been told about that call. I don't think she texted him either. If so, we would have probably already seen that text. So, this leads me to believe she was in a very big hurry for a reason. She might have suspected that he had another girl over there. Or she wanted to catch him before he left for someone else's place. Or perhaps she was just hurting so much and she felt he was the only one who could make the hurt go away and so she was trying to get there as quickly as possible because the emotional pain she was feeling was just too much to bear. Whatever the reason was, it was intense. It was highly emotional and she was probably feeling a huge amount of adrenaline rushing through her body. And then she hit the median. And she hit it with force. A car going possibly 65 mph and crashing into the median hard enough to blow out two tires is a very big impact. I wonder if she was wearing her seat belt? This must have scared her more than we can even imagine. And on top of that, someone had seen her. In her heightened state of emotion she became even more frightened as she sped away on the rims not wanting to get cited for DUI, which she knew would happen if the police were called.

The car must have been so difficult to drive, with only a very small 100 lb girl behind the wheel. She couldn't have driven it very far I don't think. She probably turned on the very first side street she came to and hid somewhere until she felt the 'coast was clear'. (This is what I would have done.) I think she waited for a while until she got up the nerve to leave again and drive closer to home, I'm thinking she might have gotten back on Rio Salado again for a very short distance and exited on 1st Street and then gone to Roosevelt where she went South to W. Brown. At Brown St. she woudn't have been able to get through. So she stopped right there. I don't know how long it took her to get to that location, but if her first call was to the boyfriend at 4:10 am, I'm thinking it probably took her from the time of the 911 call at 3:44 am until 4:10 am to move her car from the site of the accident to the final place it was abandoned. Then she began to call him. This is what I am thinking happened.

Her first call went out to him (unanswered) at 4:10 am. She made 11 calls in between then and 4:17 am. That is nearly 2 calls each minute and all of them went unanswered and she left no voicemails. She called for a reason. She was desperate and she believed if she kept calling him he would pick up the phone. There is no other reason she would have continued to call. None whatsoever. In her mind she might have thought he was ignoring her because of their earlier arguments. They had probably both exchanged harsh words, said things they didn't mean. Or maybe said things they did mean. She might have said hateful things to him. Things she wanted to take back now. I think it is very interesting to note that she never texted him saying:

"Hey! I just wrecked my car and I need your help!"


"Hey! I wrecked my car. I'm in the middle of nowhere and I'm scared. Please help me!"

or even:

"Pick up the phone. I need your help!"

Why didn't she do this? Isn't this proof positive she wasn't thinking clearly that night? Or was she so completely paranoid and afraid of the cops she was afraid to send even a text message? Could it be that she actually thought if she let him know about the wreck that he wouldn't want to get involved and that's why she didn't tell him in a message or text?

I'm thinking this must have been the case. Fear of the cops when you've been drinking. (A very real fear here in Arizona for sure!)

And so...after making 11 calls to her boyfriend between 4:10 am and 4:17 am she waited for a few minutes and decided to take a cab over there. She either had the number saved in her contacts or she googled it and called Scottsdale Cab Guy. She must have left a message or missed them because then the dispatcher called her back. She requested the cab meet her at the AM/PM. She wouldn't have told anyone about the wreck and so she surely didn't want the cabdriver to know about it. This would be why she asked him to pick her up at the AM/PM. He told her he could be there in 20 minutes. This would give her time to walk there as it was only about 10 minutes away. She began to call her boyfriend again and still he didn't answer. She continued to call him nearly every minute thinking each time he might pick up the phone. She was probably crying then and feeling more and more rejected. In her mind she was imagining all sorts of things, like him being with another woman etc. She hadn't told him she was coming back over before she left her apartment the last time, the time when her roommates saw her leave. She sat in her car and thought about the things they had argued over. She became more and more disturbed and annoyed over his attitude and she also felt guilty over things she had said to him and accused him of. But still she continued to call him. He was the only one who could help her. She couldn't call her dad in the middle of the night. Besides that he was going to be very extremely upset with her for wrecking the car. Things were bad enough financially. He was already complaining about how much it cost to keep her up. She didn't want to disappoint him again. She couldn't call anyone in her family. She wasn't that close to her mother anymore. Besides that, her mother was very disapproving of her lifestyle and they argued over it constantly. She really loved her mom, but her mom just didn't understand today's society. Her dad wasn't as judgemental, but lately he was growing more and more frustrated with Adrienne and her partying. He had warned her about drinking and driving. He was going to be very upset with her wrecking the car he had worked so hard to buy for her.

The cabbie called her back letting her know he was on the way but that he would be a little bit later than the 20 minutes he had originally told her. He also wanted to make sure she was still going to be there needing a cab. She assured him she would be there.

I keep thinking about Adrienne sitting in that car in a very remote and dark area. It was very hot that time of year, with the daytime temperature around 108. The temperature for that morning, at that time, we reported to be around 90 degrees already. She must have surely been very hot and uncomfortable. Probably perspiring. With all she had been through emotionally and physically she must have been thoroughly exhausted and confused. She wasn't really sure what she should do. The cab was on its way to the AM/PM and so finally she sent her boyfriend a text saying "I'm coming over." and got out of the car. This was at 4:47 am, about one hour after she had crashed into the median. This was the worst night of her life. As she walked to the AM/PM she was very frightened and still worried about being arrested and charged with DUI. She didn't have any money on her and was counting on Francisco paying for the cabfare. But he didn't call. He must be asleep. Or else he had turned off his phone. The more she thought about it the more she felt he was just ignoring her. He didn't care about her anymore. She was certain of this. As she got close to the AM/PM the cabbie called to see where she was. He sounded annoyed that she wasn't there. She told him she would be there in a minute. But he still sounded annoyed. She began to worry about what would happen if she couldn't find Francisco to pay him the cabfare.

This is when she decided to ditch the cab. I don't blame her at all. I would have done the same thing if I didn't have the money to pay for it. Even if I did have the money I probably would have figured the boyfriend was asleep or not at home and would have changed my mind about going over there. By that time it was getting light outside and I'd figure the party would probably be over and it was safe to go back home. So that's what I would have done at that time. I would have turned right around and headed back North on Roosevelt to 5th street and then I would have gone West back to my apartment. I would have been so thirsty by then I couldn't hardly wait to get home. Not to mention completely and totally exhausted. I would be so anxious to just fall into my bed and go to sleep.

When I got back to my apartment I would be feeling very depressed when I walked into the mess that was left behind. Beer cans and bottles everywhere. My little dog was probably very happy to see me and my kittles were probably nowhere to be seen. I would imagine that I went upstairs to go to the bathroom as soon as I got there. On her way upstairs she might have seen that the doors to both bedrooms were closed. But then she probably looked in and was very upset to see that both beds were occupied. This made her really mad but she didn't stop to think that everyone thought she was at her boyfriend's house and wouldn't be returning that night.

To be continued....(when I get the energy to continue)

On page 9 of the police report it indicates Adrienne's mother mentioned a glitch in AS' phone on 10 June which led to her being concerned AS was being "tracked". I wonder what that was all about.

Without more information about the nature of this "glitch" that's hard to determine, and her mom was unable to explain what or why she thinks so. I assume it was just the Facebook app acting up, which could have a variety of explanations like an update to the software or server problems at Facebook, and her mom then remembered all the reports about cyberstalking, iPhones tracking the movements of their owners, Facebook privacy violations etc.
Unless there is a more detailed reason for concern, I attribute it to a form of "tech panic/paranoia".
Though for those who want to pursue this line of thinking: One of the people (apart from her roommates) who would have access to her phone to install hidden tracking software would be her boyfriend; and when she got out of his car during that fateful night, she left it behind (ON PURPOSE?) and he got out and handed it to her (DUN DUN DUN).

For those who may be interested. This is just my opinion of what may have happened to Adrienne that night/morning and how I feel she might have been thinking.

To be continued....(when I get the energy to continue)


Respectfully snipped...

Can't wait to hear the rest of your thoughts, you have me intrigued :seeya:
Has it ever been reported as to what position the driver's seat was in when her car was found by her father/police? Can anyone help me out? I just can't remember if that was addressed.
Has it ever been reported as to what position the driver's seat was in when her car was found by her father/police? Can anyone help me out? I just can't remember if that was addressed.

I don't think we have ever been told anything about it. But LE has said from the start they believe she was driving, so I am guessing nothing stood out.
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