AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #2

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IMO I think the story of how Elizabeth and Tammi met is a lie. It makes no sense.
TS has been all over on line looking to adopt. Tammi has prob been online looking at options to adopt out her son.
They may have come across each other in some forum or chat group. Elizabeth knew adopting to TS was not going to work out. She had left him there before and he was found by LE.
She was determined her BF was not to have custody of Gabriel and time was running out.
She then found another desperate couple online and contacted them. Made arrangements to meet in San Antonio, close to Mexico.
Booked a motel room a week in advance which the new couple paid for, gathered up enough cash to get there.
New couple excited to get a baby, had new car seat, clothes, new fake birth certificate Etc. Reservations in Mexico for a nice long vacation.
New couple gave Elizabeth enough cash for a nice long vacation. Elizabeth takes first bus ride out, which happens to be Florida. She should have had an easy time disappearing in Miami for quite a while.
But, she made two mistakes, she kept in contact with the Smiths and just had to hurt her BF one last time by telling him she had killed Gabriel.

I believe little Gabriel is alive!
I should have been nicer to a new WS member, I know. I apologize for not taking the time to temper my initial reaction with patience. I have read and heard so much from the Smiths, as we all have, and am skeptical of someone that would take up for them. But, maybe this person does know a better side to these people and has not read all of the recent news releases. I don't know.
I also agree that I get a wierd vibe from the Smiths. EJ apparantly met one of the Smiths on a flight and that is now they got to know each other. I am really surprised that Mr. Smith was even practically defending EJ. He said " I had a great mother and I can tell that Elizabeth had the kind of love only a mother has".BULLCRAP. The woman was a mess. If I was either one of the Smiths I would be a crying mess, concerned for the baby. Hell, I have never even MET the baby yet here I am with teary eyes and a heavy heart hoping he is alive.
I should have been nicer to a new WS member, I know. I apologize for not taking the time to temper my initial reaction with patience. I have read and heard so much from the Smiths, as we all have, and am skeptical of someone that would take up for them. But, maybe this person does know a better side to these people and has not read all of the recent news releases. I don't know.

I didn't see ANYONE be out and out mean to our new member. Remember, we are all entitled to our opinions, we just have to be respectful about them. As Momtective said, RaisingArizona is bound to not like many people's opinions of the Smith's. I think/hope all sides can be respectful of each other's opinions and we can all get all sides of this story.
Unfortunately, RaisingArizona needs to understand that most of us are not going to just change our minds about the Smith's simply because some new stranger posted on WS that they were good people. We have nothing to go on here except what we see/read/feel about this case. Perhaps the Smith's are wonderful people, perhaps they aren't, perhaps they've brainwashed Elizabeth into doing all of this, perhaps RaisingArizona is TS herself.

We just have to keep on with what we do and try to be respectful of each other.
I also agree that I get a wierd vibe from the Smiths. EJ apparantly met one of the Smiths on a flight and that is now they got to know each other. I am really surprised that Mr. Smith was even practically defending EJ. He said " I had a great mother and I can tell that Elizabeth had the kind of love only a mother has".BULLCRAP. The woman was a mess. If I was either one of the Smiths I would be a crying mess, concerned for the baby. Hell, I have never even MET the baby yet here I am with teary eyes and a heavy heart hoping he is alive.

Don't you mean "concerned for 'that baby'? "
Sorry, I couldn't help it. (As you see, I wasn't really aiming that at you Nocgirl)
The lack of verbage that relates to Gabe as a person with his own wants/feelings/needs is part of why I don't trust the Smiths.
IMO I think the story of how Elizabeth and Tammi met is a lie. It makes no sense.
TS has been all over on line looking to adopt. Tammi has prob been online looking at options to adopt out her son.
They may have come across each other in some forum or chat group. Elizabeth knew adopting to TS was not going to work out. She had left him there before and he was found by LE.
She was determined her BF was not to have custody of Gabriel and time was running out.
She then found another desperate couple online and contacted them. Made arrangements to meet in San Antonio, close to Mexico.
Booked a motel room a week in advance which the new couple paid for, gathered up enough cash to get there.
New couple excited to get a baby, had new car seat, clothes, new fake birth certificate Etc. Reservations in Mexico for a nice long vacation.
New couple gave Elizabeth enough cash for a nice long vacation. Elizabeth takes first bus ride out, which happens to be Florida. She should have had an easy time disappearing in Miami for quite a while.
But, she made two mistakes, she kept in contact with the Smiths and just had to hurt her BF one last time by telling him she had killed Gabriel.

I believe little Gabriel is alive!

I just started following this case today and to a "newcomer" the above post makes alot of sense. Hopefully, LE is looking across the border.

I also agree that the demeanor of TPS and JS are suspicious. They come across as too calm and waiting impatiently for the "rest of the story".

My prayer for Gabriel is that God will protect him and bring him home safely to his Dad.
I wonder what flight this was that EJ and TS supposedly met on. Where had EJ been, why. Who was she visiting.
I wonder what flight this was that EJ and TS supposedly met on. Where had EJ been, why. Who was she visiting.

All I remember hearing/reading about it was that it was a flight back to AZ from Boston and that Gabe was about a month old. Can't remember where I got that info though.
I've been thinking about this case a lot since it broke. Here's what's been going through my head, although I'm sure I'm not the first person with these ideas.

IMO I believe EJ and the Smith's met via MS or FB (again, just mo and coming more from gut). For months they had been discussing the adoption of Gabriel. Now, I'm not sure what EJ told the Smith's about Gabriel's father, but, I sense extreme desperation on both EJ and the Smith's when they learn Gabriel's father is petitioning the court for custody. This is the time the plan went into place.

I believe the Smith's set it up so EJ would escape with Gabriel and place him temporarily with another person/couple. A couple who probably wasn't completely in the know about what was truly going on. I hope if that's the case they are the source of information on Gabriel's current safety.

I believe the Smith's sent EJ monies via western union or a similar service (an avenue for LE to look into). Both women were desperate because they knew they were about to lose Gabriel. Mostly, EJ didn't want to lose to Gabriel's father.

I don't think we're seeing a well laid out plan here. I'm sensing a lot of desperation and that will be their undoing which ultimately will bring Gabriel home.

That being said, like all of you, I will be devastated if something has happened to Gabriel. I continue to hope and pray he will come home soon.
Couple hoping to adopt baby Gabriel now persons of interest

PHOENIX – Sources close to the investigation into 8-month-old Gabriel’s disappearance tell’s Mike Watkiss that one-time adoptive family, Jack and Tammy Smith, are now considered persons of interest.

I apologize if this is old news.

I've been watching this case for days and this is NEW! news.

Thank you,

PS............of course there are some WSers who had these people in mind. ;)
Couple hoping to adopt baby Gabriel now persons of interest

PHOENIX – Sources close to the investigation into 8-month-old Gabriel’s disappearance tell’s Mike Watkiss that one-time adoptive family, Jack and Tammy Smith, are now considered persons of interest.

I apologize if this is old news.

Oh, how interesting...and on the heels of our hit and runner.
I guess these nice people should have stayed out of the spotlight. MOO.
Couple hoping to adopt baby Gabriel now persons of interest

PHOENIX – Sources close to the investigation into 8-month-old Gabriel’s disappearance tell’s Mike Watkiss that one-time adoptive family, Jack and Tammy Smith, are now considered persons of interest.

I apologize if this is old news.

Not old news, good news ! I think LE is all over the Smiths and not believing a word they are saying. Hopefully Gabriel will be home soon with his father.
Couple hoping to adopt baby Gabriel now persons of interest

PHOENIX – Sources close to the investigation into 8-month-old Gabriel’s disappearance tell’s Mike Watkiss that one-time adoptive family, Jack and Tammy Smith, are now considered persons of interest.

I apologize if this is old news.


but it's not coming from LE that we know of?

carp, I have to log out in about 5 min. too

*googles furiously*
Well, I'll be dipped in healing waters!

Seriously though, it took them this long to get fully entangled in their lies?
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