AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #22

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Ohhh and one other thing I have noticed is that the volunteers talk of button and ribbons and flyers and the occasional poster for bus stops etc .... they seem a caring homegroup type thing - they are making the buttons, designing the posters etc - this is no huge outfit.
I agree wholeheartedly.

At this point, the Celis' would do themselves a big favor to review the transparency and accountability of any fund. They should tell the public how much has been collected and where it has already been spent and how much in in the kitty (if any).

In addition, since it has gone on this long and so many flyers and such are up, they should strictly define where the current and future money collected will be spent based on what is needed. I had also read before where a lot of the flyer printing had been donated by local businesses. The mobile billboards were donated, I believe.

They should also identify who is in charge of accountability and preferably there are one or two outside individuals at least assigned for oversight. When you can claim the entire world is praying for your daughter, you should take the fund accountability very seriously. This is potentially not a small operation (under $2-3k) and it is apparently ongoing.

I would not donate to the fund even if the parents were cleared without this accountability.

They do not have to appear in public to do any of this, but it is something that could easily be done in a fairly short amount of time to restore or maintain confidence in accepting donations.

BBM. Based on some sleuthing ;), it seems that Tucson Medical Center is handling donations to the "Bring Isa Home" fund under the aupices of an already-established non-profit organization. Any accountability for how much has been collected and how the money has been dispersed would probably need to be directed to TCM Foundation personnel. I've considered it but haven't been motivated to pursue this just yet.
Ohhh and one other thing I have noticed is that the volunteers talk of button and ribbons and flyers and the occasional poster for bus stops etc .... they seem a caring homegroup type thing - they are making the buttons, designing the posters etc - this is no huge outfit.

"Cottage industry" came to my mind with the rosary beads, bracelets, shirts, etc. I may be out of line here, or have a different perspective, but I simply cannot fathom the need for more flyers or banners in Tucson at least. Between local press and the flyers already plastered around town I find it impossible to believe anyone in Southern AZ is not fully aware of the case and has Isabel's face and particulars etched in their brains. Perhaps an effort to spread the word/flyers via the OTR trucking community would be a better use of funds? Granted Tuscon gets tourists who may be unaware, but it's summer. No one in their right mind visits Tucson in the summer. :)

The bracelets, etc. strike me more as a show of support and a thank you token for a donation than an effort to spread the word.
BBM. Based on some sleuthing ;), it seems that Tucson Medical Center is handling donations to the "Bring Isa Home" fund under the aupices of an already-established non-profit organization. Any accountability for how much has been collected and how the money has been dispersed would probably need to be directed to TCM Foundation personnel. I've considered it but haven't been motivated to pursue this just yet.

I would trust them then. Doubt they want to make the news for the wrong reasons
Respectfully edited for space. Thanks for your thorough post, kat77. You've obviously given this some thought. I linked the Bring Isa Home website yesterday when the discussion centered on the "reward" fund. There is no mention of a "reward" on that site, and I'm wondering where the money for the potential "reward" is coming from?

Bring Isa Home website

A special fund has been established to assist the search for Isabel Mercedes Celis and to support the family. This money will be used to help the family in their search for their daughter and helps the volunteers to print fliers, banners and other search materials...

The "donations" page does not specifically mention the "reward" fund - unless you get to that when you click on how you want your donation to be used. I won't do that until I'm certain that the family has no involvement in or knowledge of Isabel's disappearance.

DH and I have made generous donations to several missing children's funds and/or honoring missing/murdered children. That said, we will not make a donation to the Bring Isa Home fund unless/until the parents are cleared. :moo:

I'm sorry for any confusion.

I think that the mention of a reward occurred because the 88-Crime Tip Line reward (for information leading to an arrest in Isa's case) has increased from $50,000 to $60,000.

The 88-Crime fund is separate from the "" website. I don't recall the Isa website ever mentioning the word "reward". I would assume that a ransom or reward might fall within the "to help the family in their search for their daughter" terminology, if it helped to bring Isa home. IMO

One other possible point of confusion may stem from Sergio's comment on the Today show where he seemed to use "ransom" and "reward" interchangeably. "There have been no calls for ransom. We have the reward ready."

IMO, he seemed to be appealing to whoever has Isabel and saying the family has the money ready. But, the 88-Crime reward money wouldn't actually be available to pay a "ransom", so we still don't really know what he meant.
I'm wondering if it has ever been reported what Isabel wrote in her closet?
Also wondering if it is true that Isabel slept in her brothers room? And if so, why wasn't shs sleeping there the night she went missing?

Well I agree but i think it is LE who should be giving the details. It drives me bonkers when they say no comment to something that simply can't hurt the investigation such as what time the mom left the house (notice that it was ok to put it out though in the doc dump..yes the variations lol)

It is all the fault of the Feds who investigated Richard Jewell. With the multitude of lawsuits (rightly) LE have gone way to far the other direction

Obviously keep the majority of the investigation under wraps but otherwise open up and get the help that is out there from an aware informed public.

Did you follow the Kienan Hebert case? RCMP handled that one so incredibly well, their pressers were full of information, the public was kept involved every step of the way and the end result was a returned child and a captured perp. Now I don't expect the child to be returned all the time but the captured perp comes from tips when the public is involved rather than just assuming there is nothing they can do..and to be involved they need to be interested and interest happens with information.

IIRC there was a tip called in that led to LE questioning the creepy family in the trailer opposite the lunsfords again about the cousin no one mentioned the first time.

Tips lead to arrests..that is why crime stoppers works!

ok guys im babbling. I hope i made some sense

Thanks for a great post!! I didnt follow Kienan's case but I will do some research on it!! Thanks for bringing his case to my attention! I think the public can be a huge asset in missing persons cases. If we weren't why do they hang huge signs over highways to post information? Tips, volunteers, searchers are most of the time made up of mostly "the public." And in this case like others, with no news and the parents not speaking I have a bad feeling that the truth might never be known.

I had a terrible dream about Jessie and Shasta last night :(
They may not owe anyone an accounting of their fundraising dollars, but my opinion is that if the Celis family had anything at all to do with Isabel's disappearance, then they owe the state of Arizona more than $1 million.

And the FIRST time a state goes after the parents of a missing child that is behind the childs disappearance, maybe just maybe, parents will think twice before they "disappear" their little ones.
I'm wondering if it has ever been reported what Isabel wrote in her closet?
Also wondering if it is true that Isabel slept in her brothers room? And if so, why wasn't shs sleeping there the night she went missing?


To my knowledge there were only rumours thrown around about the writings. Isabel sleeping with her brothers was started on NG and JVM - from sources. I am sure others have a better recollection than I do - I kind of dismissed both things until a later date. :)
And the FIRST time a state goes after the parents of a missing child that is behind the childs disappearance, maybe just maybe, parents will think twice before they "disappear" their little ones.

I wish it was that simple - I think there will always be a parent that thinks they can get away with it :(
Thanks for a great post!! I didnt follow Kienan's case but I will do some research on it!! Thanks for bringing his case to my attention! I think the public can be a huge asset in missing persons cases. If we weren't why do they hang huge signs over highways to post information? Tips, volunteers, searchers are most of the time made up of mostly "the public." And in this case like others, with no news and the parents not speaking I have a bad feeling that the truth might never be known.

I had a terrible dream about Jessie and Shasta last night :(

oh no..hugs. Some cases just never leave us and the dark of night can be the worst.

Here is Kienan's thread, Found Alive Canada - AMBER ALERT: Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood, 7 Sept 2011 - #1 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I found it remarkable in the openness of LE as well as the miracle of Kienan's return.
Glad to see that for those who are solely dependant upon msm articles can see Becky Celis has continued to be involved with the volunteer center and keeping Isa's face out there..IMO this has got to be an avenue that allows her to keep her sanity in being surrounded by supportive people and at the same time proactive for Isabel..

Sorry they, nor any other missing child's family owes the public documentation where every penny goes.. if you're concerned about where its being spent do not give. Its a simple as that but this family.. nor any other owe the public squat for answers regarding this issue.. ..IMO its just another way to complain and IMO have at it.. anyone can wish and wish and wish but the bottom line is that they owe us nothing..

The volunteers said in the last article, RC and SC stop by together everyday while they're running around together in a day. Yes, the families do owe an accounting for money received and spent on a missing child. With Isa, there's no searches, haven't heard of any PIs, businesses and people from all over the area have donated, flyers and banners have been printed for free, also free billboards.

There's various events, walks, vigils, ballgames, carwashes and restaurants donating and I'm sure there's other things. Money is sent from all over the world and to discourage parents from hiding children or God forbid worse, parents of missing children should legally have to account for the money. For the safety of a child who's parents might consider doing this for financial gain, it's definitely owed to the children and the public. Not to mention the thousands spent by the county where it happens.
To my knowledge there were only rumours thrown around about the writings. Isabel sleeping with her brothers was started on NG and JVM - from sources. I am sure others have a better recollection than I do - I kind of dismissed both things until a later date. :)

ABC mentioned it also, but no source...which came first the chicken or the egg? :banghead:
I thought the writing on the closet wall was mentioned in the released documents?
I thought the writing on the closet wall was mentioned in the released documents?

It may have been - my mind is mush today and I can't be bothered looking at notes lol Someone will know though :) I KNOW I will end up looking lol
What I can't comprehend is the fact that neither Isabel's FATHER or MOTHER, in the last several weeks, has been in the media pleading for Isabel's return!!!???

I just don't undersand that WHATSOEVER!!!
What I can't comprehend is the fact that neither Isabel's FATHER or MOTHER, in the last several weeks, has been in the media pleading for Isabel's return!!!???

I just don't undersand that WHATSOEVER!!!

Shades of the Irwin/Bradley case!! :maddening:
What I can't comprehend is the fact that neither Isabel's FATHER or MOTHER, in the last several weeks, has been in the media pleading for Isabel's return!!!???

I just don't undersand that WHATSOEVER!!!

Where ARE they?
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