AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #25

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Does anyone know why there are 2 different facebook pages for finding Isabel? One is find Isabel Celis, the other is find Isabel Mercedes Celis. They are both updated fairly regularly and have similar posts but not exactly the same. Is one page operated by family and one by someone else? Just curious. Also glad to see Isa's parents are trying to get her name out there more by going on the Katie show and talking to JVM, why now though? Was the Katie show the reason RC went to new Jersey or was that something else?
”We were already broken and they were trying to break us more.” -Sergio Celis

If you run your mouse over their pic it is actually a video of their interview.

Thanks for the direct link. I finally drummed up the courage to watch the interview, and I have to admit I feel the same way that I have about all of the Celis' interviews. These parents try desperately to appear like grieving parents who have no idea what happened to their daughter, but they fail miserably.

Sergio constantly nods his head back-and-forth while he's trying to convince us that he doesn't know what happened to his child - a clear indicator of deceit. SC also closes his eyes when he knows that what he's saying isn't true or that he can't face the truth about what really happened to Isabel. Both parents continue to focus on themselves and how badly they feel about how they've been treated by TPD.

I've always found it difficult to watch Isabel's parents during interviews because they don't come across as being sincere or truthful. Yesterday's appearance with Katie Couric was no different: They both make me very uncomfortable, and Sergio is downright creepy. :moo:
Here's the link to the JVM transcript from last evening's program:

SC flat-out lied on the Katie Show when he attempted to make an excuse for his laughter in the 911 call. Here's what he told Katie Couric:

S. CELIS: Honestly, at first, I didn`t think she was missing. I thought actually she might have just been taken by either Becky`s brother or her aunt, gone out for breakfast, something logical. Something logical.

Really, SC? 'Cause here's what you said in the 911 call: "I'd like to report a missing person...I believe she was abducted from our house."

I am SO glad he appeared on the Katie show, now the cops have even more on him.
SC flat-out lied on the Katie Show when he attempted to make an excuse for his laughter in the 911 call. Here's what he told Katie Couric:

S. CELIS: Honestly, at first, I didn`t think she was missing. I thought actually she might have just been taken by either Becky`s brother or her aunt, gone out for breakfast, something logical. Something logical.

Really, SC? 'Cause here's what you said in the 911 call: "I'd like to report an abduction."

Not: "My daughter's missing, we're not sure where she is."

Not: "We can't find our daughter."

He used the exact words, "abduction."

I am SO glad he appeared on the Katie show, now the cops have even more on him.

Sergio has told so many lies since Isabel "disappeared" that he can't keep track of which lie he told to whom and when. When Judge Vonda Evans was admonishing convicted child murderer, D'Andre Lane, at his sentencing yesterday, she said (paraphrasing), "My father told me never to lie because once you tell one lie, you have to remember all the lies that you'll tell after that first lie."

After watching the Katie Couric interview, it's easy to understand why LE hasn't ruled out these parents in the disappearance of their daughter. :moo:
I didn't really understand why Sergio says that he thinks that it has to be someone who has been in their home because they knew the layout of the house, where Isa's room was, where the backyard is. What was that all about? It's not the Buckingham palace with hundreds of rooms. How hard can it be to figure out where the backyard is and how does he know that the abductor didn't take a look in all the rooms before finding Isa's room? or look through the window? If you go to my house I think you could tell by the curtains which room belongs to a girl child.
SC flat-out lied on the Katie Show when he attempted to make an excuse for his laughter in the 911 call. Here's what he told Katie Couric:

S. CELIS: Honestly, at first, I didn`t think she was missing. I thought actually she might have just been taken by either Becky`s brother or her aunt, gone out for breakfast, something logical. Something logical.

Really, SC? 'Cause here's what you said in the 911 call: "I'd like to report a missing person...I believe she was abducted from our house."

I am SO glad he appeared on the Katie show, now the cops have even more on him.

From the JVM transcript linked above:
B. CELIS: Yes, I looked everywhere. The window`s out of our house. Somebody took the window out of our house. Please hurry. Please get here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They`re almost there, ma`am, OK? Where`s your husband and your kids?

B. CELIS: They`re outside waiting for the cops. Oh, my God.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Police say the bedroom window to little Isabel`s room was opened. The screen had been removed. Evidence of apparent blood was found in her bedroom. Sex offenders in the neighborhood and Isabel`s own family were questioned at length.

Would Becky's brother or aunt be likely to take out a window if they feel like taking Isabel to breakfast?
I agree that if Sergio was attempting to make an excuse for his laughter in the 911 call, it was not consistent with his other statements. But, it seems that some feel that SC's comment on Katie provides a reasonable explanation for why he seemed so calm and even chuckled in the 911 call:

"VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ha-ha-ha. A lot of people took offense to that. But we found out today on the Katie Couric show, Isabel`s dad said at first he didn`t think Isabel was really missing. Listen to this."

"S. CELIS: Honestly, at first, I didn`t think she was missing. I thought actually she might have just been taken by either Becky`s brother or her aunt, gone out for breakfast, something logical. Something logical."

But that is not all SC said on Katie. He immediately followed up with "And after a quick, frantic search with my sons...(sigh)...grabbed Julian, called Becky, and let her know...". SC said he first thought there was a logical explanation. But that was before the search, his call to Becky, and well before the eventual call to 911.

Apparently we are supposed to believe that Sergio then decided that there was no logical explanation and reported in the 911 call that he thought Isa had been "abducted", even though he was still calm and chuckling. I don't see how JVM considered this an explanation for the demeanor of the 911 call.

It also seems inconsistent that Sergio emphasizes grabbing Julian, calling Becky, and then holding Julian and saying "I gotta call" (apparently 911). There has been so much criticism because in the 911 call, SC said Julian was out in the garage and most of us never understood letting a child out of your sight, when you think your daughter has been "abducted".

If anything, I thought Sergio's "logical" comment on "Katie" might have been an attempt to explain his reason for saying this was an "abduction". He said they looked for logical explanations, then searched frantically, but by the time he made the 911 call we know he reported that Isa had been abducted.

SC's statement also brings up another question. Who was actually at the home the night before, or the morning of the disappearance? Was it "logical" to think that Becky's brother or her aunt might have taken Isa out for breakfast (while her father and her brother's slept) without first telling Sergio?

At an early interview (May 4), SC/BC were asked if there was a party at their home that night. Becky said "The only people that were with us were immediate family." I never saw anything more definitive than that. Some people consider "close relatives" like aunts, uncles, grandparents to be "immediate family". It was often reported that only the parents and the three children were in the home that night, but I haven't found that documented.

"Immediate family" question:
I noticed the emphasis he put on Julian. Something about "holding him" and saying "we have to call". In previous interviews, he also talks about "holding" his sons to comfort them. Something odd about how he says this, and I don't mean that I think it's odd when a Father shows physical affection or comfort to his son.

I agree with BDE, watching the Celis' in an interview makes me uncomfortable. I want to believe them, but they are just so unbelievable.

Good catch on his conflicting accounts, fellow posters!!
I noticed the emphasis he put on Julian. Something about "holding him" and saying "we have to call". In previous interviews, he also talks about "holding" his sons to comfort them. Something odd about how he says this, and I don't mean that I think it's odd when a Father shows physical affection or comfort to his son.

I agree with BDE, watching the Celis' in an interview makes me uncomfortable. I want to believe them, but they are just so unbelievable.

Good catch on his conflicting accounts, fellow posters!!

Yes! Uncomfortable. Hinky! :cow:
Not true ... I saw many posts on younger people's facebook pages referencing 420, and it wasn't for "medical" purposes.

I do agree however, that the date Isa disappeared had nothing to do with someone who was smoking pot.

The earliest use of the term began among a group of teenagers in San Rafael, California in 1971

This predates medical marijuana by several years.
My hackles always rise when someone uses to the word "honestly"...Sergio did it more than once in Katie Courics interview, in fact it was one of the first words he used, (does anyone have a link to the transcript) and it makes me think that most of what they are saying is a lie.

This reminds me strongly of the Madeleine McCann case, where the original responding Portugese officers statement said -

He found the parents to be nervous and anxious, he did not see any tears from either of them although they produced noises identical to crying. He did not feel that this was an abduction, although this was the line indicated by the father.

These two produce noises identical to crying without any tears, too.

What he says about "I thought she'd gone out with her Aunt" is not inconsistent if he's innocent?

It could easily have been the first thought he had, before he found the window messed up.

If I would go into my kid's room and find them missing, it would probably be the first thing I'd think of too...until I noticed the window.

I didn't really understand why Sergio says that he thinks that it has to be someone who has been in their home because they knew the layout of the house, where Isa's room was, where the backyard is. What was that all about? It's not the Buckingham palace with hundreds of rooms. How hard can it be to figure out where the backyard is and how does he know that the abductor didn't take a look in all the rooms before finding Isa's room? or look through the window? If you go to my house I think you could tell by the curtains which room belongs to a girl child.

That caught my attention, too. Trying to shift the focus to "aunt/uncle"... who he also thought might have taken her to breakfast when she couldn't be found.

Interesting, too... one deaf dog and two "yappers". Deaf dog kept outside; yappers in "our" room (master bedroom, presumably). Covering bases... IMO.
^ I thought that one of the little dogs slept with Isabel.

Sergio's efforts to justify some of his earlier blunders result in him telling even more lies. :moo:

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when, first, we practice to deceive.
I was not aware of this case until the katie interview. I felt compelled to come here to learn more about the circumstances because the father's behavior in that interview really disturbed me. I also thought the 911 call was odd. I hope the investigators can get to the bottom of her disappearance soon.
I was not aware of this case until the katie interview. I felt compelled to come here to learn more about the circumstances because the father's behavior in that interview really disturbed me. I also thought the 911 call was odd. I hope the investigators can get to the bottom of her disappearance soon.

I hope you listened to the whole 911 call, it gets much weirder than the small clip they played on Katie's show!
Do a search on twitter for Isabel Celis, selecting all not top tweets. Someone tweeted they believe they have information on where Isa is to John Walsh, America's most wanted about 5 hours ago. I turned in the tip in case the two didn't get to talk because John didn't reply back. The guy is a muscian, composer, photographer & artist he says.

I really hope someone has some solid information to bring Isabel home finally & arrest who did this to her.
Do a search on twitter for Isabel Celis, selecting all not top tweets. Someone tweeted they believe they have information on where Isa is to John Walsh, America's most wanted about 5 hours ago. I turned in the tip in case the two didn't get to talk because John didn't reply back. The guy is a muscian, composer, photographer & artist he says.

I really hope someone has some solid information to bring Isabel home finally & arrest who did this to her.

Wouldn't it be great if this could be the end? Poster is local, from Glendale, AZ.
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