Found Deceased AZ - Jerold Williams, 5, Jacob Lake, 6 Aug 2015

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Yeah they broke off, mainstream LDS became mainstream, and they stayed with the old ways which is why I said it's arguable that the mainstream LDS actually are offshoots of the FLDS.

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Sorry if someone has already posted this, but I hadn't seen this new photo of Jerold and a new release by the sheriffs office.


The search for missing 5 year old Jerold Williams continues day and night south of Jacob Lake. Today there are 400+ people in the field including community volunteers; law enforcement officers; state, local and federal agency personnel; and specialized search and rescue teams. Many of the community volunteers are from Colorado City and they are assisting in conducting line and grid searches. A team of nine PJ’s (Air Force Pararescue) also have been providing detailed night searches with thermal imaging and flir systems. Today an additional air resource was provided by a Maricopa County Search and Rescue member with a privately owned helicopter. In addition to the outpouring of community volunteers, partnering agencies include: Coconino County Sheriff’s Office and Coconino County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, Kane County Sheriff’s Office and Search and Rescue, Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office and Search and Rescue, Maricopa County Search and Rescue, Mohave County Search and Rescue, Pima County Search and Rescue, Washington County Search and Rescue, US Forest Service, National Park Service, AZ Game and Fish, Coconino County CERT teams, Page Rural CERT teams, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Nellis US Air Force Base, AZ National Guard, AZ Department of Emergency Management, AZ Department of Public Safety and Air Rescue, Bureau of Land Management, AZ Civil Air Patrol, and UT Civil Air Patrol. Please see the updated Missing Person Flyer for Jerold which has some corrected information and an additional photo.

It seems that they revised the time he was last seen from 1:30 to 2:30.
Why dont they use drones like right away. Russia had a missing kid in a forest or something and they quickly got drones out there as well as other things/people and found the kid.

and as someone else stated do some food and water drops and megaphone the area etc.

Drones -- Yes !!!
large cell moving into search area. large hail...and mud slides have closed hwy 89.
Have the family even been confirmed to be FLDS?
I don't think so but it's a fair guess if they're from Colorado City and dress in that particular manner. No judgement just saying it's more likely than not. IMO.

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What cases has it been proven true that a child reported missing from a campsite was never there to begin with?
In cases of children reported missing period, not reported missing at campsites.
Drones -- Yes !!!

It may well be that if drones are up then they can't have search helicopters up.

I know it's been a tremendous issue here in CA recently with people flying drones over fire areas and then the water and retardant dropping planes and helicopters assisting in the coordinating are grounded.

They've actually lost homes recently because of it - the water droppers were grounded and the fires took off beyond what they could manage on the ground.

It even caused crews on the ground to have to back off dealing with a smaller single business fire this past week. Drones were overhead and were causing a safety issue for fire crews on the ladders.

They've started using this phrase/poster with the fire situations


I'm guessing they've got the same issue here in terms of drones grounding any aerial search operations.
It may well be that if drones are up then they can't have search helicopters up.

I know it's been a tremendous issue here in CA recently with people flying drones over fire areas and then the water and retardant dropping planes and helicopters assisting in the coordinating are grounded.

They've actually lost homes recently because of it - the water droppers were grounded and the fires took off beyond what they could manage on the ground.

It even caused crews on the ground to have to back off dealing with a smaller single business fire this past week. Drones were overhead and were causing a safety issue for fire crews on the ladders.

They've started using this phrase/poster with the fire situations


I'm guessing they've got the same issue here in terms of drones grounding any aerial search operations.

Well, I wasn't thinking about just anyone to go up to the area and use drones, was thinking of LE owned/operated drones.
My daughter is on a road trip and is very near Jacob Lake right now. She is amazed how hot and DRY it is there. They have their retriever with them and they have to wet him down periodically because he is panting so hard. And that is with the AC on in the car. I told her about little Jerold because they are going into the hiking area tomorrow. Wishful thinking, I know. :candle:
I was thinking about this little kid when I went to bed last night. Me getting into my warm bed, and him out there in pitch black darkness with no food, no fire, no heat, damp clothes, limited water (if any), and no idea where he is.

Oh, and let's throw in all the creepy noises you hear in the forest at night on top of all of that.

That would suck for me, and I've been camping, riding dirt bikes, and playing on ATV's the majority of my life.

I hope they pull out all the stops in the next 24 hours and do what they need to do in order to find him. This is teetering on the edge of becoming a recovery mission. I hope the public continues to pressure the sheriff to bring in more searchers and expand the search zone. I know they have largely shut the public out of this search, but they need to reconsider.

That entire mountain is normally open to everybody and anybody that wants to go there to camp, hike, ride horses, or play on ATV's, so opening it back up wouldn't be some kind of extraordinary move.
Almost thirty five years ago now I once hiked in the Arizona Desert Near Globe. It was only a day hike, and I was totally unprepared. I was a rather conditioned hiker at the time and felt it would not be a problem. I was only hiking for approx. 6 hours (give or take) and I knew I was in trouble, never had I been that thirsty in my life. I found a gas station place on a desert road and went into their disgusting bathroom, and above the sink it said "water not potable", I drank it. I honestly had no choice. I cannot even imagine this baby, this child is able to keep going at this point. He is so little and it just breaks my heart. IMHO
Well, I wasn't thinking about just anyone to go up to the area and use drones, was thinking of LE owned/operated drones.

Isnt this more because the water from the helicopters could knock down the drones? IMO they should just knock them out, putting out the wild fires is more important. I think drones from day one would help with the recovery JMO
This is about the 4 yr old in Russia lost for 12 days in the Siberian forest

A missing four-year-old girl was rescued by Russian authorities after spending nearly two weeks wandering in Siberian forests and swamps. An unmanned aerial vehicle, helicopters, search dogs and dozens of people took part in the rescue operation. They used drones to help with the search.
Buzzing above the forest, an unmanned aerial vehicle (or drone) surveiled the area in real time, while a helicopter crew also looked for signs of the little girl. These efforts were joined by several groups of specialists and locals, who searched the area on foot and by boat with the help of sniffer dogs.

apparently you can have drones and helicopters for searches at the same time
Isnt this more because the water from the helicopters could knock down the drones? IMO they should just knock them out, putting out the wild fires is more important. I think drones from day one would help with the recovery JMO

They aren't going to find this kid with drones or helicopters. They are going to find him with people walking through the trees and the brush calling his name, stopping to listen..........walking forward a few hundred yards, and then doing it again.

The pine trees are over 100 feet tall, couple that with the undergrowth below them, and from the air it just looks like a big green lush carpet below you. I have no doubt they have flown directly over Jerold. I have no doubt that Jerold has looked directly up at them. I have NO doubt that they simply didn't see him, while he was mixed in with all the vegetation.

The FLIR capabilities, while cool to talk about, only work when a human body is warmer than the area surrounding it.
This is Arizona, it's hot. There are tons of rocks on the ground that gather heat during the day. They will retain that temperature until late into the night and the wee hours of the morning. The human body has a temperature of 98.6 degrees. The rocks in the search zone have a temperature starting out at 100 degrees and decreasing to 70 or 80 by the morning hours. Even the exposed tree trunks will retain heat all night long. The FLIR will only work if there is a distinct difference between the heat of a human body and the surrounding inanimate objects. If this was winter time, they would have found him 2 days ago, but this isn't winter time, it's the hottest part of the year. Everything in the forest gathers heat and retains it. To further complicate things, the FLIR only works within the area directly below the chopper, or whatever the hell they aim it at.

This kid is 5 years old, he has neither the training or the mental capacity to try and flag down the helicopters, and even if he did, I highly doubt they would see him. Hell, people build signal fires and spell H-E-L-P out of logs sometimes and the searchers don't even see it the first time through. This kid is just looking up at them, looking down at him, and if he is waving it's all just lost in the vibration and the shutter involved while flying a helicopter.

In order to find this kid, they need boots on the ground......a lot of them. They need to cut down on the noise to the greatest extent possible (such as ATV's). Even with an ATV you can shut it off and yell.....listen....listen.....then fire it up and continue. Every searcher out there should be blowing whistles sporadically as they make their way through the forest in an attempt to guide him to them.

If enough people are out there in all different directions, Jerold is going to find SOMEBODY eventually.

The way this is going, I halfway expect him to walk into the Grand Canyon Visitor center tomorrow, ask for a coke and a doughnut, and then apologize to the waitress because he doesn't have enough money to pay for it.

We can only hope.
My daughter is on a road trip and is very near Jacob Lake right now. She is amazed how hot and DRY it is there. They have their retriever with them and they have to wet him down periodically because he is panting so hard. And that is with the AC on in the car. I told her about little Jerold because they are going into the hiking area tomorrow. Wishful thinking, I know. :candle:
I thought they were having hail storms and mud slides today.

On another note - Today is 3 days into the search for Jarold. At this point in the search for DeOrr Kunz Jr, his dad was praising SAR and speaking in depth of the operation to find his son. I wonder if we will hear from Jarold's mom/parents. It must be difficult to remain optimistic. I don't know if there was a scanner thread for DeOrr where people followed the first few days of that search but it has to be so hard finding a shoe print and possibly hearing a child's yells and not being able to locate him.

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