Baez is saying that "CASEY is really struggling"

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Sorry Baez, I don't give a rat's red *advertiser censored** about Casey's struggle. I hope the state
goes back to the DP. I would bet that her final struggle when the needle goes into
her arm couldn't begin to compare with the struggle that Caylee went through.
The betrayal of her mother must have been horrific for that poor little child.
Anyone who could do such things to a child should suffer the same fate, but
Why not put her in a padded cell and let her have at it? Take the drugs away, she needs to feel pain.
Bravo! I could not agree more!! She has felt nothing to date so I think she really wanted the attention from Baez and to get "high" while in jail personally.
There is only one way to end this "struggle". I have a saying that I try to impress upon my children...."YOUR WORDS SHALL SET YOU FREE"......Casey opening her mouth to speak the truth might not bring her heart peace but it will open the doorway to it. She doesn't need all these highpriced attorney's. She only needs to tell the truth and deal with the consequences of her actions. Until that time(and I don't see it) her struggle will continue, and will be well deserved.

She is not struggling...........she is planning her revenge.

She will seek revenge on her parents.......She is planning on taking them down with her.......Remember I said that.
Having said that, the only thing I find amazing about her statement is that she stopped short of saying "to me." This can't be happening TO ME. Because I don't think Casey ever batted an eyelash over Caylee's disappearance. And I don't think she knows what struggling means, not in any meaningful way. It's like y'all have said: her panties aren't pretty and she has to eat coleslaw. THAT she struggles with. The impact of the discovery of Caylee's body will cause her some struggle, but Caylee's death itself had no effect on her at all. Absolutely none.

I agree. But her statement (if true), is still the statement of a narcississtic sociopath (and whatever else) even without the "to me", don't you think?

Not "I can't believe my baby is dead" (past tense), she used the present tense, which clearly refers to what is currently going on, which is a solid case for DP against her.

Her whole life was built around appearance. With this discovery, to her it's probably like her beautiful mask fell and we all see her true ugliness.

I agree that she is already scrambling for a new story.
While I personally believe Casey is responsible for Caylee's death, it aint over til a jury hears all the evidence and decides she's guilty as hell. When I heard there was duct tape on that baby's mouth, I was hoping they could put the death penalty back on the table, but it may actually be easier for the jury if they don't have to deal with that possibility.

Having said that, the only thing I find amazing about her statement is that she stopped short of saying "to me." This can't be happening TO ME. Because I don't think Casey ever batted an eyelash over Caylee's disappearance. And I don't think she knows what struggling means, not in any meaningful way. It's like y'all have said: her panties aren't pretty and she has to eat coleslaw. THAT she struggles with. The impact of the discovery of Caylee's body will cause her some struggle, but Caylee's death itself had no effect on her at all. Absolutely none.

Oh but you must remember kgeaux...once she is able to speak at her trial and tell her side of it,we will all understand why she acted the way she did.Silly...:waitasec:
Yep. It's all about her. She wasn't struggling while she was out partying and "conducting her own search." She wasn't struggling while she was out on bond and refusing to help search. The only reason she is struggling now is because she knows the game is up. She is going away for a very long time and she feels sorry for herself! :furious:

And she certainly wasn't struggling while carrying on her love affair with TonyL and stringing countless other guys along.
And she must have really struggles while she cooked and cleaned for Tony and his roomates.
I hope Caylee haunts Casey's dreams FOREVER!!!
I do believe KC is a true sociopath.. and the ONLY punishment that is going to really "hurt" her is knowing she would be put to death. Maybe its hateful and ugly of me, but I really hope they put the DP back on the table. Chameleon KC may not enjoy being locked up behind bars for the rest of her life, but she would 'adapt' and be able to deal with that.. knowing that she is going to be executed would torture her much more, imo, cause she would be losing the only thing in the world that is important to her.. herself. I am so digusted by her I could just puke all over my keyboard. Her baby goes "missing" and she goes out to fusian... divers thought they found Caylee and KC doesnt blink... even making taunting statements about "they havent even found her clothes yet"... but they find the spot where she knows Caylee's at... and little miss calm and collected totally loses it and has to be sedated .. shows exactly WHAT is important to her. Not her baby, not her parents, not anyone or anything but her own evil self.. I say take THAT away from her!

ITA. Even though LWOP isn't exactly a dream life, she'll assimilate and make friends and continue lying. Putting death in her face is the only time she'll ever taste reality.
I luv it, luv it, luv it when I hear she's upset, bring it on! I want to hear of more!
Bring Back The Death Penalty. Nothing else will bring reality back to this evil mother.:eek:
She is not struggling...........she is planning her revenge.

She will seek revenge on her parents.......She is planning on taking them down with her.......Remember I said that.

Personally, I could not agree with you more given what KC has revealed about her personality and the Anthony family dynamics in the LE interviews and jailhouse convos with her parents and brother.

When they said about her reaction, her face turned red, her knees buckled and she screamed, "this can't be happening!"

I laughed! THE JIG IS UP KC! hahaha what the hell are you going to say now? My thoughts are she will stick with the nanny killed her. She will continue with the lies and BS and her parents (although I find it hard to believe GA will continue this charade) will say SHE IS THE VICTIM TOO!

She is struggling?? I cannot in the depths of my mind begin to TRY and feel any sympathy for her. I said it in another post I want her head for this. I think it's premeditated. I think she is the only one involved and she should pay...
She is not struggling...........she is planning her revenge.

She will seek revenge on her parents.......She is planning on taking them down with her.......Remember I said that.

I agree, Casey is going to use the abuse excuse....she makes me sick...:furious:
is anyone else bothered by the idea that casey is going to get to see Caylee? Not that I would think that she would opt to but just when they mentioned that she would have the right to made me want to :puke:
I hope they show Caylee to her, I hope that imagine stays in her mind forever! I hope Caylee's sweet little voice haunts her until she goes crazy!
When they said about her reaction, her face turned red, her knees buckled and she screamed, "this can't be happening!"

I laughed! THE JIG IS UP KC! hahaha what the hell are you going to say now? My thoughts are she will stick with the nanny killed her. She will continue with the lies and BS and her parents (although I find it hard to believe GA will continue this charade) will say SHE IS THE VICTIM TOO!

She is struggling?? I cannot in the depths of my mind begin to TRY and feel any sympathy for her. I said it in another post I want her head for this. I think it's premeditated. I think she is the only one involved and she should pay...
She reacted so violently because she knew immediately that they'd found Caylee.

If she honestly thought Caylee was off with Casey's imaginary friends, her reaction would have been that the body couldn't possibly be that of her daughter.

Casey has no need to wait until the formal identification is done. She knows.
unfortunately I just don't see KC really caring enough about Caylee for it to haunt her. Caylee was just something that was in the way of her doing as she she had to get rid of her. She would actually have to be remotely human to be haunted by what she did to that little angel...

The ironic thing is much to KC's dismay Caylee is going to continue to keep her from doing what she wants either for the rest of her life or until she gets the needle. :crazy::crazy:
since KC will no longer has to worry about someone harming Caylee we can all expect to get the whole story. right!
Cindy your monster daughter is no longer mother of the year, how could she be, she has no child. Go ahead and spin all you want to for your daughter. You wouldn't help with the searches at all, not even by providing clothing for the dogs to track by. You helped leave her there in the woods, naked, in a garbage bag. pure evil. both of you.

I doubt it because they can still come after Cindy, George and Lee!
She reacted so violently because she knew immediately that they'd found Caylee.

If she honestly thought Caylee was off with Casey's imaginary friends, her reaction would have been that the body couldn't possibly be that of her daughter.

Casey has no need to wait until the formal identification is done. She knows.

Well when LP's divers found the bad in the Econ was reported that KC saw it on the TV and just walked back to her cell. She knew it wasn't her. Not quite the same reaction when she heard they found a skull near the school.. it's telling actually.

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