Baez To Hold News Conference Today 10/16/08 at 2pm

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Pffffphfff. I don't believe anything JB says at this point. He's as much a "mis-leader" as Casey is. That little 4 minute presser was a waste, HUGE WASTE.
Why does he keep saying it's a slow news day??? Wonder how long he was thinking he'd use that line in a press conference!!
" case looks extremely good if we find caylee..."

Uhhh... if they find her it's either GREAT, as in she's alive (which I doubt) or it's rotten, as in she's deceased.
:gavel: :gavel: :gavel:
Oh brother...just caught about 2 minutes of his crap...clicked the x to close...HUGE WASTE of my time. :violin:
What a sorry cannot speak in public; PR must be represented by attorney which PR is
KC may have a better defense representing herself!
LOL - the defense of this case is easy if Caylee comes home. " My case looks extremely good if we find Caylee"

No poop sherlock.

what a clown.

I cannot BELIEVE he said that.

Bowing out of 1st chair- thank God.
Nancy Grace will be pleased-he is now stating that he has never been first chair and won't be on this one.
Doesn't want the lawyer he has that is death penalty qualified, he doesn't want his name mentioned.

He wrote a very scholarly brief in this case, presented to the court, says I AM qualified.
Just shut up and lawyer, every time the Anthony's or the Lawyers speak they stick their foot in their mouth.
OMG with all the umms and ahhs and uhhhs....he needs to start consulting with his client on how to BS better!
I smell MG coming on this case..very high profile:mad:
He basically just threatened the media not to report anything that may damage HIS business.
Oh gosh, I hope the attorney who wants to remain anonymous isn't Shapiro!!

"Reports that I don't have all the CLE's required are untrue, have them in my office"

he MUST be reading here!
Baez' press conferences are about as worthless as he is. 3 minutes of more bs.

Just saw the press conference. Your prediction was correct! I am sick of seeing his face and hearing his voice!
he's STILL talking! total interview time so far: been talking for 8+ straight minutes....
"...I'd seriously caution all of you from misreporting anything that would affect my business..." jeez - veiled threats to the press.
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