Bedtimes and blankets

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
You're right Whisperer. I used to live in a double wide and it was on perfectly flat land. I couldn't look in my windows from the ground. It was a good 2-3 feet off the ground.

lol - around here, that wouldn't even be considered a mobile home. It would be considered manufactured housing or modular home, I think.
Below is a statement Misty gave to David L. on ID Discovery about the blankets. This whole blanket issue is driving me crazy.:banghead:

LE says the blood hound handlers pulled blankets off of Haleigh's bed to get her scent. Misty says she woke and saw the door open with the blankets on the railing. LE makes a comment about the 911 call regarding the loud noises and the cinder block and that it was taken for testing. LE also says No mention of the blankets being outside in the 911 call. But Misty did throw the doing laundry, cleaning, washing blankets in the call. She never said they were on the railing until that day to DL. I wonder why?

Could it be that a blanket (Misty's) was left in the van from when Ronald threw Misty out the week before? Or did she use it while on her 3 day party binge?
Or did she just simply put the info out there to throw LE for a loop?
I am thinking the reason that Misty threw the info out there about "How She Left Her Blanket" in the van is why she had to wash blankets, aside with her saying/thinking that one of the blankets were urinated on. Giving her reason to say she was doing laundry at around 7:30-8:30PM. On another interview she said she was doing laundry at around 10:00PM. :banghead:

:waitasec:It is a little disturbing to think that LE would of just let the blood hound handlers take blankets off the bed for Haleigh's scent, when that was the last place Misty said she saw Haleigh. I would think that they would taken that into evidence for testing. The could of used other items from the home to get Haleigh's scent. Like a stuffed animal or other clothing. Why they would take blankets of the bed makes no sense to me. Another thing, Ron had said that the beds were not slept it. Which throws us for another loop with these darn blankets. If I could take a guess, there were blankets on that railing and LE let the blood hound handlers take other blankets for her scent? Just a thought....

February 11, 2009


Misty Croslin also stated she observed that a rear door to the trailer was ajar and that a brick had been used to prop it open. Croslin further said that she observed a blanket and sheets scattered on the wooden ramp leading from the door."She's afraid of the dark," Cummings told First Coast News. "She didn't leave my house. Somebody came in my back door and stole my child while I was at work."

"Snip" UNCUT: Putnam Investigators Say 'All The World's A Suspect' At a Wednesday afternoon briefing, investigators say they consider Haleigh's disappearance an abduction.

When the reporter asked about what was found LE says, Some blankets near the back door and a cinder block. They have the cinder block. They then say that the blankets that reporters may of seen in a photo were put there by the blood handlers.
So, the question remains. Are these the same blankets Misty referred to or are they other blanket that the blood Handlers put out there for Haleigh's scent.

Again, LE says the blankets that reporters may of seen out on the ramp were blankets pulled by blood handlers as scent objects. They pulled bedding off of her own bed. He says it could be the reason the blood hounds went down towards the river because the skin cells scent could of blown down near the river.

I also added a link to a statement that GGMS gave regarding the t.v. in the bedroom stays on and the door stays open. If the t.v. was on in the bedroom, we can discount the theory that Misty saw the kitchen light on and that is why she went to the other bathroom. There was light in her bedroom. Which makes me think about Tommy's visit. He said everything was dark, no sound of t.v. on or anything. So, if Misty was home we can assume that the kids slept with the T.V. on, especially since Haleigh was afraid of the dark. Could be another reason the kitchen light may of been on. But Tommy said, no lights and no sound.

Annette Sykes, said the bedroom door was kept open at night and the television was always on.

"I can't see how they can get her in and out with the TV on," Sykes said.
Sykes pointed out the adjoining bathroom where Croslin went when she said she realized that Haleigh was gone.
"She got up, you know you get up and you're half asleep, to go to the bathroom. You don’t expect your baby to be gone," Sykes said.
She hesitated the longest before entering Haleigh's bedroom.
"This is Haleigh's room, with all of her things. Her favorite things are over on her dresser -- makeup and fingernail polish were her favorite things," Sykes said.
She said Haleigh played in the room, but never slept there.
"Neither one of them slept in a room," Sykes said. "They wouldn't sleep in the room by themselves."
Sykes took the media inside the home hoping that whoever took Haleigh would realize it was once a happy home and would have a change of heart.
"Bring her home," Sykes said.
I really think the sheets and blankets were put out on the ramp by LE, for the dogs to scent. Not sure why they used those instead of an item of clothing, or something more personal that would have Haleigh's scent. I always thought that was odd to throw them out in the open air like that.
A hairbrush used only by the victim is a very good scent article, they tell me.
Morning Madjg..

First the easy stuff. Yes, the handlers pulled the blankets out!! I know nothing about dogs but I sure think that was useless. Dogs should have began their track where Haleigh was last known to have been, in the toddler bed...I have been wondering about this for a year. Why did they drag those blankets out the back door, and what if Haleigh wasn't even taken out the back door?

Next, You got me thinking about these darn blankets Misty does state that her blanket was in the van that "they" took. Personally I think that her blanket was left in the blue van that Timmy and Chelsea were borrowing since their car was wrecked by Hank SR days before. Chelsea borrowed the van from Lyndsey and had plans to drive into Gainsville to see Papa Hank in the morning( instead she raced to Gainsville to pick up Lisa C who had stayed with Hank at the Lisa could be with Misty)Anyway...Misty said " her blanket and my blanket was in the van they took" Her blanket smelled like pee, I guess she had peed on it the night before, and who wants to cover up with a blanket that smells like pee?" So Misty took a blanket off the window( to use for herself to replace the blanket that she had left in the van) and washed that with Haleigh's blanket that smelled like pee. That all makes fine sense to me, but here is my question....If that was Monday night and Misty had been at the house and got Haleigh up Monday morn to get her ready for school, why didn't she know then that the blanket smelled like pee? See this is where the 3 day binge and when Misty went back to 202 gets messy.IMO

TN says that RC and Misty stayed up talking all night long, was that Sun night or Mon night and why wouldn't Misty have washed the blankets when she got home...when did Haleigh pee on the blanket to facilitate it needing to be washed? Sunday night? Then how did Misty not know Monday morning that the blanket smelled like pee? Why did she say I guess? In this video, Misty acts like she discovered the pee smell on the blanket on Monday night, but that doesn't make sense to me in the time-line. If they got up and drove to Welaka to get Haleigh a new outfit at GGS, why didn't she smell the blanket? Something is funky about this, imo.
I suppose it could have been Ronald to wake Haleigh up, to help her change clothes and notice a smelly blanket but he was in a hurry then and forgot to do anything about it later. If Misty had been up all night and had little sleep the previous two or three nights she might have slept through it all and just barely managed to drag her own self out of bed in time to get into the car. She said she didn't have any breakfast, although the kids had eggs. Did Ronald make it?

But if so, Ronald ought to be able to tell LE all about the smelly blanket and there ought to be smelly nightwear too.
I believe Misty was about to say "her blanket and my blanket were in the van they took".
If Misty loaded the kids up in the van along with whoever brought the van over - brother or cousin-to go someplace (brother's house or to buy drugs or sell drugs) then Haleigh could have died in the van, disappeared from the van, gotten injured in the van, od's in the van, etc. The adults return to the van after their partying or transaction and find Haleigh is dead or not there at all.
No one is going to admit to where the van was at the time if this involved drugs.
Maybe Haleigh got out of the van on her own and got hurt - run over, fell, wandered to the water as she had before.
This would explain why the van was parked differently and why no one was home when Misty's brother came over.
Morning Madjg..
First the easy stuff. Yes, the handlers pulled the blankets out!! I know nothing about dogs but I sure think that was useless. Dogs should have began their track where Haleigh was last known to have been, in the toddler bed...I have been wondering about this for a year. Why did they drag those blankets out the back door, and what if Haleigh wasn't even taken out the back door? <snipped by LF>

Ooh, I'm glad you brought up the blankets out the back door.

Question for anyone who knows about canine trackers:

Which is preferable?

Take the blanket to the dog.


Take the dogs into the m/h.


eta - And how did we see photos/videos of the bedding out the back door?
LF, I have been searching for these photo's and video of the blankets strewn on the ramp but all the links to those are dead....imagine that. I would love to see some though if anyone manages to find a working link.

After watching that video, yet again, it is so sad to hear Misty's voice tremor when she says " I put a little sheet over her". : (
I believe Misty was about to say "her blanket and my blanket were in the van they took".
If Misty loaded the kids up in the van along with whoever brought the van over - brother or cousin-to go someplace (brother's house or to buy drugs or sell drugs) then Haleigh could have died in the van, disappeared from the van, gotten injured in the van, od's in the van, etc. The adults return to the van after their partying or transaction and find Haleigh is dead or not there at all.
No one is going to admit to where the van was at the time if this involved drugs.
Maybe Haleigh got out of the van on her own and got hurt - run over, fell, wandered to the water as she had before.
This would explain why the van was parked differently and why no one was home when Misty's brother came over.

Balaney, Misty stumbled over telling her story as she was giving it, rote. She was telling the story and got ahead of herself by mentioning Haleigh's blanket first. HER blanket was in the van that they took and Haleigh's smelled like pee, and that's why she was washing blankets when she was washing them. Order was important for Misty. She HAS to tell it the same way each time or she'll screw up the story. Haleigh's blanket was not lost with Misty's, in that van.
I believe Misty was about to say "her blanket and my blanket were in the van they took".
If Misty loaded the kids up in the van along with whoever brought the van over - brother or cousin-to go someplace (brother's house or to buy drugs or sell drugs) then Haleigh could have died in the van, disappeared from the van, gotten injured in the van, od's in the van, etc. The adults return to the van after their partying or transaction and find Haleigh is dead or not there at all.
No one is going to admit to where the van was at the time if this involved drugs.
Maybe Haleigh got out of the van on her own and got hurt - run over, fell, wandered to the water as she had before.
This would explain why the van was parked differently and why no one was home when Misty's brother came over.

This makes sense.....^

"The blanket was in the van THEY took." Who is THEY?
Morning Madjg..

First the easy stuff. Yes, the handlers pulled the blankets out!! I know nothing about dogs but I sure think that was useless. Dogs should have began their track where Haleigh was last known to have been, in the toddler bed...I have been wondering about this for a year. Why did they drag those blankets out the back door, and what if Haleigh wasn't even taken out the back door?

Next, You got me thinking about these darn blankets Misty does state that her blanket was in the van that "they" took. Personally I think that her blanket was left in the blue van that Timmy and Chelsea were borrowing since their car was wrecked by Hank SR days before. Chelsea borrowed the van from Lyndsey and had plans to drive into Gainsville to see Papa Hank in the morning( instead she raced to Gainsville to pick up Lisa C who had stayed with Hank at the Lisa could be with Misty)Anyway...Misty said " her blanket and my blanket was in the van they took" Her blanket smelled like pee, I guess she had peed on it the night before, and who wants to cover up with a blanket that smells like pee?" So Misty took a blanket off the window( to use for herself to replace the blanket that she had left in the van) and washed that with Haleigh's blanket that smelled like pee. That all makes fine sense to me, but here is my question....If that was Monday night and Misty had been at the house and got Haleigh up Monday morn to get her ready for school, why didn't she know then that the blanket smelled like pee? See this is where the 3 day binge and when Misty went back to 202 gets messy.IMO

TN says that RC and Misty stayed up talking all night long, was that Sun night or Mon night and why wouldn't Misty have washed the blankets when she got home...when did Haleigh pee on the blanket to facilitate it needing to be washed? Sunday night? Then how did Misty not know Monday morning that the blanket smelled like pee? Why did she say I guess? In this video, Misty acts like she discovered the pee smell on the blanket on Monday night, but that doesn't make sense to me in the time-line. If they got up and drove to Welaka to get Haleigh a new outfit at GGS, why didn't she smell the blanket? Something is funky about this, imo.

To take it a step further, what blanket did she and Ron use when they were sleeping all day? If they had their blanket, how and when did it end up in the van?
To take it a step further, what blanket did she and Ron use when they were sleeping all day? If they had their blanket, how and when did it end up in the van?

With the sleeping arrangements in that household, I wouldn't be surprised to find blankets in the van. "If this van's-a-rockin, don't come-a-knockin"
JMO but the only reason the blanket became important and she came up with the pee story is because one was obviously missing if the window was uncovered. It's in the van that they took---that puts the disappearance of the blanket in someone else's hands and not hers. The blanket obviously went with Haleigh--where ever she went.
JMO but the only reason the blanket became important and she came up with the pee story is because one was obviously missing if the window was uncovered. It's in the van that they took---that puts the disappearance of the blanket in someone else's hands and not hers. The blanket obviously went with Haleigh--where ever she went.

From the first, I have had a huge problem with Misty detailing all these blankets in the first place. Not one of us strangers into their lives would have known a darn thing about blankets, and a year later, would not still be speculating on where that blanket went in that van that they took.
GGM Sykes says neither child ever slept in a room, they would never sleep in the room alone. That is unfortunate. Did either of them sleep in the living room as a rule? Surely they didn't sleep in with Ron & Misty every night.

It sounds like Ron was clueless about parenting. Getting Haleigh to school, getting the kids to sleep normally, finding a safe, qualified babysitter. Taking one child 15 miles to get an outfit instead of giving a firm "No, we will get it and you can wear it tomorrow." It sounds like the house was in chaos.

Misty's repeated story about the dirty blanket shows it is a key component in the story. Why?
This makes sense.....

"The blanket was in the van THEY took." Who is THEY?

That has always bugged me!! Both Misty and Ron from the beggining have said "they". When a child is kidnapped it's not usually (hardly ever!) 2 people involved! What a strange thing to say IMO.
The one thing for sure that I can come up with about Haleigh's blanket is that it must have been freshly washed that night, but maybe not in the trailer house since LE says she was not doing what she says she was doing. There's no way I believe Tommy about all the lights being out though. Misty would have to of taken the kids and left before dark and her cell phone pings should place her at the trailer house at least up until 8:30 when she turned her phone off. She wouldn't have been washing in the dark and does not mention having all the lights out and tv's off when she went to bed.
With the sleeping arrangements in that household, I wouldn't be surprised to find blankets in the van. "If this van's-a-rockin, don't come-a-knockin"

Yes, but my point is, Misty said she and Ron slept and laid around all day. At no time does she mention getting in that van. So if she and Ron laid around and slept, what blanket did they use? She didn't yank the blanket off the window until that evening, so when did their blanket get in the van?

Does anyone see what I'm trying to say? She's caught up in her own lie IMO.
Yes, but my point is, Misty said she and Ron slept and laid around all day. At no time does she mention getting in that van. So if she and Ron laid around and slept, what blanket did they use? She didn't yank the blanket off the window until that evening, so when did their blanket get in the van?

Does anyone see what I'm trying to say? She's caught up in her own lie IMO.
I see exactly what you are saying. IF they did take a nap that day, what blanket was she and Ron using and what blanket was JR using (if Haleigh's "smelled like pee"). Assuming that there was not another blanket for JR, I hear no mention of three blankets in the home, only Misty's blanket and Haleigh's blanket. Add to that, Ronald made a statement (IIRC) that no clothes had been washed, as there was no detergent, plus he said the dirty clothes were in the dryer.

This whole story of Misty's, about the washing of the stinky blanket, makes no sense. Why wouldn't she just say she was washing clothes, giving more information than is called for is a red flag, IMO. BUT, she goes on and on about how she would never give a child a stinky blanket to use...overkill.

So, what is she attempting to hide by using that statement over and over again ? In my experience, lies are created to hide something, my question is what is she really hiding in connection with the blanket ?

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