Being sober is boring: Charlie Sheen

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I am really worried about CS. He seems so out of touch with reality!
Why do peeps keep paying to see this mess? I guess that's why he thinks he is winning.


I think some people actually go to see if they can "figure out" of it's an act as so many people think it is.

I think the others that go are just "unusual people" who would watch, rather than help, in a car wreck.
My cousin went to NY and saw him. She said it was sad to watch... and she felt bad for him.. that he reminded her of her father (my uncle) who was a crack addict who eventually died by suicide.

"Charlie Sheen at Radio City Music Hall: He's not winning anymore. He's losing, big time"

"It was Detroit all over again, an aimless and slovenly disaster, with the crowd taking less than 20 minutes to turn on him. And once they did, the boos and the catcalls just kept slowly escalating. The rumors of a better, more disciplined and lively show that had emerged during the last week out of Chicago and Ohio never came close to materializing. Does Sheen wonder, at this point, what he’s doing wrong? It was obvious that he found the mounting audience hostility at Radio City a little flabbergasting. He jeered at the jeerers, and often seemed to be saying, with a grimace of attitude: Why the hell are you people heckling me if you paid to see me? He didn’t seem to get that the audience was answering back: Because we didn’t want you to suck."

"Charlie Sheen at Radio City Music Hall: He's not winning anymore. He's losing, big time"

"It was Detroit all over again, an aimless and slovenly disaster, with the crowd taking less than 20 minutes to turn on him. And once they did, the boos and the catcalls just kept slowly escalating. The rumors of a better, more disciplined and lively show that had emerged during the last week out of Chicago and Ohio never came close to materializing. Does Sheen wonder, at this point, what he’s doing wrong? It was obvious that he found the mounting audience hostility at Radio City a little flabbergasting. He jeered at the jeerers, and often seemed to be saying, with a grimace of attitude: Why the hell are you people heckling me if you paid to see me? He didn’t seem to get that the audience was answering back: Because we didn’t want you to suck."

'If I pay you, will you applaud me?' Charlie Sheen offers wads of cash to audience member in revamped New York show
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 8:19 AM on 11th April 2011

The king of recovery Charlie Sheen has once again transformed booing into cheering in the actor's second New York show of his Torpedo of Truth tour.

But perhaps had something to do with his cash incentives that prompted the turnaround.

The former Two And A Half Men star pulled out a large wad of cash when asked by a audience member if he could have some money, after Sheen returned to the stage at Radio City Music Hall on Sunday night....

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Us DC'rs have been hearing about this investigation on the local news for days... it is finally hitting the pop culture media. Some people think it is being overblown, but honestly, Metro police is already suffering under a strained budget, so which ever dum-dum on the force ok'd the outlandish LE escort for Sheen needs their tail kicked.
Us DC'rs have been hearing about this investigation on the local news for days... it is finally hitting the pop culture media. Some people think it is being overblown, but honestly, Metro police is already suffering under a strained budget, so which ever dum-dum on the force ok'd the outlandish LE escort for Sheen needs their tail kicked.

You have got to be kidding me!! :banghead:
Charlie Sheen dumped via text message, lol.*advertiser censored*-star-bree-olson
Charlie Sheen dumped via text message, lol.*advertiser censored*-star-bree-olson

Well that's one smart lady. Based on past experience, the ladies that have crossed him have either ended up with serious injuries and with CS in jail ;)

Go Bree!

So I'm spacing out reading threads and stuff and all of a sudden I hear Charlies voice so I look up and hubby is watching 2 and 1/2 men. I really do love the show, it's too bad it's no longer.
If you ask me, the kids need to learn the words pot, kettle and black.

Charlie to Twins: Can You Say 'Mommy's in Rehab?'

5/7/2011 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Charlie Sheen tells TMZ ... he's teaching his 2-year-old twin boys new words this weekend -- like "rehab" -- because he wants them to know where their mother spends so much time.

Charlie tells TMZ ... it's the first time he's been able to spend a weekend with Bob and Max since the judge took custody away from him back in March. Charlie says he's spending the weekend expanding the boys' vocabulary: "I am teaching them words, because they're speaking now. I'm teaching them the word 'rehab' so they always know where their mom is."

Charlie has settled his custody dispute with Brooke Mueller, but it sound like it's still game on.
If you ask me, the kids need to learn the words pot, kettle and black.

Charlie to Twins: Can You Say 'Mommy's in Rehab?'

5/7/2011 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Charlie Sheen tells TMZ ... he's teaching his 2-year-old twin boys new words this weekend -- like "rehab" -- because he wants them to know where their mother spends so much time.

Charlie tells TMZ ... it's the first time he's been able to spend a weekend with Bob and Max since the judge took custody away from him back in March. Charlie says he's spending the weekend expanding the boys' vocabulary: "I am teaching them words, because they're speaking now. I'm teaching them the word 'rehab' so they always know where their mom is."

Charlie has settled his custody dispute with Brooke Mueller, but it sound like it's still game on.

Good. Brooke should be able to use this in family court to show he's unfit. I LOVE it when the bad guys just hand over the most potent ammunition against themselves. Mentally ill are great at this as their thinking is soooo skewed. And the blatant narcissism at thinking this behavior is CUTE, ewwwww. Bet he wears Speedo bikinis at the pool too. Poor Charlie. Just get some HELP, please.
Perfectly stated OneLove!
(And thanks so much for the imagery of CS in a speedo, lol! I'm gonna go bleach my brain!)
I don't think he's being used as a replacement for Charlie but I haven't heard how he will be written in...I thought the first person we heard of, John Stamos, would have been great on the show...not so sure about Ashton but I guess we'll see...(better than Hugh Grant...I didn't see that at all)... but who knows, it's all about the writing so maybe it will work...

The cast members of “Two and a Half Men” would have shut down the whole show for good if they felt the show was truly “hurting” Charlie Sheen, co-star Jon Cryer revealed on “Late Show with David Letterman” Wednesday night.
(more at link)

Moving on, I guess...only time will tell, as always...
$55,000 a month for child support! Wow that is alot of money.

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