Being sober is boring: Charlie Sheen

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
9:20 — People start booing Sheen. Not playing around, but actually booing him. Sheen yells, “I already got your money, dude!”

That basically sums it up right there.
Charlie Sheen Gets Booed at Detroit Tour Kickoff

Saturday April 02, 2011 11:45 PM EDT

For his part, Sheen seemed affected by the crowd response. He never got around to telling certain stories he promised and, at one point, he took out a piece of paper as if to read it, then changed his mind. "I'm not gonna read it with so much disruption," he said, responding to the lively crowd.

By about 10 p.m., the show was over. And despite the mixed reviews, the Warlock did seem to feel he forged some connection with the crowd.

"The most honest city in the world honors the most honest man in the universe #TruthTorpedo," he Tweeted, along wih a photo of the cheering audience.

More at:,,20478888,00.html


(Reuters) - After hearing chants of "Refund! Refund!" and being booed, even Charlie Sheen knew his "Violent Torpedo of Truth" had bombed on its debut in Detroit on Saturday night.
5 ways to fix Charlie Sheen's live tour

No refunds! That fine print policy is doubtless going through the minds of some fans who are holding tickets for Charlie Sheen’s Violent Torpedo of Truth Tour following the Warlock-In-Chief’s opening night reviews in Detroit (all the gory details here). But could the show be saved? Improved? Made, if not actually great, at least not so … intensely boo-able? Here are some suggestions:
I live in north-suburban Detroit and had listened to and read local media coverage about the premier of Sheen's tour in the Motor City for two days prior to his arrival. Reporters were stationed at the airport awaiting his flight, outside the posh Birmingham hotel where he stayed, and outside the Fox Theatre in downtown Detroit where he performed. I stayed up to watch late news coverage last night when the show ended - no one had anything positive to say about the fiasco, and I won't be surprised if we learn in the coming weeks that some venues cancel the show before Sheen arrives. jmo

Last Updated: April 03. 2011 12:02PM .Susan Whitall

Charlie Sheen's 'Torpedo of Truth' a dud in Detroit
Susan Whitall

Detroit — Charlie Sheen may have taunted his TV bosses and outraged a nation, but this unlikely folk hero found his Waterloo in a tough-bitten old factory town on the banks of the Detroit River.

Asked last week why Sheen chose Detroit to launch his month-long, 20-city tour his publicist Larry Solters said, "Why not?" Maybe his handlers thought that out in the boondocks, he'd get a soft reception.

Instead, Sheen and troupe found out that Detroiters will fork over their hard-earned dough for a ticket, but woe to the entertainer who doesn't deliver.

The show Saturday night at the Fox Theatre got off to an inauspicious start with a comedian so rambling and unhumorous that Sheen had to come out and ask that people stop booing and let the fellow finish.

From The Detroit News:’-a-dud-in-Detroit#ixzz1IUZJltTP

Photos of Sheen in Detroit:
Hey if you paid over a $100 for a ticket to see Chuckie;

The people who went to his show believe he is a comedic actor who has carefully staged the disaster of who he has become. They expected to be entertained. Those of us who have been exposed to mental illness and/or drug addiction could have predicted that this would not be the case. Instead, Sheen is a sad person exhibiting the signs of a severe emotional breakdown. That's not entertainment, it's a train wreck. The people who paid for his show really did get what they paid for.
The people who went to his show believe he is a comedic actor who has carefully staged the disaster of who he has become. They expected to be entertained. Those of us who have been exposed to mental illness and/or drug addiction could have predicted that this would not be the case. Instead, Sheen is a sad person exhibiting the signs of a severe emotional breakdown. That's not entertainment, it's a train wreck. The people who paid for his show really did get what they paid for.

The people who went to his show believe he is a comedic actor who has carefully staged the disaster of who he has become. They expected to be entertained. Those of us who have been exposed to mental illness and/or drug addiction could have predicted that this would not be the case. Instead, Sheen is a sad person exhibiting the signs of a severe emotional breakdown. That's not entertainment, it's a train wreck. The people who paid for his show really did get what they paid for.

In a nutshell...
Last Updated: April 03. 2011 4:12PM

Sheen to take Chicago stage after Detroit failure
Associated Press

Chicago— Charlie Sheen is taking his road show to Chicago less than 24 hours after getting heckled and booed during the show's opening in Detroit.

Sheen is scheduled tonight to perform the second show of his "My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option" tour. He's set to take the stage at the historic 3,600-seat Chicago Theatre.

The 20-city variety show started Saturday night with thunderous applause in Detroit but ended 70 minutes later. Sheen tried to appease his audience but ultimately concluded the first show was "an experiment."

The crowd eventually abandoned Sheen with many audience members chanting "refund" and heading for the exits before the show abruptly ended.

The Chicago Theater box office says the show is sold out, though tickets are listed for sale elsewhere online.

From The Detroit News:
As recently as the 18th century, Londoners used to pay a penny to peer into the cells of the insane at St. Mary of Bethlehem (a.k.a. Bethlem, a.k.a. Bedlam).

So little has changed.
Ohhh My I just read the reviews of CS's live stage show..Appears his comedic skills dont transform well to live performances..Actually I dont think Charlie has ever done stand up comedy other than TV or movies which are edited to create the mood of the snippet...So unless you wish to waste money to watch this train wreck..or complain you were NOT entertained..You have at this point been advised..Buyer beware for those tickets..Do not expect entertainment unless you really enjoy someone emploding infront of you..and yes..for some that is entertainment :crazy:

This is not meant to judge anyone here..only IMO pointing out the obvious:seeya:
The biggest losers, other then Charlie himself, are the idiots that bought large lots of tickets thinking they would be able to resell them for a hefty profit.
The biggest losers, other then Charlie himself, are the idiots that bought large lots of tickets thinking they would be able to resell them for a hefty profit.

Yet, somehow I don't feel sorry for them DG. They are getting what they deserve when they thought they would profit off this man's craziness...
It was obnoxious and arrogant of CS to consider himself a 'standup.' Doing stand up comedy is an art and a difficult craft. You don't just get up on stage and rant and call it 'standup.' I think he should have learned that last night, however, maybe not.
It was obnoxious and arrogant of CS to consider himself a 'standup.' Doing stand up comedy is an art and a difficult craft. You don't just get up on stage and rant and call it 'standup.' I think he should have learned that last night, however, maybe not.

I wasn't even there and could feel the embarassment through my computer. He actually burned his 2.5 men shirt (shown on video from backstage). Talked about Crack, because Detroit is supposed to the Crack capital of the world (nice one Charleeee). Saying (after being booed) that's okay, I already got your money.

Worse yet - selling programs (Lord only knows what they have to say) for $20.00, and stupid "winning" t-shirts for $30.00.

I'm convinced he's merely a money grubbing <unusual person>, who doesn't deserve a dime from the general public. But if people are going to be stoopid enough to buy tickets, the joke is on them.

I wonder how the Warlock will fare tonight?


Yet, somehow I don't feel sorry for them DG. They are getting what they deserve when they thought they would profit off this man's craziness...

he he...I heard they can't even sell them at face value! Charlie Sheen is not an investment these days!

Charlie Sheen is a class act...NOT.

Last Updated: April 03. 2011 11:42PM
Charlie Sheen to Chicago crowd: Don't be like Detroit

Caryn Rousseau / Associated Press

Chicago — After being heckled and booed in Detroit, Charlie Sheen changed up his road show for his second stop, using a talk show-style format with an interviewer asking the actor questions about his life.

The changes seemed to help. Unlike in Detroit, audience members weren't leaving in droves Sunday and seemed more receptive to the actor.

As in Detroit, Sheen received a standing ovation when he took to the stage at the historic 3,600-seat Chicago Theatre. Some audience members chanted "Detroit sucks."

From The Detroit News:’t-be-like-Detroit#ixzz1IX03YPQj

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