bill stanton~independent investigator hired by anonymous man and woman benefactors

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You hit the nail on the head with the PI for sure. And you are also right about whoever is driving this family bus, they are under the influence.

They seem to be hitting the point where this case hasnt been mentioned in the news much, only because the family really hasnt been an involved family they should have been IMO... Do you think they hired someone with a name possibly for say another 15 minutes of fame. Looks good later for a book deal etc... God I hate thinking this way, its just that this family rubs me the wrong way for some reason. What does everyone else think??

I think it's more likely the networks hired him with the intention of prolonging the case as long as possible. I think that if the family was that out to get their 15 minutes of fame, they wouldn't have taken a break from talking to the media. It's possible that the network 'sold' this guy to the family under the premise that he'll help to keep Lisa's case in the spotlight, and whether the family agreed because they wanted their daughter to be found or because they wanted to be in the spotlight longer remains to be seen.
LindsayShively Lindsay Shively
Talked to @kcpolice who say PI's have NO more authority at crime scenes, etc than any other citizen. PI Bill Stanton also not licensed in MO
1 minute ago

snipped from the article

The family of a missing Kansas City girl has asked a private investigator to assist in the search , and he says he and the family will soon release new information in Lisa Irwin’s disappearance.
“We will be coming forth with information soon,” Bill Stanton said Tuesday night surrounded by Lisa’s family members. “We have some things we want to release, not at this time.”

I'm just wondering WHEN the right time would be??
First thing that crossed my mind.

[ame=""]John fogerty Deja vu all over again - YouTube[/ame]

snipped from the article

The family of a missing Kansas City girl has asked a private investigator to assist in the search , and he says he and the family will soon release new information in Lisa Irwin’s disappearance.
“We will be coming forth with information soon,” Bill Stanton said Tuesday night surrounded by Lisa’s family members. “We have some things we want to release, not at this time.”

I'm just wondering WHEN the right time would be??

Please correct me if I am wrong, but didnt someone post earlier that the family DIDNT ask him to assist. I have to try and find it, I might have read it wrong being half awake.

snipped from the article

The family of a missing Kansas City girl has asked a private investigator to assist in the search , and he says he and the family will soon release new information in Lisa Irwin’s disappearance.
“We will be coming forth with information soon,” Bill Stanton said Tuesday night surrounded by Lisa’s family members. “We have some things we want to release, not at this time.”

I'm just wondering WHEN the right time would be??

I don't know but I have two thoughts which are not necessarily mutually compatible:

A) Once they've cleared it with LE and ascertained releasing it doesn't jeopardize the investigation.


B) Once they've negotiated a nice exclusive deal.
LindsayShively Lindsay Shively
Talked to @kcpolice who say PI's have NO more authority at crime scenes, etc than any other citizen. PI Bill Stanton also not licensed in MO
1 minute ago we suspected, PI Bill Stanton has no license in Mo.

Well then....

Why would the media hire a PI who is not licensed and has little authority to help? I'm not getting it.
What does a PI license give the PI the authority to do vs. a regular citizen? TIA
Is it possible that the media didn't hire him? That he just agreed to work with the family for free and the media is agreeing to give him publicity and allow him to come on their show and talk about his findings? That way, if he says some complete BS, the media can blame it on the parents.

For example....

Media: We have Bill on the show today. Bill is a PI for the Irwin family. Bill, what have you discovered?
Bill: Hello. I have discovered strong evidence to suggest that Lisa was abducted by aliens!

And the people watching it go, "WTH, this guy was hired by the family?! They are just out to get famous, and are guilty!" But they can't tear themselves from the screen because Bill just makes wild claims, so ratings go up, and the media loves it.
From the KMBC Live Blog:

The family told KMBC's Marcus Moore that they have not hired the private eye, but declined to say who was paying for his involvement.
by Karen Yancey 11:26 PM yesterday

The family of Lisa Irwin says they have asked a private investigator, Bill Stanton, to help.
by Karen Yancey 11:11 PM yesterday

Ok here is where I get confused. The first part says the family HAS NOT hired the PI, the second says they ASKED (which to me means hired) the PI to help. This has been my problem with this family from day one.. Which is it, did you ask or didnt you. Is it just me or am I grasping at straws. Nothing that has happened in this case makes sense to me. Where in the hell is Lisa.. :banghead:
Please correct me if I am wrong, but didnt someone post earlier that the family DIDNT ask him to assist. I have to try and find it, I might have read it wrong being half awake.

I had posted a tweet earlier, that it was reported the family did not "hire" him, it was a "wealthy benefactor".
The family was standing behind him during the press conference, so I'm assuming they want his help
I don't know but I have two thoughts which are not necessarily mutually compatible:

A) Once they've cleared it with LE and ascertained releasing it doesn't jeopardize the investigation.


B) Once they've negotiated a nice exclusive deal.

Thanks Donjeta! Hopefully it is A
They probably want any ones help. I know I would. More then just LE especially if I felt like they were at a point where new eyes needed to step in. And they might not be sluethers like us, who knows to research before jumping in.
LindsayShively Lindsay Shively
Talked to @kcpolice who say PI's have NO more authority at crime scenes, etc than any other citizen. PI Bill Stanton also not licensed in MO
1 minute ago

BeanE, is there a thread of just your tweets? I would love one! It would be so nice to keep up with them in one thread, in addition to the different threads on the case. we suspected, PI Bill Stanton has no license in Mo.

Well then....

Why would the media hire a PI who is not licensed and has little authority to help? I'm not getting it.

Increased viewership, increased web readership, increased interest in story = $$$$ Ratings $$$$
What does a PI license give the PI the authority to do vs. a regular citizen? TIA

Private investigators must be licensed under new Missouri law

State officials are reminding private investigators, consumers, attorneys, law enforcement and others that Missouri law now requires private investigators be licensed by the state. The law changed in 2007, requiring private investigators to:
Submit to a background check
Pass a licensing exam
Meeting continuing education requirements
Carry professional liability insurance
Besides individual investigators, the law also requires licensing for private investigator agencies, some employees and trainers.


The new licensing requirements are defined in Chapter 324.1100 through 324.1148 of the Missouri Revised Statutes. The board has also written regulations for enforcement, found in 20 CSR 2234.

Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 324
Occupations and Professions General Provisions
Section 324.1102
On Good Morning America this morning, it was a shorter segment than has been lately, but Robin Robinson Clearly said "the family has hired a PI".
Good morning all
Well this is certainly an interesting development! I know I need more coffee but since everyone is speculating on who hired him. my first thought was Dr. Phil.

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