Wow, I was really leaning toward the fact that Crystal owing the child support and that contempt hearing didn't really "mean" anything in this case... But jeeze louise, that IS a chunk of change!
I knew she was behind enough for the court to make a ruling of contempt. I didn't know the exact figure.
I have several theories of why Haleigh disappeared. None include a RSO or SO abduction.
My theory that would involve Bio-mom and/or family is that because the custody of the children has been so long and somewhat bitter.
That she arranged for Haleigh to be elsewhere. Part of that plan would be for her to get Jr. by default. She would move with her new husband possibly and live with all of her children.
She didn't anticipate all the media coverage. It's rare that cases become high profile. Children disappear every day. In fact, just lately we've seen that a brother and sister who had been abducted by their grandfather were just located after twenty years missing.
This is the best scenario for Haleigh's disappearance. I pray that this is what has happened. Because if it has, I feel in from the bottom of my heart that bio-mom would have her in a safe place. I dont' doubt she loves her child.
There have been comments made to the media by bio-mom's Mother that have caught my eye lately. Saying that she feels Haleigh is out of state, that she is well and she is being taken care of, in fact yesterday she said it didnt' bother her at all that the searches have been called off.
If we look at those statements being made, and the theory I outlined loosely above. Haleigh just may be safe and alive and family does know that is okay.
*fingers crossed*