Bobbi Kristina Brown found unresponsive in bathtub. #2

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I came here today to catch up and see if there was an update on BK's condition and I am now sick after reading the conversations that have taken place.

On other threads here, we are required to provide links of reliable and verified information from mainstream media but apparently here, we are allowed to gossip and talk about whatever rumor is out there as if it were fact.

Please remember, there is absolutely NO confirmation from anyone, anywhere that BK is brain dead yet everyone here has her in the grave already. While I appreciate our medical verified insider's opinion, keep in mind that NO ONE can give a legitimate diagnosis or opinion without having examined the patient. I am pretty sure that isn't the case here.

Accusing someone of a crime when they haven't been accused of that crime by LE is pretty inexcusable. Remember, BK was found in the bathtub face down. Isn't it even the slightest bit possible that she was so drunk/high/whatever that she slipped and fell into the tub causing bruising of her face, mouth, etc? I mean given a wet bathroom floor you don't even need to be drunk for that scenario to play out. And if you hit your face/head hard enough, you could pass out causing a drowning scenario.

Finally, the most sickening thing is all the talk about how BK looked and her bad behavior over the years. This poor girl has had enough. In fact, much of this public scrutiny has probably caused her issues and led to where she is. IMO, talking about BK's teeth, her looks, etc. is not only tasteless, it is plain wrong in this situation.
So we have heard face and chest injuries..........blood clean up............JMOO sounds like he beat her up, she is tiny and he is muscular???
On Nancy G MAX has 2 criminal attorneys going with him tomorrow morning to the PROSECUTORS office.

It doesn't sound good. There are definitely questions that need to be answered.
I came here today to catch up and see if there was an update on BK's condition and I am now sick after reading the conversations that have taken place.

On other threads here, we are required to provide links of reliable and verified information from mainstream media but apparently here, we are allowed to gossip and talk about whatever rumor is out there as if it were fact.

Please remember, there is absolutely NO confirmation from anyone, anywhere that BK is brain dead yet everyone here has her in the grave already. While I appreciate our medical verified insider's opinion, keep in mind that NO ONE can give a legitimate diagnosis or opinion without having examined the patient. I am pretty sure that isn't the case here.

Accusing someone of a crime when they haven't been accused of that crime by LE is pretty inexcusable. Remember, BK was found in the bathtub face down. Isn't it even the slightest bit possible that she was so drunk/high/whatever that she slipped and fell into the tub causing bruising of her face, mouth, etc? I mean given a wet bathroom floor you don't even need to be drunk for that scenario to play out. And if you hit your face/head hard enough, you could pass out causing a drowning scenario.

Finally, the most sickening thing is all the talk about how BK looked and her bad behavior over the years. This poor girl has had enough. In fact, much of this public scrutiny has probably caused her issues and led to where she is. IMO, talking about BK's teeth, her looks, etc. is not only tasteless, it is plain wrong in this situation.

There have been many many drs talking about the length of time she was under water and that is not survivable. Yes other people have been in comas and come out after lengths of time but they had brain injuries that were not lack of oxygen well past the viable time. The police reported that she was not breathing nor did she have a heart beat when they arrived.

No one is accusing anyone of a crime but there are facts being reported that we are discussing.
There have been many many drs talking about the length of time she was under water and that is not survivable. Yes other people have been in comas and come out after lengths of time but they had brain injuries that were not lack of oxygen well past the viable time. The police reported that she was not breathing nor did she have a heart beat when they arrived.

No one is accusing anyone of a crime but there are facts being reported that we are discussing.

NO ONE knows the length of time she was under water. That hasn't been reported or released either. In fact, I have seen different time frames. Currently there are NO facts being reported. It has all been tabloid fodder... Unless you have something proving otherwise?

ETA: By all means, discuss what you want, but please don't discuss as fact anything that hasn't been reported by a legitimate news source. At this point, that seems pretty limited.
On Nancy G also had that a lady friend ( movie lady) on and she says NG comes from a VERY GOOD family...........really? who? gave him to WH, did they know she used drugs? and his dad was suppose to be in jail?
anyone have the shows transcript in case I heard that wrong?
This just keeps getting crazier and crazier by the day.

I watched the first episode of "Being Bobby Brown" and Whitney acted like she was on something/drunk on the very first episode.

Were they high when they were in front of the camera?

Well if she spent a reported 250 million in career earnings on drugs. I would say she was high all day everyday. JMO
On Nancy G also had that a lady friend ( movie lady) on and she says NG comes from a VERY GOOD family...........really? who? gave him to WH, did they know she used drugs? and his dad was suppose to be in jail?
anyone have the shows transcrip in case I heard that wrong?

Which broadcast? If it was tonight, it won't be available until tomorrow morning.

Here's the link to the home page for NG home page her transcripts

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Oh yes.
This just keeps getting crazier and crazier by the day.

I watched the first episode of "Being Bobby Brown" and Whitney acted like she was on something/drunk on the very first episode.

Were they high when they were in front of the camera?
I have a large corner bathtub and I could easily wind up face down in it if I drowned. This is the least interesting part of the case for me.

Sorry if I'm boring you, Hiandmighty. :facepalm:
Does anyone really think this was a regular bathtub like you and I have?
Odds are it was a large jetted tub. :twocents:

It was a large jetted type tub. One of the news stations showed a tub from a different condo in that neighborhood.
I never watched 'being bobby brown' til tonight......episode 1.........BK is sucking her thumb and sleepy inside a limo, so sweet.
so it sounds like she talks to and knows his family so why did he ever live with WH a known drug user???

Well, we might find out the real reason NG was taken in by WH since this lady has appeared. Nancy Grace can hopefully get to bottom of the story. For some reason, I don't think we will approve of what we hear. IMO.
Someone upthread mentioned organ donation, "IF" things don't make a turn around for the good soon. It's iffy if her organs would even be accepted due to the drug history. Many drugs damage the vital organs that are mostly sought after for organ donation. Now skin, her corneas...they might consider those. But doubtful, IMO, that her heart, lungs, liver, kidneys would be considered.

I have seen it done for a young person that wreck while DUI of alcohol, but I've seen it declined for an older adult that was a chronic alcoholic.

The length of time BK remains unresponsive, and on life support, the greater the risk of severe, irreversible brain damage, and the increase in organ failure. Basically it comes down to which organs start failing next, and whether dialysis will be considered, TPN versus a nasal or stomach tube feedings, her body's ability to handle the sedation, and the effects of that on her liver, and kidneys.

In other words, while yes people HAVE been removed from life support and went on to survive, it's not back to their normal life. I personally know 4 people that have survived after being on life support. In the baby that just turned 2 yrs old, he had bacterial Meningitis. He does have end stage renal failure now, and is paralyzed on one side. A 15yr old had a severe motorcross accident. He was on life support for quite awhile, with severe brain swelling. While he is alive now, and able to communicate, he won't ever be the same, never will walk, etc. Another in his early 30's wreck while DUI. His mother refused to give up, and wanted him alive no matter what. Well, she got her wish, he is alive, but can't eat on his own, can't move on his on, will never walk, can't sit up without belts holding him up, severe brain damage etc. The last was a teenage boy that went in for breast reduction surgery. He did well during surgery, but while in the recovery room, he coded, and for some reason a nurse wasn't attending him, and stepped out the room, and out of eye sight of him. He was found in full cardiac arrest, with no idea how long he had been out. He was on life support, removed, and survived. He is brain dead, with no idea what's going on around him, unresponsive though his eyes open and close, tube fed only, he contractors of hands, wrists, elbows, and ankles. He will grunt or moan at times, but no noted correlations between his sounds and any true communication. It's been 15+yrs of this life for won't get better. And lastly a young woman had baby. Was released home as everything had gone wonderful, and she had a newborn baby girl. Within a week, her Mom found her lying on the floor, unresponsive, and no idea how long she had been without oxygen. She was on life support for months. She lived the rest of her life have constant seizures that no med seem to stop. She was non vocal, and sometimes it appeared she knew what was going on, and other times had no response even to her Mom, and by then her grown daughter. She never ate on her own again, never was able to roll herself around in a wheelchair, or walk, or talk. She would laugh at times, but was basically bed ridden due to the multi seizures a day. Oh, just thought of another that had a severe asthma attack, and was in route to the hospital in an ambulance when she coded. She survived being removed from life support, and can breath on her own, but that's about the only thing she's doing. She can't eat, doesn't know her two toddlers, can't talk, and totally dependent on her Mom taking care of her now.
Guess that was more than 4. Ooops. :blushing:

At any rate, my prayers for BK, her family having to make some very difficult decisions, the medical team taking care of BK and educating the family about their new reality. If BK survives, I pray it's without major damage to her brain. :heartluv::praying::grouphug:
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