Bosma Murder Trial 03.03.16 - Day 19

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I must say this Dellen is quite the thoughtful boyfriend. Murders a guy and asks his girlfriend to help cover it up. He must have known she could get in deep trouble for it. Guess he didn't care. Don't get me wrong I don't feel sorry for her one bit, she's an idiot but just goes to show what kind of a man he is.
DM is a thoughtful son too. Parking his victim's truck in his mother's driveway.
OK, here's a stupid question.

Where, exactly, is the Eliminator supposed to have been immediately before the crime took place?

Had it been residing at the hangar?

If so you would think AJ might have mentioned it.

Was there a shed at the farm that protected it from the elements? I didn't see anything large enough in the Google Map images.

It was a mighty expensive item to just be standing around outside -- I don't think that was its habitat. Besides which, it could have been stolen.

Or was it possibly in a storage space, as per the one DM apparently rented (we don't know what was there).

Has there been any information about this?

Here's what's known about the Eliminator.

In the opening address, the Crown said it was towed from the farm to hangar the night of May 6.

The dirt biker testified he had never seen it on the farm before.

The crown said in the opening address that CN and DM moved it from the barn to the trees on May 9.

It was originally delivered to the hangar, according to the evidence given at trial.

Everything else that's being said about the Eliminator is just people guessing.
I must say this Dellen is quite the thoughtful boyfriend. Murders a guy and asks his girlfriend to help cover it up. He must have known she could get in deep trouble for it. Guess he didn't care. Don't get me wrong I don't feel sorry for her one bit, she's an idiot but just goes to show what kind of a man he is.

My Mom always said that when I was dating, I should take note of how guys treated their mothers.

Like parking a murdered man's truck in their driveway.

Edit: beat to the punch, leaving the anecdote for posterity.
Based on the evidence and testimony given so far, I suspect next week is when we'll be hearing about video evidence at the hangar :( I have mixed feelings about that. Good because the jury will get to actually see DM and MS operating the incinerator at the hangar in the middle of the night, the same night Tim went missing... but bad, for the same reason.

As for where it was stored, I'm guessing it was inside the barn at the farm in Ayr. While it was delivered to the hangar initially, IIRC phone pings on the night Tim went missing show these heathens going from Brantford to Ayr (to collect the incinerator) then back to the hangar. Video surveillance also backs up it was towed in.

As for the spatter expert today, it makes a lot of sense that the inside of Tim's truck was hosed out AT the hangar, and that was the reason for the text not to come in, for "any reason". (As it was still sitting there the next day).

The one thing I'm still very confused about, are the burnt seats.
The seats were already out of the truck by the time AJ saw the truck in the hangar on the 8th, so when did they burn them at the farm? It had to be sometime between the early morning hours of the 7th and the morning of the 9th when AJ came in to work again and the truck was gone Since I don't think anyone drove that truck anywhere without seats, I'm guessing the seats were put in another vehicle (with a tarp) and taken to the farm to be burned. Once that was done, the truck and the seats and the tarps were all put in the trailer and parked at MB's house. Again, all guesswork on that particular timeline and I don't even know if the phone pings can pin it down.

I must say this Dellen is quite the thoughtful boyfriend. Murders a guy and asks his girlfriend to help cover it up. He must have known she could get in deep trouble for it. Guess he didn't care. Don't get me wrong I don't feel sorry for her one bit, she's an idiot but just goes to show what kind of a man he is.

But she loooooovvveeeeeeeeeeeeees him. :gaah:
Didn't someone mention that LE was checking the drainage at the hangar after the arrests? That could support a "truck washed at hangar" theory.
At the farm. In the barn? That's a pretty big "storage shed" too. And apparently that's where they put it until DM thought it needed to be moved after hearing about AJ's call to CS. Then it got moved outdoors to a stand of trees.


ETA: The video from the hangar neighbour that night shows them towing it TO the hangar attached to TB's truck according to the opening statement.

Not trying to be argumentative here, just not certain we have all the facts.

As the previous poster said, we know it was delivered to the hangar. That was in July 2012.

We also know WM was actively involved in things at that time, and would DM seriously have wanted WM asking questions about the incinerator? And the cost? All this is highly problematic. So do we have any reason to think the Eliminator remained at the hangar until May of 2013?

I don't rule out the possibility. There could be a locked (large, to accommodate the trailer) storeroom in that hangar that could have concealed the ghastly thing. But, the risk of discovery would have been great. And then the need for explanations. DM had friends trooping through. And other employees, till after November 2012.

Still possible, but the more people who knew about it, the riskier the whole thing, and the needed web of lies, became.

So, at some point it went to the farm. As Kamille pointed out, it was definitely there after the crime, presumably on the morning of the 7th, and was put in the barn until it was moved to the trees.

Looking closely at the pictures of the barn, that doesn't appear to have been an adequate long-term storage space. It's large, but open to the elements, with many boards and pieces missing, hay everywhere, very dirty. Also, not secure so it could have been stolen from that barn if left there for any length of time.

Enterprising thieves cruise rural areas looking for stuff to steal. A neighbour lost a tractor left out in his back 40; my lawn tractor, which was in an unlocked shed in the rear acreage, was stolen in broad daylight: this on a busy road with nosy neighbours (bless' em). DM would hardly have left such an expensive device in an unprotected location for a long period of time.

So yeah, maybe it was at the farm for a time, but all winter 2012-13? The exposure to wet, mold, ice etc could have ruined it. They could have wrapped it in plastic sheeting but that wouldn't have solved the potential theft problem. Nor the potential for rodents to chew through wiring. Old barns are full of rats and other vermin.

Obviously SS did know something, and if he is called as a witness, may be able to testify to where it was. The reference to a storage area was a possible clue.

Or, would the whole thing, trailer and all, have fit inside any of the big trailers DM had at his disposal? That would have been a possibility.

Did one of DM's "friends" give it a temporary home (horrible thought -- for what?)

Does anyone else recall anything specific to where the incinerator was between summer 2012 and spring 2013?

We all have theories, but what actual facts do we have to go on besides the known facts about the delivery, SS's correspondence with the dealer, and the activities of May 6 and beyond?

I can't think of anything, but I could have missed it.
My Mom always said that when I was dating, I should take note of how guys treated their mothers.

Like parking a murdered man's truck in their driveway.

Edit: beat to the punch, leaving the anecdote for posterity.

Just in time for Mothers' Day! Now that's a great gift! I have no words actually.
DM is a thoughtful son too. Parking his victim's truck in his mother's driveway.

Not to mention how he showed love and gratitude to his father (allegedly).

I see kindred spirits in CN and DM. I think she was more than willing to assist and I don't think she's stupid. In fact, I think she's smarter than him. I think it's a really good thing that they were caught because I have the feeling that these two together created the "perfect storm" and this could have escalated into a lot more bloodshed and tragedy for many others.

They all deserve what's coming.

Again, MOO
Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 5m5 minutes ago
Sachak establishes that #TimBosma truck seats in the back were always folded up (non-use position) since police seizure

This one confuses me because there are evidence photos with the seat flipped down taking pics of the blood stain on the seat. :waitasec:

I hope this is either a non complete tweet or that this jury is good with details.


Are you thinking of this photo? It was taken by Tim when he was listing his truck for sale.

As for where it was stored, I'm guessing it was inside the barn at the farm in Ayr. While it was delivered to the hangar initially, IIRC phone pings on the night Tim went missing show these heathens going from Brantford to Ayr (to collect the incinerator) then back to the hangar. Video surveillance also backs up it was towed in.

I've thought about this, too. But I also wondered whether, if they had a storage location near the airport, the pings would reveal whether or not they stopped there to pick up the incinerator, and towed it to the hangar from there. I'm guessing, not. But I don't know.

They could have stopped by the farm to dump the seats, or for some other reason (picking up fuel?). In lieu of the actual seats they could have substituted something else, like an oil barrel or bale of hay. It would be around the right height to sit on, if a little itchy.
That was pretty visible blood on the tarps- y'ad think if they were washing things up, they'd give the tarp a spray or two. The death of TB was a senseless horrific act done by a couple of low lives, even more insulting to think that these brain dead idiots didn't leave breadcrumbs behind- they left entire loaves of bread. And DM has the audacity to sit there and smirk at MS? IMO, they're pathetic losers who we're going to have to support in the system for the rest of their lives. Wish they could be cellmates forever. MOO

The large dark stains you see on the tarp are not blood. The blood was tiny drops of spatter, barely visible to the naked eye.

I've thought about this, too. But I also wondered whether, if they had a storage location near the airport, the pings would reveal whether or not they stopped there to pick up the incinerator, and towed it to the hangar from there. I'm guessing, not. But I don't know.

They could have stopped by the farm to dump the seats, or for some other reason (picking up fuel?). In lieu of the actual seats they could have substituted something else, like an oil barrel or bale of hay. It would be around the right height to sit on, if a little itchy.

The Crown contends that it was at the farm before the murder. They have the information regarding a storage unit. We have no idea how large this unit is, where it is or what may have been in it but the Crown does. I'm going with their statement as the farm being the place where the incinerator was kept.


I don't think she's stupid. In fact, I think she's smarter than him. I think it's a really good thing that they were caught because I have the feeling that these two together created the "perfect storm" and this could have escalated into a lot more bloodshed and tragedy for many others.

Like Bernardo and Homolka?

Homolka was far smarter than Bernardo -- IQ in the gifted range. And Bernardo, while he was smart enough to graduate from university, was at least a standard deviation lower. And, being a psychopath (diagnosed as such, with a score of 35/40 on the PCL-R) he was also likely to do himself in fairly soon because he was impulsive, irrational, took enormous risks, failed to plan ahead - all traits of psychopathy. While Homolka could inhibit impulses, plan long term, think strategically - so she made an ideal partner in crime (psychopathy score 5/40, a normal score).

We don't know if DM is a psychopath (one can't help wondering, but he hasn't been tested), but if so, he definitely would need a person with superior planning, impulse control and organizing abilities to stay in business.

Fortunately we won't, I hope, have to worry about his future career, psychopath or not. People who do very bad things are not necessarily psychopaths. They can just be evil. Psychopathy actually has a biological foundation, evil has a moral and spiritual one.
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