Bosma Murder Trial 05.11.16 - Day 47 - Smich Defence commences

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Sorry to mention this if its been brought up already, I'm on page 63 and cant seem to make it to the threads end, post are continuously being added:

Please correct me if I'm wrong: was it not M.S lawyer TD who had a theory that TB was shot in the neck from outside of the vehicle.
And now that camp is suggesting something very different.

On Monday the trial was near an end. After Dm and the crown played out their cards, MS defence decides to call its own witness. Would a defence lawyer FRABICATE a story with his client?


Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont Mar 7
Dungey: if the driver shoots Mr. Bosma and window is smashed, could it go to theory driver is shooter? Suggests bullet through neck.
Just thinking, if I realized someone shot someone unexpectedly my hands would not be steady enough to change license plates within a 10 min window of time. I'd be freaking out. IMO

Also remember these guys well MS anyways drank heavily and smoked heavily so these aren't the reactions of normal people even from a substance perspective
My apologies if this is covered..(I am only half way thru reading all posts)

MS stated that there was trouble with AJ on the 9th and he was sent home. BEFORE THEY MOVED THE TRUCK AJ testified that it was the 9th he met with SS and his wife and on the 10th is when he was sent home.
He was there on the 10th if we believe AJ.
My silly computer keeps freezing and I can’t find the exact quotes from AJ but I did find these to support my statements.

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 5m5 minutes ago
May 9th- smich says DM panicked. Sent arthur home. And said he needed to get rid of Bosmas truck. Loaded on trailer. @AM900CHML

molly hayes Verified account ‏@mollyhayes 40m40 minutes ago

Back into Fri. May 10. When he got there that morning the the truck was gone. The tarp too. #Bosma

Adam Carter Feb 4 2016 2:25 PM
Friday morning, Jennings says, he goes in using his key fab and the truck is gone.

I see what you mean but don't feel it matters that much, the outcome was the same. IMO Good eye though.
Ugh. I had a similar thing happen recently although not nearly that dramatic/dangerous (in fact it's a little silly to type out).

I was nearly asleep when something went haywire with our sound receiver in the living room where my BF was watching television, causing the EXTREMELY LOUD FIGHT SCENE that was occurring on The Walking Dead to get suddenly cranked to full volume. It literally sounded like a group of armed intruders had busted into the apartment, and that was what my brain decided was happening.

Now, despite being absolutely sure that in this kind of situation I would retreat with my gun (sorry guys, debate for another time) and call 911, I instead charged out into the living room and demanded to know what was happening. This all occurred with zero input from my rational brain, it was completely on autopilot--even though whatever was driving that autopilot believed there was a legitimate threat. I was very disappointed in myself. (And of course, it does make a good argument that my owning a gun for protection is 100% pointless.)

But I absolutely know what you mean, and that was just a few months ago.

BBM - your "American" is showing ;)

I am WAY behind in the thread.....I had to take a break today......Mrs. Bosma running from the courtroom was too much for me. My thoughts and prayers are with the Bosma family more today than any other day. I can't imagine how painful and emotional it must be for them to sit and listen to what (may have) occurred during the last minutes of Tim's life. I hope that they find the strength that they have had throughout this process to get through it. The end is near. MOO

I was firmly in the MS is guilty of at least second degree murder camp.....and if the trial had been over when the Crown rested their case I would have found him guilty of first degree. IMO there was enough evidence.....MS was on the test drive with TB, there was evidence he knew about a plan to (at a minimum) steal a truck, he was present at the hangar after the murder, he was with DM the next morning, he continued to interact with him in the days after the murder and he helped dispose of evidence.

Now I don't know what to think. MS has gotten up on the stand and said everything I thought he needed to say in order for me to question his guilt. He wasn't aware of the plan to murder TB, he didn't know DM brought a gun, he was in the Yukon at the time of the shooting and he has (somewhat believably) explained his post-murder actions.

Things I am still questioning....

1. The whole SS and AJ being at the hangar when DM/MS got back from the farm on the 9th and then DM sending AJ home because he thought he had called CrimeStoppers. IIRC from AJ's testimony, he didn't tell SS about calling Crimestoppers until later at his house at the family meeting. I thought DM sent AJ home on the 10th, not the 9th. I could be misremembering the testimony, but something isn't sitting right with me about this....

2. How did MS find out about DM's arrest? I know we have heard that it was from watching the news on the 10th, but I don't believe this as MSM did not report the arrest until the 11th. I think DM must have called someone at the time of his arrest....this whole thing still isn't adding up for me

3. Where's the gun?

I'm sure there are many more, but I am still wading through and these inconsistencies stood out to me.

What I think we can all agree on is that MS's testimony has created debate and has some questioning his guilt, while other remain firm in their belief of his guilt.....I would imagine that the same thing is occurring with the jury. All MOO.

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont Mar 7
Dungey: if the driver shoots Mr. Bosma and window is smashed, could it go to theory driver is shooter? Suggests bullet through neck.

But qdm mentioned "outside" the vehicle.
Please correct me where I am wrong in the following sequence.

1) All three get in the truck. DM in the drivers seat, TB in the passenger seat, and MS in the back.
2) They drive some distance, and DM abruptly brakes and says their friend could not find Tim Hortons. How did he know? Was he on the phone faking it?
3) DM tells them he is back at Bosma's (This is where the script goes sour according to MS)
4) They drive back to Bosma's (lane next to his property) and DM tells MS to get into the Yukon with their imaginary friend and follow them to Tim Hortons. This way they did not need to come back after the test drive.
5) MS does, and the next time DM pulls over, TB has been shot.

I am hearing many stories on the news. I went back over today's tweets, and this seems to be the sequence.

Comments? I want to get MS's story straight, true or not.


I followed along today and that is how I read it.
No computer for me tonight. Can someone check the video of the trucks when they pull over to the curb and see if the Yukon pulls over and did not have the headlights on? If so, then Smich is full of s*** and Bosma was already dead. TIA
Purplish pink is actually a maroon or burgundy, which many people call purple or plum. I only know this because I'm a wedding invitation designer and I've had this color discussion at least 400 trillion times with brides. :) (the most picky people on the planet, when it comes to color, even when they're wrong about what a color actually is, lol). If it was a gingham or a plaid print, that blurs the color even more, as it's sort of an optical illusion.

Probably a red and navy fine check shirt. Which would give off a light purplish/pink hue.


What LE needs to do is put the two of them next to each other in a jail cell, let them fight it out verbally, and record what they say. Like I saw on Blue Bloods. IMO
What really does it for me is hearing about the gun coming from the satchel. We know it was tested and found GSR on it ... We also know it was found in dellens washing machine. LB and WM aside I feel like I believe Mark... MOO

MS isn't charged in WM's case.

But was there GSR found on the satchel? Thought it had been washed.

No GSR was found on the satchel. Only a small blood stain with insufficient DNA for testing.
No computer for me tonight. Can someone check the video of the trucks when they pull over to the curb and see if the Yukon pulls over and did not have the headlights on? If so, then Smich is full of s*** and Bosma was already dead. TIA

What do you mean? What did MS say?
Just saw Peter Ackman on the CTV news. He said again that because MS presented new evidence, DM has the right to apply to reopen his case. Experts say he almost has to, because MS has testified.
It wasn't claimed by Plaxton and according to MS, they didn't.

billandrew pointed out a while back that, while Plaxton didn't "claim" that the Bosma truck drove past the Super Soaker place northbound and then turned around and came back, in the cross examination by Pillay he admitted that this was quite possibly so, as he had omitted from his report the capturing of a truck consistent with Tim's truck doing exactly that. I will paste in the tweets from Adam Carter:
  • Adam Carter

    Mar 9 2016 3:45 PM
  • A vehicle with the characteristics of the Bosma vehicle travels north at 9:05 p.m. (6:05 p.m. by the Supersucker timestamp) on Trinity Road, Plaxton says. Then a vehicle with similar characteristics goes by at 9:20 p.m. -- but that isn't in the report. "They may very well be the same vehicle," Plaxton says. "You didn't include that in your report?" Pillay says. "No," Plaxton says.
    Adam Carter

  • Mar 9 2016 3:49 PM
    Pillay showing a truck going south on Trinity Road at 9:15 p.m. with similar features to the Bosma truck.
    Adam Carter

  • Mar 9 2016 3:51 PM
    "You can't say this is not the same vehicle returning? You can't say this is not the Bosma vehicle returning?" Plaxton responds he can't.
    Adam Carter

  • Mar 9 2016 3:56 PM
    This is another segment that was not in Plaxton's report. "The first time you're providing evidence about it in front of this jury is now?" Pillay says. Plaxton says yes.

    Adam Carter

  • Mar 9 2016 3:57 PM
    Pillay says the video is consistent with a vehicle consistent with Bosma's truck going north on Trinity Road at 9:05 p.m., then going south at 9:15 p.m. ten minutes later. "Yes it is," Plaxton says. Pillay then says it's consistent with Bosma vehicle travelling north again at 9:20 p.m., Plaxton agrees.

  • Mar 9 2016 3:57 PM
    Pillay also says it's consistent with the Bosma vehicle going alone at 9:05 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. Plaxton agrees.
    Adam Carter

  • Mar 9 2016 3:58 PM
    Pillay's point here, basically, is that there are images of a truck "consistent" with Bosma's truck in this video taken from Super Sucker that aren't in Plaxton's report.

  • _____________________________________________________________________

    Obviously I do not know how to post tweets (also don't know how to fix the formatting. Hope this is readable anyway).

    I thought (at the time) that this was puzzling on two fronts, first, that Plaxton had omitted this detail, which seems significant, and second, that Pillay thought it important to get on the record. I suspect Pillay will be coming back to this in his cross of MS.

Just saw Peter Ackman on the CTV news. He said again that because MS presented new evidence, DM has the right to apply to reopen his case. Experts say he almost has to, because MS has testified.
New evidence? What new evidence? So far everything he's said is a retell IMO
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