Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #1

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He gave it to CN but why have it on at all? Thankful he did but dumb mistake
I honestly think AJs biggest problem was that his SIL was still being loyal to Millard. If AJ walks away, whose to say the SIL doesn't go missing? AJ might not have known it but his intuitions were correct. Millard had already killed three people by this point and he probably would have had no problem making it four if it meant staying out of jail.

BBM - So are you saying AJ knew DM had already murdered people and wouldn't think anything of killing again?

IMO AJ knew there was illegal activity going on at the hangar prior to finding TB's truck there on May 8th. He was between a rock and a hard place. I don't believe the fear for his family's safety (as in them getting murdered) played more on his mind than him believing it was only a matter of time before everything came crashing down around DM. AJ knew him and his SIL were going to get caught, and would likely be charged for being involved in illegal activity at the hangar. Therefore it made sense for him to call CS, cooperate and hope the judicial system would cut a deal for his testimony. JMO.
He gave it to CN but why have it on at all? Thankful he did but dumb mistake

Either it was an afterthought, or he was keeping it to blackmail MS. My bet is he didn't think about it until it was too late. Security DVRs are boring looking, they are not "sexy" technology.

I've discussed before that destroying one of those security DVRs may have proved difficult for CN (think heavy VCR that is built to be somewhat tamper proof).

They also have user interfaces that are not necessarily immediately intuitive, meaning DM couldn't just press a big red "erase all" button, and if for some reason he didn't know the admin password, he might not have been able to do much at all.
Given that DM was building a second trailer, it is entirely possible that he needed a new vehicle to tow it. And when Igor quoted DM, he said "racing vehicles", suggesting they were taking more than one to Calgary.

Why were they in such a hurry to finish building the trailer? Why did they need a Dodge Ram so badly? I don't believe they stole Tim's truck just to chop it up and sell it. They went after this specific model of vehicle, similar to one that DM already owned and was familiar with, to suit a particular purpose. IMO it was for DM's pet projects, which could have included participating in an off-road race. If the race was on May 18th and he wanted to take multiple cars, then by early May they were getting down to the wire in terms of preparedness. So they were rushing to get this trailer built and find a truck to tow it. I didn't mean to suggest that being registered in the race is a motive in itself. Rather, it's part of a mosaic of information that could support a motive for stealing Bosma's truck. MOO

I believe in the Crown Counsel's opening statement it says DM had contacted someone to repaint the truck and had instructed SS to remove the decals, etc. So it seems he wanted to use the truck, not chop it up. That totally makes sense that he wanted a second truck to tow the new trailer that there was so much pressure about finishing.

From that newspaper article interviewing the consultant Sharif, the family company had gone into debt to build the hangar, and DM is reported to have said to Al Sharif "the family coffers were running low".

I think his investment in the new condo was to make money down the road on the booming Toronto real estate market and secure his future so he'd never have to work. Maybe he put all his available cash into it, and wasn't flush to spend the $25,00-$30,000 for a truck.

(And, by that point, was used to the idea of killing people who were inconvenient to him)
How many murders before you're considered a serial killer in Canada?

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Either it was an afterthought, or he was keeping it to blackmail MS. My bet is he didn't think about it until it was too late. Security DVRs are boring looking, they are not "sexy" technology.

I've discussed before that destroying one of those security DVRs may have proved difficult for CN (think heavy VCR that is built to be somewhat tamper proof).

They also have user interfaces that are not necessarily immediately intuitive, meaning DM couldn't just press a big red "erase all" button, and if for some reason he didn't know the admin password, he might not have been able to do much at all.
You can't turn them off so they stop recording all together?
You can't turn them off so they stop recording all together?

If you thought about it *ahead of time* and had physical access to the DVR, yes, you could yank the power cord or disconnect the camera feed cables from the back. But my money is on DM not thinking about the cameras or the DVR until it was already full of evidence. Like all his other missteps, got too cocky.
A couple of comments....

1. Farmers keep tabs on each other and they know what's happening on each other's properties. They know who's planting what, when, how many pigs someone has, horses etc. They know all kinds of stuff and they talk to each other. They need to know about the livestock in particular because viruses can go through a barn in no time and there are strict laws about the number of livestock in certain areas. They tend to live in each other's pockets because they have to. I know many farmers with livestock and not a single one of them has an incinerator. Animals leave the farm alive to go to the slaughter houses. If an animal dies then there is a guy who comes and gets it and takes it away. I think DM's neighbours in Ayr would have found that he was burning stuff in an Eliminator strange. There could have been questions posed about what he was burning from the neighbours as they may have been concerned thus the reason to bring the Eliminator to the hangar.

2. I'm shocked at the lack of Security at the Waterloo Airport. Is the hangar on the Waterloo Airport property or is it on private property? I just can't imagine all the comings and goings at the hangar would go unnoticed by Security. I get that this is a small "community" airport but still. We live in a post 911 world. Small planes, big planes, security is always watching.

3. Sorry but - would the Eliminator not exude smells? If they were burning during business hours on May 7th, would someone not have noticed the smell?
I'm not sure if the guy I'll call "Donut" really exists, but if he does, and if he did drop off the accused, I want to hear his testimony. He's the one who went to Tim Hortons.
If you thought about it *ahead of time* and had physical access to the DVR, yes, you could yank the power cord or disconnect the camera feed cables from the back. But my money is on DM not thinking about the cameras or the DVR until it was already full of evidence. Like all his other missteps, got too cocky.

Yeah, I think he just overlooked the DVR at first. He had a lot of tracks to cover after killing someone and stealing their truck. And he was totally way too cocky. He gave the DVR to his girlfriend rather than disposing of it himself. Why didn't he just smash it up? Curiously, he allegedly gave the murder weapon (gun) to MS to dispose of as well. Why did he delegate these tasks? Perhaps he just had so much to do, and he felt the the pressure of LE coming down on him at any time, that he simply wasn't able to take care of everything by himself.
Regarding the dangling mirror, it's difficult to tell from the cell-phone pic if it was in fact dangling at that point.

It looks like the gasket around the driver's door opening is hanging down. Odd. Maybe happened when they pulled the seats out?


Interestingly enough, it would appear from this image that the front passenger seat is still very much intact. You can see the top of the head-rest, clear as day.
You don't suppose it was important to test drive trucks with a trailer hitch because the Eliminator could be hooked up and towed away immwdiately with the vic's own truck? Ancaster was closer to Ayr than North York, etc.
I'm not sure if the guy I'll call "Donut" really exists, but if he does, and if he did drop off the accused, I want to hear his testimony. He's the one who went to Tim Hortons.

There has not been a single article, nor a single argument on these discussion forums in the last (almost) 3 years that has ever lead me to believe there was a 3rd person at the Bosma residence that night - that went on to Tim Hortons. Not one (and I'm usually pretty open about possibilities).
There has not been a single article, nor a single argument on these discussion forums in the last (almost) 3 years that has ever lead me to believe there was a 3rd person at the Bosma residence that night - that went on to Tim Hortons. Not one (and I'm usually pretty open about possibilities).

Not even when the police issued a statement that the Bosma truck was followed by an SUV?? and they alluded to a mysterious third person !
Yes, and all clean, too.

Notice how you can't see the passenger side window? Too bad. With no one around, you'd think AJ might have had time for multiple interior and exterior photos.
A couple of comments....

2. I'm shocked at the lack of Security at the Waterloo Airport. Is the hangar on the Waterloo Airport property or is it on private property? I just can't imagine all the comings and goings at the hangar would go unnoticed by Security. I get that this is a small "community" airport but still. We live in a post 911 world. Small planes, big planes, security is always watching.

Smaller airports, other than with use of security cameras, rarely have anything more than a mobile security patrol on dispatch to shine a flashlight around from time to time.

Waterloo 'Regional' likes to tout itself as up and coming, but like any other airport, it has it's financial pressures. Specific buildings/aviation concerns, like those with courier services, may have security.. but if money isn't involved, and no passenger service ongoing - no real need for on-site security.
Interestingly enough, it would appear from this image that the front passenger seat is still very much intact. You can see the top of the head-rest, clear as day.

Yes and interesting that AJ doesn't appear to have taken a photo of the interior, especially when the doors are wide open. MOO
Not even when the police issued a statement that the Bosma truck was followed by an SUV?? and they alluded to a mysterious third person !

Nope. I believe that was MS driving the same vehicle that transported both DM and MS to the Bosma residence in the first place. Of course I could be totally wrong and there may be some evidence yet revealed that will blow us all out of the water but so far, I remain unconvinced of a 3rd person.
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