Boulder Police meet with JonBenet Ramsey's now adult brother

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So far, Burke talked to LE...he didn't talk to LE, but they sent their cards saying call if you feel like it...LE gave Burke their cards and said get back with us if you think you'd like to help find who murdered your little sis....

Puhleeze. Who leaked this to the media, anyhow?

And who is the "family lawyer" they're deliberately not naming?

And don't miss that "Skiller" (heh) repeated that there has been new evidence developed in the case, as well as that article mentioned this twice. The reporter on one of the TV interviews also said "officially" the BPD has no response. Oh. Wonder what they said unofficially?

Wood said he's sure the police contact has nothing to do with any new investigation of Burke Ramsey or his father, John Ramsey. Burke Ramsey was officially cleared as a possible suspect in May 1999, Wood said, and the whole family was exonerated by then-District Attorney Mary Lacy in 2008.

"Whatever the reason for any type of approach with Burke, it would have nothing to do with the case other than with the reality that John and Burke could help the Boulder police as witnesses in the investigation," Wood said. "For all I know, they have gotten some tip and think Burke could give them some information."

No comment :snooty:
"We continue to work the Ramsey case and have tailored our investigation based on recommendations from our 2009 advisory committee," Beckner said. "This has included additional contacts and interviews with those who may have information pertinent to the case."
Ummm - did Lin miss the statement from the NEW District Attorney stating that NO ONE has been cleared when he took the job over from the Queen of Insanity therefore removing his clients from Mary's erronious statement?! You can bet your last dollar that if someone elected as the new DA was a member of the Hunter/Lacy-Keenan Team, this case would not have been rightfully handed back over to the Boulder Police Department, much less have this case back in Action!
The request for an interview is based on a task force that is reviewing evidence.....that's it, and most likely nothing new:

Boulder police conducting additional interviews in JonBenet Ramsey caseAttorney says brother, Burke, among those contacted
By Vanessa Miller Camera Staff Writer
(From Boulder Camera Newspaper)

JonBenet Ramsey Boulder police are conducting a new round of interviews related to the 1996 JonBenet Ramsey homicide based on recommendations from an advisory committee that met in 2009 and pored over all the evidence.

Burke Ramsey, JonBenet's older brother who was 9 at the time of the homicide, is among the people who have been contacted recently by Boulder police, according to Lin Wood, attorney for the Ramsey family.

"I understand that they met with Burke and gave him a card and said, 'If you want to talk to us, here's how you would contact me,'" Wood said. "But the police have not interviewed Burke."

Wood said he's sure the police contact has nothing to do with any new investigation of Burke Ramsey or his father, John Ramsey. Burke Ramsey was officially cleared as a possible suspect in May 1999, Wood said, and the whole family was exonerated by then-District Attorney Mary Lacy in 2008.

"Whatever the reason for any type of approach with Burke, it would have nothing to do with the case other than with the reality that John and Burke could help the Boulder police as witnesses in the investigation," Wood said. "For all I know, they have gotten some tip and think Burke could give them some information."

Boulder Police Chief Mark Beckner wouldn't reveal details about the investigation, including whom police have contacted.

"We continue to work the Ramsey case and have tailored our investigation based on recommendations from our 2009 advisory committee," Beckner said. "This has included additional contacts and interviews with those who may have information pertinent to the case."

The advisory committee met after the Boulder Police Department took the lead in the Ramsey investigation back from the Boulder County District Attorney's Office in February 2009.

The 20-some person group, which included veteran investigators from several state and federal agencies, met for two days to review all the evidence. The goal was to explore all possible theories about what happened the night JonBenet was killed.

The 6-year-old beauty queen was found dead Dec. 26, 1996, in the family's home at 755 15th St. At the time, Boulder investigators said the girl's parents were under an "umbrella of suspicion," but a grand jury ended an investigation into the case with no indictments.

Scott Robinson, a Denver defense attorney and legal analyst, said it would be premature to assume that police have new information in the investigation just because they're contacting people connected to the case.

"But it would be absolutely accurate to say they're not letting this case lie," he said. "They are attempting to re-interview people, and sometimes when you interview people years later, you get information that leads to a trail that leads to a suspect that leads to an arrest."

Read more: Boulder police conducting additional interviews in JonBenet Ramsey case - Boulder Daily Camera
"Whatever the reason for any type of approach with Burke, it would have nothing to do with the case other than with the reality that John and Burke could help the Boulder police as witnesses in the investigation," Wood said. "For all I know, they have gotten some tip and think Burke could give them some information."


mmm, well as a witness he was pretty close up to the crime-scene, as in like his own house!

I reckon they have evidence implicating Burke with some event(s) either that night or prior to the night of JonBenet's death, and they require him to say I know about that, but I was not there or I was there but forget what occurred, 'hey it was so long ago.'

Something like were you drinking tea or what time did JonBenet eat her pineapple, was JonBenet wearing a barbie nightgown at all, etc etc.


mmm, well as a witness he was pretty close up to the crime-scene, as in like his own house!

I reckon they have evidence implicating Burke with some event(s) either that night or prior to the night of JonBenet's death, and they require him to say I know about that, but I was not there or I was there but forget what occurred, 'hey it was so long ago.'

Something like were you drinking tea or what time did JonBenet eat her pineapple, was JonBenet wearing a barbie nightgown at all, etc etc.


I hope I am wrong, but I am afraid all his answers will be the same: "I don't remember".
I hope I am wrong, but I am afraid all his answers will be the same: "I don't remember".


Thats why I think they have sealed evidence linking BR in some manner. Otherwise he could do as you suggest and play the amnesia card.

Note LW citing BR as a witness. This suggests BR is linked to some event by hard evidence, with no get out of jail card?


Thats why I think they have sealed evidence linking BR in some manner. Otherwise he could do as you suggest and play the amnesia card.

Note LW citing BR as a witness. This suggests BR is linked to some event by hard evidence, with no get out of jail card?


BR has a fool-proof "get out of jail card". His age at the time. Evidence or not, LE cannot accuse him of the crime. They can SHOW him the evidence. But I don't think they can even make it public, so there is no incentive for BR to tell what he knows.
LW describing BR as a "witness" is telling. If his sister was found murdered and he saw/heard something, he should have wanted to say it back then, to help find out what happened. If your surviving child may have seen or heard something when his sister was killed, don't you think you'd WANT him to talk to police? Only if you're innocent. I think the only thing he saw/heard was the frantic scurrying of two VERY upset parents and the 911 call.
BR has a fool-proof "get out of jail card". His age at the time. Evidence or not, LE cannot accuse him of the crime. They can SHOW him the evidence. But I don't think they can even make it public, so there is no incentive for BR to tell what he knows.
LW describing BR as a "witness" is telling. If his sister was found murdered and he saw/heard something, he should have wanted to say it back then, to help find out what happened. If your surviving child may have seen or heard something when his sister was killed, don't you think you'd WANT him to talk to police? Only if you're innocent. I think the only thing he saw/heard was the frantic scurrying of two VERY upset parents and the 911 call.


Maybe, remember there is direct circumstantial evidence that contradicts the R's version of events, including a statement by BR and a glass with a teabag in it?

There is also sealed evidence from both the R's houses that has not seen the light of day. I'm willing to bet those post-mortem photographs of JonBenet are conclusive regarding prior molestation, as in enlarged vagina, and not simply abrasion/erosion etc.

Although BR may not have been present when JonBenet was killed he may know about prior events, lets say in the basement or guest bedroom, which were a regular occurrence?

Or JR has been interviewed and BR is required to back him up on some point, only as a witness of course.


Maybe, remember there is direct circumstantial evidence that contradicts the R's version of events, including a statement by BR and a glass with a teabag in it?

There is also sealed evidence from both the R's houses that has not seen the light of day. I'm willing to bet those post-mortem photographs of JonBenet are conclusive regarding prior molestation, as in enlarged vagina, and not simply abrasion/erosion etc.

Although BR may not have been present when JonBenet was killed he may know about prior events, lets say in the basement or guest bedroom, which were a regular occurrence?

Or JR has been interviewed and BR is required to back him up on some point, only as a witness of course.


The glass with the teabag is just that- a glass with a teabag. BR's prints or not, there is no way to "date" the placement of the glass and teabag to the night of the crime. It could have been there for days. BUT the pineapple that was found in her digestive tract was eaten THAT night. NOT that DAY, but that NIGHT. The teabag is circumstantial. BR could still deny he was there when JB ate the pineapple. His prints are also found on the bowl, I believe. While you might think that would surely link him to being with JB while she ate it, once again, not so. If his prints are on the bowl from a previous time and the bowl was not washed, it might not place him there that night as she ate it. Now, I think he WAS there as she ate it. But a defense attorney can poke holes in that.
The pendulum is swinging back this way, people. No use trying to deny it.
"I understand that they met with Burke and gave him a card and said, 'If you want to talk to us, here's how you would contact me,'" Wood said. "But the police have not interviewed Burke."

OMG reading this just made me want to PUKE! Burke is going to say "nope, no I have nothing to add as I was sleeping" AHHHH

mmm, well as a witness he was pretty close up to the crime-scene, as in like his own house!

I reckon they have evidence implicating Burke with some event(s) either that night or prior to the night of JonBenet's death, and they require him to say I know about that, but I was not there or I was there but forget what occurred, 'hey it was so long ago.'

Something like were you drinking tea or what time did JonBenet eat her pineapple, was JonBenet wearing a barbie nightgown at all, etc etc.


Burke was interviewed alone and thoroughly after the crime. Part of the reason no doubt, was social services wanted to find out if there was a history of abuse in the family. Burke was allowed to be interviewed alone, and I can't imagine any 9 year old kid sticking to a story that he may have been told to tell---I believe he told the truth based on what he remembered. I think he went to bed, tucked in by JR, and knew nothing until he heard his parents the next morning....and then was whisked out the house. No one was around him telling him to say and what not to say. He was spared the emotional trauma that developed in the house after JBR was found.

The only thing I can think of is there "might" be someone of interest that could have talked to Burke before 12/25.
Wonder if since asking question Burke if calls between John and Burke have been tapped into . I am sure John advised his son on some level.. to hear what poppa said to him before interview.
Burke was interviewed alone and thoroughly after the crime. Part of the reason no doubt, was social services wanted to find out if there was a history of abuse in the family. Burke was allowed to be interviewed alone, and I can't imagine any 9 year old kid sticking to a story that he may have been told to tell---I believe he told the truth based on what he remembered. I think he went to bed, tucked in by JR, and knew nothing until he heard his parents the next morning....and then was whisked out the house. No one was around him telling him to say and what not to say. He was spared the emotional trauma that developed in the house after JBR was found.

The only thing I can think of is there "might" be someone of interest that could have talked to Burke before 12/25.


There is sealed evidence that we have not seen. There will be signed paediatric reports regarding JonBenet's genital injuries and the possibility of prior molestation. We know this was a line of investigation since indirect reference was made to photographs of JonBenet's genitals. There is other physical evidence removed from the R's houses that sits in sealed cardboard boxes in some forensic warehouse.

If your are IDI there are potentially only three witnesses to events on the night JonBenet was killed. That is the Intruder, John and Burke. If you are RDI then there are only two, and if your main suspect for prior molestation is John then that leaves Burke as a material witness.

I reckon questions to Burke will relate to the pineapple snack, JonBenet walking in to the house, and whether she changed her clothes e.g. put on her Barbie nightgown?

Burke may have been present prior to JonBenet being killed. She may have left the room he was in, never to return. He might know what probably happened even if he was not in th room. Unlike you I think Burke knows what occurred that night. As an adult he will also be aware , if was not before , that JonBenet had suffered prior molestation. So maybe he can join the dots?

At the very least I think police are hoping to clear up whether she walked into the house that night. That would actually be a pretty big deal, because the parents' lies then stem from the moment they arrived home and it makes everything else they say seem suspect.
However, I feel that even if he DOES remember, he'll say he doesn't.
But if the police were able to show him ALL the evidence they have against his parents, even if he still wouldn't give them any information, he'd KNOW that his parents were involved. And with that knowledge, over time, he'd maybe come to feel his loyalty to his sister was more important.

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