Found Deceased CA - Audrey Moran, 26, & Jonathan Reynoso, 28, Riverside County, 10 May 2017 #1

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Neither of these people seemed to be affiliated at all with gangs. If they succumbed due to some gang activity, I would think they would probably be found by now. You being a local, have you known people in the area to get killed or go missing from random gang activities?

I would also be surprised if there was gang affiliation. <modsnip>

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Good people get caught up in bad situations all the time. It doesnt mean they are bad. I believe they're both victims in whatever this is. Sadly, I don't think she sent that pic. I think someone else sent it in order to not cause suspicion that evening because the pic made it appear that she was safe at her honeys home. He lived on his own (as in not with family) so it's different in that his roommate/s might not think it's totally off base to not come home. Whereas she lives at home with her parents.

I really hope they find these two very soon. With families like they have, I really do believe these are two good people and they need to come home. Hopefully once the reward info gets plastered everywhere someone will finally speak up. It's sad that it comes to that but whatever it takes for them to be back...

I also feel that the text was not sent by Audrey. It takes more time to send a pic text than to just text "help" or whatever in a crisis situation. I believe that text was deliberately sent to throw off her family and possibly LE to think they made it to his house in PD that night. And if this is the case, I believe the person responsible for their disappearance is not a stranger to them, but someone at least one of them knew.

I go back and forth on the pic. Some facts: Reports are only that a Selfie was sent to a family member from her phone. Most assume it was to the sister. The picture that has been floating around since the beginning is of AM and JR sitting in a restaurant/bar (taken the day before) and clearly daylight out. It's not a selfie.

If she intentional sent it, why? It makes no sense. Unless it was to say Hey, this is Jon as maybe the sister had not met him yet and AM was showing him off. But for what we know there wasn't a text attached to it, which is also peculiar.

On the other hand, she could have sent it as a message. If she had an iPhone it would be quite easy to send if it was the last picture taken. If her sound was on texting would be heard, sending a pic makes no sound. Perhaps AM was trying to send a different picture, one that she had just taken and sent the other by mistake. When you're nervous it's easy to make a mistake texting or clicking buttons, especially if your hands are trembling. By all accounts their phones went silent soon after.

Then the other theory is that it was sent mischievously by the perp. I don't know how they would think it (the bar pic) would throw anyone off unless it was an actual Selfie of just her. How would they know to send it to a family member and who that was? Why not post it to her FB account? To me that would be less peculiar.
I go back and forth on the pic. Some facts: Reports are only that a Selfie was sent to a family member from her phone. Most assume it was to the sister. The picture that has been floating around since the beginning is of AM and JR sitting in a restaurant/bar (taken the day before) and clearly daylight out. It's not a selfie.

If she intentional sent it, why? It makes no sense. Unless it was to say Hey, this is Jon as maybe the sister had not met him yet and AM was showing him off. But for what we know there wasn't a text attached to it, which is also peculiar.

On the other hand, she could have sent it as a message. If she had an iPhone it would be quite easy to send if it was the last picture taken. If her sound was on texting would be heard, sending a pic makes no sound. Perhaps AM was trying to send a different picture, one that she had just taken and sent the other by mistake. When you're nervous it's easy to make a mistake texting or clicking buttons, especially if your hands are trembling. By all accounts their phones went silent soon after.

Then the other theory is that it was sent mischievously by the perp. I don't know how they would think it (the bar pic) would throw anyone off unless it was an actual Selfie of just her. How would they know to send it to a family member and who that was? Why not post it to her FB account? To me that would be less peculiar.
Actually, I believe most reports specify it was the sister that recieved the selfie which was taken inside his home. Just two examples...

The only reason I can come up with on why the text to sis makes sense is if the person/persons involved knew she was coming from her sisters house. The selfie would then be a "got here safely" type text. Which would provide time for whatever was done. But "they" would have to know who the sis was like a name or however she has her labeled in the phone. Though that can also be explained by forcing the question, who knows you're here? Jeez this whole message is creeping me out! I can play out a whole scenario in my head but I can't explain why the heck anyone would put these two in harm's way.
Just throwing out some other thoughts...

Did Jonathan text her to say he was on his way back or ready for pick up? Why would he bring her into some junk that's about to go down? I doubt he would. Maybe he text her to say he was on his way back, things take a wrong turn and that last call pinged was her calling him saying on her way. But did he answer? How long was that call? If he answered, perhaps things went down after that call? Or once she was there?? Did they hurt him in front of her so took her because she was a witness?

The whole "friends" thing HAS to be somehow involved otherwise one would think that someone would have come forward to say yeah we were together... right?
In so many of these missing persons cases, one of the saddest parts is that so often, those missing are great people. And I believe this case falls into that category. Most of what I'm getting now is on social media, and I respect the rules of this forum, so I won't give details, but both Audrey and Jonathan appear to be exceptionally kind people, and they both had communities they were a core part of, healthy communities of people all striving to be their best.

My thought is that they ran into something bad, and someone out there knows what happened, and eventually they will tell--either for a plea deal, or because they get a conscience, or like in the Tara Grinst. case, an ex-girlfriend blows the whistle.

But what I'm pretty certain we won't find out, is that either Audrey or Jonathan was involved in something negative. That's not who these people seem to be.

Paige Bergfeld is a good example of how negative press based on substantiated evidence of her activities as an escort were publicized to help find her, but this was substantiated, and being an escort does come with some pretty big risks, so this information was actually critical to that missing person's investigation. But again, it was proven she did this.

NO ONE, not LE, not family, not friends has EVER stated that either Audrey and Jonathan were involved, in any way whatsoever, with criminal activity. And speculation about this is just that, highly speculative. And my fear is this type of gossip, not only could be hurtful to those who loved these two, but might actually harm the investigation by way of harming perception of these two.

Once you cast a missing person in a negative light, especially one that is unproven and lends itself to rampant unsubstantiated speculation, it can diminish general concern for the well-being of the missing person, because even if the gossip can't be proven, people will believe it and think--well they deserved what happened to them.

If you know something for a fact, fine. But if you don't, maybe there are things that don't need to be said. I don't know why with the internet, we should stop being concerned about common decency.
Just throwing out some other thoughts...

Did Jonathan text her to say he was on his way back or ready for pick up? Why would he bring her into some junk that's about to go down? I doubt he would. Maybe he text her to say he was on his way back, things take a wrong turn and that last call pinged was her calling him saying on her way. But did he answer? How long was that call? If he answered, perhaps things went down after that call? Or once she was there?? Did they hurt him in front of her so took her because she was a witness?

The whole "friends" thing HAS to be somehow involved otherwise one would think that someone would have come forward to say yeah we were together... right?

Or maybe she received a text from his phone but he wasn't the one actually sending it. In one of the links you provided it states JR was with is roommate.

"Both Moran and Reynoso were last seen on May 10, when Moran spent time with her sister and Reynoso with his roommate."
Or maybe she received a text from his phone but he wasn't the one actually sending it. In one of the links you provided it states JR was with is roommate.

"Both Moran and Reynoso were last seen on May 10, when Moran spent time with her sister and Reynoso with his roommate."
I think that's just the last time he was seen by his friends/family. I don't think that's who he was that evening otherwise there would be answers as to why he went there. He probably hung out with his roommate earlier that day before he left the house.
I go back and forth on the pic. Some facts: Reports are only that a Selfie was sent to a family member from her phone. Most assume it was to the sister. The picture that has been floating around since the beginning is of AM and JR sitting in a restaurant/bar (taken the day before) and clearly daylight out. It's not a selfie.

If she intentional sent it, why? It makes no sense. Unless it was to say Hey, this is Jon as maybe the sister had not met him yet and AM was showing him off. But for what we know there wasn't a text attached to it, which is also peculiar.

On the other hand, she could have sent it as a message. If she had an iPhone it would be quite easy to send if it was the last picture taken. If her sound was on texting would be heard, sending a pic makes no sound. Perhaps AM was trying to send a different picture, one that she had just taken and sent the other by mistake. When you're nervous it's easy to make a mistake texting or clicking buttons, especially if your hands are trembling. By all accounts their phones went silent soon after.

Then the other theory is that it was sent mischievously by the perp. I don't know how they would think it (the bar pic) would throw anyone off unless it was an actual Selfie of just her. How would they know to send it to a family member and who that was? Why not post it to her FB account? To me that would be less peculiar.

Actually the Indio PD said the selfie was sent to Audrey's sister, so straight from the source:

Also, Indio PD reported that the selfie pic was taken at Jonathan's apartment in PD. I don't believe that picture has been released to the public yet. The picture of the two of them at the restaurant is not the selfie police are referring to since it's obviously not at his apt and not a selfie. I think many people just assume that's the one.

We don't really know the context of which the selfie was sent- whether it was part of an ongoing conversation with her sister or just random.
Did either of them possibly have an ex that might have been angry? Trying to think of every possible scenario but I feel like we would have heard about it if that was the case. And I feel like it would had to have taken more than one person to pull this off...driving the car, etc

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I agree that it would have to have been more than one person involved. I also feel like those individuals must have been armed because Jon looks like a big guy that can handle himself if need be, just my opinion of course.

To the point I made before about good people getting caught up in bad situations, I also want to point out that it's entirely possible that it was his friends that got Jon and Audrey tangled up in a mess and nothing at all to do with the couple... I don't think there's anyone that thinks these two were into anything that would get them jammed up. My gut just doesn't believe Jon would do anything crazy enough to put himself or Audrey in too deep. But even something as stupid as his friends got in some ridiculous bar brawl or road rage and they were followed to where Audrey was waiting. Thats all possible as well. Has there been anyone else reported missing that might be tied to this??

There are so many questions, I truly pray that LE is thinking of every single angle possible and that God gives them some clues and the clarity to discover them. I like to think that it's still possible that there's still some evidence that can be found in/on Audreys car. I don't know how long that type of investigation takes but even a partial fingerprint or hair... something, anything!
I was hoping there was an update when I saw this thread back on the first page :(
Neither of these people seemed to be affiliated at all with gangs. If they succumbed due to some gang activity, I would think they would probably be found by now. You being a local, have you known people in the area to get killed or go missing from random gang activities?

I know this wasn't directed to me but I'm a local and no, that's not common. The most common gang activities here are drugs, theft, etc .. you'll hear of homicides that are gang related but I don't remember EVER hearing of an instance where there's been gang murders or kidnappings where the victim is a random, non-affiliated citizens. As much as I try not to rule out any possibilities, knowing the type of person Jon was really makes it difficult to believe this whole situation came about because of drugs or gangs. Of course ANYTHING is possible, but from the beginning that's what made this whole thing so perplexing - is the fact that he was a well known, well liked guy. He has a good family and a close group of friends who've known him since middle school. Knowing him AND the people who were in his circle I find it hard to believe that he would have some secret life of illicit behavior that would result in a disappearance like this. But like I said ANYTHINGS POSSIBLE especially when we know so little.

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I did some digging on local gangs and this article alone was enough for me to believe there are guys out there ruthless enough to kill over nothing. Just because he was suplosedly coming from Brawley doesn't mean the trouble came from there. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any starting point info.

The unknown (among many)
-who he was with
-where he went
-location she was to meet him at
I know this wasn't directed to me but I'm a local and no, that's not common. The most common gang activities here are drugs, theft, etc .. you'll hear of homicides that are gang related but I don't remember EVER hearing of an instance where there's been gang murders or kidnappings where the victim is a random, non-affiliated citizens. As much as I try not to rule out any possibilities, knowing the type of person Jon was really makes it difficult to believe this whole situation came about because of drugs or gangs. Of course ANYTHING is possible, but from the beginning that's what made this whole thing so perplexing - is the fact that he was a well known, well liked guy. He has a good family and a close group of friends who've known him since middle school. Knowing him AND the people who were in his circle I find it hard to believe that he would have some secret life of illicit behavior that would result in a disappearance like this. But like I said ANYTHINGS POSSIBLE especially when we know so little.

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Do you know anything more about the people he was with ?

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I just can't figure out what the motive could be. I don't believe they were into anything nefarious, it wasn't a carjacking, and I don't think the bodies would be hid in a random gang shooting or robbery.
Actually the Indio PD said the selfie was sent to Audrey's sister, so straight from the source:

Also, Indio PD reported that the selfie pic was taken at Jonathan's apartment in PD. I don't believe that picture has been released to the public yet. The picture of the two of them at the restaurant is not the selfie police are referring to since it's obviously not at his apt and not a selfie. I think many people just assume that's the one.

We don't really know the context of which the selfie was sent- whether it was part of an ongoing conversation with her sister or just random.

While I put more faith in info directly from LE, their own reporting has been erroneous. They originally reported the the picture was taken the same night as the disappearance at JR's home. The next day they retracted that and said they did not know where or when it was taken. They originally reported that her vehicle was found with the help of On-star on the 11th but later corrected that to be found on the 12th. Then there is the reports of the scents traced. One says both scents were traced in front of the vehicle, the other was just JR's scent up the embankment. These are second-hand reports but the original source was LE.

All sources I take with a grain of salt.
I wish we would hear back if they found anything significant from her car.
I just can't figure out what the motive could be. I don't believe they were into anything nefarious, it wasn't a carjacking, and I don't think the bodies would be hid in a random gang shooting or robbery.
They are two beautiful people. They are young and healthy and strong. That's two reasons I can think of from the top of my head that would make them desirable in Mexico.

For example:
Victims of modern slavery in Mexico are primarily Mexicans themselves or citizens of Central and South American countries. There have been some isolated cases of victims from Eastern European countries, Asia and Africa. By some estimates, 70 percent of modern slavery cases in Mexico are related to organised crime groups. The various cartels commit kidnappings for forced prostitution and forced labour across all age groups, often with the complicity of local, state and federal authorities. Groups with increased vulnerability include women and children, indigenous people, the disabled, migrants and LGBTQ-identified persons.

Anecdotal evidence from escapees indicates that Mexico's desaparecidos (the disappeared) crisis, where tens of thousands of men, women and children have vanished since 2006, involves camps in which forced prostitution, labour and criminal acts are sanctioned by the cartels.
In all of Latin America, Mexico holds first place on the 2014 Global Slavery Index with at least 266,900 persons victimized. In that context, civic organizations report that in at least 17 Mexican states, day farmworkers labor under conditions in constant violation of their fundamental rights.
They are two beautiful people. They are young and healthy and strong. That's two reasons I can think of from the top of my head that would make them desirable in Mexico.

For example:
Ugh all that makes me sick but seems to make the most sense as to why they're missing without a trace.

The scent being away from the car in whatever direction is what I can't figure into it. Why drive all the way up to Beaumont? Seems like if that were the case they'd have been forced to drive there and then get into a different car. But then wouldn't LE be likely to find some kind of 3rd party evidence?

Can anyone come up with any scenarios that tick the boxes of what we know?
checking in to send love to all those here looking and supporting the search for these 2 young people. I think about them every day and can't imagine what they and their loved ones must be going through. Please please be somewhere, safe. Sigh....
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