CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - #11

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If a dog should be blocked by family, that'll be yet another thing that's plastered all over 'the internet'.
Does anyone have any idea if the accounting was EVER provided or are they STILL stalling on that?

The settlement agreement reached during mediation called for a biennial (every two years) accounting to the court.

Regardless, the agreement was filed with the court on May 10, 2010 so there was an accounting due before the court this May past.

And don't even get me started on section e. wherein the Gimme group was to provide Fontelle with an accounting on the trust every 6 months. Has she EVER received one??

This is a joke, and not a funny one.

There was an accounting and then an updated accounting after the accounting was challenged as not including all accounts, IIRC. I looked through the financials and couldn't really find any anomalies. In other words, I couldn't find, from what they initially filed re all the assets and what they recently filed showing the status of the accounts, that they have been taking assets. I'm not near the files so i can't give you the names of the documents so I apologize for being vague. I will look and let you know.

Just read inventory of items the unusual family of Bob Harrod wanted out of the house. I call BS on the attached items being considered "memorabilia"

The greed of these vultures is just astounding.

as to the rest of their list, all I can say is, with all the houses Bob bought and all the money he kept having to throw at his family to get them out of his face, it is a wonder that no one could afford a storage unit but rather, had to have all of "their" possessions at dad's house.

the church lady in me wants to scream "How CONVEEEEEEENIENT!"

I had never seen that. What was that list for? Just to state what was in the house to make sure Ms. Harrod didn't take anything? Or did they want that stuff then and there? And wanted happened to the property? Where is it now?

gitana1, thank you so much for proving me wrong...just what I wanted!

So far, it appears you have a list, not the docs themselves. The one in question has been the Harrod Family Trust, but there are several more and as you had posted way upthread, you didn't want to pay for them (understandable, no blame).

As soon as you get a copy of the trust, I'm sure you would want to upload just that one file to the library here for everyone to see (not the entire case file...nobody ever asked for that, lol).

Thanks again!


As I stated, I have a copy of the entire trust file. Not a list, but the documents themselves. Please see below:

part of this discussion..

gitana1's reply

I'm never going to upload the entire two files.
It would take days and days to do. The files are feet thick. Go get it yourself and upload away. (Not a response to Believe09!!!!)

Second, I won't upload a thing until I clear it with some of you, first. I am no expert on this case like many of you and so I'm not going to screw up any investigation by being stupid.

Third, I know how to upload but not how to attach to a post here. If I get clearance, please let me know how to do it.

gitana is also kind enough to offer to get a copy of the secret agreement which was apparently unsealed as a result of the last hearing. That is how I am reading between the lines, in any case.

that should be interesting for sure.

If you guys have not gotten it yet and it is now available and in the court file, let me know if you want me to pick it up. I;m going to be there today.
There was an accounting and then an updated accounting after the accounting was challenged as not including all accounts, IIRC. I looked through the financials and couldn't really find any anomalies. In other words, I couldn't find, from what they initially filed re all the assets and what they recently filed showing the status of the accounts, that they have been taking assets. I'm not near the files so i can't give you the names of the documents so I apologize for being vague. I will look and let you know.

I had never seen that. What was that list for? Just to state what was in the house to make sure Ms. Harrod didn't take anything? Or did they want that stuff then and there? And wanted happened to the property? Where is it now?

As I stated, I have a copy of the entire trust file. Not a list, but the documents themselves. Please see below:

I'm never going to upload the entire two files.
It would take days and days to do. The files are feet thick. Go get it yourself and upload away.

Second, I won't upload a thing until I clear it with some of you, first. I am no expert on this case like many of you and so I'm not going to screw up any investigation by being stupid.

Third, I know how to upload but not how to attach to a post here. If I get clearance, please let me know how to do it.

If you guys have not gotten it yet and it is now available and in the court file, let me know if you want me to pick it up. I;m going to be there today.

gitana1, it is the list the daughters prepared 'from memory' of everything in their father's house that belonged to them. They also reserved the right to look around for anything they may have forgotten. Fontelle had to clear out of the house when they descended to pick the house she was living in clean. They made her keep one expensive item though - the chair elevator she didn't want as it was dangerous due to her sight problems.
List is gobsmacking. Will try and find it for you.
Sparkyswife, do you know where it is? I can't cut and paste on this computer.
Sparkyswife, do you know where it is? I can't cut and paste on this computer.

page 35 36 & 37

Apply lots of tape to your jaw now to prevent additional injury. Attached, fresh from the courthouse, is the motion to enforce the settlement.
After reading through this, I am more convinced than ever that certain people do not deserve to breathe the air the rest of us do.
I guess, just to clarify, I dont think there will be any advance notice on a dog coming to the house either. There wasnt for OC Sheriff's CSI. At least, there wasnt any advance notice that we know of.

No advance notice is standard in many cases. ;)

As I understand it, Mrs. Harrod has every right to grant access (or not) to the premises. Whether she is a tenent or owner or party in a trust.
Well, I think it would be tough for them for a few reasons-we have an ongoing police investigation which surely they would not want to obstruct, Mrs Harrod has control of her residence in terms of who she invites in and who she refuses and it would forever seal public opinion in regards to their motivation.

Better for them to remain neutral and hopeful that there is a good outcome. :)

That memento list shows that this family has an unusual approach to public opinion, in my own humble opinion.

Among other things. Many other things.
That memento list shows that this family has an unusual approach to public opinion, in my own humble opinion.

Among other things. Many other things.

I get the impression they really believed they were in the right, and that anyone would have done the same in their position.
Just twisted.
Don't forget, that list contained AH's computer (Bob apparently didn't have his own). Yet in his depo, AH talks about Bob's email correspondance. So I wonder who might have been helping with those?
Originally Posted by tlcox
Just read inventory of items the unusual family of Bob Harrod wanted out of the house. I call BS on the attached items being considered "memorabilia"

The greed of these vultures is just astounding.

as to the rest of their list, all I can say is, with all the houses Bob bought and all the money he kept having to throw at his family to get them out of his face, it is a wonder that no one could afford a storage unit but rather, had to have all of "their" possessions at dad's house.

the church lady in me wants to scream "How CONVEEEEEEENIENT!"

I had never seen that. What was that list for? Just to state what was in the house to make sure Ms. Harrod didn't take anything? Or did they want that stuff then and there? And wanted happened to the property? Where is it now?


Gitana, as I understand it, that memorabilia list was a list of the things that the co-conservators wanted to secure from Bob's residence. As far as I know, Fontelle agreed to allow them to take all that stuff.

Notice, even the sheets that JuM famously put on the bed in preparation for Fontelle's return to California were on the list. Guess they didn't really belong to Bob, after all.

With the exception of the chair lift, it appears that the co-conservators basically stripped the house, up to and including the frame from Bob's bed. After providing for his family, Bob apparently had very little in the way of personal possessions.

It makes me feel sick. Right now, my entire house is filled with the wonderful aroma of roasting garlic because I have 36 heads of garlic happily roasting away in my oven. The perfume of roasting garlic is so thick right now that I can practically chew the air and the dogs are drooling. My father, who is within a week of Bob in age, has discovered a new delicacy and he asked me if I knew how to fix it. I sent him one head to make sure that it was what he wanted and he asked for "a lot" more.

I'm doing garlic roasting on an industrial scale because I have this superstitious belief that if my daddy is happy here, he won't have time to die. It worked pretty well for my mama (who knew how to be happy).

Maybe that and the legendary powers of garlic will work.

I just don't get the Harrod family.
No advance notice is standard in many cases. ;)

As I understand it, Mrs. Harrod has every right to grant access (or not) to the premises. Whether she is a tenent or owner or party in a trust.

That is my understanding as well.

Still is after I did a cursory check of the law.
I get the impression they really believed they were in the right, and that anyone would have done the same in their position.
Just twisted.

So strange.

After my mama died last year, the only memento of her I wanted was the charm bracelet she wore back in the late 1950s and into the early 1970s, when I was a child.

I certainly didn't want her bedsheets. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that one.
Don't forget, that list contained AH's computer (Bob apparently didn't have his own). Yet in his depo, AH talks about Bob's email correspondance. So I wonder who might have been helping with those?

Whoa! I hadn't caught that one.

It's a very good question.

I wonder if AH kept his copies of those emails because they allegedly indicate Bob's intention of forgiving the loan on his own death. I'd think those would be important records, particularly since Bob apparently did not note down those intentions anywhere else.
RE: GrainneDhu's post about reclaimed bedsheets.

Yes, and after she went to so much trouble (and possible danger) going alone to Bob's house to put them on the bed in the first place.

Notice you used the English 'chair lift' there. Is that just you, or are the terms chair lift and elevator interchangeable in the US?
Whoa! I hadn't caught that one.

It's a very good question.

I wonder if AH kept his copies of those emails because they allegedly indicate Bob's intention of forgiving the loan on his own death. I'd think those would be important records, particularly since Bob apparently did not note down those intentions anywhere else.

I just wish they hadn't been allowed to take that computer. I don't think it would have revealed anything about Bob's actual disappearance, but I think recovery of deleted stuff might have shed a lot of light on the financial side. Bet that computer's long gone now.
RE: GrainneDhu's post about reclaimed bedsheets.

Yes, and after she went to so much trouble (and possible danger) going alone to Bob's house to put them on the bed in the first place.

Notice you used the English 'chair lift' there. Is that just you, or are the terms chair lift and elevator interchangeable in the US?

I honestly don't know. My mama was English and I maintain contact with my aunt and cousins in England, so I'm never completely sure if I'm using a British-ism or an American-ism.

As for that set of bedsheets, since it was on the memorabilia list, I can only conclude that they must symbolise some happy memory for JuM.
tlcox, do you know if there's any way of checking if the secret agreement is now available and in the court file? gitana1 is going there today and will pick it up, if so.
<snipped for brevity my answers in blue>
I had never seen that. What was that list for? Just to state what was in the house to make sure Ms. Harrod didn't take anything? Or did they want that stuff then and there? And wanted happened to the property? Where is it now?

The list of items was on an inventory provided by Bob's daughters via their atty to Mrs. Harrod's atty in response to his request for the back support due Fontelle from the trust as outlined in the agreement. In response to his repeated attempts to enforce the agreement they demanded all of the items listed in the inventory be given over to the immediately, and further demanded that they be allowed to visit the home and name off more items that they might notice on that tour but have forgotten about til now. The gist was, give us everything we want from the house or we aren't cutting the support check (at the time approx $25,000 was still owed Fontelle for the back support which originall totalled aprox $50,000)

As I stated, I have a copy of the entire trust file. Not a list, but the documents themselves. Please see below:

Third, I know how to upload but not how to attach to a post here. If I get clearance, please let me know how to do it.

Save the doc as a PDF, under advanced options beneath your post box, click manage attachments. Choose file. Upload. Close out of the management box. Submit post. your attachments should appear as thumbnails that when clicked can be opened by others.

My response in blue above.
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