CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - #15

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  • July 27, 2009 - 81 year old Bob Harrod went missing
  • Sampling of what 2 of Bob’s daughters posted about him on the world-wide web in August 2009
  • It seems the media is trying to draw him out by using the angle of Sympathy for Fontelle and also reminding him of his God, HIS money.
  • POI has bilked our Mother's Blood money -- money D could certainly have spent to improve the conditions of Mom's care, but refused to.
  • Don't think he would abandon his home in the long run. (ie: Home=$$$=God to him).
  • Why wouldn't he take his friggen dirty $$$ with him, then we wouldn't think we were expected to properly manage things in his absence. Also, if he did this, it is cruel to Fontelle and unforgiveable!
  • He pushed his family away and became even more secretive. We now know more about what his single-minded secret was that IMHO he was so ashamed of as to push family away. Definately NOT the same person we remember going to church when we were little, only to end up selling out to the devil IMHO.
  • F was the only person who seemed to be able to pull him out of that cycle and back to beginning to act like a decent being human again.
  • It's incredible what we learn about our parents later in life. If he didn't leave voluntarily, he may have set himself up by association with the wrong kind of people.
  • D had to have been pretty desperate for something, to "loan" so much to POI. It was NOT in character for him to be charitable with $$$$, unless there was some profit in it for him.
  • But we still want him to come back home for a chance to possibly redeem himself.
  • Real Quick: D continued to "loan" POI money, even after he married F. What a snake (either D and/or POI)!
  • POI insinuating that family (actual family) is involved. Jeesh! POI doesn't really know family and only had D's chronic lies to base her opinion on.
  • BTW we checked the refrigerator freezer -- it was full of Banquet Dinners! (Yuk!)
  • While D may have hidden money, he had OCD about his $$$. It was his God.
  • No doubt in my mind, Dad probably "cashed out" his own life insurance policy, if one existed, before the date for Mom's memorial had even been set. The forms for Mom's life insurance policy could have been ready and waiting for her last breath too....IMHO That's exactly the kind of person the father WE KNOW is, as we have already tried to explain.
  • He does NOT have long-distance and was too cheap to pay for it.
  • The POI did give him the cell phone, but he did NOT know how to answer it - chuckle.

I have to say, this is very despicable behavior -- to talk ill of your own dad after he's missing and foul play is suspected -- and especially after he made them trustees...

I am wondering what the context of the daughters' statements are? Did someone accuse them of doing their dad harm? Otherwise, their defensive, hostile stance doesn't make sense.

Is there more that Paula says because the heavy derogatory statements of Bob appear to come mainly from Roberta?
IDK exactly what she knew about the money, but there was an enormous effort by Bob's daughters to paint Bob as 'not husband material', to put it nicely. It was part of a nasty and ugly effort to get Mrs. Harrod to go packing back to MO with her tail between her legs.

Fast forward, clearly they were wrong about Mrs. Harrod's tenacity to continue searching for Bob and seeking Justice for him.
Ahhhhhhh, gotcha. I see it now. That wasn't so much for the general public, but for Fontelle to think she had married a louse who ditched her (again?) Makes perfect sense. Thank God Fontelle's vision is good enough to see through BS! :crazy:
Ahhhhhhh, gotcha. I see it now. That wasn't so much for the general public, but for Fontelle to think she had married a louse who ditched her (again?) Makes perfect sense. Thank God Fontelle's vision is good enough to see through BS! :crazy:

BBM. Actually it was for both. They were attempting, imo, to cause Fontelle to give up her search for answers and they were hoping the public would do the same.

Yes, thank God Mrs. Harrod saw right through the bs!
BBM. Actually it was for both. They were attempting, imo, to cause Fontelle to give up her search for answers and they were hoping the public would do the same.

Yes, thank God Mrs. Harrod saw right through the bs!

Wow, what a shocking lack of self awareness to think that BOB would be the one to look bad! I guess that goes hand-in-hand with the entitlement issues we've seen. Even in Disappeared it seemed that they felt totally justified with their role in the "heated" family meeting. Even after telling us that Bob was starting to show signs of being confused, and slow to get his affairs together, they somehow felt it was okay to gang up on the guy when he couldn't answer a question right off the bat? Gaaaahhhh...I just :stormingmad:
Wow, what a shocking lack of self awareness to think that BOB would be the one to look bad! I guess that goes hand-in-hand with the entitlement issues we've seen. Even in Disappeared it seemed that they felt totally justified with their role in the "heated" family meeting. Even after telling us that Bob was starting to show signs of being confused, and slow to get his affairs together, they somehow felt it was okay to gang up on the guy when he couldn't answer a question right off the bat? Gaaaahhhh...I just :stormingmad:

BBM. IMO, Bob was never starting to show signs of being confused. If you read the poison pen letter, you will see the questions RB was asking are legalese type questions, which I can fully understand Bob not being able to explain. By repeating himself, I believe that was similiar to what was depicted in the Disappeared show, by Bob telling his daughters he doesn't have any other papers, and not knowing what they were asking for besides the bank statements. Which they did acknowledge Bob gave them.

It was as if they kept asking the same questions expecting a different answer. Bob gave them the only answer he knew. Beyond that, imo, it was how a court might interpret the wording of the trust. Not something I would expect Bob to be able to answer.

By repeating himself and confused, I am sure that has to do with the demanding questions they were asking regarding the trust.
BBM. IMO, Bob was never starting to show signs of being confused. If you read the poison pen letter, you will see the questions RB was asking are legalese type questions, which I can fully understand Bob not being able to explain. By repeating himself, I believe that was similiar to what was depicted in the Disappeared show, by Bob telling his daughters he doesn't have any other papers, and not knowing what they were asking for besides the bank statements. Which they did acknowledge Bob gave them.

It was as if they kept asking the same questions expecting a different answer. Bob gave them the only answer he knew. Beyond that, imo, it was how a court might interpret the wording of the trust. Not something I would expect Bob to be able to answer.

By repeating himself and confused, I am sure that has to do with the demanding questions they were asking regarding the trust.

I'm not sure if he was starting to show signs or not. At 81 and in a bit of a depressive funk, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a little slow on the uptake for a few months. Even someone much younger may have been affected in the same way. Whatever was going on there, if there was actually anything at all, Fontelle seemed to snap him out of it.

The point of my previous post was that it was THEIR narrative. The daughters claim Bob was slipping, then turn around and say they were angry with him for not being Johnny-on-the-spot with answers. In my mind, whether it's true or not, it shows a ridiculous lack of self-awareness to think that BOB would be the one to look bad in that situation. Even if I believed every word of their story (which I don't), they still come out looking bad in my eyes, especially RB. IMO, she comes across like a bully :twocents:
It always crossed my mind that, faced with all three of them demanding this, that and the other - and, as her sister kindly pointed out, RB being 'quick to temper - it must have been very intimidating for Bob to say 'no' outright to them. I wonder if Bob did sometimes plead ignorance or confusion just to stop the hassle.

I also wonder if Bob was subject to a lot more than hassle. The tone of RB's letter is threatening to me. Granted, it's a threat of legal action, but it was made to her own father. It shows how far she was prepared to go, imo. I wonder what she is like face-to-face, in one of her 'quick to temper' moods?
It always crossed my mind that, faced with all three of them demanding this, that and the other - and, as her sister kindly pointed out, RB being 'quick to temper - it must have been very intimidating for Bob to say 'no' outright to them. I wonder if Bob did sometimes plead ignorance or confusion just to stop the hassle.

I also wonder if Bob was subject to a lot more than hassle. The tone of RB's letter is threatening to me. Granted, it's a threat of legal action, but it was made to her own father. It shows how far she was prepared to go, imo. I wonder what she is like face-to-face, in one of her 'quick to temper' moods?

Hear, hear!

For me, I don't care that there was a letter, it's the TONE that's bad. Why did their need to be so much venom? Why not just the facts..."Dear Mr. Attorney, We've tried without success, yada yada, could you kindly instruct him, Yours Truly" and leave it at that?
Ah, Robert Harrod. It's been nearly four years since your 'disappearance.'

IMO: I doubt that any person will ever 'fess up' to causing his disappearance.
The one or two people who know what happened feel justified in their continued silence.

IMO: I believe he was murdered, not just disappeared.

People who feel justified to murder can point to self defense, times of war, maybe capital punishment.

The main thing to remember is they feel they are in the right and right excuses any wrongs.

There will be no confession.
Ah, Robert Harrod. It's been nearly four years since your 'disappearance.'

IMO: I doubt that any person will ever 'fess up' to causing his disappearance.
The one or two people who know what happened feel justified in their continued silence.

IMO: I believe he was murdered, not just disappeared.

People who feel justified to murder can point to self defense, times of war, maybe capital punishment.

The main thing to remember is they feel they are in the right and right excuses any wrongs.

There will be no confession.

Hi, dreamweaver. :blowkiss:

Then I guess we need to find him. :) Really what counts, imo, is bringing him back to Fontelle. The rest is up to LE and the courts.

At least he should come back from the cold and lonely place where he is laying.

Maybe we can focus on that. On routes of travel. On hints gleaned from those who may know what happened that day or those who might have seen something or who might not want to know something, but they do.
Whenever dreamweaver appears, I hold my breath a little.

I agree with you believe, we just have to concentrate on bringing Bob home now. For Fontelle.

I had a little 'quick to temper' moment a while ago, and had to have a little rest. But I'm hoping I put it to constructive use. I'll let you know if it works out.
I'm not sure if he was starting to show signs or not. At 81 and in a bit of a depressive funk, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a little slow on the uptake for a few months. Even someone much younger may have been affected in the same way. Whatever was going on there, if there was actually anything at all, Fontelle seemed to snap him out of it.

The point of my previous post was that it was THEIR narrative. The daughters claim Bob was slipping, then turn around and say they were angry with him for not being Johnny-on-the-spot with answers. In my mind, whether it's true or not, it shows a ridiculous lack of self-awareness to think that BOB would be the one to look bad in that situation. Even if I believed every word of their story (which I don't), they still come out looking bad in my eyes, especially RB. IMO, she comes across like a bully :twocents:

I knew what you meant, tamild. I was in a rush for an appointment and used your post as a spring board without saying so, I apologize.

My post was not to argue yours, just to explain what I think the daughters were calling repeating himself and forgetful.

I agree they look bad and RB comes across like the family bully.
Ah, Robert Harrod. It's been nearly four years since your 'disappearance.'

IMO: I doubt that any person will ever 'fess up' to causing his disappearance.
The one or two people who know what happened feel justified in their continued silence.

IMO: I believe he was murdered, not just disappeared.

People who feel justified to murder can point to self defense, times of war, maybe capital punishment.

The main thing to remember is they feel they are in the right and right excuses any wrongs.

There will be no confession.

BBM. I think that is probably true, unless LE can find someone within the inner circle to charge with another crime that would require serving some serious time. And for LE to be willing to take that gamble with lesser charges for the possibility of a confession or negotiation for a deal of some type.

I have to be honest. I do think there is something there that perhaps AH might have done which would cause him to serve 5 to 10.

Despite what happens in this life, there is no escaping justice in the next. And eternity is a long, long time.
Respectfully recolored Believe's remarks to distinguish from Roberta's.

It's incredible what we learn about our parents later in life. If he didn't leave voluntarily, he may have set himself up by association with the wrong kind of people.

POI insinuating that family (actual family) is involved. Jeesh! POI doesn't really know family and only had D's chronic lies to base her opinion on.

BBM. I agree completely that Mr Harrod set himself up with the wrong kind of people, but blood is blood.

As for the second quote-this one really really piques my interest. Apparently the poster believed that Bob was not telling flattering stories about his family. That is a very defensive post. I would love to read BL's statement to LE simply based upon that post.

"Blood is blood" :floorlaugh: I had to read that twice! Most likely truer words have never been written on this forum. You really have a way with words :):floorlaugh:

RE: Roberta's insinuating her father is essentially a pathological liar will always "floor" me. All of her remarks regarding Bob gives the reader the impression that he's just not worth finding. She, of course, possibly, maybe, hopefully, was just venting old rage, wow!, right?

I don't "like" her for the disappearance, though. She's a tad too obvious. My theory says that she's just a wagon circler, waiting for a share of the "dirty friggen $$$" The closer the estate gets to disbursement, the quieter, and more loving she gets ;) I love the evolution occurring here.

Bob probably ain't so bad at this point in time ..
Are you "double dog" daring someone to do this? I'm sure there's someone around here that would agree to follow through on this.

RB's a woman who I'd hope would stand behind her words. I think she and her sisters have demonstrated their thoughts on whose money it is and whose life it was. Especially after their mother died.

Someone should carry over their lovely words over to the Disappeared FB page.

Let's see, who's sold out to the devil here?
Wow. I'd never seen those posts by RB before. She was so hateful towards her father. This man is missing, she has no idea (supposedly) what happened to him and she speaks of him that way??? So what is the big secret she alludes to or is it one more of those things that's just in her head and has basis in fact??? Sounds like she thinks Dad was paying the BL for "services". And that crack about using that money that her cheapsake father (paraphrased) could have used for better care for her mother. Wow. Just wow.

She does sound like she wanted him to come back, and more importantly it sounds like she hopes he was rotting in hell and pretty glad he couldn't take all his dirty friggen $$$$ with him. SMH.
Are you "double dog" daring someone to do this? I'm sure there's someone around here that would agree to follow through on this.

hee hee hee. It's just a suggestion, with fair warning if you (a general you) add it to the ID FB page with your real name you'll probably sleuthed and smeared all over the internet by Bob's daughters.

I just thought Roberta's words about her dad were so special, they shouldn't be limited to those reading here at WS. :D
And yet the co conservators have alluded to the fact that Bob cared for their mother. No one else cared for her-PB and RB and JuM have not jumped up and given long winded examples of their care of their mother.

They have data dumped everything else-why not prove more badness by demonstrating their constant, daily/weekly loving care of their mother? Just wondering.

I think there is probably some real value in looking at the possibility that he wasnt answering the phone at all at some point that morning, and that someone else was.
I knew what you meant, tamild. I was in a rush for an appointment and used your post as a spring board without saying so, I apologize.

My post was not to argue yours, just to explain what I think the daughters were calling repeating himself and forgetful.

I agree they look bad and RB comes across like the family bully.

No worries, Cubby. I didn't think anything except that I need to clarify my thoughts better. :heart:

As others have pointed out, it's been almost 4 years since Bob vanished. I have nothing but respect for those of you who have been searching for him for so long! I've only been doing this a few months and already I can't believe how much and how little there is to investigate. Mad props to you all!
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