CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - # 5

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J wasnt at the hearing I believe. Neither was SIL.

Oh, I think the last person to see Bob alive and his spouse would stay as far away from anything regarding Bobs estate. Appearances and all.... I'd expect them to be running, no sprinting in the opposite direction.

Oh, I think the last person to see Bob alive and his spouse would stay as far away from anything regarding Bobs estate. Appearances and all.... I'd expect them to be running, no sprinting in the opposite direction.


I agree.

I also believe that is the reason SIL did not go DTH the day after Mr. Harrod's disappearance.

I wonder if SIL cooperated with PPD. Has he answered their questions? Has he agreed to be polygraphed?
A few thoughts on the timeline and the remains found this past weekend in the San Gabriel Mountains.

As for the timeline:
I think PPD has likely gone with the 11am time because SIL's location and movements can not be accounted for between the 10am confirmed call from a non family member and the time he returned and the housekeeper was waiting at the house. Perhaps LE did confirm an incoming call at 11 from one of Bobs daughters and used the 11am time because that was the last answered call from within Bobs home the day he went missing.

The remains found Sunday Nov 21:
We know the girls grew up in Monrovia, went to HS in Monrovia and SIL, IIRC also graduated HS in Monrovia. Interestingly the remains found are closer to Monrovia, an area they may be (and are likley) more familiar with than Placentia. While we don't yet know the gender of the remains found and there are others beside Bob missing from the general area, I couldn't help but notice just how close the remains found were to Monrovia.

The timeline as we know it makes no sense.

We have daughter P posting on IS saying she called her dad that morning by telephone and spoke to Mr. Harrod. She goes on to state that she realized that her BIL was there and she DID hear him say he was going to the "hardware store". P posted her father "responded to him in a favorable way."

Daughter P also provided information about her father's disappearance to the Namus site. Again she states:

"I last spoke to him somewhere between 11 a.m. - 12pm. Heard son-in-law say he was going to the hardware store. When he returned the housekeeper was waiting outside and Dad was gone."

Daughter P seems to feel its important to back-up SIL's story. We know that the Home Depot receipt is for 3:04pm. Why did SIL not appear at the hardware store until 3-4 hours later?

All early reports on time last seen range from 10am to 1pm. Did they have to switch the timeline to match the Home Depot receipt? Did they have to account for SIL's where-abouts because the housekeeper was waiting on Mr. Harrod's porch when SIL returned to the house? Seems likely to me.
Updated Missing Flyer for Bob

Attached is an updated flyer that includes the reward info and other updates.

I didn't include specifics on time last seen due to discrepancies.


  • Robert_Harrod_Missing_Flyer_26-Nov-2010.pdf
    113.4 KB · Views: 21
Awesome-we need to coordinate our effort and get this out everywhere we can think of...most corporate offices like WalMart, Home Depot and CVS have email links where we can send the flyer with a request to distribute in the area. Let's include a link to the lates OC Register story and I will give PPD's Loomis a heads up so she is aware where the flyers are coming from.

Great job and a labor of love.
Updated Missing Flyer for Bob

Attached is an updated flyer that includes the reward info and other updates.

I didn't include specifics on time last seen due to discrepancies.

Cloudajo, that flyer is perfect. Since none of Bob's three adult daughters, nor his SiL, nor his GS and wife, could be bothered to aid the investigation in this way, I am so glad that someone has stepped up to the plate.
I think we can focus some real energy on this in time for the holidays where people will be out and about. Not to mention the 12/15 drop dead date for the Probate Court. I am looking forward to seeing what the hearing holds.
Good Morning! I know we have a big hearing coming up on 12/15, but I wanted to share this article which was written regarding the first hearing date for Lynsie Ekelund's killer:

Kimberly Keith thought what would make Kim McAmis feel better was to meet her friend, Nancy Ekelund, so she approached the younger woman.
"I'm sure it helped the wife because she probably thought Nancy hates her," Keith said.

"That's not Nancy. ... She was nothing but love to her. That was Nancy and Lynsie. To know Nancy is to know Lynsie."
Kim McAmis told Nancy Ekelund she's in shock and had no idea, according to Keith. She also mentioned she has a little girl. "Nancy said, `So do I, so you understand."'

Talk about grace-Nancy hugged the wife of Lynsie's killer. I have had the privilege of taking a few of these steps with Nancy (as have others on the board)-she is a great example of families of the missing. She never gave up, she never stopped hoping, she never stopped searching, she never stopped reaching out. And she still has love in her heart.

Thank you for sharing that article believe. It brought tears to my eyes.
It gives me hope people will do the right thing in Bobs case - and not almost a decade later. Prayers for Nancy as well. One MP closed in Placentia, it's time to get the second and only remaining MP case for PPD solved.
Good Morning! I know we have a big hearing coming up on 12/15, but I wanted to share this article which was written regarding the first hearing date for Lynsie Ekelund's killer:

Kimberly Keith thought what would make Kim McAmis feel better was to meet her friend, Nancy Ekelund, so she approached the younger woman.
"I'm sure it helped the wife because she probably thought Nancy hates her," Keith said.

"That's not Nancy. ... She was nothing but love to her. That was Nancy and Lynsie. To know Nancy is to know Lynsie."
Kim McAmis told Nancy Ekelund she's in shock and had no idea, according to Keith. She also mentioned she has a little girl. "Nancy said, `So do I, so you understand."'

Talk about grace-Nancy hugged the wife of Lynsie's killer. I have had the privilege of taking a few of these steps with Nancy (as have others on the board)-she is a great example of families of the missing. She never gave up, she never stopped hoping, she never stopped searching, she never stopped reaching out. And she still has love in her heart.

What a beautiful, brave woman Nancy Ekelund is.
Bumping this thread for Bob. Hope he is found soon and justice is served.
Bumping this thread for Bob. Hope he is found soon and justice is served.

Here's to PPD doing their thing. Saying a prayer that Mr. Harrod will be found and brought home during this special time of the year.
Yes! A Christmas miracle to bring Bob home and bring him the justice he deserves.
Everyone who loves and misses Bob will have another tough holiday coming up. :(

We know that the outstanding issue for the 12/15 hearing is the audit of the estate and the accounting of how the funds have been used since Mr Harrod went missing. I wonder if there are any other items being heard?
There is in an update in the court records for the Conservatorship case. The Ex Parte Motion was filed first, followed by the Objection.

I wonder what it means?

Objection filed by PB, RB on 11/24/2010
Motion - Other (Ex Parte) filed by FH on 11/24/2010

An ex parte motion is an emergency motion that is filed without the other side being present.

So what was so important that it required a judge's immediate order? Typically there is a same day order from the judge either dismissing the request or granting it.

I have only seen these with RO/PO's-wonder if there is a protection order now for Mrs Harrod??? And what might the threat have been? Just speculating here....

An ex parte motion is an emergency motion that is filed without the other side being present.

So what was so important that it required a judge's immediate order? Typically there is a same day order from the judge either dismissing the request or granting it.

I have only seen these with RO/PO's-wonder if there is a protection order now for Mrs Harrod??? And what might the threat have been? Just speculating here....

...and it was objected to by daughters?
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