CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST* #2

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Out of all of this, the new victims are his family. Nothing good comes out of this for them. Their world will never be the same.

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I think it's hilarious that the news is advertising that he has a micro-sized p$nis and now they're reporting he had a

performance enhancing pump implanted.
Several of his victims also reported this. Serves him right to be publicly humiliated.

bbm WOW
The link provided was having technical problems. I switched to wfrriz- don't know if video is still there. I saw part
of his arraignment.

He was brought in in a wheelchair- no walking-no standing- sat the whole time. both hands were handcuffed to

arms of wheelchair. He looked to me like he was pretending to be old, can't hear well, weak voice, seemed sleepy or

drugged. Maybe all an act. Judge read 2 counts of murder- couldn't hear all of it. Next hearing May 28. ????

Female atty. was with him.

rumors that he's not eating or drinking and will not allow family to visit.

My coworkers and I watched the livestream at our law office. All of us felt he was putting on a big act. He's 72. His main concern when arrested was the roast in the oven. I do hope he is under suicide watch because I believe he will try to take that route.
Can anyone elaborate on the “rare gentic trait” he has. Anything else about it other than blood type not revealed in saliva? Any “conditions” come with it?
The picture with that article... I know his attorney put her hand on his shoulder but the look on her face is telling a different story.
she's probably thinking thank god I'm only here for the early stages of
I imagine he has thought long and hard and planned exactly how he would behave/ escape/ deal if he was ever caught.
[ This elusive robber,rapist was left alone by victims dogs,they didn't go after him hmmmm gee couldn't be dog repellant, head scratch, and robbers,rapist would never use a hammer as a tool of the trade.

I thought they said he had been killing dogs during his earliest burglaries and rapes?

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I think it's hilarious that the news is advertising that he has a micro-sized p$nis and now they're reporting he had a

performance enhancing pump implanted. Several of his victims also reported this. Serves him right to be publicly humiliated.

Do you have a link for the implant?
That no child was conceived from any of the rapes?
I guarentee that if that were the case it would NEVER BE MADE PUBLIC!!
The identity of a child of his would have been protected for the safety of the child.
That also would explain how a GOOD DNA sample was submitted to a data base.

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From what I understand they had lots of good samples of DNA, one in particular where he had left a whole lot after multiple acts of rape.
There was some detail about it today, he had a fairly rare genetic marker and they found something like a third cousin and drew up a family tree going to their great great great grandpa. Most of the tree lived in the east and Midwest, then they found a branch that went west. This took weeks of tracking records before they eliminated others.

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It would be undeniable proof though wouldn't it?
If only...


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I know you don’t really wish a pregnancy and a child on any of his victims. That’s a horrid idea, I’m glad abortion was legal if they did need or want one.

They have lots of his DNA and basically the murder charges are what really matters. The rapes will increase the severity of the murder charges. They may not have the money or time to spend on trials for all the occurrences they have.

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[ This elusive robber,rapist was left alone by victims dogs,they didn't go after him hmmmm gee couldn't be dog repellant, head scratch, and robbers,rapist would never use a hammer as a tool of the trade.

I thought they said he had been killing dogs during his earliest burglaries and rapes?

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He did kill one inside the home of a family while they were gone.

California ended its statute of limitations on rape after Bill Cosby. It may not apply to the Golden State Killer

They will need to make the new law retroactive to apply it to him.

Also, I read they threw away all the old rape kits from those cases when they passed the statute of limitations

Ex post facto laws are expressly forbidden by the United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 (with respect to federal laws) and Article 1, Section 10 (with respect to state laws).
Please explain to me how it's legal for LE to not use a certified state criminology lab for all their DNA testing and MAINTAIN the chain of custody for evidence gathered from a crime scene???

I am seriously upset now.

They did use their certified lab for the crime scene DNA and for both of the DNA samples they saw him discard.
The genealogy site was just used to upload and compare to other non criminal persons DNA to see if they could find anyone who’s DNA profile was similar enough to be family. I think they actually just upload an image file that represents the DNA, for comparisons to others.

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Can anyone elaborate on the “rare gentic trait” he has. Anything else about it other than blood type not revealed in saliva? Any “conditions” come with it?

The one thing that comes to mind immediately, is I know Parkinson's has a unique gene. But I am not a qualified or super knowledgable person about such topics, so maybe someone could elaborate on that?
Probably not an act, first off no reason to act frail. There's no jury, the judge won't be the same one who oversees his trial.. He's just old and his whole world, the cocoon he had built around himself was suddenly stripped away and now he's facing judgment for his crimes. He probably thought he had got away with it after all these years, thought he'd die of old age with his loved ones around and now it's gone, the truth is out thee and the realization is he'll die an old man all alone and everyone will cheer, his loved ones will abandon him...

What? There's plenty reason to act frail. It's his only chance to garner ANY sympathy at all. The kicker is, though that 72 IS NOT THAT OLD. I don't know who you guys hang out with, but I don't know plenty of people in their 70s and they are spitfires. It you are ill or have medical issues, of course, the scenario is different. But if you are healthy enough to ride a bike or a motorcycle. or build a table -- the guy was spry two days ago. I will accept he is an alcoholic who is doped up to aid withdrawal. That may come out with more news. But he is perfectly fine. It's all an act, put together by his attorney who told press she "is honored" to be his attorney. As if he's some elder statesman, for God's sake.
Can anyone elaborate on the “rare gentic trait” he has. Anything else about it other than blood type not revealed in saliva? Any “conditions” come with it?

Source? What "rare genetic trait"?

EDIT: Oh, sorry, never mind, I found it. The fact that his saliva doesn't tell his blood type. Only 15% have the same marker. Very interesting.
Source? What "rare genetic trait"?

EDIT: Oh, sorry, never mind, I found it. The fact that his saliva doesn't tell his blood type. Only 15% have the same marker. Very interesting.

I had seen something about a marker being much rarer than that? Also that the technology for matching more distant relatives had recently gotten better, but apparently they’ve been trying the genetic match thing over and over again for years, and they finally found the tree. And it had a lot of branches to research, took weeks if not months.

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What? There's plenty reason to act frail. It's his only chance to garner ANY sympathy at all.

Totally agree, and he knows that there is a whole lot he may not want to ever acknowledge or discuss in public forum, so why even look capable of it?
But yeah, pity moves are all that’s left for sociopaths when they have no control.

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