CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST* #3

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LE’s own lead investigator, Paul Holes, didn’t believe he was the Visalia Ransacker. They have to have evidence of it and so far, we don’t have any concrete proof. (Although all signs point to it) We will have to wait for a trial or a confession before we can definitively say he is or was the Visalia Ransacker.
Where can I find Det. Holes official report on these crimes? Are his findings and opinions coming from a book or an interview? Someone else’s book?
I’d like to read his words myself. If anyone has links I’d appreciate it.
Where can I find Det. Holes official report on these crimes? Are his findings and opinions coming from a book or an interview? Someone else’s book?
I’d like to read his words myself. If anyone has links I’d appreciate it.

There was a big PC and other interviews with him. Have you checked the media thread? Also, didn't Tricia do a podcast with him? If you find them we may need to add them to the media thread. I'll find the media thread and bump it.

Here's a Media thread for you. Go ahead and start posting and linking.

There was a timeline linked upthread but I would suggest members start their own timeline from MSM, LE info, and public documents rather than rely on a timeline compiled by someone else (when we have no idea of their sources).

Please remember the "No Discussion" rule in the Media threads, but you may provide a very brief intro of what you are posting (i.e. "The following article indicates JD lived in blah blah in 1999")


51 minute interview with Paul Holes is in there. (Post 14).
Where can I find Det. Holes official report on these crimes? Are his findings and opinions coming from a book or an interview? Someone else’s book?
I’d like to read his words myself. If anyone has links I’d appreciate it.

There were at least a couple of mini-series on TV recently, but before the arrest, which had interviews with LE (including Holes). I haven’t watched them yet, but I believe they was one on ID and one on HLN. They each have something like 3-5 episodes. They are on demand in my area, or they’ve been running “marathons” of them off and on since the arrest.

eta: HLN -“The Golden State Killer: Unmasked”, aka “Unmasking a Killer”, 5 episodes, marathon today starting at 3 (ET)
ID - “Golden State Killer: It’s Not Over”, 4 episodes

This article is pretty informative about the VR cases. Sounds like no DNA but I think that other evidence (footprints ?) may link the cases IMO.

They are going to have to come up with more than footprints to convince a jury. Especially footprints from over 40 years ago. Maybe Beth Snelling can ID him based on pictures of what he looked like 40+ years ago. I wonder if that’s even admissible. My gut feeling is that although most will agree he was the VR, proving it in a court of law is going to be more difficult.
Has he said that publicly since the arrest? That he doesn't think that it is not?

During a press conference Wednesday, police identified DeAngelo not only as the “Golden State Killer” and the “East Area Rapist” — two of his many aliases — but also as the “Visalia Ransacker,” a serial burglar in the mid-70s who eventually committed a murder, and fired a revolver at an officer’s head as he escaped from one crime scene.

I haven’t actually seen any of his recent interviews so I’m not sure what his stance is now.
They are going to have to come up with more than footprints to convince a jury. Especially footprints from over 40 years ago. Maybe Beth Snelling can ID him based on pictures of what he looked like 40+ years ago. I wonder if that’s even admissible. My gut feeling is that although most will agree he was the VR, proving it in a court of law is going to be more difficult.

Maybe they have ballistics? He shot at a Visalia police officer and one other guy IIRC. JJD lived in Visalia. They could also have some of the stolen items (weapons?) used in the later crimes too as a means to link them. The evidence list will be huge, I would imagine. It will be interesting to see how it all progresses.

This article is pretty informative about the VR cases. Sounds like no DNA but I think that other evidence (footprints ?) may link the cases IMO.

"DeAngelo lived in Visalia, Ward said"

Great article to fill in some of the blanks! I would love to know if he had any association with those he killed. Or where his house was, hearing now that he worked in Exeter but actually did live in Visalia as they always thought he traveled by foot.

. There is so much the media needs to do even though law enforcement will not prosecute. I hope that media does that so that the public will know. I hope so much for those that were affected that they have some type of answer to this. And I hope the media helps and digs in on this like a dog on a bone.
They are going to have to come up with more than footprints to convince a jury. Especially footprints from over 40 years ago. Maybe Beth Snelling can ID him based on pictures of what he looked like 40+ years ago. I wonder if that’s even admissible. My gut feeling is that although most will agree he was the VR, proving it in a court of law is going to be more difficult.

Why would there be any need to convince a jury that he was the VR? The statute of limitations has long passed on those crimes.

All they need to do to keep this guy off the streets permanently is convict him of murder.
Why would there be any need to convince a jury that he was the VR? The statute of limitations has long passed on those crimes.

All they need to do to keep this guy off the streets permanently is convict him of murder.

I do agree about in courts he will be convicted for only the murders. But I think a lot of people would love to have the closure of having him known as the Visalia ransacker also. And I think and hope that the media does allow the victims to have that. Because I truly think, with all the information that I have seen binge-watching of everything last night and yesterday, it is intuitively obvious.

And for long-term purposes for law enforcement, I would hope they really do investigate and put together a complete document for this entire case, including the Visalia episodes. It is something for law enforcement to use as a learning tool and one for long-term. In my opinion.
Any recent news on how he is doing in jail? Still refusing to eat? Still in medical?
Any recent news on how he is doing in jail? Still refusing to eat? Still in medical?

Forgive me but I am so very behind on these threads. I never knew he was refusing to eat, nor that he was in medical. I must have missed those links.

After binge-watching yesterday, I think he is snubbing his nose with all the people that were on their recent shows saying that he would love to talk and would tell his story.

He still wants to do Psychopathic control.

Imho.. as he knows that's what Law Enforcement wants most.

I also think that he may have gotten rid of some stuff, based on the most recent television shows?

:pullhair: where was he and what was he doing during those missing years! I can't believe we don't know that information yet from the media.
My daughter has severe OCD - Its not the cause. It would just be the little quirks involved in his personality and habits. Psychopath - yes. JMO

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Agreed. He also sounds more OCDP than OCD. There is a difference but culture at large never discusses this. Frustrating. Anywho, regardless, this wouldn’t cause him to murder. His being a psychopath would have.

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Yes.I think some people here do not understand the difference between psychosis and a psychopath. And being psychotic is not not the same as being a psychopath. Big difference.

Maybe we need a sticky for websleuths on general mental health information that can be a quick way for people to reference and learn should they want to?

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Agreed. He also sounds more OCDP than OCD. There is a difference but culture at large never discusses this. Frustrating. Anywho, regardless, this wouldn’t cause him to murder. His being a psychopath would have.

OCPD, I’m reading up on it now that you mentioned it. This does sound more like JJD.–compulsive_personality_disorder

While I’m not a psychologist and I didn’t stay at a Holiday in XPress last night, this certainly sounds like it could be our guy.

“Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a general pattern of concern with orderliness, perfectionism, excessive attention to details, mental and interpersonal control, and a need for control over one's environment, at the expense of flexibility, openness to experience, and efficiency.”

Interesting that people with this could show alcoholism, workaholism and miserliness. Didn’t JJD drink at many of the crime scenes, too? And the miserliness could show as his compulsion to eat while at the scenes, too. IMO


ETA: More from the link:

“For people with this disorder, rigidity could place strain on interpersonal relationships, with occasional frustration turning into anger and even varying degrees of violence.

“This is known as disinhibition.[9]

“People with OCPD often tend to general pessimism and/or underlying form(s) of depression.[10][11][12] This can at times become so serious that suicide is a risk.[13]

“Indeed, one study suggests that personality disorders are a substrate to psychiatric morbidity. They may cause more problems in functioning than a major depressive episode.[14]”
Maybe we need a sticky for websleuths on general mental health information that can be a quick way for people to reference and learn should they want to?

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It seems as though many people here, as usual, are jumping to the mitigation phase.

Everyone here posting is different.

I myself, I'm trying to focus on the phase which is the penalty phase, and not the mitigation phase.

Though we have sooooooo many great people here who know primarily about what will come out in mitigation and are wanting to share.

I appreciate everybody's opinions, but looking forward to more of the prosecutorial information/media expose' on this thread. In my own opinion.

What was his vocation during those Missing Years and where did he live and what was he doing!
Why would there be any need to convince a jury that he was the VR? The statute of limitations has long passed on those crimes.

All they need to do to keep this guy off the streets permanently is convict him of murder.

I agree that the SOL has passed for most crimes but there is the murder of Claude Snelling. His family will want justice also. It’s going to be interesting to see how they prosecute all the crimes that are still within the statute. I know many people say 72 is the new 52 but he could get sick and die sooner than later. The Grim Sleeper trial didn’t start for six years after he was arrested. Should they do one trial that will take years to happen or just start trying him on individual counts as soon as possible?

This is the Wiki link to the Visalia crimes. Some murders additional to Snelling are mentioned.

Yes they do have shoe prints, also the use of lotion, stacking of dishes at entrances, removal of screens, an attempted rape, small amounts or single rings or cufflinks , 6 weapons stolen overall, one of which was used at the later incident to shoot Snelling. No evidence of semen, left handed, gloves used (no fingerprints found).

Very interesting reading the similar MO's.
It seems as though many people here, as usual, are jumping to the mitigation phase.

Everyone here posting is different.

I myself, I'm trying to focus on the phase which is the penalty phase, and not the mitigation phase.

Though we have sooooooo many great people here who know primarily about what will come out in mitigation and are wanting to share.

I appreciate everybody's opinions, but looking forward to more of the prosecutorial information/media expose' on this thread. In my own opinion.

What was his vocation during those Missing Years and where did he live and what was he doing!

Speaking for myself only, I’m not jumping ahead to the the mitigation phase of the trial at all.

I’m just learning more about then intellectual and behavioral aspect of a person who commits crimes like these. But that’s just why I’m participating in these thoughtful discussions. I’m learning a lot. It gives me insight.

And yes, at the same time it’s also possible these mental and behavioral aspects could be used by JJD’s defense during a trial.
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