CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #1

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I'm feeling very sad all of the sudden.

I was re-reading old news articles and I came across one that I had seen before. It was a little longer than what I'm about to post, but this part, in particular, made my heart ache. This was spoken by Gary Barker, Emma Leigh's grandfather:

He said he last saw Emma the night before the alleged abduction when he got home from work just before his granddaughter's bedtime.

His voice choked with emotion as he recalled the memory.

"I was holding her in the family room and I was dancing with her and slowly dipping her,'' he said.

"She was laughing and smiling and we were looking at each other eye to eye. After that it was bedtime and Stacey gave her a bottle and put her to bed.''

His love for Emma just spills out from those few words. Why couldn't her own mother love her that much??????

Extra prayers for Mr. Barker tonight.
I've been following this case for a while and I think the reason/method this baby was murdered will be figured out if we can find out why her body was left in Sylmar. I worked just a block or two from there for over a year and it's not an obvious body dump site, despite being a bit of a rough area.

For those that keep saying dumped alongside the freeway, it's not quite that. Her body was found a couple of blocks in. It's not a great area. There are a few office park/industrial parks nearby but there isn't anything obvious off that exit except a gas station, Denny's and 24-hour McDonalds. The area is general a lower class, blue collar type residential area and not a very nice one. To get to that street to drop her, you almost have to know where you are going. And you don't really want to be cruising around there after dark. Especially if you're a nice looking white girl.

So, what I'm getting at, is IMO Stacy knew the neighborhood, had been there before, knew about the lot with the tall grass that she dumped the baby in. Why was she so familiar with that area? What had she been doing down there? Was she down there buying some drugs with Emma and that's when she died? Why did she drive that whole distance if Emma died in Palmdale/Lancaster? It's quite a drive, over some mountain passes and then Sylmar? She had many canyons, rural streets to stop off and hide the body between the Antelope Valley and the San Fernando Valley. Why get into the city again to dump the body? Why not head in the OTHER direction and drop the body in the desert. There's a lot of empty land between Palmdale and Victorville to the east. Or the mountains to the South. WHY SYLMAR?

I think if we knew the answer to that, we'd find out a lot.

She was putting distance between herself, Emma and the crime.

She claimed Emma was kidnapped so she couldn't dump her somewhere she might be recognized. Then the smart @55 in me says it's because kidnapper/baby killers would stand out like a sore thumb in Palmdale, but (thinking like her) blend in with the gangbangers in Sylmar.

She didn't take her out to the desert because that would be too obvious, everyone ditches bodies in the desert, it's too cliché. I'll bet she likes to read cheap detective novels.
I'm feeling very sad all of the sudden.

I was re-reading old news articles and I came across one that I had seen before. It was a little longer than what I'm about to post, but this part, in particular, made my heart ache. This was spoken by Gary Barker, Emma Leigh's grandfather:
He said he last saw Emma the night before the alleged abduction when he got home from work just before his granddaughter's bedtime.

His voice choked with emotion as he recalled the memory.

"I was holding her in the family room and I was dancing with her and slowly dipping her,'' he said.

"She was laughing and smiling and we were looking at each other eye to eye
. After that it was bedtime and Stacey gave her a bottle and put her to bed.''

His love for Emma just spills out from those few words. Why couldn't her own mother love her that much??????

Extra prayers for Mr. Barker tonight.

Lovejac :hug: to you too; for loving a baby you never met enough to go the extra mile.

That line has choked me up every time I've read it since the beginning. Emma is so loved. :grouphug: We need to organize a balloon release or blow bubbles for Emma (more environmentally kind).

:bigstick: / :slap: to Amber :)loser:) who thinks others post out of spite. :rolleyes:
Howdy semi-neighbor (Santa Monica now but spent years and years in the Valley). I changed jobs a year ago and haven't had reason to go back to Sylmar but short of a job (or an old Italian auntie) why would anyone be there? It's just a weird place from Palmdale to just to dump a body. Frankly (and even I'm terrified of my brain's workings sometimes) if I had to lose someone, I'd choose the California Aqueduct.

Howdy Neighbor- Strange, but we have a lot of people from that part of the valley,as well as Antelope Valley here on this thread. :crazy: PS- I was on 3rd street yesterday for lunch :)

After speaking with some more fam members, there is NO business a young, caucasion girl would be over there if it werent gang/drug/prostitution related. GG is right, this isnt just a turn off the freeway, and she most likely WOULD have been on that block before to know that the foot traffic that passes daily would NOT have discovered a body, at least until the weeds were mowed.

After speaking to my 19 yr old niece who lives a few cities away in Woodland Hills, and she told me that some girls are attracted to that 'bad boy' image and would do anything to fit in and belong with that group. They have unlimited access to alcohol, drugs, money, and lots of sex. They dont get jumped into the gangs, as they are not part of the gang. To put this as nicely as poss., they are only around to have sex and for these gang-bangers to show off who has the prettiest ruca (lady). Please dont take my quote as fact, just coming from a young girl who lives in the area and is WISE beyond her years, unfortunately :( Stacey might have been using her new man to intimidate Mr Nascar if its true she was jealous about a post he received? IDK?? :(

And the plot thickens.....

"This makes me sick!
Didn't Stacey kill Emma because her boyfriend wanted her to? Why did she fake going to work the whole week before she killed her? She was spending time with her boyfriend plotting Emmas murder. All these crazy men and women that kill their kids need to realize that if you don"t want you kid someone else will. There are millions of people that can't have kids of their own. Why didn't she tell her parents she didn't want her? Why kill her? How does Stacey feel now? Or does she even care? I am a mom of two and OMG sometimes they drive me crazy but hurting them is the last thing I would even think of doing. This whole incident has made me realize how precious children are... all children! Please if you don't want your kid remember someone else will! I hope justice is served in this case. I guess Emma is better off in Heaven and away from psycho B-Stacey!
Posted by Kelli at 4:27 pm May 01, 2009"

I dont get get it either dmk- It seems like everyday there is a new one, and unfortunately, the media and the general public are becoming so immune to these horror stories, they seem like they are garnishing little to no attention. These poor babies need a voice to be heard. Especially when their egg donors are the ones who murdered them in the first place! I could go on and on, but cases like this make me happy Im involved in the organizations for missing children in my area and would love to do more. I became a CASA volunteer, and would love any more suggestions I could look into when my life settles down! :blowkiss: This story also supports the fact she had a new man and maybe Emma got in her way? How selfish she is! Her family bent over backwards to help with Emma, she doesn't realize how lucky she really had it. MOST young mothers cant afford that family luxury!!! I would have loved for my family to be able to help me the what hers did. Im sure that bothers them even more, since they thought she was in the safest arms- her mothers/family at ALL times!!!

I couldnt have said it better girlfriend!!! :clap::clap: Thanks for keeping me up to date since I can't check in so often. I appreciate EVERYONES posts and thank you for all who have given me kind words and prayed for me and my family- Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! :blowkiss:
I've been following this case for a while and I think the reason/method this baby was murdered will be figured out if we can find out why her body was left in Sylmar. I worked just a block or two from there for over a year and it's not an obvious body dump site, despite being a bit of a rough area.

For those that keep saying dumped alongside the freeway, it's not quite that. Her body was found a couple of blocks in. It's not a great area. There are a few office park/industrial parks nearby but there isn't anything obvious off that exit except a gas station, Denny's and 24-hour McDonalds. The area is general a lower class, blue collar type residential area and not a very nice one. To get to that street to drop her, you almost have to know where you are going. And you don't really want to be cruising around there after dark. Especially if you're a nice looking white girl.

So, what I'm getting at, is IMO Stacy knew the neighborhood, had been there before, knew about the lot with the tall grass that she dumped the baby in. Why was she so familiar with that area? What had she been doing down there? Was she down there buying some drugs with Emma and that's when she died? Why did she drive that whole distance if Emma died in Palmdale/Lancaster? It's quite a drive, over some mountain passes and then Sylmar? She had many canyons, rural streets to stop off and hide the body between the Antelope Valley and the San Fernando Valley. Why get into the city again to dump the body? Why not head in the OTHER direction and drop the body in the desert. There's a lot of empty land between Palmdale and Victorville to the east. Or the mountains to the South. WHY SYLMAR?

I think if we knew the answer to that, we'd find out a lot.

I know - why didn't she take the 14 East where it meets the dessert? There is nothing out there (we make that drive from Palmdale to San Diego).

You're right as well about the exaggeration about the Freeway. I saw the bushes and said "that's nowhere near the freeway....or at least not on the side of the freeway". Geez. Why Sylmar -- it's not exactly close to Palmdale, but wouldn't be a decent choice for dumping sites. Maybe she wanted her found??

This case is more confusing by the day....
There is a difference between letting your children play with bouncy balls and marbles. No wait there really isn't because I can honestly say that I never let any of my children play with those things when they were 18 months old. I didn't have them in the house at all.

Why? Because I was a special super duper Mommy? Uh~no I wasn't. Instead I had the common sense that God gave me and that common sense also told me that if an 18 month old baby is playing with a box of baggies? You might just want to take that away.

Oh good grief. I wish I had a razzberries smilie.

Also how did Stacy know that Emma could not be resuscitated?

How long did Emma play with the plastic bags, unsupervised?
And the plot thickens.....

"This makes me sick!
Didn't Stacey kill Emma because her boyfriend wanted her to? Why did she fake going to work the whole week before she killed her? She was spending time with her boyfriend plotting Emmas murder. All these crazy men and women that kill their kids need to realize that if you don"t want you kid someone else will. There are millions of people that can't have kids of their own. Why didn't she tell her parents she didn't want her? Why kill her? How does Stacey feel now? Or does she even care? I am a mom of two and OMG sometimes they drive me crazy but hurting them is the last thing I would even think of doing. This whole incident has made me realize how precious children are... all children! Please if you don't want your kid remember someone else will! I hope justice is served in this case. I guess Emma is better off in Heaven and away from psycho B-Stacey!
Posted by Kelli at 4:27 pm May 01, 2009"

Yeah, Stacey and Casey, both with he middle name, "Marie." Both offed their babies for guys.

If she didn't want Emma, she coulda found a long line of people willing to adopt her, JUST on this w/s! :(:mad::furious:
I know - why didn't she take the 14 East where it meets the dessert? There is nothing out there (we make that drive from Palmdale to San Diego).

You're right as well about the exaggeration about the Freeway. I saw the bushes and said "that's nowhere near the freeway....or at least not on the side of the freeway". Geez. Why Sylmar -- it's not exactly close to Palmdale, but wouldn't be a decent choice for dumping sites. Maybe she wanted her found??

This case is more confusing by the day....

Because she's about as smart as is KC Anthony.

Sylmar? I'm also familiar with Sylmar. NOT a good choice.

I lived in Glendale and Sierra Madre for a long time. I had a friend in Sylmar.
I know - why didn't she take the 14 East where it meets the dessert? There is nothing out there (we make that drive from Palmdale to San Diego).

You're right as well about the exaggeration about the Freeway. I saw the bushes and said "that's nowhere near the freeway....or at least not on the side of the freeway". Geez. Why Sylmar -- it's not exactly close to Palmdale, but wouldn't be a decent choice for dumping sites. Maybe she wanted her found??

This case is more confusing by the day....

You can also take the 118 freeway and turn off on the 5, or you can also get there by following San Fernando Road all the way down the rural train tracks out bY Sun Valley. I can't honestly say that I know of a nice part of the area, and for some reason, I have a feeling it happened over there and she dumped her in that area out of panic. Sylmar/Pacoima/San Fern. are not the place to cruise around looking for a dump site. If this was the case, I KNOW I could do a better job and I only know main streets over there (and how to get to my aunties home). There are a lot of liquoratores on corners and day laborers on every other one looking for someone to come and hire them for the day.
There are usually transients or drunks roaming the streets at ALL hours of the day/night looking for alcohol or money for a fix!!! In fact, my girlfriends and I used to think it was cool to cruise Hollywood, and on out way home, we would go down San Fern Bl to Balboa and then home to the valley looking for cute gang-bangers (Granted, this is in the mid 90's when I was 19-20). We were VERY popular,blonde, cute, and were appealing ...... until we wouldnt give We had nice cars, had money,and they thought they could get rich girlfriends to support them and drive them around-NOT!!! THANK GOD I was young and dumb. but smart enought to not get caught up in that ghetto lifestyle-Thnak God that pahse came and went QUIK!!!! (Please no negative comments on that- just trying to keep it real from a young girl's perspective in that area)

There are many ways Stacey could have went coming or going over the hill from where Emma was dumped- I counted 4 out of memory,and Im sure if I pulled up Google maps, there are many more back roads- I do have to say, there would proably be more places to hide a sweet body in her neck of the woods (Palmdale/Lancaster area) withour being detected, IMO. It is rural and undeveloped in many places, where Sylmar is very old, and in the city, surrounded by traffic and witnesses walking/driving by at all hours.

Thank Goodness she had the decency in her heart to admit where she left that precious baby so she wouldnt be left to bugs, animals, etc. Thank God Emma Barker is with the angels right now :angel:

I cant want to hear how that area became her dumping spot???:confused::confused:
Interesting comment from Topix (thanks to dmk for site, I'd never seen it!)

Quarts hills high mom
Los Angeles, CA
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|Report Abuse |Judge it! |#42 Sunday Apr 26
So this sleeze is in jail now...hope when she gets to the prison someone kicks the living s-h-i-t out of her and smothers her. I did have a chance to look at her MYSPACE and was horrified...her section says something like "when god calls a child home"...oh man, GOD did not call her child home, she sent poor Emma home! I don't care what the other poster on here said about Judging this MURDERER, that is what she is.. the talk around the young people in town is that "her new boyfriend didn't want kids" and Emma was in the way of a good time, so the rumor goes that Emma accidently fell asleep on a PLASTIC bag and smothered... and the coroners office were waiting for results if Emma had COLD medicine in her system and how much. I think if it was accidental the ambulance would have been called, she would not have made up this story and dumped her flesh and blood like a piece of litter along the highway. she should NEVER be allowed to have a child again. This story sounds a lot like the Susan Smith story of how children get in the way of a new relationship so they are killed.
horrible just horrible.
I really think this girl is trying to be the next KC Anthony and steal her thunder. A young, single, pretty party girl mother with a beautiful baby daughter who kills their child and makes up some kidnapping story. However, unlike KC I at least Stacey admitted she had something to do with it and told the police where the body was so her daughter could get a proper burial. I really wish this case would get more coverage for little Emma's sake but I personally think Stacey wants her face on the news and to become the next KC with men from all over sending her money. If that's the case, I'm glad she's not getting it.
I really think this girl is trying to be the next KC Anthony and steal her thunder. A young, single, pretty party girl mother with a beautiful baby daughter who kills their child and makes up some kidnapping story. However, unlike KC I at least Stacey admitted she had something to do with it and told the police where the body was so her daughter could get a proper burial. I really wish this case would get more coverage for little Emma's sake but I personally think Stacey wants her face on the news and to become the next KC with men from all over sending her money. If that's the case, I'm glad she's not getting it.

Hi Trixie- Great post- I wondered the same thing in the beginning, but I dont think Stacey is as head-strong as KC. She seems more instable and ready to crack, where KC is not budging or offerring one ounce of help to LE.

LE got Stacey to recant her story a few times and even lead her to Emma's sweet body. I have a strange feeling we may have a plea bargain when all is out on the table. I hope that selfiish girl does not put her parents and family thru even more. Im just curious as to what story bought her a month out of jail and into her parent's custody? Thats a first for me- Usually they have to post bond on order to to that???:confused:
Also how did Stacy know that Emma could not be resuscitated?

How long did Emma play with the plastic bags, unsupervised?

IMO, the Ziploc bag story is complete BS. It would have to be a huge bag for a toddler to get into a position with it where it would suffocate. Even the "fell asleep on the bag" story is hogwash. Who lays their child down on or near a plastic bag? Besides, Emma was 18 months old so she could turn over, move her head, her sleep, and normal human reflexes in healthy people, even at her age, would not suffocate on a plastic bag while asleep unless it was over their head and very nearly sealed. Utter hogwash.
WTH is going on with these women killing their kids????
IMO, the Ziploc bag story is complete BS. It would have to be a huge bag for a toddler to get into a position with it where it would suffocate. Even the "fell asleep on the bag" story is hogwash. Who lays their child down on or near a plastic bag? Besides, Emma was 18 months old so she could turn over, move her head, her sleep, and normal human reflexes in healthy people, even at her age, would not suffocate on a plastic bag while asleep unless it was over their head and very nearly sealed. Utter hogwash.
WTH is going on with these women killing their kids????

They're sociopaths who value men (even really down-low men) over their own children.

Makes one wish the judge could order tubal ligation.

If a man ever told me that he wanted to be with me, but didn't want my kid, I'd show him the door.

If he ever HURT my kid, he'd PRAY the cops got him before I did.

There CAN'T be a man on earth who is worth any of that.
IMO, the Ziploc bag story is complete BS. It would have to be a huge bag for a toddler to get into a position with it where it would suffocate. Even the "fell asleep on the bag" story is hogwash. Who lays their child down on or near a plastic bag? Besides, Emma was 18 months old so she could turn over, move her head, her sleep, and normal human reflexes in healthy people, even at her age, would not suffocate on a plastic bag while asleep unless it was over their head and very nearly sealed. Utter hogwash.
WTH is going on with these women killing their kids????

IMO, you're dead right!
You can also take the 118 freeway and turn off on the 5, or you can also get there by following San Fernando Road all the way down the rural train tracks out bY Sun Valley. I can't honestly say that I know of a nice part of the area, and for some reason, I have a feeling it happened over there and she dumped her in that area out of panic. Sylmar/Pacoima/San Fern. are not the place to cruise around looking for a dump site. If this was the case, I KNOW I could do a better job and I only know main streets over there (and how to get to my aunties home). There are a lot of liquoratores on corners and day laborers on every other one looking for someone to come and hire them for the day.
There are usually transients or drunks roaming the streets at ALL hours of the day/night looking for alcohol or money for a fix!!! In fact, my girlfriends and I used to think it was cool to cruise Hollywood, and on out way home, we would go down San Fern Bl to Balboa and then home to the valley looking for cute gang-bangers (Granted, this is in the mid 90's when I was 19-20). We were VERY popular,blonde, cute, and were appealing ...... until we wouldnt give We had nice cars, had money,and they thought they could get rich girlfriends to support them and drive them around-NOT!!! THANK GOD I was young and dumb. but smart enought to not get caught up in that ghetto lifestyle-Thnak God that pahse came and went QUIK!!!! (Please no negative comments on that- just trying to keep it real from a young girl's perspective in that area)

There are many ways Stacey could have went coming or going over the hill from where Emma was dumped- I counted 4 out of memory,and Im sure if I pulled up Google maps, there are many more back roads- I do have to say, there would proably be more places to hide a sweet body in her neck of the woods (Palmdale/Lancaster area) withour being detected, IMO. It is rural and undeveloped in many places, where Sylmar is very old, and in the city, surrounded by traffic and witnesses walking/driving by at all hours.

Thank Goodness she had the decency in her heart to admit where she left that precious baby so she wouldnt be left to bugs, animals, etc. Thank God Emma Barker is with the angels right now :angel:

I cant want to hear how that area became her dumping spot???:confused::confused:

There's also a ton of desert around Quartz Hill and Lancaster.

Yeah, I'm eager to hear about her "choice," too!
If the baby's death was caused by a Ziplock bag...her bond would no be so high.
Ah hah! There you are! Are you blown away or what?! I couldn't be happier, Emma's case went from 0 to 100.

I hope Nancy notices the similarities to Caylee. OMG, when Nancy said that her twins will be 18 months the end of May, I was like, OH SNAP!

Wonder if we'll hear from Amber B. tonight?:rolleyes:

Accidentially fell asleep on a plastic bag and suffocated, my azz!!!:furious:

It's because of the w/s members.

NG has had a special Jones for child murderers, IMHO, since the twins were born. W/s members got her attention.
It's because of the w/s members.

NG has had a special Jones for child murderers, IMHO, since the twins were born. W/s members got her attention.

Great job to all who helped. NOW if we could just get NG to stop saying:

a beautiful 24 year old (or whatever age she is). Has anyone noticed she starts her Stacey story with that. I thought she would have the courtesy to say a beautiful 18 month old. To me, Stacey is as ugly as can be - I can't stand to look at her, the sores on her mouth, or her contant staring at the ceiling.

Come on Nancy - get your priorities in order!

Girl, you are killing me over at that site on KTLA. :rolleyes: If you keep pushing, someone is bound to answer, if not A herself. She has calmed down lately, but I have a feeling things will get heated again soon. :chicken:

Keep up the great work- wish there enough hours in the day!! :clap::clap:
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