GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #12

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It seems to me that IM was trying to discredit Erin, or make her look bad. Because IM not only said Erin was supposed to start at TSC, but didn't; but IM also said that bit about how none of the family checked on or inquired about the horse, even though Erin had already told IM she couldn't take the horse. So that begs the question: why did IM want to make Erin look bad? All of this is MOO.

That is how I took it, too. Actually that was my first thought. My second was that IM wanted to seem like she knew more than she really did. I didn't get the feeling she liked Erin very much. I don't mean to imply that she was involved in what happened to Erin in any way. I just get the feeling there wasn't a very close relationship/friendship there.
I'm trying to think of things that I have read that i can comment on thatcould use some clarification. Yes Erin put her move to base together by herself. Like I said if she had something to do she researches it and does a great job. She had a horrible sense of direction, so we were concerned about her navigating through unknown airports. There was no need for our concern. A friend she already knew picked her up at the airport when Erin arrived. Erin stayed with that friend until her furniture made it there a couple of weeks later. This friend helped her with transportation and the ins and outs of getting through the base housing red tape. Erin was on base around 3 weeks before Jon got back from his deployment

Was that deployment the only time she was alone for any length of time after moving to 29?
Me, personally, would not believe IM even if her tongue was notarized. JMO
Oh gosh I'm way behind and didn't even realize it. Sorry all!

Truthbeknown WELCOME and THANK YOU for getting verified. I think we've all recognized the truth and facts in what you've posted but it's great that we can give your comments more 'weight' now.

I also realize now part of why I'm so drawn to Erin's case. Your description of her is great. I completely get the "I'm not going to like this but if I'm going to do this I'm going to DO THIS" mentality. Research it, and do it right, even if whatever "it" is happens to be scary. Shy but not shy depending on the circumstances. I can really picture her alive in my mind.

Thank you for that. And I'm very sorry for your loss, Truthbeknown. I wish we could've all gotten to know Erin 10, 20. 30 years from now.
Oh this made me laugh.

Sometimes a good laugh out loud helps compensate for the tears. Doesn't make your loss any less but my sister always said if there's something that happened that doesn't seem right, hunt down that SOB!

I'm from NE and my sister lives in CA. When I went to visit her, it was a whole different world.:scared:
I'm trying to think of things that I have read that i can comment on thatcould use some clarification. Yes Erin put her move to base together by herself. Like I said if she had something to do she researches it and does a great job. She had a horrible sense of direction, so we were concerned about her navigating through unknown airports. There was no need for our concern. A friend she already knew picked her up at the airport when Erin arrived. Erin stayed with that friend until her furniture made it there a couple of weeks later. This friend helped her with transportation and the ins and outs of getting through the base housing red tape. Erin was on base around 3 weeks before Jon got back from his deployment

Thank you for joining as a verified insider, and answering many questions for us.
God Bless You, and may God give you the strength (even stronger strength) during this very sad and challenging time.

This is part of the Oath for one of the branches of the military, the Army, since I am an Army Brat and my father a 30 year career soldier.

" "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." "

I'm somewhat stir-crazy waiting for that autopsy. Anyone else?

This is part of the Oath for one of the branches of the military, the Army, since I am an Army Brat and my father a 30 year career soldier.

" "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." "


Above BBM

Without any doubt, all of us share your grief while knowing that all ours combined is only a fraction of the grief you feel. May God strengthen you daily and continue to give you His comfort.

Thank you for joining us and validating our search for justice for your loved one.
I can confirm that Erin is number 6 of 7 children. She joined the family when she was 3 wks old. She has no relationship with her bio parents. She was home schooled, very active in her youth group, 4H horse project, home school co-op. Started working when she was 14 at a vets office in the kennel. Worked for TSC for almost 2.5 years. She loved her customers and they loved her. She was shy. She didn't make friends easily, but when she made friends they think of her as their best friend. She was very naive. When she put her mind to do something she did the research and did it well. She HATED to drive any long distance. Long distance to her was anything over 20 minutes. She always loved animals.............

I am deeply sorry for your loss. Thank you for giving us a better picture of Erin. From the beginning, I thought she looked such a sweet, innocent young lady. More than ever, I believe CL took advantage of her.
I'm trying to think of things that I have read that i can comment on thatcould use some clarification. Yes Erin put her move to base together by herself. Like I said if she had something to do she researches it and does a great job. She had a horrible sense of direction, so we were concerned about her navigating through unknown airports. There was no need for our concern. A friend she already knew picked her up at the airport when Erin arrived. Erin stayed with that friend until her furniture made it there a couple of weeks later. This friend helped her with transportation and the ins and outs of getting through the base housing red tape. Erin was on base around 3 weeks before Jon got back from his deployment

Do you know if she met CL before Jon came home?
Thank you!! I find it disturbing that she's added new pins in the last two hours. If my husband was in jail, I can't say Id be home browsing Pinterest.

Wow! I had no idea. How can you tell that? Sorry, I only had the link handy. I actually rarely ever use Pinterest, so I'm not up on how to see when someone has pinned something. Thanks in advance!
Wow! I had no idea. How can you tell that? Sorry, I only had the link handy. I actually rarely ever use Pinterest, so I'm not up on how to see when someone has pinned something. Thanks in advance!

If you click on the number of pins she has they show in chronological order of when they were pinned. If you click on the first pinned item you can see (next to her name) how long ago the item was pinned. When I click on her pins I see that the last two pins on hair braiding, the quote on women being built from fire and the "demon" pin were all done within the last two hours. HTH
Click on pins. And the first one is a hair style pin. If you click on that, just below the picture it says "added 2 hours ago"
To truthbeknown,

Our hearts are with you and we stand by you as justice is sought on Erin's behalf.
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