GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #7

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Regarding MB was not credible:

This was a Facebook rumor. Never has been an MSM source for this.

Has LE ever confirmed MB's story? I don't believe I've seen that either.
I remember reading here that maybe different police hadn't communicated so LE had a mix-up, but LE hasn't confirmed MB's claims afaik.
But why take a pregnancy test in front of your husband, if you were having sex with another guy too? It seems odd to me.

Maybe she was using protection while w/ CL only. The baby possibly being CL's could have been friend's speculation only.
I read in a recent article (sorry, can't recall which news website) that LE did not leak the warrants on purpose, one of the LE detectives made a mistake and forgot to request it be sealed or something like that, where it was not intentional.

On the note of lack of information on this case, no flyers or command center, etc., can anyone in the Marines speak to this being standard operating procedure (mum is the word) when they are dealing with potential crimes committed by Marines? Otherwise, it makes little sense and seems wrong how little they are engaging with the public, and have convinced Erin's family--on their FB page anyway it states-- that they don't need the extra info of people calling in thinking they've seen her, or something along those lines, and they (LE) want to focus on their investigation without distractions. Kind of unheard of IMO for them to take such an attitude and sell it to the family -- no information/no updates/zipped lips. I hope it's a Marine culture thing, cuz otherwise it's not an approach that is fair to Erin or her family/friends.I don't think "no news is good news" applies here. JMOO

Welcome to WS!

SBSO has the lead in this case. Their probable cause statement indicates that the crime took place off base. And besides USMC's rep for staying quiet, the SBSO appears to be this way too. We've heard hardly nothing from them regarding the McStay case.

There have been cases where LE does not follow the standard operating procedure for a missing person. It's usually because they have evidence that the person is deceased. It's not unusual for LE to withhold important details from family. There are families still waiting for the cause of death for their loved ones who have long since been found and buried. It's the standard "We can't release info on an open investigation." Not even to family.
Personally, I don't believe that Erin ever got into red car that morning. I think she was long gone already. :rose:

The timeline doesn't match (for Erin getting into the red car), we can all agree to that, right?

JC told LE Erin left home by 7:00 a.m. CL told LE he was gone by 7:30 a.m. So what was Erin doing between early morning and 10:30 a.m. when the witness says he saw Erin's car and a woman getting out of it. If Erin met CL at JT (or anywhere), why would she return at 10:30 to meet him again? It doesn't really fit with the early morning departure time for her to be in the spot her car was found at 10:30.

Another aspect of MB's story that wasn't addressed is if he saw either car approach or if they were already there when he approached (I think the latter). Because let's say Erin left her car there at 7:15 a.m. and joined someone else and then later returned to grab something out of her car and got back into the other car again - but then there'd be more than one set of footprints leading from Erin's car to the other car. The police report spells out clearly that someone drove up one time leaving one set of footprints to another vehicle's (consistent with a jeep) tire tracks. The woman either wasn't Erin or the early morning timeline is off.
I may have missed something because I have not read all the posts, but this bothers me.
Why did Erin tell her husband she was pregnant in mid June and then two weeks later, make an arrangement with CL to
celebrate the pregnancy?
I don't understand it except that maybe she was extremely confused and trying to determine
the father of the baby. I have also wondered if she committed suicide, I hope that was not a thought in her head. Too young
to have her life snapped away from her.

I don't think for a minute EC had a clue who the father was. But she did know that the Lee's were moving back to Alaska in July. Maybe she thought in her 19 yr. old mind that if she told Chris the baby was his, that he would stay in Calif. and be with her and they would live happily ever after. I don't think she ever even thought ahead to all the trouble this would cause later. Chris however, did. I think he lured her to her death with words like I'm so happy, we should go celebrate ect.... My heart breaks for this young girl and her family. MOO
I don't think she took a test then told JC, I think they both found out together, at the same time. MOO
Maybe she was using protection while w/ CL only. The baby possibly being CL's could have been friend's speculation only.

This is what I have been wondering about. I keep seeing that the baby was CL's (written as a definite), but it seems more likely that there was just a chance the baby could be CL's (a possibility). Not saying all newly weds are sex crazed, but it's unlikely she wasn't having sex with her husband. They're 19! The only people I know that calculate sex are people with fertility problems or those that are trying to conceive (so for her case, she would have to figure out what day she conceived and who she slept with that day...I'm making her sound awful, but it's true). I don't think she would be having a rendezvous if she were trying to conceive. This is all so confusing. Anyway, my point is that maybe she just told CL and her friend in TN that there was a possibility of him being the father and now it's been turned into he IS the father.
The timeline doesn't match (for Erin getting into the red car), we can all agree to that, right?

JC told LE Erin left home by 7:00 a.m. CL told LE he was gone by 7:30 a.m. So what was Erin doing between early morning and 10:30 a.m. when the witness says he saw Erin's car and a woman getting out of it. If Erin met CL at JT (or anywhere), why would she return at 10:30 to meet him again? It doesn't really fit with the early morning departure time for her to be in the spot her car was found at 10:30.

Another aspect of MB's story that wasn't addressed is if he saw either car approach or if they were already there when he approached (I think the latter). Because let's say Erin left her car there at 7:15 a.m. and joined someone else and then later returned to grab something out of her car and got back into the other car again - but then there'd be more than one set of footprints leading from Erin's car to the other car. The police report spells out clearly that someone drove up one time leaving one set of footprints to another vehicle's (consistent with a jeep) tire tracks. The woman either wasn't Erin or the early morning timeline is off.

Concerning the timeline, I think it's a possibility it wasn't Erin. NL maybe. Why would you tell your husband you are going to JT, which is weird in itself, then park your car 2 miles from the base to meet up with the person you are having an affair with? Maybe she met up with CL at JT or wherever, then her car was brought back to that location by the Lees, which would explain the 3 hr time gap. Just thinking as I type.
Maybe she was using protection while w/ CL only. The baby possibly being CL's could have been friend's speculation only.

One would think that CL would think to use protection at least. He was already a father after all and, it sounds like, had no intentions of ever leaving his wife. Not to mention, how can anyone really know how far they (Erin and CL) really went? If the couples were hanging out and all of a sudden Erin and Chris realized they were attracked to one another, that would be enough to cause alarm and cool the relationship between the two couples. Also enough to cause jealousy and concern for NL and JC. Based on developing feelings alone, NL could have stopped hanging with Erin as reported by IM. I never acted on an attraction I had over a marine one time. Whatever it was, it tried to pull me in but neither of us ever caved in or snuck off to be alone. Thank goodness (he was single, I was married). Sometimes getting fresh and new attention is very alluring (if you believe in the devil think of it that way). But Erin had only been with Jon a minute (compared to years). That part of the story doesn't seem to fit either. Before she moved to 29 Palms people claim they adored one another. He had already been gone a lot so it's not like Erin was used to getting constant attention from Jon every single day.
Concerning the timeline, I think it's a possibility it wasn't Erin. NL maybe. Why would you tell your husband you are going to JT, which is weird in itself, then park your car 2 miles from the base to meet up with the person you are having an affair with? Maybe she met up with CL at JT or wherever, then her car was brought back to that location by the Lees, which would explain the 3 hr time gap. Just thinking as I type.

I agree it could have been NL seen getting out of Erin's car 3 hours after Erin met CL there and got into his jeep, went off into the desert wit him to talk about her pregnancy, never to be seen again, and NL then helped move the car after CL did the deed. The witness's description of the petite woman with a hat, ponytail, and sunglasses who willingly got into the red car sounds more to me like NL than Erin.

I think it makes sense she would park her car in this remote area offbase, but not not near a gate or main thoroughfare (I think, at least that what the aerial photos made it look like) to meet up with her SO and go somewhere else for a couple hours without thinking there was much risk of her husband driving by and seeing her car and becoming suspicious. JMO
Things to think about ~

1. Since CL and EC were meeting that morning, there is no way Erin is going to tell her
her husband where she was REALLY going. So she said something believable (JTNP)

** CL clearly not knowing that is where Erin told Jon she was going, uses the very same
place for his "alibi." He says he was hunting that day at JTNP? First of all, hunting is
illegal in National Parks. You also have to pay to get in. And I am sure there are
camera's that would show anyone entering and leaving the park.

2. When FIRST being interviewed about Erin, he says they where only acquaintances,
and the last time he saw her was 2 months ago. ???

**why lie about that if he had nothing to do with her disappearance? I mean they lived
next door to one another! I realize he didn't want ANYONE to know about his affair,
but if you live next door somebody, you're surely gonna see them pretty often.
Especially in the summer. Coming or going at the very least!

Things CL did not count on

1. All the neighbors were interviewed, and a some of them knew about the affair.
2. Erin's friend in Tn. Thank goodness for her!! She clearly answered the who, what and
and where of EC's plans for that fateful day!

I also think the arrest of CL over the potato gun was just a red herring. LE was able to get his fingerprints and DNA legally while he was in jail.... MOO~

....and get him back in the continental US in September to appear for those charges...perhaps LE knows the timeframe for when they need to have it all tied up in a bow to arrest him when he returns for that
Oh and I realize there are texts to a friend back in TN. Still, want to see the evidence and have confirmation from LE that the texts were legit and told a story over a period of time (not just a single text from the day Erin went missing).
I think it makes sense she would park her car in this remote area offbase, but not near a gate or main thoroughfare (I think, at least that's what the aerial photos made it look like) to meet up with her SO and go somewhere else for a couple hours without thinking there was much risk of her husband driving by and seeing her car and becoming suspicious. JMO

And, the other witness (sister of MB) said she had seen the blue car parked there before on previous occasions around the same time of day, so if this is a true statement (only LE seems to know if witnesses statements are valid), this location could be where Erin elected to leave her car whenever she got together with CL, as it was close to base, but not on it, and not in a heavily populated or traveled area. Just been thinking/MHO.
I'm glad they are doing this. Wish I understood why they haven't done it regularly like other missing persons cases...especially when this family's Facebook pages indicates they believe prayer is important.

The family, like us, were probably hoping for a resolution by now. I believe they've been praying all along. Now, after over a month, they are reaching out formally for prayer. One step at a time as they've never experienced anything like this before and don't have a script. Whereas we are familiar with patterns we've seen in other cases and agree this case has been unusual from the get-go.
Oh and I realize there are texts to a friend back in TN. Still, want to see the evidence and have confirmation from LE that the texts were legit and told a story over a period of time (not just a single text from the day Erin went missing).
I agree. I don't think it was just texts from that day, but Erin had been telling her friend about all of this as it went along.
And, the other witness (sister of MB) said she had seen the blue car parked there before on previous occasions around the same time of day, so if this is a true statement (only LE seems to know if witnesses statements are valid), this location could be where Erin elected to leave her car whenever she got together with CL, as it was close to base, but not on it, and not in a heavily populated or traveled area. Just been thinking/MHO.

No, no, no. Telephone game happening here. MB's sister said she saw the car one morning (she didn't specify the day - Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday) while on her way to or home from work (home from iirc).
She also said she believes the car had been moved since the time she originally saw it (100 feet iirc).

Wouldn't it have been useful if the reporter had asked her on which morning she remembers seeing the car?
That would be useful info and then someone needs to explain the car being moved - tire tracks, etc.
Regarding MB was not credible:

This was a Facebook rumor. Never has been an MSM source for this.
Greetings you'll. First time posting on this case. I have been watching this case and collecting info since the beginning. This question has been bothering me since the sighting was reported. (1) Was it legit? (2) Could MB possible been mistaken on the color of car? (3) Could he be color blind? (4) If the sighting was legit, the time lines are important: It was reported EC left @ 7:00 AM, The sightings were @ approximately 10:00 AM. What happened in that 3 hour interval? Was that actually EC that was observed changing vehicles? The big question is "What is the story on the RED car? I have a few ideas here but will until I get some input from the folks here. This is truly the best sight for info on this case. Also very intelligent folks on here. Thanks for any assistance.
I'm thinking the Preg. happened in April (don't know who father is) when she was having the affair with CL. Then NL and JC found out and EC and CL broke it off. Both knew CL was leaving around July 7 or 8, EC's mother was coming July 3rd so last chance for them to see each other, in the PCA CL said he hadn't seen EC in 2mths which would have been April. Probably kept in contact online or phone texts planned to meet on June 28th. Something happened during the meeting and EC is gone, CL comes homes lies to LE not knowing EC had told her friend in TN about the meeting.

EC posted to her friend on FB May 19th (when friend said she was sic with allergies) that she EC was sick too, then added due to dry weather, might have been morning sickness.

Now what caused EC to disappear, the big mystery. Did EC tell CL she was going to stay with JC? Did CL tell EC he was going to stay with NL? Did one of the spouses follow them and make EC disappear? I do NOT believe JC is involved but could be wrong. IF there was a neighbor get together the night before, and JC stayed late while EC went to bed then JC could have been in bed and not know what EC was wearing when she left. OR he may have been working, we just don't know.

So many questions with no answers. Just my opinion on this case. So sad.
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