Found Deceased CA - Erin Valenti, 33, from Utah, en-route from Palo Alto to San Jose, 7 Oct 2019

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This may be a stupid question, but I’m going to ask anyway. Why is SJPD so understaffed/funded. Don’t they have a lot of companies headquartered there? Don’t they get revenue from the casino?

The town of Greenwood Village, CO has it’s own SWAT team. It’s one of the safest cities in metro Denver but part of the Denver Tech Center (DTC) is located there so the city has more revenue from corporate tax revenue than they probably need, thus the SWAT unit. They responded to the Columbine shooting in Littleton because Littleton, though far more populated didn’t have it’s own.

Elgin IL receives so much money from a local casino that years ago their fire department got a hook and ladder truck that would service buildings taller than the tallest in Elgin at the time.

I’m sure there are many other examples like this across the country.

I assume SJ gts more tax revenue than the average city (and if they don’t they should). And understand that SJ may have lots of funding needs many municipalities don’t, but I’d hope the police department would be one of the first places funded.

If I was EV’s family or friend, I would be livid beyond words. I’m mad and I never even met her. If I was a resident of SJ I would be angry not just about this incident, but crime and underfunding of local LE in general. And though I’m usually a staunch supporter of LE. if I was a member of SJPD I would not be particularly proud right now. Even if understaffed, a medical BOLO could have come out. And while it may not have saved her she certainly could have been found a lot sooner had they just tried.

I’m sure it’s not simple, but to a casual observer it seems SJ city official’s priorities are way out of whack. Curious to hear perspectives of people who live there.

The funding issues in SF/Silicon Value for infrastructure and key govt services is complex and I don't want to derail the thread. I've attached a few articles below to give some idea of how complicated these issues are an how many of the corporations seem almost 'disconnected' from the towns/cities in which they legally reside (see Apple article below).

Based on what we have heard from the family and the fact that basic information about EV being missing was not even disseminated within SJ City Govt agencies (no FB, webpage or Twitter that I could find) and she was found 2 blocks from SJ Fire House, IMO I don't believe that SJPD handing of this EV tragedy has much of anything to do with anything other than ineptitude. SJ Police funding or lack thereof is a sideshow but real issue but the fundamental issue most likely was absence of leadership within SJPD combined with the absolute chaos caused by the situation with the electrical grid over the past week.

The NYT article below explains the nature of the chaos and how the utility website was down and so many people and govt weren't able to get basic information about power availability. The public safety issues associated with the rolling blackouts were enormous and if leadership and planning weren't prepared then it becomes easier to see how someone that didn't make their flight might have simply have never made the list of priorities over the past week.

What happened to EV seems to have been an avoidable tragedy and I hope the press stay on top of the story and that some investigation occurs in SJ to figure out what happened in terms of the response from SJPD.

Wired and WSJ have been following the issue of tech corporate taxes, government lack of funding for infrastructure etc. for years so search there to get more details. But here are few articles to give you a general flavour of the situation.

No More Deals: San Francisco Considers Raising Taxes on Tech
Cupertino's mayor urges Apple to pay more tax: 'Where's the fairness?'
‘This Did Not Go Well’: Inside PG&E’s Blackout Control Room
California’s Power Outages Are About Wildfires—But Also Money
California Wildfires: How PG&E Ignored Risks in Favor of Profits
The funding issues in SF/Silicon Value for infrastructure and key govt services is complex and I don't want to derail the thread. I've attached a few articles below to give some idea of how complicated these issues are an how many of the corporations seem almost 'disconnected' from the towns/cities in which they legally reside (see Apple article below).

Based on what we have heard from the family and the fact that basic information about EV being missing was not even disseminated within SJ City Govt agencies (no FB, webpage or Twitter that I could find) and she was found 2 blocks from SJ Fire House, IMO I don't believe that SJPD handing of this EV tragedy has much of anything to do with anything other than ineptitude. SJ Police funding or lack thereof is a sideshow but real issue but the fundamental issue most likely was absence of leadership within SJPD combined with the absolute chaos caused by the situation with the electrical grid over the past week.

The NYT article below explains the nature of the chaos and how the utility website was down and so many people and govt weren't able to get basic information about power availability. The public safety issues associated with the rolling blackouts were enormous and if leadership and planning weren't prepared then it becomes easier to see how someone that didn't make their flight might have simply have never made the list of priorities over the past week.

What happened to EV seems to have been an avoidable tragedy and I hope the press stay on top of the story and that some investigation occurs in SJ to figure out what happened in terms of the response from SJPD.

Wired and WSJ have been following the issue of tech corporate taxes, government lack of funding for infrastructure etc. for years so search there to get more details. But here are few articles to give you a general flavour of the situation.

No More Deals: San Francisco Considers Raising Taxes on Tech
Cupertino's mayor urges Apple to pay more tax: 'Where's the fairness?'
‘This Did Not Go Well’: Inside PG&E’s Blackout Control Room
California’s Power Outages Are About Wildfires—But Also Money
California Wildfires: How PG&E Ignored Risks in Favor of Profits
Thank you!
Dr. Jones: Entrepreneur Consultant for Health & Wellness
Wow. This is bizarre and fascinating. I had thought "no way" did the workshop have anything to do with EVs predicament. Now I am reconsidering.
Looks like this company is run by 2 chiropractors - the video is interesting - most would would watch it IMO and say "run" don't "walk" away.....:

Here are some of the issues that these 2 chiropractors work with entrepreneurs on:

Elevays Health has been working exclusively with entrepreneurs, executives and their families from around the world for the last 8 years.

Our goal is to help you access peak health and high performance for life. We do this through our concierge high performance systems that are customized to you both genetically and epi-genetically [BBM].

By “genetically”, we mean that we look at your specific genome to uncover the weaknesses and the strengths to help prevent disease and catalyze optimal physiology.

By “epi-genetically”, we mean that we look at the specific environmental triggers that need to be addressed such as inflammation, toxicities and bacterial ecology to help skyrocket human performance!
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OCT 14, 2019
Family believes body found in San Jose is their tech CEO daughter
  • Joe and Whitey Valenti said their last conversation with EV was last Monday afternoon, shortly before she was due to catch her flight back home.
That's quite different from previous reports. Didn't her family (and a friend) talk to her on and off for hours throughout the evening, with the last contact being close to midnight?
  • The family said they traced the last ping from her cell phone to an area near the airport. However, her gray Nissan rental car was found about 13 miles away.
Wasn't it reported earlier that the last ping was in the same area where she was found?
Seemingly she had been on Sand Hill Road seeing one or more persons. I would like to know what they have told. As the last to see her when she was apparently okay, they must be able to shed some light on her demeanor prior to things going awry.

Did she seem okay, her usual self, nothing amiss? Or had she appeared tired, agitated or complained of a headache or not feeling too good?

What was the venue for the meeting: hotel, office, bar, restaurant, private residence?

What took place at this meeting: did she consume any food or drink whilst there?

Why could she not locate the car when she returned? Had she parked some distance from the meeting place? Or was she already feeling disoriented?
Looks like this company is run by 2 chiropractors - the video is interesting - most would would watch it IMO and say "run" don't "walk" away.....:

Here are some of the issues that these 2 chiropractors work with entrepreneurs on:

Elevays Health has been working exclusively with entrepreneurs, executives and their families from around the world for the last 8 years.

Our goal is to help you access peak health and high performance for life. We do this through our concierge high performance systems that are customized to you both genetically and epi-genetically [BBM].

By “genetically”, we mean that we look at your specific genome to uncover the weaknesses and the strengths to help prevent disease and catalyze optimal physiology.

By “epi-genetically”, we mean that we look at the specific environmental triggers that need to be addressed such as inflammation, toxicities and bacterial ecology to help skyrocket human performance!
OK. Now that’s creepy.
That's quite different from previous reports. Didn't her family (and a friend) talk to her on and off for hours throughout the evening, with the last contact being close to midnight?

Wasn't it reported earlier that the last ping was in the same area where she was found?
Yes, and yes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯ MOO
OCT 14, 2019
SLC Police weigh in on ‘voluntary missing persons’ case and why police stopped investigating
Friends of Erin Valenti, the missing Utah CEO found dead in California this weekend, said they’re frustrated San Jose Police treated her disappearance as a “voluntary missing persons” case.

They believe police could have done more.

A few months ago, Salt Lake City Police encountered issues similar to those that San Jose police have run into — the person they were looking for was an adult and had the right to not be found.

In the case of both MacKenzie Lueck and Valenti, the situation was much more serious.


Horrocks said anyone under the age of 21 is automatically put in the National Crime Info Center (NCIC).

Over the age of 21 requires police to look at the circumstances surrounding the missing person to determine where they should focus their efforts.


In case of MacKenzie Lueck, retired Unified Deputy Police Officer Chris Bertram said police did not take the case seriously in the beginning.

“If it wasn’t for the friends of MacKenzie, I don’t think this case would have gotten the scrutiny it needed to get right away,” he said.

Bertram said San Jose Police made the same mistake.

His relationship with Dr. Gupta is full of weasel words: Which mastermind group? It's not that private if you are mentioning three people involved with it.

I'm pretty sure that this private group was this "Gupta Hackathon" since it involved Gupta and the other person mentioned. That hardly sounds like some kind of private exclusive mastermind group. Home | The Sanjay Gupta Health Hackathon
Isn't Dr. Sanjay Gupta a well known medical correspondent on CNN? I also remember that the medical drama TV series Monday Mornings was based on his book. I guess he's multi-talented and very business-oriented, but I never had the feeling that he was involved in something shady. I don't believe EV's trouble was connected to the workshop she attended.
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Isn't Dr. Sanjay Gupta a well known medical correspondent on CNN? I also remember that the medical drama TV series Monday Mornings was based on his book. I guess he's multi-talented and very business-oriented, but I never had the feeling that he was involved in something shady. I don't think EV's trouble was connected to the seminar she attended.
Yes as far as I know Dr. Gupta seems to be well respected. I think PaulR was saying that this guy’s relationship w/him is probably not really what he’s trying to make it look like. Lots of gobbly goo words about “private groups” w/Dr. Gupta, which weren’t private at all etc...
Trying to look credible by associating himself w/credible people. MOO
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Isn't Dr. Sanjay Gupta a well known medical correspondent on CNN? I also remember that the medical drama TV series Monday Mornings was based on his book. I guess he's multi-talented and very business-oriented, but I never had the feeling that he was involved in something shady. I don't believe EV's trouble was connected to the workshop she attended.

As far as I know, Gupta has no involvement with Octocore or the MOO nutbars/cult members/scammers that are involved with this cult.
In Memory of Erin Valenti

Here is the memorial page for Erin. I looked at TOS & this seems to be ok? I’ll report to make sure.
One of the locals posted on the Memorial page that SJ has a 72 hr parking rule AND there is a neighbourhood watch.

Perhaps parking rules were disbanded due to the electrical grid issues? IDK. I searched for any notice of street parking rules over the past week and couldn't find anything.

It will be curious to see how long EV was in the location where she was found and what the dash cam footage reveals that was turned over to the SJPD.
Looks like this company is run by 2 chiropractors - the video is interesting - most would would watch it IMO and say "run" don't "walk" away.....:

Here are some of the issues that these 2 chiropractors work with entrepreneurs on:

Elevays Health has been working exclusively with entrepreneurs, executives and their families from around the world for the last 8 years.

Our goal is to help you access peak health and high performance for life. We do this through our concierge high performance systems that are customized to you both genetically and epi-genetically [BBM].

By “genetically”, we mean that we look at your specific genome to uncover the weaknesses and the strengths to help prevent disease and catalyze optimal physiology.

By “epi-genetically”, we mean that we look at the specific environmental triggers that need to be addressed such as inflammation, toxicities and bacterial ecology to help skyrocket human performance!
Wow! that could not be less scientifically grounded.
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