It is a healthy thing to admit. As is SH admitting she was so angry she spanked her child. And then you get some help & support, right?
It really makes me think Sarah felt overwhelmed. She has an early childhood degree, a bunch of kids she adopted with big dreams to save them, and quite possibly a narcissisticly inclined partner who could not admit her own faults or missteps on their peace & love & free hugs journey. Jmo.
Bbm & imo & jumping off your thought, Zelda:
It's a hell of an image to keep up. For most of my (60's/70s) generation "peace and love" had a direct purpose. Most passed through it. Yes, the social change was so very freeing, but I feel these kids were run up the flagpole of an almost ancient history... And I have to ask, what is the purpose?
Now, my caveat, comes from a high strung east coast, hamster wheel of more, more, more mentality (lots of anxiety). But never mind... Just the same, we are seeing a lifestyle, and form of rigid thought imposed on children. Not only that, where I really think these women were clueless is in how their kids would be exposed to the real world.
Back in the 2014 Ferguson riots when I saw the viral picture of Devonte and the Officer, I cried. I actually saved that image to my computer. I had no idea about the back story. I thought he was a street kid, and the whole thing was spontaneous. I didn't know it was a movement that these kids, Devonte and his siblings were attending; protests, rallies, photo ops, band camps, music videos, Instagram, Facebook, and the MSM.
That's a lot of pressure on one family holding up the banner of "Peace and Love". And what about Devonte? Any chance of becoming a regular kid without having to be THAT peace and love Devonte?
Metaphorically, asking for food is asking for more. It is asking for his soul, his nourishment, for help, for escape, and for freedom (his list suggests provisions for a while, for his own journey).
In my own angst Anglican/Catholic way, I light a candle for this child and his beloved siblings. Because he is more. And if ever a child comes to my doorstep I'll think of Devonte.
It's obvious, his neighbors were struggling with what to do. I light a candle for them, too. Because it's not like a stranger appeared on their doorstep. They knew something was terribly wrong.