CA - Harvey Weinstein trial on Sexual Harassment #metoo *Guilty in CA, NY Appeal*

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I’m not suprised I can’t stand Lisa Bloom or her annoying mother Glóría Allred.
That's criminal too - paying someone to lie. Paying someone to keep quiet is dodgy but just about legal, but actually requiring someone to lie has to get her disbarred I would think. What a hornet's nest.
I can only imagine the harassment all of the Hollywood people go through, a, b and c list! What an awful way to make a living. And to see so many who were ok with it as long as their career was moving forward.... Sad and sick.
So are the b and c lists the ones who said no and escaped, one wonders?
Until names are named these celebrities these revelations that are being made is merely another performance and a way to get publicity. Hollywood is so vocal when it comes to causes, yet this one against women in their own industry is right under their noses and appears to be a not so secret thing in Hollywood and there are no consequences for the abusers. By not naming names, they continue to be part of the huge cover-up and will just continue. The only way the truth will come out for many will be with a subpoena.

We can decide something is wrong without an arrest.

We can change as a culture without the courts forcing us to change.

For me personally (and I take this personally) shining a light on the problem so that the problem can be fixed is the top priority....way more important than punishment. I want this to STOP, and the more we talk about it, the more likely it won't be tolerated like it has been for too long.

Buss: ‘MeToo’ cheapens assault
Kaitlyn Buss, The Detroit News Published 11:59 p.m. ET Oct. 18, 2017

‘MeToo” has gone viral this week as a way to highlight sexual misconduct. The Hollywood actors who started the campaign decided they could heighten awareness of sexual harassment and sexual assault by exposing how widespread those issues are.

But sexual harassment and sexual assault are very different things. Even with Harvey Weinstein’s reported abuses, most of the accounts describe uncomfortable advances that women were mostly able to reject.

Conflating harassment and assault insults those who have actually been sexually assaulted. It cheapens the trauma they’ve endured...
Ronan Farrow Says He Was Threatened Personally With a Lawsuit by Harvey Weinstein

"In the course of this reporting, I was threatened with a lawsuit personally by Mr. Weinstein," Farrow said on MSNBC. In anticipation of the story, Weinstein had enlisted a crisis management team and several attorneys, including lawyer Lisa Bloom, who resigned from the film mogul's team on Saturday.

When Maddow asked why Farrow's feature ended up at The New Yorker rather than at NBC, where he is employed as a correspondent, he replied, "You would have to ask NBC and NBC executives about the details. I'm not going to comment on any news organization's story that they did or did not run."
You can't be sued for telling the truth. NBC should know that. Good on the New Yorker.
Buss: ‘MeToo’ cheapens assault
Kaitlyn Buss, The Detroit News Published 11:59 p.m. ET Oct. 18, 2017

‘MeToo” has gone viral this week as a way to highlight sexual misconduct. The Hollywood actors who started the campaign decided they could heighten awareness of sexual harassment and sexual assault by exposing how widespread those issues are.

But sexual harassment and sexual assault are very different things. Even with Harvey Weinstein’s reported abuses, most of the accounts describe uncomfortable advances that women were mostly able to reject.

Conflating harassment and assault insults those who have actually been sexually assaulted. It cheapens the trauma they’ve endured...

It's a mess.


(Quoting Gwyneth Paltrow).... in which she defended Weinstein, saying, “I think that for every bad story you hear about Harvey, there are three great ones. People are complicated, and nobody’s all good or all bad.”
Emph. mine

It's good that Ms. Danner is supportive of her daughter !

Wrote Danner: “Gwyneth did not ‘put aside her qualms to become ‘the first lady of Miramax’ ” back then, as Ms. Dowd would have it. She continued to hold her own and insist that Mr. Weinstein treat her with respect.”

Good for G. Paltrow ! So much admiration for her. A brave person.

As another poster pointed out and corrected my earlier posts (and rightfully so) , they are all equally victims.

We do not have the right to say any of them were victimized more brutally than any other actresses/actors -- all sex abuse (like that perpetrated by Weinstein) is exactly the same.
(thanks, Enchilada!)

We are not to say some people are less victimized because of family connections or money --- it makes little difference when a bully like Weinstein rapes or assaults you in any manner.
I am feeling for what Gwyneth had to endure. Surely she and others have ptsd from the horrific abuse.

(Quoting Gwyneth Paltrow).... in which she defended Weinstein, saying, “I think that for every bad story you hear about Harvey, there are three great ones. People are complicated, and nobody’s all good or all bad.”
Emph. mine

It's good that Ms. Danner is supportive of her daughter !

Wrote Danner: “Gwyneth did not ‘put aside her qualms to become ‘the first lady of Miramax’ ” back then, as Ms. Dowd would have it. She continued to hold her own and insist that Mr. Weinstein treat her with respect.”

Good for G. Paltrow ! So much admiration for her. A brave person.

As another poster pointed out and corrected my earlier posts (and rightfully so) , they are all equally victims.

We do not have the right to say any of them were victimized more brutally than any other actresses/actors -- all sex abuse (like that perpetrated by Weinstein) is exactly the same.
(thanks, Enchilada!)

We are not to say some people are less victimized because of family connections or money --- it makes little difference when a bully like Weinstein rapes or assaults you in any manner.
I am feeling for what Gwyneth had to endure. Surely she and others have ptsd from the horrific abuse.
The "good" stories would not be against the law and it only needs one "bad" story to land HW in jail. What would be a "good" story anyway? Where he treats someone respectfully? Let's hear them, but they don't cancel out the "bad" - it doesn't work like that.
The "good" stories would not be against the law and it only needs one "bad" story to land HW in jail. What would be a "good" story anyway? Where he treats someone respectfully? Let's hear them, but they don't cancel out the "bad" - it doesn't work like that.


Nothing cancels out the terrible abuse suffered by Ms. Paltrow and so many others.

Post #93 (All abuse victims are equal-- and it's not up to us to decide who has been treated worse than others) from this thread is enlightening; imo.

I get too locked into my own point of view !
And not considering that there are other views and that ones' own views are in need of a change ; or that they're just wrong.
There are many stories of others besides Weinstein. Like the tip of the iceberg.
A lot of respect for many of these actresses for forging on ahead with their careers despite everything they've been put through.
G. Paltrow not only continued acting after her assault.. She even founded a commercial line called "Goop", a brand of merchandise for working moms and homemakers.
Haven't purchased from her site... but it's been spoken very well of by others !

Reading some of the comments in the links is depressing-- so many people calling out actors/actresses for not speaking up, and even insinuating that they stayed silent in order to advance their careers.

Makes you realize what young people in the acting industry went through. And how little support they garnered.

There's a book that has been out for some time about an abuse survivor, I think it's titled " When Rabbit Howls", by Truddi Chase (sp?). Gives you an idea of the things Gwyneth P. and others went through.

Very sad ...and I believe them when they don't want to detail the abuse they've suffered at the hands of Weinstein and others.There are stories about other producers and directors... and it's probably not just "stories".

We had an idea that he was a womanizer who had extra-marital affairs. We did not know he was a violent aggressor and alleged rapist,' said select staff Emph. mine

Some interesting wording going on there..... And why the F is his staff-- any of them -- defending him ?
Like defending John Wayne Gacy. You just... DON'T.

None of these people entering the acting business signed up to be abused and raped. none of them.
And they had no idea what they were getting into.
Just unspeakable.
Many victims require years of therapy to overcome past abuse and the lingering effects.
As will these actresses.
An activist, a little girl and the heartbreaking origin of 'Me too'

But the online movement didn't start with Milano on Sunday. It started more than 10 years ago with activist Tarana Burke.

The challenge now is to figure out how to take it beyond a viral moment.

"I think the one responsibility we have as survivors -- once we get to a place where we can -- is to create an entry point to healing for other survivors," she said. "For years I couldn't figure out what that would be for me and then 'Me too' became that thing."

She said she'd like to see conversations about what healing looks like. She wants sexual violence or gender-based violence approached as social justice issues.

"I think the viral moment is great but the amplification of that -- I worry about disclosing their status as survivors en masse on social media and not having space to process. I worry about survivors coming on to social media and being bombarded with messages of 'me too,'" she said.
"Lupita Nyong’o details ‘inappropriate’ encounters with Harvey Weinstein, including shirtless massage"

“Now that we are speaking, let us never shut up about this kind of thing,” she wrote.

“I speak up to make certain that this is not the kind of misconduct that deserves a second chance. I speak up to contribute to the end of the conspiracy of silence.”
"....did not know we were working for a serial sexual predator” Emph. mine

Somehow that's hard to believe.

At my place of employment .. even back in HS at a part time job--- I knew what my boss was like. Fortunately I worked with non-predators.

Soooo... none of them had any idea ???????
Ok then.

This sounds more like "...rats fleeing a sinking ship" (can't resist the idiom) ; or is it simply damage control ?
“Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is reportedly in denial about his alleged sex attacks and insists they were consensual.

Weinstein volunteered to go to sex addiction rehab in Arizona after more than 40 women came forward alleging sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape against him earlier this month.

Since starting rehab, the 65-year-old has allegedly fallen asleep in sessions or is busy talking on the phone, a source told Page Six.

'In one group therapy session, Harvey arrived 15 minutes late,' the source told Page Six.

'Then, when it was his turn to speak, he launched into a speech about how this is all a conspiracy against him.'”

Read more:

I would not be surprised if this is true. I do not believe he truly feels in the wrong for what he is being accused of doing. Men like this cannot be rehabilitated in my opinion.
“Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is reportedly in denial about his alleged sex attacks and insists they were consensual.

Weinstein volunteered to go to sex addiction rehab in Arizona after more than 40 women came forward alleging sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape against him earlier this month.

Since starting rehab, the 65-year-old has allegedly fallen asleep in sessions or is busy talking on the phone, a source told Page Six.

'In one group therapy session, Harvey arrived 15 minutes late,' the source told Page Six.

'Then, when it was his turn to speak, he launched into a speech about how this is all a conspiracy against him.'”

Read more:

I would not be surprised if this is true. I do not believe he truly feels in the wrong for what he is being accused of doing. Men like this cannot be rehabilitated in my opinion.

He is so far removed from grasping what he has done. Does he think a stint in rehab will make this all go away? I know when I was a young attractive girl, centuries ago, we daintily called it " making a pass". This type of behavior has to stop, no matter if you are a young up and coming actress or your a divorced Mom working two jobs trying to just make ends meet. ( like I was) most of us have seen this in our own workplace.
Makes me wonder if the other "Open Secret" in Hollywood will ever come out. If the Hollywood big wig who's been seen a lot on tv lately, does not once and for all get publicly named for his molestation of children... then I think Hollywood isn't entirely genuine about cleaning up its act, and these accusations coming out now smack of piling on an already sinking ship.
Perps who abuse children get thrown into prison after being convicted... so why are so many directors/producers, etc. walking around ?
As if msm wants to 'protect' them.

Not fair at all.
TV Academy to consider expelling Harvey Weinstein

Los Angeles — The Television Academy has voted to begin disciplinary proceedings against disgraced film mogul Harvey Weinstein.

The academy, which bestows the Emmy awards, said a hearing has been set for November to consider “action up to and including termination of academy membership.” ...
Weinstein’s Latest Accuser is Italian Actress Who Says He Raped Her
by Andrew Blankstein and Corky Siemaszko

LOS ANGELES — Fifty-eight women in two weeks on two continents — those were the latest numbers Friday as the list of actresses, models and studio workers who have accused Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein of everything from sexual harassment to rape continued to grow.

The latest accuser is an Italian model and actress whose claim that Weinstein raped her four years ago in a Beverly Hills hotel is now under investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department, NBC News has confirmed.

That revelation came as Oscar-winner actress Lupita Nyong’o recounted in a piece for The New York Times how Weinstein tried to cajole her for a massage in his home...

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