Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni missing from Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #10

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The community may not want to accept the possibility that the nefarious happening beforehand was a group of teens getting so drunk that one of their own drove straight into water. Accepting that would bring an acknowledgment that these dangerous parties, a cultural norm for the area, have been brushed off over the years as the “Truckee Way”.

It could be that simple.

Its not just the drinking part if they were trying to avade that then what else? Or are we going to again just brush that aside as well? Well IMO its not that simple because its not a simple matter. Its someone's life. Why not just be honest and say this is what we were doing unless of course they are hiding multiple issues is what I suspect. Who are we to say it didn't go down llike that?
I have also unfortunately seen very drunk people drive well enough to make the (wrong) turns Kiely did. People who are so drunk that they can't stand - but they could drive a car. As for her not hitting anyone else, that also happens. It's not a nice fact, but many people drive whilst under the influence around the world every single day and, thankfully, not all end in fatal crashes. Kiely did not have to drive far before entering the water and the roads, except for fellow party-goers, were rural, quiet and unlit. I'm not discounting the possibility of other drivers passing her, but that doesn't change the facts of this case to me. It just makes it even sadder and again builds into the seemingly common acceptance of underage parties in the local area.

This was a very dark place at that time of the night with those around being largely drunk and/or under the influence - most of them also young. I'm not discrediting other theories, I just personally don't see the evidence for them at this time.
Well lets put it in percentages then. I would say this would apply to a very small number of people who are so drunk that they will not hit anyone else IMO almost nil percent. Remember this was not an open road at night where someone who is so drunk will not hit anyone. People were leaving it was boxed in almost as we can imagine leaving. IMO to say that an inebrieated person is UNLIKELY to hit someone weather on an open road or otherwise is missing the point totally of road safety. I'm talking someone very inebriated as Kiely is said to be by the sugestion.
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Curiosa20......could you be talking about Arizona! I lived in Scottsdale for a while and we did not have hurricanes or tornados or earthquakes, but we sure had Monsoon rains that could sweep you off your tires. Can't tell you how many car owners had to be rescued by helicopter.
Just a note about drinking and driving....Alcohol takes time to metabolize, so you can leave a bar feeling fine but in about 15 to 20 minutes it will hit you. Not proud of this but happened to me Many times. Taught me something < I do not drink anymore.
Apparently according to what other Sleuthers are saying Kiely had been drinking all night. So it wasn't just 15 to 20 mins. so her system had plenty of time to metabolize.
Yes, Ms, Marple - all of those things have fueled ridiculous theories that defy reason, logic and evidence.
Culpability. In Jolissa's case there is nothing to indicate there was any culpability. I haven't followed her case. But it seems straight forward. Of course the investigation is ongoing so one can't say for sure.
Perhaps her windshield was broken prior to leaving the party? Someone could have fallen or been thrown onto it during a fight or even just fooling around. She would still attempt to drive home and visibility through it would be awful, making it that much easier to get lost and drive into the lake.

(Additionally, that high quality close-up photo DEFINITELY shows broken glass in the corner of the front passenger window.)
Well lets put it in percentages then. I would say this would apply to a very small number of people who are so drunk that they will not hit anyone else IMO almost nil percent.

That's just not true. I am in the UK where government statistics on drunk drivers only include those who have been breathalysed by police (because there has been an accident) or self-reported (very low percentage), so perhaps other countries would have more useful data. Ask any first responders and they will tell you just how many non-fatal drunk drivers they have come across.

It does happen, unfortunately. It is perfectly possible for Kiely to have made that journey by herself, under the influence. A husband of a close friend of mine was hit and killed by a driver who was so drunk that they couldn't walk home - but could drive their car into a full-grown man and drive away from the scene. This driver was driving on rural, but busy, roads and didn't hit any other cars or any other pedestrians. Just the one.

Again, I want to emphasise that I am in no way blaming her for what happened. She was failed by so many people and it should not have happened.
That's just not true. I am in the UK where government statistics on drunk drivers only include those who have been breathalysed by police (because there has been an accident) or self-reported (very low percentage), so perhaps other countries would have more useful data. Ask any first responders and they will tell you just how many non-fatal drunk drivers they have come across.

It does happen, unfortunately. It is perfectly possible for Kiely to have made that journey by herself, under the influence. A husband of a close friend of mine was hit and killed by a driver who was so drunk that they couldn't walk home - but could drive their car into a full-grown man and drive away from the scene. This driver was driving on rural, but busy, roads and didn't hit any other cars or any other pedestrians. Just the one.

Again, I want to emphasise that I am in no way blaming her for what happened. She was failed by so many people and it should not have happened.
I'm sorry but that guy woke up. So that's why he didn't hit anyone afterwards. I've seen the opposite where someone is so drunk when they get the wind into them so to speak they wake up and are not the same they were a moment ago. And their demeanor has changed and can finally comrehend what just happened.
That's just not true. I am in the UK where government statistics on drunk drivers only include those who have been breathalysed by police (because there has been an accident) or self-reported (very low percentage), so perhaps other countries would have more useful data. Ask any first responders and they will tell you just how many non-fatal drunk drivers they have come across.

It does happen, unfortunately. It is perfectly possible for Kiely to have made that journey by herself, under the influence. A husband of a close friend of mine was hit and killed by a driver who was so drunk that they couldn't walk home - but could drive their car into a full-grown man and drive away from the scene. This driver was driving on rural, but busy, roads and didn't hit any other cars or any other pedestrians. Just the one.

Again, I want to emphasise that I am in no way blaming her for what happened. She was failed by so many people and it should not have happened.
I don't even know why it would be an issue that someone so drunk will not hit someone. I suppose the laws are not there to deter as the greater possibility is such that most likely an inebreated person will do so. So my opinion is that it is going in circles if otherwise. Because the laws will just not be there. Most likely an inebriated person will hit someone than not.
This. I’ve seen it many times, obviously impaired people driving okay most of the way, then making one mistake late in the drive. If fatigue was a factor, it can come on suddenly. I don’t think it was dirty headlights, it’s REALLY dark out there and the trees are close and the whole drive looks the same all the way up to the beach, if you’re tired/buzzed, it’s easy to think you’re somewhere you’re not and take a wrong turn.

I wish I could link that day/night route video, it makes it clear it’s easy to not be able to see well at night and get lost.

”Thank you for calculating! What and how was the distance calculated?”

Gray Hughes did it on his map starting at 1:22:30.
I'm sorry but that just makes it more likely she would do something before hittng the water. All the things you've mentioned just IMO make it more likely that she would have hit someone long before. Lets see its just her. No one else in her state hit that water only her even though the circumstances were the same. She was so inebriated that she that she missed all the trees and people, cars but went into the water. She missed everything going at a fast enough speed yet went into the water. How do we know where she was partying does GH have some inside info? There wasn't just one spot apparently. I apologise if there was only one spot but earlier it was said there was more than one location. I'm guessing cars were spread out?
I'm sorry but that guy woke up. So that's why he didn't hit anyone afterwards. I've seen the opposite where someone is so drunk when they get the wind into them so to speak they wake up and are not the same they were a moment ago. And their demeanor has changed and can finally comrehend what just happened.
They didn't "wake up". They hit someone, killed them and kept driving until their car was so broken (from the impact) that they couldn't go any further. Only then did they stop and was collected by a family member because they were so drunk they couldn't walk. I only share this to illustrate my point that being very drunk does not mean you're always going to hit another car - this driver did not. They had travelled several miles and passed multiple cars without incident before hitting a pedestrian, and then continued for several more without hitting anyone else.

It happens and, as sad as I will always be that this driver killed a lovely man and destroyed a family, I'm also glad that they didn't kill anyone else.
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It doesn't matter if it happens everyday although it shouldn't. But I don't see what that has to do with Kiely's situation. Are we again saying only one thing matters and its happened so nothing else matters in Kiely's case? I am just questioning the rationale of the statement and trying to fit it in with the specifics of Kiely's situation.

One thing matters? I think you might want to re-read as I'm unsure of how you reach this conclusion unless you're mixing it with another poster's comments.

You stated, "If that's the rationale then why didn't she hit anyone else on the road nor crash into anyone and consider her speed also it was going very fast and she didn't hit anyone. I don't believe it."

You're saying she would have hit someone or crashed earlier. I'm simply saying to you that it's not uncommon at all and have witnessed it too many times personally. Again, I urge you to ask an officer, firefighter or paramedic as to whether they think it's possible that she could have driven intoxicated without hitting something prior.

I didn't state anything else about the case except that your assumption that it couldn't happen is simply inaccurate.
I'm glad Jolissa was found (aside from the outcome, of course.) Personally, I was concerned in her case as well, because of the video in the store and how close-knit her family is. I worried someone may have taken advantage of her.

With Kiely's car, if speed was involved at the angle I think we're seeing, would the front end have also dipped into the sand? I'm thinking of kind of a "plowing" in effect? It looks so murky gross right at the water's edge? I'm. bit curious how tracks leading in were not noticed Saturday morning. It seems like what we're watching would have left ruts at/near the edge, but maybe I'm not following the information correctly? It feels so much was missed and confused early on due to the focus on possible kidnapping.
why didn't she hit anyone else on the road nor crash into anyone
So she should have crashed into someone before she went into the lake? Fortunately, she only drove a short distance, she wasn't driving on a multilane road and there was no oncoming traffic. Apparently, there weren't any pedestrians in her path either. There's no way to predict when or where an impaired driver should or shouldn't have an accident. If she hadn't made a wrong turn, she might have made it home. Or caused a different accident or driven off the road. A tragedy but not unusual or suspicious.
No one else in her state hit that water only her even though the circumstances were the same
It sounds like you're saying other drivers should have made the same mistake that night as Kiely. As if more cars in the lake would make Kiely's car in the lake more understandable. But the circumstances are certainly not the same. There is no knowledge of the level of impairment, age, experience, etc, of each driver that night.
I see that Jolissa Fuentes has been found. Apparently she went off a cliff the night she disappeared. Investigation is ongoing but LE has said that:

Alcaraz on Tuesday said investigators tracked her cellphone and very little activity occurred after the night she went missing. He said given the time of the crash, it was believed the accident was due to fatigue and happened that night.
I mention Jolissa's case because it seems like it wasn't much different than what happened to Kiely yet people on social media seem to think Kiely's death is connected to foul play and/or LE coverup. I don't quite understand why.

Currently there is no evidence to suggest that anyone other than Kiely herself was responsible for her death. Certainly that would change if the final reports come back to indicate foul play but I'm having trouble understanding why people (in general) right now think someone else is responsible. Is it because of the size of the party? The number of drugs reported to have been at the party? The tow truck driver's claims? AWP's calling it "suspicious?" SS's statements?

These are sincere questions. I don't see the evidence but maybe I'm missing something.
I've followed from the beginning and I have not seen any evidence of foul play or that this has turned into a criminal investigation.

Some have pointed out inconsistencies in SS statements. I don't think it's uncommon at all for kids that age to make mistakes or be inconsistent. I have often heard three different stories from 3 different kids about the same event. I know they can't all be right.

I think it's mostly social media rumors that have caused speculation. Just after the tow truck guy claimed he saw her I think it really took off. If he is a big fan of AWP I'm guessing he read up on the case before the interview. That provided fuel for the fire and if I remember correctly, Jagger was bullied on SM, even receiving death threats.

One thing I've seen mentioned several times is the fact that many of Kiely's friends believed she was abducted. I don't see how that is suspicious at all. Every time a teenager has gone missing in my area all the kids immediately think they've been kidnapped.

So to me it's not so unusual. Police originally investigated an abduction, after all.
I don't even know why it would be an issue that someone so drunk will not hit someone. I suppose the laws are not there to deter as the greater possibility is such that most likely an inebreated person will do so. So my opinion is that it is going in circles if otherwise. Because the laws will just not be there. Most likely an inebriated person will hit someone than not.
I don't think it's more likely that an inebriated person will drive into a person than not. There are people who have driven drink all there lives and never had an accident. They are so used to it they think they can actually drive better when they're under the influence.

Kylie was an inexperienced driver. Three drinks could have caused her to be intoxicated. She could not have had much experience driving in that condition. Imo
Just her driving was too smooth for someone in such a supposed condition. I would say the bumpiness/roughness as well.
I’ve read your multiple posts and do not understand what point you seem to want to make. Are you trying to suggest Kiely didn’t drive herself in to the water?
And to asnwer your earlier question about the turn… I am not at all qualified or interested in jumping in to the fray analyzing then extrapolating on the blurry images available on the video cam.
I’m waiting on MAIT etc. At that time, with precise interpretations and investigative outcomes, not rumor, bias, agendas, I think we will be able to have a much clearer insight in to the many details and factors involved in the tragic accident.
I would still love to know who Roadside Nick saw/responded to, where and when. If it was not Kiely, and based on the timestamp of a vehicle entering the water at the right spot and right time, I'm not sure how it could have been, then who DID he interact with?

I know we will probably never know, but I personally still feel he came across as a credible person. I my be wrong, of course, but fabricating those details doesn't make any sense to me. AWP isn't THAT famous. Inserting yourself like that, with a made up story doesn't seem plausible to me. I still feel like he responded to someone, and from what he shared, I wish he had called LE instead of his girlfriend. At minimum, more underage people were out DUI, and that area definitely has a problem. Assuming he was genuine, and not lying, hopefully next time he encounters anything that odd, he does call it in.
I would still love to know who Roadside Nick saw/responded to, where and when. If it was not Kiely, and based on the timestamp of a vehicle entering the water at the right spot and right time, I'm not sure how it could have been, then who DID he interact with?

I know we will probably never know, but I personally still feel he came across as a credible person. I my be wrong, of course, but fabricating those details doesn't make any sense to me. AWP isn't THAT famous. Inserting yourself like that, with a made up story doesn't seem plausible to me. I still feel like he responded to someone, and from what he shared, I wish he had called LE instead of his girlfriend. At minimum, more underage people were out DUI, and that area definitely has a problem. Assuming he was genuine, and not lying, hopefully next time he encounters anything that odd, he does call it in.
While I may be wrong (this is MOO)... I've always thought that Roadside Nick was starstruck when his super heros came around and injected himself into things. Although he very well could have seen someone that looked exactly like who he claims (and wasn't her).

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