CA-Sandra Cantu, 8 missing 3/27/09 from Tracy,#1

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O/T - they will chase you down, guns drawn, and get you. I know this for a fact - I was in a car that went through a checkpoint on a Marine base without stopping. Some of the scariest moments of my life. :eek:

Needless to say, the driver ended up in the stockade and I believe he was dishonorably discharged at some point. I was never allowed to talk to him again - so not exactly sure what happened to him :crazy:

yes they will! LOL Salem! you must have felt like thelma and louise! or should I say thelma and Louis? :crazy:
Salem.... Has Soulscape or Tuba posted anything else beside the one chart that you know of?
amen white hawk! Those astro charts were so on the money... I would love to see some more of what they think is going on with Sandra's case.
amen white hawk! Those astro charts were so on the money... I would love to see some more of what they think is going on with Sandra's case.

I wish I could see one that says "And They Lived Happily Ever After!" Can't give up hope though........
the cousin having the talk with sandra makes me wonder if perhaps the cousin saw/remembers about that guy kissing sandra then saw him again a couple weeks ago watching sandra. perhaps even giving the cousin the creeps like he does us. i believe when we're close to someone sometimes we get premonitions not necessarily of what will happen but that something isn't quite right.
I have a horrible feeling about what happened to Sandra. I'm really hoping I am wrong.

FW is reeeally bothering me. When you consider that there are only a handful of people in a gated community that could possibly be involved, the creepy guy who can't keep his story straight is my number one suspect.
the cousin having the talk with sandra makes me wonder if perhaps the cousin saw/remembers about that guy kissing sandra then saw him again a couple weeks ago watching sandra. perhaps even giving the cousin the creeps like he does us. i believe when we're close to someone sometimes we get premonitions not necessarily of what will happen but that something isn't quite right.

Could be that is where LE got the info for the Search Warrants.
you know what I hate.....I hate going to bed knowing that Sandra is not in a safe, warm bed.

I hate the thought that a sixty year old man kissed her on the mouth when she was six years old.... her family filed a report...

and I hate that now...after she just turned eight...this same man that kissed her on the mouth had his cars, home, business, etc searched in her vanishing.

sorry for the rant

Salem (((((hugs))))) Nurse! I know how you feel. And each time I read about the kiss, I get a little sicker (I'm starting to turn green).

I want so much for this to turn out with an ALIVE Sandra. She is such a cutie and she deserves the rest of her life.

Or....Did something happen to prompt the conversation?

You know, this is an interesting line of thinking, because Grandpa had just put the camera up about 2 weeks ago. So... this could have been a warning type conversation with Sandra, because Grandpa was experiencing slashed tires? Were Grandpa's tires being slashed because of the wayward cats or is there something else at play here?

Salem.... Has Soulscape or Tuba posted anything else beside the one chart that you know of?

Not that I know of. I haven't checked in an hour or so. I was hoping we could find FW's actual B-day. I believe there is a month and year, but we need the date and place if we can find it.

I have been trying to catch up here, before I start googling :)

It's possible that the cousin was just trying to look like they'd tried to prevent this. A youngster would be feeling dreadfully helpless right now, possibly guilt ridden (without basis) and seeking reassurance that she couldn't have prevented this.

Sandras mother must be in a dark place right now, and if it turns out that the kissing guy is invloved, I can't imagine how she will ever rest again, she will be forever tormented by the fact that she failed her daughter.

As parents, for most of us, our most basic instinct is to protect our children from serious harm.

I'm going to pray for frightened children everywhere tonight.
Okay - I think I caught up. I'm off to see if I can find a birthday!

It's possible that the cousin was just trying to look like they'd tried to prevent this. A youngster would be feeling dreadfully helpless right now, possibly guilt ridden (without basis) and seeking reassurance that she couldn't have prevented this.

Sandras mother must be in a dark place right now, and if it turns out that the kissing guy is invloved, I can't imagine how she will ever rest again, she will be forever tormented by the fact that she failed her daughter.

As parents, for most of us, our most basic instinct is to protect our children from serious harm.

I'm going to pray for frightened children everywhere tonight.

And for the parents that are frightened and guilt ridden also..........
that class start time would have lined he and Sandra up at the same time outside of their homes:eek: wonder they took his cars and searched his business and say the investigation is narrowing!

further eta..... he could have stuffed her in the car to take her someplace fun since she couldn't go to the movies.... restrains her, teaches the class.... etc....... the class was over at seven and she wasn't even reported missing until eight.... oh this poor child!

And of course if his car was seen leaving on tape, then it would appear normal cause he was headed to work.
I did not find a birthdate - but found the Court site for San Joaquin Co.; I'm posting here so I can find it tomorrow.

SusieQ - right you are! No one would have thought it strange that he was leaving the park at 4:30. AND it fits with his statement (which I thought was odd) No children have been in MY HOUSE (or something very similar). Not odd wording when it is in response to a question, but it was out of place in the interview. Why was he offering that info?

Okay - from a couple of earlier posts, I got confused. Do we know that FW was not there to open the studio for his 4:30 class on Friday? Was he not there, or just late? It is interesting that none of his students or their parents have been on the news saying he wasn't there. I would think this is the kind of news that would spread like wildfire.

I don't get why Sandra was allowed or not scared to go to the old guy's yard and do little "jobs" for him after the kissing incident, or why she wasn't afraid of him since the family did file a report. Maybe she was already pretty familiar with the person when the pool incident happened whether her family knew or not. Hopefully investigators have questioned other kids to see if the guy was giving Sandra money for the jobs. If she was told she didn't have enough money to go to the movies she could have went straight to his place to ask about helping him.
I also think it's strange she was allowed to do jobs for a man who had assaulted her, but maybe the jobs were before that happened. At least that's what I'm hoping.

As far as the relative warning her about kidnappers, I find that odd. Over the years I had countless conversations with my children on that topic, and we still joke about using the "Disney Kick" if we are ever attacked, but NEVER has another family member said anything to them on this subject. Maybe they had a different type of relationship, but those things are typically left to the parents.
Just getting thru reading all of the posts here. Many thanks to all the attentive updates and info!

Nurse you wrote notes from a presser (I'm sorry not to have the link back to the post). One thing you wrote was this: -runaway not being ruled out because children have run away for longer...not usually this young...but don't want to be proven wrong on the record

Did they actually say this or was this just your notation (the part I bolded)?!

Not to appear supportive of a man who kissed a 6 yr old little girl on the lips but what I hear the reporter asking Wohler is if he knew where the little girl was at all... to which he responded with the no clue, wish I did.
somewhere around the :56 sec mark.

I think he's 10th degree, 1st class creep for kissing a 6 yr old little girl... so I'm only putting this here because I think the quote is getting muddled - which could be due to report snippets and video editing at times. And whatever we can keep straight we ought to. If my child attended his school... we'd be outta there with this admission!

Nora: in a mobile home park near me each home has an issued city can and the city truck picks up individually just as on a brick/morter home lined street. I am seeing this more and more often rather than a centrally located dumpster in mh parks. Not sure about Sandra's mh park.

Conversation with a cousin about creepy guys etc 2 weeks prior.... and the cameras at the home also installed 2 weeks prior... 2 weeks prior seems pretty important in a way.

Praying for Sandra.
I'm pretty sure that no one has brought this up or has mentioned it in this thread, I was reading throug this thread b/c I wanted to get caught up on everything and there was something that really stood out to me. There was an article that had a quote from her cousin in it. The cousin tells Sandra 2 weeks before she goes missing to not talk to strangers and gives her a talk about how there are creepy guys out there. Does anyone else beside me find that really wierd that just 2 weeks before the girl goes missing there wa a conversation between her and the cousin about talking to strangers bc of what they do to children? It's just a huge red flag to me.

I am not saying that the cousin had anything to do with it but that was just really wierd to me.

Just a thought, what if the cousin had someone (not saying who but I think we all know) try to make a pass at her or get her to go into his house and she wasn't too sure if it was something to alert an adult about but she did say something to her cousin. I know kids will talk about things with their peers and not adults a lot of the time. Especially when it comes to "tattling" on an adult.
I say props to the cousin!! I don't think the timing of that is suspect. I DO THINK that the guy KISSING her on the lips -- main suspect IMHO. I mean....if I was the'd literally have to lock me up because I'd go over to his house with a gun demanding to know. I hope that the media is spinning some of this information. I mean I know how I feel and if an incident happened to my kid, they would not be running around that mobile home park. Ugh.
Thanks for the information on the trash disposal method. Hopefully that is the method used in this park, because it was worrying me that anything found in the dump might not be traceable back to the actual mobile home it came from.

I think Nurse is gone for the night, but I "think" the runaway quote was the actual quote from the presser. Nurse has a much better memory about details than I do, so she'll have to confirm that (or correct me again). :)

2 weeks prior does seem significant. Makes me wonder if there is something that happened at that time that we don't know about yet. However, if that's the case, I'm even more concerned that she was allowed to roam the MHP unattended.

Time for me to hit the sack...and send up another prayer for Sandra.

Just getting thru reading all of the posts here. Many thanks to all the attentive updates and info!

Nurse you wrote notes from a presser (I'm sorry not to have the link back to the post). One thing you wrote was this: -runaway not being ruled out because children have run away for longer...not usually this young...but don't want to be proven wrong on the record

Did they actually say this or was this just your notation (the part I bolded)?!

Not to appear supportive of a man who kissed a 6 yr old little girl on the lips but what I hear the reporter asking Wohler is if he knew where the little girl was at all... to which he responded with the no clue, wish I did.
somewhere around the :56 sec mark.

I think he's 10th degree, 1st class creep for kissing a 6 yr old little girl... so I'm only putting this here because I think the quote is getting muddled - which could be due to report snippets and video editing at times. And whatever we can keep straight we ought to. If my child attended his school... we'd be outta there with this admission!

Nora: in a mobile home park near me each home has an issued city can and the city truck picks up individually just as on a brick/morter home lined street. I am seeing this more and more often rather than a centrally located dumpster in mh parks. Not sure about Sandra's mh park.

Conversation with a cousin about creepy guys etc 2 weeks prior.... and the cameras at the home also installed 2 weeks prior... 2 weeks prior seems pretty important in a way.

Praying for Sandra.
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